skeletor: Skeletonise neuron meshes using skeletor

View source: R/flywire-skeleton.R

skeletorR Documentation

Skeletonise neuron meshes using skeletor


You can skeletonise complex neuron meshes using skeletor skeletor-1.0.0. Skeletor is a python library and this function wraps a series of skeletor functions in order to smoothly process neurons for use with the natverse. Note, the default settings optimise performance for fast skeletonisation of flywire meshes. For casual users we recommend using the 'wave' method, which is fast and simple in terms of parameters, i.e. it just uses waves and step_size. A value of 1 for both often works well.


  segments = NULL,
  obj = NULL,
  mesh3d = FALSE,
  save.obj = NULL,
  cloudvolume.url = getOption("fafbseg.cloudvolume.url"),
  operator = c("umbrella", "contangent"),
  clean = FALSE,
  remove_disconnected = 10,
  theta = 0.01,
  radius = TRUE,
  ratio = 0.1,
  SL = 10,
  WH0 = 2,
  iter_lim = 4,
  epsilon = 0.05,
  precision = 1e-06,
  validate = TRUE,
  method.radii = c("knn", "ray"),
  method = c("wavefront", "vertex_clusters", "edge_collapse", "teasar", "tangent_ball"),
  heal = TRUE,
  heal.k = 10L,
  heal.threshold = Inf,
  reroot = TRUE, = 10, = 2500,
  brain = NULL,
  n = 5,
  n_rays = 20,
  projection = c("sphere", "tangents"),
  fallback = "knn",
  waves = 2,
  step_size = 1,
  sampling_dist = 500,
  cluster_pos = c("median", "center"),
  shape_weight = 1,
  sample_weight = 0.1,
  inv_dist = 100,
  cpu = Inf,
  elapsed = Inf,

reroot_hairball(x, = 10, = 2500, brain = NULL)

  save.obj = getwd(),
  ratio = 1,
  cloudvolume.url = getOption("fafbseg.cloudvolume.url"),



The segment ids to fetch (probably as a character vector), e.g. flywire IDs or hemibrain bodyids. Meshes are read from the specified CloudVolume (cloudvolume.url).


character. Path of a obj file or a folder of such files. These files are read as meshes and then skeletonised. If segments is given, this argument is overridden.


logical. If TRUE then the neuron's volume is added to each neuron object in the resultant neuronlist] at neuron$mesh3d.


character. Path to which to save .obj file for neuron volumes. If NULL, .obj files are not saved (default).


Optional url from which to fetch meshes normally specified by the fafbseg.cloudvolume.url option.


Which Laplacian operator to use for mesh contraction. "contangent" takes topology and geometry of the mesh into account and so is a better descriptor of curvature flow. The "umbrella", 'uniform weighting' operator uses only topological features, making it more robust to mesh flaws.


logical. If TRUE then, in python, is used to collapse twigs that have line of sight to each other and move nodes outside the mesh back inside. Note that this is not a magic bullet and some of this will not work (well) if the original mesh was degenerate (e.g. internal faces or not watertight) to begin with. You will need to have the ncollpyde python3 module installed. You can get this with pip3 install ncollpyde. If you get issues related to this module, best to set this to FALSE. skeletor.pre.fix_mesh is also used to remove seemingly erroneous vertices and remove other common mesh problems.


integer or 'False'. If a number is given and clean==TRUE,\ will iterate over the mesh's connected components and remove those consisting of less than the given number of vertices. For example, “remove_fragments=5“ will drop parts of the mesh that consist of five or less connected vertices.


numeric. Used if clean=TRUE. For each twig we generate the dot product between the tangent vectors of it and its parents. If these line up perfectly the dot product will equal 1. theta determines how much that value can differ from 1 for us to still prune the twig: higher theta = more pruning.


logical. Whether or not to return radius information for each skeleton node. If you want to make use of radii, you will need to have the ncollpyde python3 module installed. You can get this with pip3 install ncollpyde. If you get issues related to this module, best to set this to FALSE.


