#' @title api_schema
#' @description R6 class for handling the NAMC graphql schema
#' @return a `namc_oauth2` class (R6 class)
#' @examples
#' types = ( namc_api$new(argList=...) )$get_api_types()
#' schema = api_schema$new(types = types)
api_schema = R6::R6Class(
inherit = base_class,
portable = TRUE,
private = list(
types = NULL,
endpoints = NULL,
special_types = c("Query","Mutation","Subscription"),
numeric_types = c("Int","Float"),
string_types = c("Boolean","String"),
fixed_types = c("Boolean","String","Int","Float"),
base_types = NULL,
Query = NULL,
Mutation = NULL,
Subscription = NULL,
new_endpoint = function(...){
edge_name = NA,
has_edge = FALSE,
fields = NULL,
args = NULL,
description = NA
new_field = function(...){
data_type = NA,
is_numeric = FALSE,
is_json = FALSE,
is_record = FALSE,
description = NA
new_argument = function(...){
data_type = NA,
is_numeric = FALSE,
is_json = FALSE,
is_array = FALSE,
is_required = FALSE,
is_for_paging = FALSE,
default_value = NA,
description = NA
discover_types = function(){
# Identify base building graphql types
private$base_types = private$types$name[grepl("__*",private$types$name)]
# Determine query, mutation and subscription endpoints
for(special_type in private$special_types){
iTypes = tolower(private$types$name) == tolower(special_type)
if( any(iTypes) ){
for(endpoint in private$types$fields[iTypes][[1]]$name){
private[[special_type]][[endpoint]] = private$new_endpoint()
is_paging_arg = function(arg_name){
return( any(arg_name == c(self$tpl_pagination_first, self$tpl_pagination_offset)) )
public = list(
#' @field tpl_pagination_first is the numeric first record to return
tpl_pagination_first = NULL,
#' @field tpl_pagination_offset is the numeric offset of the return
tpl_pagination_offset = NULL,
#' @field tpl_pagination_cursor is the cursor used to fetch data at
tpl_pagination_cursor = NULL,
#' @field tpl_page_fieldname is the name of the field holding page data
tpl_page_fieldname = NULL,
#' @field required_kind is string value of required argument kind
required_kind = NULL,
#' @field singular_kind is string value of singular argument kind
singular_kind = NULL,
#' @field array_kind is string value of array argument kind
array_kind = NULL,
#' Parse the API types
#' @return api_schema For method chaining
#' @examples
#' types = ( namc_api$new(argList=...) )$get_api_types()
#' schema = api_schema$new(types = types)
#' schema$configure()
configure = function(){
#' #Parse introspected schema
#' @return api_schema For method chaining
#' @examples
#' types = ( namc_api$new(argList=...) )$get_api_types()
#' schema = api_schema$new(types = types)
#' schema$parse_endpoints()
parse_endpoints = function(){
for(special_type in private$special_types){
endpoints = names( private[[special_type]] )
for(endpoint in endpoints){
self$parse_endpoint( endpoint, special_type )
#' #Discover info on API endpoint
#' @param endpoint Name of API endpoint to discover
#' @param special_type Name of the type of the API endpoint
#' @return list Info structure of API details
#' @examples
#' types = ( namc_api$new(argList=...) )$get_api_types()
#' schema = api_schema$new(types = types)
#' schema$parse_endpoint("siteInfo","Query")
parse_endpoint = function(endpoint, special_type = NA){
iSpecialType = private$types$name == special_type
iEndpoint = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$name == endpoint
no_type = ifelse(private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$type$kind[ iEndpoint ] == "LIST", FALSE, TRUE)
no_description = is.na(private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$description[ iEndpoint ])
data_type = ifelse(no_type, NA, private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ iEndpoint ] )
edge_name = NA
has_edge = FALSE
# Endpoint data is contained in a nested sub-type
if( is.na(data_type) ){
data_type = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$type$name[ iEndpoint ]
iEdgeType = private$types$name == data_type
# Is cursor/edge paginated data
if( any(private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$name == self$tpl_pagination_cursor) ){
has_edge = TRUE
i2Type = private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$type$kind == "LIST"
edge_name = private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$name[ i2Type ]
data_type = private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ i2Type ]
# Is nested non-paged structured data
} else if( any(private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$type$kind == "LIST") ){
i2Type = private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$type$kind == "LIST"
data_type = private$types$fields[ iEdgeType ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ i2Type ]
iDataType = private$types$name == data_type
private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]] = private$new_endpoint(
edge_name = edge_name,
has_edge = has_edge,
description = ifelse(no_description, NA, private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$description[ iEndpoint ])
