# Skeletonise flywire neurons
#' Skeletonise neuron meshes using skeletor
#' @description You can skeletonise complex neuron meshes using skeletor
#' \href{https://github.com/schlegelp/skeletor}{skeletor-1.0.0}. Skeletor is a
#' python library and this function wraps a series of skeletor functions in
#' order to smoothly process neurons for use with the
#' \href{http://natverse.org/}{natverse}. Note, the default settings optimise
#' performance for fast skeletonisation of
#' \href{https://ngl.flywire.ai}{flywire} meshes. For casual users we
#' recommend using the 'wave' method, which is fast and simple in terms of
#' parameters, i.e. it just uses \code{waves} and \code{step_size}. A value of
#' 1 for both often works well.
#' @param segments The segment ids to fetch (probably as a character vector),
#' e.g. flywire IDs or hemibrain bodyids. Meshes are read from the specified
#' CloudVolume (\code{cloudvolume.url}).
#' @param obj character. Path of a \code{obj} file or a folder of such files.
#' These files are read as meshes and then skeletonised. If \code{segments} is
#' given, this argument is overridden.
#' @param mesh3d logical. If \code{TRUE} then the neuron's volume is added to
#' each \code{neuron} object in the resultant \code{neuronlist]} at
#' \code{neuron$mesh3d}.
#' @param save.obj character. Path to which to save \code{.obj} file for neuron
#' volumes. If \code{NULL}, .obj files are not saved (default).
#' @param cloudvolume.url Optional url from which to fetch meshes normally
#' specified by the \code{fafbseg.cloudvolume.url} option.
#' @param operator Which Laplacian operator to use for mesh contraction.
#' \code{"contangent"} takes topology and geometry of the mesh into account
#' and so is a better descriptor of curvature flow. The \code{"umbrella"},
#' 'uniform weighting' operator uses only topological features, making it more
#' robust to mesh flaws.
#' @param clean logical. If \code{TRUE} then, in python,
#' \code{skeletor.post.clean_up} is used to collapse twigs that have line of
#' sight to each other and move nodes outside the mesh back inside. Note that
#' this is not a magic bullet and some of this will not work (well) if the
#' original mesh was degenerate (e.g. internal faces or not watertight) to
#' begin with. You will need to have the \code{ncollpyde} python3 module
#' installed. You can get this with \code{pip3 install ncollpyde}. If you get
#' issues related to this module, best to set this to \code{FALSE}.
#' \code{skeletor.pre.fix_mesh} is also used to remove seemingly erroneous
#' vertices and remove other common mesh problems.
#' @param remove_disconnected, integer or 'False'. If a number is given and
#' \code{clean==TRUE},\ will iterate over the mesh's connected components and
#' remove those consisting of less than the given number of vertices. For
#' example, ``remove_fragments=5`` will drop parts of the mesh that consist of
#' five or less connected vertices.
#' @param theta numeric. Used if \code{clean=TRUE}. For each twig we generate
#' the dot product between the tangent vectors of it and its parents. If these
#' line up perfectly the dot product will equal 1. \code{theta} determines how
#' much that value can differ from 1 for us to still prune the twig: higher
#' theta = more pruning.
#' @param radius logical. Whether or not to return radius information for each
#' skeleton node. If you want to make use of radii, you will need to have the
#' \code{ncollpyde} python3 module installed. You can get this with \code{pip3
#' install ncollpyde}. If you get issues related to this module, best to set
#' this to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param method.radii the method by which to determine each node's radius.
#' \code{"knn"} uses k-nearest-neighbours to get radii: fast but potential for
#' being very wrong. \code{"ray"} uses ray-casting to get radii: slower but
#' sometimes less wrong.
#' @param ratio numeric, 0-1. Factor to which to reduce mesh faces. For example,
#' a ratio of 0.5 will reduce the number of faces to 50 percent.
#' @param epsilon numeric. Target contraction rate as measured by the sum of all
#' face areas in the contracted versus the original mesh. Algorithm will stop
#' once mesh is contracted below this threshold. Depending on your mesh
#' (number of faces, shape) reaching a strong contraction can be extremely
#' costly with comparatively little benefit for the subsequent
#' skeletonisation. Note that the algorithm might stop short of this target if
#' \code{iter_lim} is reached first or if the sum of face areas is increasing
#' from one iteration to the next instead of decreasing.
#' @param iter_lim integer. Maximum rounds of contractions.