numeric, 0-1. Factor to which to reduce mesh faces. For example, a ratio of 0.5 will reduce the number of faces to 50 percent.


numeric. Factor by which the contraction matrix is multiplied for each iteration. In theory, lower values are more likely to get you an optimal contraction at the cost of needing more iterations.


numeric. Initial weight factor for the attraction constraints. The ratio of the initial weights WL0 (1e-3 * sqrt(A)) and WH0 controls the smoothness and the degree of contraction of the first iteration result, thus it determines the amount of details retained in subsequent and final contracted meshes.


integer. Maximum rounds of contractions.


numeric. Target contraction rate as measured by the sum of all face areas in the contracted versus the original mesh. Algorithm will stop once mesh is contracted below this threshold. Depending on your mesh (number of faces, shape) reaching a strong contraction can be extremely costly with comparatively little benefit for the subsequent skeletonisation. Note that the algorithm might stop short of this target if iter_lim is reached first or if the sum of face areas is increasing from one iteration to the next instead of decreasing.


numeric. Sets the precision for finding the least-square solution. This is the main determinant for speed vs quality: lower values will take (much) longer but will get you closer to an optimally contracted mesh. Higher values will be faster but the iterative contractions might stop early.


If True, will try to fix potential issues with the mesh (e.g. infinite values, duplicate vertices, degenerate faces) before collapsing. Degenerate meshes can lead to effectively infinite runtime for this function!


the method by which to determine each node's radius. "knn" uses k-nearest-neighbours to get radii: fast but potential for being very wrong. "ray" uses ray-casting to get radii: slower but sometimes less wrong.


Skeletonisation comes in two flavours with different Pros and Cons. "vertex_clusters" groups and collapses vertices based on their geodesic distance along the mesh's surface. It's fast and scales well but can lead to oversimplification. Good for quick & dirty skeletonisations. "edge_collapse" implements skeleton extraction by edge collapse described Au et al. 2008. It's rather slow and doesn't scale well but is really good at preserving topology.


logical. Whether or not, if the neuron id fragmented, to stitch multiple fragments into single neuron using minimum spanning tree.


integer. The number of nearest neighbours to consider when trying to merge different clusters.


numeric. The threshold distance above which new vertices will not be connected (default=Inf disables this feature). This parameter prevents the merging of vertices that are so far away from the main neuron that they are likely to be spurious.


logical. Whether or not to re-root the neuron at an estimated 'soma'. A soma is usually a large ball in the neuron, which will skeletonise into something of a hair ball. We can try to detect it quickly and reroot the skeleton there. We do this by finding the nearest leaf nodes to each leaf node, and seeing if they are going off in divergent directions.

integer. The number of leaf nodes to find, around each leaf node of radius, for the rerooting process. The larger the number, the better but slower.

numeric. The distance within which to search for fellow leaf nodes for the rerooting process. Will be inaccurate at values that are too high or too low. Should be about the size of the expected soma.


a mesh3d or hxsurf object within which a soma cannot occur. For the re-rooting process. (Insect somata tend to lie outside the brain proper)


For method.radii = "knn". Radius will be the mean over n nearest-neighbours.


integer. For method.radii = "knn".For method.radii = "ray". Number of rays to cast for each node.


For method.radii = "ray". Whether to cast rays in a sphere around each node or in a circle orthogonally to the node's tangent vector.


