
Defines functions space tab columnize json.collapse json.expand has.json is.json is.empty get_api_var execute_api_fn reinitialize initialize

Documented in execute_api_fn get_api_var initialize is.empty json.collapse json.expand reinitialize

#' #initialize cached API state.
#' @description
#' `initialize` analyzes the API schema and authentication information.
#' @export
initialize = function(){

    #c = yaml::yaml.load_file("./data-raw/config.yml")
    c = pkg.config()

    c$api$auth = namc_oauth2$new( argList = c$auth )
    c$api$schema = api_schema$new( argList = c$schema )

    .pkgenv$api <<- namc_api$new( argList = c$api )
    .pkgenv$data <<- c$data

#' #Reinitialize cached API state.
#' @description
#' `reinitialize` reanalyzes the API schema and authentication information.
#' @param clear_credentials logical TRUE/FALSE indicating if cached API credentials should be deleted
#' @export
reinitialize = function(clear_credentials = FALSE){


    if(clear_credentials) .pkgenv$api$get_auth_provider()$reset_token()
    .pkgenv$api$configure( force = TRUE )

#' #Execute public API class method
#' @param fn_name Name of namc_api public method
#' @return variable Depends on function executed. See public methods of namc_api
execute_api_fn = function(fn_name){
    return( .pkgenv$api[[fn_name]]() )

#' #Get API class variable
#' @param var_name Name of namc_api variable name
#' @return variable Depends on variable requested. See variables of namc_api
get_api_var = function(var_name){
    return( .pkgenv$api$get_var(var_name) )

#' #Checks for empty values
#' @description
#' `is.empty` Null, NA and empty string values are all considered empty
#' @param val value or list of values to check for emptiness
#' @return logical array
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is.empty( list(NA,NULL,'','test',c(),list()) )
is.empty = function(val){
    # Handle the singular null argument edge case
        return( TRUE )
    } else {
        return( is.na(val) | val == '' | lengths(val) == 0 )

#' #checks if a list or dataframe contains JSON based elements or columns
#' @param data list or dataframe to check from JSON data
#' @return vector of element or column names
#' @export
#' @examples
is.json = function(string){

#' #checks if a list or dataframe contains JSON based elements or columns
#' @param data list or dataframe to check from JSON data
#' @return vector of element or column names
#' @export
#' @examples
has.json = function(data){
    keys = c()
    for(col in names(data)){
        # does it begin and end with a {} or []
        if( any( is.json( data[[col]]) ) ) {
            keys = c(keys, col)
    return( keys )

#' #expands JSON keys into dataframe columns
#' @param data dataframe containing one or more columns of JSON
#' @param fields a single or an array of column names containing JSON text
#' @return dataframe with additional columns representing the JSON keys
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Multiple columns
#' data = json.expand(data, c("field1","field2"))
#' # OR single column
#' data = json.expand(data, "field1")
json.expand = function(data, fields){

    nRows = nrow(data)

    fields = fields[ fields %in% names(data) ]

    for( field in fields){
        jData = data[[field]]
        data.isJSON = is.json( jData )
        data.isChar = unlist( lapply(jData, is.character) )
        data.isNumeric = unlist( lapply(jData, is.numeric) )
        jData[data.isJSON] = lapply(jData[data.isJSON], jsonlite::fromJSON)
        data.isComplex = unlist( lapply(jData, is.data.frame) )

        data.allSimpleJSON = !any(
                data.isJSON & !data.isComplex,
                data.isChar | data.isNumeric | is.na(jData)
        if( data.allSimpleJSON ) {
            jData = lapply(jData, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            uniqueKeys = unique( unlist( lapply(jData, names) ) )

            if( length(uniqueKeys) > 0 ){
                # expand all json data to have the same keys filling in NA
                jData = lapply(
                    function(df, uniqueKeys){
                        dOut = as.data.frame(
                            matrix( ncol = length(uniqueKeys), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, uniqueKeys) ),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
                        if( length( names(df) ) > 0 ){
                            dOut[, names(df)] = df[, names(df)]
                        return( dOut )

                jData = do.call(what=rbind, jData)
                names(jData) = paste0(paste0(field,"."), names(jData)) # prefix names with "fieldName."
                data[, field] = NULL
                data = cbind(data, jData)

        } else if( any(data.isJSON) ) {
            data[[field]][data.isJSON] = lapply(jData[data.isJSON], as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    return( data )

#' #collapse columns in a dataframe to a single JSON column
#' @param data dataframe containing one or more columns
#' @param field name to give JSON column
#' @param colNames a single name or an array of names to convert to JSON data
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Multiple columns
#' data = json.collapse(data, "newField", c("field1","field2"))
#' # OR single column
#' data = json.collapse(data, "newField", "field1")
json.collapse = function(data, field, colNames){
        data[[field]] = by(
            data = data[colNames],
            INDICES = seq_len( nrow(data) ),
            FUN = function(rec){
        data[colNames] = NULL

    } else {
        data[[field]] = gsub("^\\[|\\]$","",jsonlite::toJSON( data[colNames] ))
        data[colNames] = NULL

columnize = function(items, numberItems = FALSE){
    console_width = options("width")
    col_width = 45
    nCols = floor(console_width$width / col_width)
    nItems = length(items)
    nItemsPerColumn = ceiling(nItems / nCols)
    iLastRows = which( (seq(nItems) / nItemsPerColumn) %% 1 == 0)
        numberedItems = paste0(
            ") ",
    } else {
        numberedItems = items
    columnizedItems = numberedItems[1:iLastRows[1]]
    for(iCol in seq(nCols)[2:nCols]){
        for(iRow in seq(nItemsPerColumn)){
            columnizedItems[iRow] = paste0(
                space(col_width*(iCol-1) - nchar(columnizedItems[iRow]))
        iLastColRow = ifelse(iCol==nCols,nItems,iLastRows[iCol])
        columnizedItems = paste0(
                numberedItems[seq(from=iLastRows[iCol-1]+1, to=iLastColRow)],
                    nItemsPerColumn - length(numberedItems[seq(from=iLastRows[iCol-1]+1, to=iLastColRow)]),

    columnizedItems = paste0(columnizedItems, collapse = "\n")

    return( columnizedItems )

tab = function(nTabs=1, tabWidth=8){
    return( paste0(replicate(nTabs,space(tabWidth)), collapse = "") )

space = function(nSpaces=1){
    return( paste0(replicate(nSpaces," "), collapse = "") )
namc-utah/NAMCr documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 4:29 a.m.