#' @param precision numeric. Sets the precision for finding the least-square
#' solution. This is the main determinant for speed vs quality: lower values
#' will take (much) longer but will get you closer to an optimally contracted
#' mesh. Higher values will be faster but the iterative contractions might
#' stop early.
#' @param SL numeric. Factor by which the contraction matrix is multiplied for
#' each iteration. In theory, lower values are more likely to get you an
#' optimal contraction at the cost of needing more iterations.
#' @param WH0 numeric. Initial weight factor for the attraction constraints. The
#' ratio of the initial weights \code{WL0} (\code{1e-3 * sqrt(A)}) and
#' \code{WH0} controls the smoothness and the degree of contraction of the
#' first iteration result, thus it determines the amount of details retained
#' in subsequent and final contracted meshes.
#' @param validate If \code{True}, will try to fix potential issues with the
#' mesh (e.g. infinite values, duplicate vertices, degenerate faces) before
#' collapsing. Degenerate meshes can lead to effectively infinite runtime for
#' this function!
#' @param method Skeletonisation comes in two flavours with different Pros and
#' Cons. \code{"vertex_clusters"} groups and collapses vertices based on their
#' geodesic distance along the mesh's surface. It's fast and scales well but
#' can lead to oversimplification. Good for quick & dirty skeletonisations.
#' \code{"edge_collapse"} implements skeleton extraction by edge collapse
#' described Au et al. 2008. It's rather slow and doesn't scale well but is
#' really good at preserving topology.
#' @param heal logical. Whether or not, if the neuron id fragmented, to stitch
#' multiple fragments into single neuron using minimum spanning tree.
#' @param heal.threshold numeric. The threshold distance above which new
#' vertices will not be connected (default=\code{Inf} disables this feature).
#' This parameter prevents the merging of vertices that are so far away from
#' the main neuron that they are likely to be spurious.
#' @param heal.k integer. The number of nearest neighbours to consider when
#' trying to merge different clusters.
#' @param reroot logical. Whether or not to re-root the neuron at an estimated
#' 'soma'. A soma is usually a large ball in the neuron, which will
#' skeletonise into something of a hair ball. We can try to detect it quickly
#' and reroot the skeleton there. We do this by finding the nearest leaf nodes
#' to each leaf node, and seeing if they are going off in divergent
#' directions.
#' @param k.soma.search integer. The number of leaf nodes to find, around each
#' leaf node of radius \code{radius.soma.search}, for the rerooting process.
#' The larger the number, the better but slower.
#' @param radius.soma.search numeric. The distance within which to search for
#' fellow leaf nodes for the rerooting process. Will be inaccurate at values
#' that are too high or too low. Should be about the size of the expected
#' soma.
#' @param x a \code{nat::neuron} object.
#' @param brain a \code{mesh3d} or \code{hxsurf} object within which a soma
#' cannot occur. For the re-rooting process. (Insect somata tend to lie
#' outside the brain proper)
#' @param n For \code{method.radii = "knn"}. Radius will be the mean over
#' \code{n} nearest-neighbours.
#' @param n_rays integer. For \code{method.radii = "knn"}.For \code{method.radii
#' = "ray"}. Number of rays to cast for each node.
#' @param projection For \code{method.radii = "ray"}. Whether to cast rays in a
#' sphere around each node or in a circle orthogonally to the node's tangent
#' vector.
#' @param fallback For \code{method.radii = "ray"}. If a point is outside or
#' right on the surface of the mesh the ray casting will return nonsense
#' results. We can either ignore those cases (\code{"None"}), assign a
#' arbitrary number or we can fall back to radii from k-nearest-neighbours
#' (\code{"knn"}).
#' @param waves integer. For \code{method = "wavefront"}. Number of waves to run
#' across the mesh. Each wave is initialised at a different vertex which
#' produces slightly different rings. The final skeleton is produced from a
#' mean across all waves. More waves produce higher resolution skeletons but
#' also introduce more noise.
#' @param step_size integer, Values greater 1 effectively lead to binning of
#' rings. For example a stepsize of 2 means that two adjacent vertex rings
#' will be collapsed to the same center. This can help reduce noise in the
#' skeleton (and as such counteracts a large number of waves)
#' @param sampling_dist numeric. For \code{method = "vertex_clusters"}. Maximal
#' distance at which vertices are clustered. This parameter should be tuned
#' based on the resolution of your mesh.
#' @param cluster_pos numeric. For \code{method = "vertex_clusters"}. How to
#' determine the x/y/z coordinates of the collapsed vertex clusters (i.e. the
#' skeleton's nodes). \code{"median"}: Use the vertex closest to cluster's
#' centrer of mass. \code{"center"}: Use the center of mass. This makes for
#' smoother skeletons but can lead to nodes outside the mesh.