For method.radii = "ray". If a point is outside or right on the surface of the mesh the ray casting will return nonsense results. We can either ignore those cases ("None"), assign a arbitrary number or we can fall back to radii from k-nearest-neighbours ("knn").


integer. For method = "wavefront". Number of waves to run across the mesh. Each wave is initialised at a different vertex which produces slightly different rings. The final skeleton is produced from a mean across all waves. More waves produce higher resolution skeletons but also introduce more noise.


integer, Values greater 1 effectively lead to binning of rings. For example a stepsize of 2 means that two adjacent vertex rings will be collapsed to the same center. This can help reduce noise in the skeleton (and as such counteracts a large number of waves)


numeric. For method = "vertex_clusters". Maximal distance at which vertices are clustered. This parameter should be tuned based on the resolution of your mesh.


numeric. For method = "vertex_clusters". How to determine the x/y/z coordinates of the collapsed vertex clusters (i.e. the skeleton's nodes). "median": Use the vertex closest to cluster's centrer of mass. "center": Use the center of mass. This makes for smoother skeletons but can lead to nodes outside the mesh.


numeric. For method = "edge_collapse". Weight for shape costs which penalize collapsing edges that would drastically change the shape of the object.


numeric.For method = "edge_collapse". Weight for sampling costs which penalise collapses that would generate prohibitively long edges.


numeric.For method = "teasar". Distance along the mesh used for invalidation of vertices. This controls how detailed (or noisy) the skeleton will be.


double (of length one). Set a limit on the total cpu time in seconds.


double (of length one). Set a limit on the total elapsed cpu time in seconds


Additional arguments passed to reticulate::py_run_string.


a nat::neuron object.


This pipeline:

1. Reads specified meshes from a CloudVolume source.

2. Simplifies each mesh (python: skeletor.pre.simplify)

3. Contract the mesh (python: skeletor.pre.contract)

4. Skeletonises the mesh (python: skeletor.skeletonize)

5. Optionally, cleans the mesh (python:

6. Optionally, add radius information to the skeleton (python:

7. Optionally, heal the skeleton if there are breaks (nat::stitch_neurons_mst)

8. Optionally, attempts to re-root the neuron at a 'hairball', i.e. approximate the soma (reroot_hairball).

You will therefore need to have a working python3 install of skeletor, which uses CloudVolume. You do not require meshparty. Please install the Python skeletor module as described at: You must ensure that you are using python3 (implicitly or explicitly) as mesh fetching from graphene servers depends on this. This should normally work: pip3 install git+git:// If you have already installed skeletor but it is not found, then I recommend editing your Renviron file to set an environment variable pointing to the correct Python. You can do this with usethis::edit_r_environ() and then setting e.g. RETICULATE_PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python3". (Though best practice would be to create a conda environment for your natverse R sessions and direct R there using your environ file.)

You will need to set up some kind of authentication in order to fetch volume data for skeletonisation. See for how to get a token and where to save it. You can either save a json snippet to ~/.cloudvolume/secrets/cave-secret.json or set an environment variable (CHUNKEDGRAPH_SECRET="XXXX".

Finally you will also need to set an option pointing to your server. This is the server hosting the mesh data you are interested in. This might look something like: options(fafbseg.cloudvolume.url='graphene://') and you can easily add this to your startup Rprofile with usethis::edit_r_profile(). For example, for the flywire data set, it is currently: 'graphene://'.

Roughly in decreasing order of impact on speed:

Ratio: lower ratio = less vertices = faster

epsilon: lower target contraction rate = less steps = faster

SL: faster contraction = pot. less steps to target contraction rate = faster

precision: lower precision = faster least-square computation = faster

sampling_dist: larger dist = faster collapse of mesh into skeleton = faster


A nat::neuronlist containing neuron skeleton objects.

See Also

simple_python for installation of the necessary Python packages.


## Not run: 
nx=xform_brain(elmr::dense_core_neurons, ref="FlyWire", sample="FAFB14")
xyz = xyzmatrix(nx)
ids = unique(flywire_xyz2id(xyz[sample(1:nrow(xyz),100),]))
neurons = skeletor(ids, brain =
plot3d(neurons) # note, in flywire space
plot3d(nx, col="black", lwd  =2) # note, in flywire space

# Also plot their meshes
neuron.meshes = read_cloudvolume_meshes(ids)

# We can also just save the .obj files
download_neuron_obj(ids, save.obj = "obj")

# remove
unlink("obj", recurvise = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:11 p.m.