crop_curves: Crop the curves

View source: R/crop.r

crop_curvesR Documentation

Crop the curves


Crop the curves to a certain interval, or crop missing and infinite argument values from the curves


crop_curves(curve_set, allfinite = TRUE, r_min = NULL, r_max = NULL)



A curve_set object, or an envelope object of spatstat. If an envelope object is given, it must contain the summary functions from the simulated patterns which can be achieved by setting savefuns = TRUE when calling the envelope function.


Logical. TRUE means that the argument values where any of the curves have missing or infinite values are removed. FALSE means that only r_min and r_max apply.


The minimum radius to include.


The maximum radius to include.


The curves can be cropped to a certain interval defined by the arguments r_min and r_max. Also the argument values of the sets of curves which have missing or infinite values for any of the curves can be removed from the set (allfinite = TRUE). The interval should generally be chosen carefully for classical deviation tests.


A curve_set object containing the cropped summary functions and the cropped radius vector.

myllym/GET documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 12:04 p.m.