#' @param shape_weight numeric. For \code{method = "edge_collapse"}. Weight for
#' shape costs which penalize collapsing edges that would drastically change
#' the shape of the object.
#' @param sample_weight numeric.For \code{method = "edge_collapse"}. Weight for
#' sampling costs which penalise collapses that would generate prohibitively
#' long edges.
#' @param inv_dist numeric.For \code{method = "teasar"}. Distance along the mesh
#' used for invalidation of vertices. This controls how detailed (or noisy)
#' the skeleton will be.
#' @param cpu double (of length one). Set a limit on the total cpu time in
#' seconds.
#' @param elapsed double (of length one). Set a limit on the total elapsed cpu
#' time in seconds
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{reticulate::py_run_string}.
#' @return A \code{nat::neuronlist} containing neuron skeleton objects.
#' @details This pipeline:
#' 1. Reads specified meshes from a CloudVolume source.
#' 2. Simplifies each mesh (python: \code{skeletor.pre.simplify})
#' 3. Contract the mesh (python: \code{skeletor.pre.contract})
#' 4. Skeletonises the mesh (python: \code{skeletor.skeletonize})
#' 5. Optionally, cleans the mesh (python: \code{skeletor.post.clean_up})
#' 6. Optionally, add radius information to the skeleton (python:
#' \code{skeletor.post.radii})
#' 7. Optionally, heal the skeleton if there are breaks
#' (\code{nat::stitch_neurons_mst})
#' 8. Optionally, attempts to re-root the neuron at a 'hairball', i.e.
#' approximate the soma (\code{reroot_hairball}).
#' You will therefore need to have a working python3 install of skeletor,
#' which uses CloudVolume. You do not require meshparty. Please install the
#' Python skeletor module as described at:
#' \url{https://github.com/schlegelp/skeletor}. You must ensure that you are
#' using python3 (implicitly or explicitly) as mesh fetching from graphene
#' servers depends on this. This should normally work: \code{pip3 install
#' git+git://github.com/schlegelp/skeletor@master}. If you have already
#' installed skeletor but it is not found, then I recommend editing your
#' \code{\link{Renviron}} file to set an environment variable pointing to the
#' correct Python. You can do this with \code{usethis::edit_r_environ()} and
#' then setting e.g. \code{RETICULATE_PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python3"}.
#' (Though best practice would be to create a conda environment for your
#' natverse R sessions and direct R there using your environ file.)
#' You will need to set up some kind of authentication in order to fetch
#' volume data for skeletonisation. See
#' \url{https://github.com/seung-lab/cloud-volume#chunkedgraph-secretjson} for
#' how to get a token and where to save it. You can either save a json snippet
#' to \code{~/.cloudvolume/secrets/cave-secret.json} or set an
#' environment variable (\code{CHUNKEDGRAPH_SECRET="XXXX"}.
#' Finally you will also need to set an option pointing to your server. This
#' is the server hosting the mesh data you are interested in. This might look
#' something like:
#' \code{options(fafbseg.cloudvolume.url='graphene://https://xxx.dynamicannotationframework.com/segmentation/xxx/xxx')}
#' and you can easily add this to your startup \code{\link{Rprofile}} with
#' \code{usethis::edit_r_profile()}. For example, for the flywire data set, it
#' is currently:
#' \code{'graphene://https://prodv1.flywire-daf.com/segmentation/1.0/fly_v31'}.
#' Roughly in decreasing order of impact on speed:
#' Ratio: lower ratio = less vertices = faster
#' epsilon: lower target contraction rate = less steps = faster
#' SL: faster contraction = pot. less steps to target contraction rate =
#' faster
#' precision: lower precision = faster least-square computation = faster
#' sampling_dist: larger dist = faster collapse of mesh into skeleton = faster
#' @seealso \code{\link{simple_python}} for installation of the necessary Python
#' packages.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' choose_segmentation("flywire")
#' nx=xform_brain(elmr::dense_core_neurons, ref="FlyWire", sample="FAFB14")
#' xyz = xyzmatrix(nx)
#' ids = unique(flywire_xyz2id(xyz[sample(1:nrow(xyz),100),]))
#' neurons = skeletor(ids, brain = elmr::FAFB14.surf)
#' plot3d(neurons) # note, in flywire space
#' plot3d(nx, col="black", lwd =2) # note, in flywire space
#' # Also plot their meshes
#' neuron.meshes = read_cloudvolume_meshes(ids)
#' # We can also just save the .obj files
#' dir.create("obj")
#' download_neuron_obj(ids, save.obj = "obj")
#' # remove
#' unlink("obj", recurvise = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
skeletor <- function(segments = NULL,
obj = NULL,
mesh3d = FALSE,
save.obj = NULL,
operator = c("umbrella","contangent"),
clean = FALSE,
theta = 0.01,
radius = TRUE,
ratio = .1,
SL = 10,
WH0 = 2,
iter_lim = 4,
validate = TRUE,
reroot = TRUE,
k.soma.search = 10,
radius.soma.search = 2500,
brain = NULL,
n = 5,
n_rays = 20,
projection = c("sphere", "tangents"),
fallback = "knn",
cluster_pos = c("median", "center"),
shape_weight = 1,
sample_weight = 0.1,
inv_dist = 100,
cpu = Inf,
elapsed = Inf,
stop("Either the argument segments or obj must be given.")
