as.curve_set: Convert an envelope or fdata object to a curve_set object

View source: R/curve-set.r

as.curve_setR Documentation

Convert an envelope or fdata object to a curve_set object


If given an envelope object of spatstat or a fdata object of fda.usc, convert it into a curve_set object. If given a curve_set object, check its correctness and give it back.


as.curve_set(curve_set, ...)



An object to be converted to a curve_set object. The envelope objects of spatstat and fdata objects of fda.usc are supported currently, besides curve_set objects.


Allows passing arguments to create_curve_set.


If an envelope object of spatstat or an fdata object is given, return a corresponding curve_set object. If a curve_set object was given, check it and return it unharmed.

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.