for(fieldname in private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$name){
iField = private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$name == fieldname
no_description = is.na(private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$description[iField])
no_type = is.empty(private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$type$name[ iField ])
private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$fields[[ fieldname ]] = private$new_field(
data_type = ifelse(no_type,NA,private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$type$name[ iField ]),
is_numeric = any( private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$type$name[ iField ] == private$numeric_types ),
is_json = ifelse(no_description, FALSE, grepl("\\[JSON\\]", private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$description[iField])),
is_record = FALSE,
description = ifelse(no_description, NA, private$types$fields[ iDataType ][[1]]$description[iField])
for(argname in private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$name){
iArg = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$name == argname
no_description = is.na(private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$description[ iArg ])
is_array = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$kind[ iArg ] == self$array_kind
is_required = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$kind[ iArg ] == self$required_kind
if( is_required ){
is_array = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$kind[ iArg ] == self$array_kind
if( is_array){
is_numeric = any( private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$ofType$name[ iArg ] == private$numeric_types)
data_type = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$ofType$name[ iArg ]
} else {
is_numeric = any( private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ iArg ] == private$numeric_types)
data_type = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ iArg ]
} else if( is_array){
is_numeric = any( private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ iArg ] == private$numeric_types)
data_type = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$ofType$name[ iArg ]
} else {
is_numeric = any( private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$name[ iArg ] == private$numeric_types)
data_type = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$name[ iArg ]
private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]] = private$new_argument(
data_type = data_type,
is_numeric = is_numeric,
is_json = ifelse(no_description, FALSE, grepl("\\[JSON\\]", private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$description[ iArg ])),
is_array = is_array,
is_required = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$type$kind[ iArg ] == self$required_kind,
is_for_paging = private$is_paging_arg( argname ),
default_value = private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$defaultValue[ iArg ],
description = ifelse(no_description, NA, private$types$fields[ iSpecialType ][[1]]$args[ iEndpoint ][[1]]$description[ iArg ])
#' #Check if argument is numeric
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname String name of api endpoint argument
#' @return logical TRUE/FALSE if argument is numeric
# @examples
is_arg_numeric = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
if( any(argname == names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args)) ){
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]]$is_numeric )
} else {
# Assume argument is numeric if no data available
return( TRUE )
#' #Check if argument is numeric
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname String name of api endpoint argument
#' @return logical TRUE/FALSE if argument is numeric
# @examples
is_arg_boolean = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
if( any(argname == names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args)) ){
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]]$data_type == "Boolean" )
} else {
# Assume argument is not boolean if no data available
return( FALSE )
#' #Check if argument is numeric
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname String name of api endpoint argument
#' @return logical TRUE/FALSE if argument is numeric
# @examples
is_arg_json = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
if( any(argname == names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args)) ){
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]]$is_json )
} else {
# Assume argument is not boolean if no data available
return( FALSE )
#' #Get the sub-type contained within an api endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
# @return
# @examples
get_special_type_from_endpoint = function(endpoint){
for(special_type in private$special_types){
if( any(endpoint == names(private[[special_type]])) ){
return( special_type )
#' #Determine if an endpoint has an edge
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
