
Defines functions detectRI

#' Detection of retained introns
#' This function detects retained intron (RI) events.
#' @param exon.info A matrix containing exon locus
#' @param intron.info A matrix containing intron locus
#' @param alt.intron.info A matrix containing flanking introns of
#' alternative exons
#' @param tx.gene A table of transcripts including ID, gene names, etc.
#' @return A matrix containing retained intron events
#' @details This function is borrowed from the \code{IVAS} package.
#' @references Han, S. et al. (2017). Genome wide discovery of genetic variants
#' affecting alternative splicing patterns in human using bioinformatics method.
#' \emph{Genes & Genomics}, 39.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
detectRI <- function(exon.info, intron.info, alt.intron.info, tx.gene = NULL) {
    RI.exons <- NULL
    alt.intron.info <- alt.intron.info[1, ]
    exon.mat <- exon.info
    intron.mat <- intron.info
    RI.range <- alt.intron.info
    RIjunc1 <- sort(RI.range)[2] + 1
    RIjunc2 <- sort(RI.range)[1] - 1
    RI.exons <- rbind(unique(exon.info[exon.info[, "end"] >
                                            RIjunc1 & exon.info[, "start"] <
                                            RIjunc2, ]))
    if (length(RI.exons) == 0) {
    colnames(RI.exons) <- c("start", "end")
    get.RI.intron <- function(p.RI) {
        ri.st.end <- as.integer(strsplit(p.RI, "-")[[1]])
        intron.info[intron.info[, "start"] - 1 > ri.st.end[1] &
                            intron.info[, "end"] < ri.st.end[2], ]
    RI.intron <- do.call(rbind, lapply(paste(RI.exons[, "start"],
                                                RI.exons[, "end"], sep = "-"),
    colnames(RI.intron) <- c("start", "end")
    new.RIjunc1 <- unique(RI.intron[, 2]) + 1
    new.RIjunc2 <- unique(RI.intron[, 1]) - 1
    colnames(RI.exons) <- c("start", "end")
    targetEX <- paste(RI.exons[, "start"], RI.exons[, "end"], sep = "-")
    downEX <- rbind(exon.mat[is.element(exon.mat[, "end"], new.RIjunc2), ])
    upEX <- rbind(exon.mat[is.element(exon.mat[, "start"], new.RIjunc1), ])
    downEX <- rbind(downEX[is.element(rownames(downEX),
                                                    rownames(upEX))), ])
    upEX <- rbind(upEX[is.element(rownames(upEX),
                                                rownames(upEX))), ])
    if (nrow(downEX) == 0 | nrow(upEX) == 0) {
    p.downEX <- paste(downEX[, "start"], downEX[, "end"], sep = "-")
    p.upEX <- paste(upEX[, "start"], upEX[, "end"], sep = "-")
    RI.result <- NULL
    for (i in seq_len(length(p.upEX))) {
        for (j in seq_len(length(p.downEX))) {
            tested.tx <-
                    tx.gene[tx.gene[tx.gene[, "TXID"] ==
                                            rownames(downEX)[j], "TXSTART"] <=
                                    downEX[j, "start"] &
                                    tx.gene[tx.gene[, "TXID"] ==
                                                "TXEND"] >= upEX[i, "end"],
            tested.down.num <- rownames(downEX) == rownames(downEX)[j]
            tested.down.ex <- rbind(downEX[tested.down.num, ])
            rownames(tested.down.ex) <- rownames(downEX)[tested.down.num]
            tested.down.ex <- rbind(tested.down.ex[is.element(
                                        rownames(tested.down.ex), tested.tx), ])
            if (nrow(tested.down.ex) == 0) {
            tested.down.ex <- rbind(tested.down.ex[tested.down.ex[, "end"] <
                                                        upEX[i, "start"], ])
            if (nrow(tested.down.ex) == 0) {
            tested.down.ex <-
                    rbind(tested.down.ex[order(tested.down.ex[, 1],
                                                decreasing = TRUE)[1], ])
            if (upEX[i, "start"] <= tested.down.ex[, "end"]) {
            up.down.EX <- paste(tested.down.ex[, "start"], upEX[i, "end"],
                                    sep = "-")
            doex.des <-
                unique(rbind(exon.info[exon.info[, "end"] ==
                                            tested.down.ex[, "end"], ]))
            upex.des <- unique(rbind(exon.info[exon.info[, "start"] ==
                                                    upEX[i, "start"], ]))
            doex.des <- paste(sort(paste(doex.des[, "start"],
                                            doex.des[, "end"], sep = "-")),
                                collapse = ",")
            upex.des <- paste(sort(paste(upex.des[, "start"],
                                            upex.des[, "end"], sep = "-")),
                                collapse = ",")
            RIex.des <- paste(sort(unique(c(up.down.EX, targetEX))),
                                collapse = ",")
            RI.result <- rbind(RI.result,
                                        paste(tested.down.ex, collapse = "-"),
                                        p.upEX[i], RIex.des, doex.des,
                                        upex.des, "RI", "possible"))
    if (length(RI.result) == 0) {
    colnames(RI.result) <- c("RetainEX", "DownEX", "UpEX", "Retain_des",
                                "Do_des", "Up_des", "Types", "status")
    spliced.int <- paste(as.double(do.call(rbind,
        strsplit(RI.result[, "DownEX"], "-"))[, 2]) + 1,
        as.double(do.call(rbind, strsplit(RI.result[, "UpEX"], "-"))[, 1]) - 1,
        sep = "-")
    Re.int.test <- is.element(spliced.int, paste(intron.mat[, "start"],
                                                    intron.mat[, "end"],
                                                    sep = "-"))
    Re.ex <- paste(exon.mat[, "start"], exon.mat[, "end"], sep = "-")
    Re.ex.test <- RI.result[, "RetainEX"] %in% Re.ex
    RI.result[Re.int.test & Re.ex.test, "status"] <- "exist"
    RI.result <- rbind(RI.result[, c("RetainEX", "DownEX", "UpEX",
                                        "Types", "status")])
    rownames(RI.result) <- seq_len(nrow(RI.result))
nachoryu/ASpediaFI documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 7:51 a.m.