#' Total Variation Regularized Numerical Differentiation (TVDiff)
#' Estimate the derivative of noisy data using the Total Variation Regularized
#' Differentiation [@chartrand2011numerical].
#' C++ code for preconditioned conjugate gradient method adapted from
#' \code{cPCG::pcgsolve}
#' @param data Vector of data to be differentiated.
#' @param iter Number of iterations to run the main loop. A stopping condition
#' based on the norm of the gradient vector g below would be an easy
#' modification. There is no default value.
#' @param alph Regularization parameter. This is the main parameter
#' to fiddle with. Start by varying by orders of magnitude until reasonable
#' results are obtained. A value to the nearest power of 10 is usally adequate.
#' There is no deafault value. Higher values increase regularization strenght and improve
#' conditioning.
#' @param u0 Initialization of the iteration. Default value is the naive
#' derivative (without scaling), of appropriate length (this being different
#' for the two methods). Although the solution is theoretically independent of
#' the intialization, a poor choice can exacerbate conditioning issues when the
#' linear system is solved.
#' @param scale \code{large} or \code{small} (case insensitive). Default is \code{small}.
#' \code{small} has somewhat better boundary behavior, but becomes unwieldly for data
#' larger than 1000 entries or so. \code{large} has simpler numerics but is more
#' efficient for large-scale problems. \code{large} is more readily modified for
#' higher-order derivatives, since the implicit differentiation matrix is square.
#' @param ep Parameter for avoiding division by zero. Default value is 1e-6.
#' Results should not be very sensitive to the value. Larger values improve
#' conditioning and therefore speed, while smaller values give more accurate
#' results with sharper jumps.
#' @param dx Grid spacing, used in the definition of the derivative operators.
#' Default is the reciprocal of the data size.
#' @param plotflag Flag whether to display plot at each iteration. Default is 0
#' (no). Useful, but adds significant running time.
#' @param tol Tolerance passed to preconditiond conjugate
#' gradient solver.
#' @param maxit Maximum iterations passed to
#' preconditiond conjugate gradient solver.
#' @return Estimate of the regularized derivative of data. Due to different
#' grid assumptions, length( u ) = length( data ) + 1 if scale = 'small',
#' otherwise length( u ) = length( data ).
#' @examples
#' # Load small demo data
#' data("smalldemodata")
#' # Unpack data
#' x <- smalldemodata$x
#' obs <- smalldemodata$obs
#' true <- smalldemodata$true
#' dydx_true <- rep(-1, length(x))
#' dydx_true[x > 0.5] <- 1
#' dx <- x[2] - x[1]
#' # Extimate derivative
#' dydx <- TVRegDiffR(
#' data = obs,
#' iter = 100,
#' alph = 0.2,
#' scale = "small",
#' ep = 1e-6,
#' dx = dx
#' )
#' dydx <- as.vector(dydx[-1])
#' @author
#' R translation: Nathaniel Price (\email{natbprice@@gmail.com})
#' Original Matlab Code: Rick Chartrand (\email{rickc@@lanl.gov})
#' @references
#' Rick Chartrand, "Numerical differentiation of noisy, nonsmooth
#' data," ISRN Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2011, Article ID 164564, 2011.
#' @import Matrix
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @useDynLib tvdiff, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
TVRegDiffR <-
u0 = NULL,
scale = 'small',
ep = 1e-6,
dx = 1 / length(data),
plotflag = 0,
tol = 1e-6,
maxit = 1e3) {
# Check inputs
if(class(data) != "numeric" | length(data) == 1) {
stop("Input 'data' should be a numeric vector.")
if(!class(iter) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(iter) != 1 | iter[1] <= 0) {
stop("Input 'iter' should be a positive integer.")
if(!class(alph) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(alph) != 1 | alph[1] <= 0) {
stop("Input 'alph' should be a positive number.")
if((class(u0) %in% c("numeric","integer") & length(u0) != (length(data) + 2)) | !is.null(u0)) {
stop("Input 'u0' should be a numeric vector of length(data) + 2 or NULL.")
if(!scale %in% c('small', 'large')) {
stop("Input 'scale' should be 'small' or 'large'.")
if(!class(ep) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(ep) != 1 | ep[1] <= 0) {
stop("Input 'alph' should be a positive number.")
if(!class(dx) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(dx) != 1) {
stop("Input 'dx' should be a number. Method assumes equal spacing.")
if(!plotflag %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
stop("Input 'plotflag' should be 0, 1, TRUE, or FALSE.")
if(!class(tol) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(tol) != 1 | tol[1] <= 0) {
stop("Input 'tol' should be a positive number.")
if(!class(maxit) %in% c("numeric","integer") | length(maxit) != 1 | maxit[1] <= 0) {
stop("Input 'maxit' should be a positive integer.")
# Helper function
chop <- function(v){
# Get the data size.
n = length(data)
# Default checking. (u0 is done separately within each method.)
if(is.null(dx)) dx = 1.0 / n
# Different methods for small- and large-scale problems.
if (scale == 'small') {
# Construct differentiation matrix.
c1 = rep(1, n+1) / dx
D <-
Matrix::bandSparse(n = n,
m = n + 1,
c(0, 1),
diagonals = matrix(c(-c1, c1), ncol = 2))
DT <- t(D)
# Construct antidifferentiation operator and its adjoint.
A <- function(x) {
chop(cumsum(x) - 0.5 * (x + x[1])) * dx
AT <- function(w) {
(sum(w) - c(sum(w) / 2.0, cumsum(w) - w / 2.0)) * dx
# Default initialization is naive derivative
if (is.null(u0)) {
u0 <- c(0, diff(data), 0)
# Initialize u
u <- u0
# Since Au( 0 ) = 0, we need to adjust.
ofst <- data[1]
# Precompute.
ATb = AT(ofst - data)
# Main loop.
for (ii in 1:(iter+1)){
# Diagonal matrix of weights, for linearizing E-L equation.
Q <- Matrix::bandSparse(n = n, m = n, k = 0,
diagonals = matrix( 1 / ( sqrt( ( D %*% u )^2 + ep )), ncol = 1))
# Linearized diffusion matrix, also approximation of Hessian.
L = dx * DT %*% Q %*% D
# Gradient of functional.
g = AT(A(u)) + ATb + alph * L %*% u
# Simple preconditioner
P <- alph * Matrix::bandSparse(n = n + 1, m = n + 1, k = 0,
diagonals = as.matrix(diag(L) + 1, ncol = 1))
# Preconditiond conjugate gradient solver (C++ code)
s <- pcgsolve(b = as.vector(g),
M = as.matrix(P),
alph = alph,
L = as.matrix(L),
dx = dx,
tol = tol,
maxIter = maxit)
# Update solution.
u = u - s
# Display plot.
if (plotflag) {
plot(u, xlab = "index", ylab = "derivative")
} else if (scale == "large") {
stop("Only small scale algorithm is implemented.")
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