# @return
# @examples
has_edge = function(endpoint){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$has_edge )
#' #Get the name of the graphql edge contained in an endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @return String name of endpoint edge
# @examples
get_edge_name = function(endpoint){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$edge_name )
#' #Get all available endpoint names
#' @return Array of endpoint names
# @examples
get_endpoints = function(){
endpoints = c()
for(special_type in private$special_types){
endpoints = c(endpoints,names(private[[ special_type ]]))
return( endpoints )
#' #Get info about an endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
# @return
# @examples
get_endpoint = function(endpoint){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]] )
#' #Get all available field names for an endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
# @return
# @examples
get_fields = function(endpoint){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$fields) )
#' #Get info about an endpoint field
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param field String name for a field of the endpoint
# @return
# @examples
get_field = function(endpoint, field){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$fields[[ field ]] )
#' #Get all arguments for and endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param no_paging
# @return
# @examples
get_arguments = function(endpoint, no_paging = FALSE){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
paging_args = c()
if( no_paging ){
paging_args = c(self$tpl_pagination_first, self$tpl_pagination_offset)
names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args),
#' #Get info about an argument
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname
# @return
# @examples
get_argument = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]] )
#' #Checks if an argument is required
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname
# @return
# @examples
is_argument_required = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args[[ argname ]]$is_required )
#' #Checks if argument name is valid for an endpoint
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
#' @param argname
# @return
# @examples
is_argument = function(endpoint,argname){
special_type = self$get_special_type_from_endpoint( endpoint )
return( any(argname == names(private[[ special_type ]][[ endpoint ]]$args)) )
#' #Check if endpoint exists
#' @param endpoint String name of api endpoint
# @return
# @examples
is_endpoint = function(endpoint){
return( any( self$get_endpoints() == endpoint ) )
#' #Describe an Endpoint.
#' @description `info` prints text to the console describing an endpoint
#' @details This function presents a text block describing an endpoint
#' and its corresponding input parameters. Inputs are marked as
#' required where applicable.
#' @param endpoint api endpoint name to get information about.
#' @param no_paging Logical that omits the paging arguments by default
#' @param format One of: 'markdown', 'text' (default)
#' argument inclusion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' info()
info = function(endpoint, no_paging = FALSE, format = "text" ){
# crude function to format text in markdown or console appropriate
# text output styles
wrap_text = function(txt, style, appendTo = '' ){
styles = list(
h1 = list(
text = c('',' ------------------------------\n'),
markdown = c('\n## ','\n')
h2 = list(
text = c('\n\t',':\n'),
markdown = c('\n### ','\n')
h3 = list(
text = c('\t\t',':\n'),
markdown = c('\n### ','\n')
h4 = list(
text = c('\t\t\t',':\n'),
markdown = c('\n#### ','\n')
t1 = list(
text = c('\t','\n\n'),
markdown = c('','')
l1 = list(
text = c('\t\t\t','\n'),
markdown = c('\n','\n')
l2 = list(
text = c('\t\t\t','\n'),
markdown = c('','')
k1 = list(
text = c('',':\t'),
markdown = c('','\n :')
k2 = list(
text = c('',':\t\t'),
markdown = c('* ','')
e = endpoint
e_info = self$get_endpoint(e)
tpl = wrap_text(e,'h1')
tpl = wrap_text(
paste0(wrap_text('Description','k1'), ifelse(is.empty(e_info$description),'',e_info$description))
tpl = wrap_text('Input Parameters','h2',tpl)
parameters = self$get_arguments(e, no_paging)
if(length(parameters) == 0){
tpl = wrap_text('none','t1',tpl)
} else {
for(p in parameters){
tpl = wrap_text(p,'h3',tpl)
p_info = self$get_argument(e,p)
for(attribute_name in names(p_info)){
if( !is.empty(p_info[[attribute_name]]) ){
tpl = wrap_text( paste0( wrap_text(gsub("_"," ",attribute_name),'k1'), p_info[[attribute_name]]), 'l1', tpl)
tpl = paste0(tpl, '\n')
tpl = wrap_text('Output Fields','h2',tpl)
fields = self$get_fields(e)
if(length(fields) == 0) {
tpl = wrap_text('none','t1',tpl)
for(f in fields){
tpl = wrap_text(f,'h3',tpl)
f_info = self$get_field(e,f)
for(attribute_name in names(f_info)){
if( !is.empty(f_info[[attribute_name]]) ){
tpl = wrap_text( paste0( wrap_text(gsub("_"," ",attribute_name),'k1'), f_info[[attribute_name]]), 'l1', tpl)
tpl = paste0(tpl, '\n')
tpl = paste0(tpl,'\n\n')
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.