}else if(!inherits(segments,c("character","integer64","integer"))&&!inherits(obj,c("character","integer64","integer"))){
stop("segments/obj must be a character vector")
msg="downloading & processing"
obj = list.files(obj,pattern = "obj$", full.names = TRUE)
stop("No .obj files could be found")
method.radii = match.arg(method.radii)
method = match.arg(method)
projection = match.arg(projection)
cluster_pos = match.arg(cluster_pos)
segments = unique(segments)
py_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url, ...)
neurons = nat::neuronlist()
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = sprintf(" %s [:bar] :current/:total eta: :eta", msg),
total = length(segments), clear = FALSE, show_after = 1)
for(x in segments){
swc <- tryCatch({
mesh3d = mesh3d,
save.obj = save.obj,
operator = operator,
clean = clean,
theta = theta,
radius = radius,
ratio = ratio,
SL = SL,
WH0 = WH0,
iter_lim = iter_lim,
validate = validate,
reroot = reroot,
k.soma.search = k.soma.search,
radius.soma.search = radius.soma.search,
brain = brain,
n = n,
n_rays = n_rays,
projection = projection,
fallback = fallback,
cluster_pos = cluster_pos,
shape_weight = shape_weight,
sample_weight = sample_weight,
inv_dist = inv_dist,
cpu = cpu,
elapsed = elapsed)
error = function(e) {
swc = nat::as.neuronlist(swc)
attr(swc,"df") = data.frame(id = x)
names(swc) = gsub("*./","",x)
neurons = c(neurons, swc)
message("Failed: ", x)
diff = length(segments) - length(neurons)
warning(diff," ids could not be read and converted to skeletons")
# hidden
try_with_time_limit <- function(expr, cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf, error = NULL){
y <- try({setTimeLimit(cpu, elapsed, transient = TRUE); expr}, silent = TRUE)
clear <- gc()
if(inherits(y, "try-error")){
# hidden
py_skel_imports <-function(...){
cv <- check_cloudvolume_reticulate()
reticulate::py_run_string("from cloudvolume import CloudVolume", ...)
reticulate::py_run_string("import skeletor as sk", ...)
reticulate::py_run_string("import trimesh as tm", ...)
# hidden
py_cloudvolume <- function(cloudvolume.url=getOption("fafbseg.cloudvolume.url"), ...) {
sprintf("vol = CloudVolume('%s', use_https=True)",cloudvolume.url), ...)
# hidden
py_skeletor <- function(id,
mesh3d = FALSE,
save.obj = NULL,
operator = c("umbrella","contangent"),
clean = FALSE,
theta = 0.01,
radius = TRUE,
ratio = .2,
SL = 10,
WH0 = 2,
iter_lim = 4,
validate = TRUE,
reroot = TRUE,
k.soma.search = 10,
radius.soma.search = 2500,
brain = NULL,
n = 5,
n_rays = 20,
projection = c("sphere", "tangents"),
fallback = "knn",
cluster_pos = c("median", "center"),
shape_weight = 1,
sample_weight = 0.1,
inv_dist = 100,
operator = match.arg(operator)
method.radii = match.arg(method.radii)
method = match.arg(method)
projection = match.arg(projection)
cluster_pos = match.arg(cluster_pos)
obj.file = TRUE
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("m=tm.load_mesh('%s',process=False)",id), ...)
mesh = readobj::read.obj(id)
obj.file = FALSE
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("id=%s",id), ...)
# this can error out with a bad connection to the server
counter = 3 # we'll try 3 times
res = try(reticulate::py_run_string("m = vol.mesh.get(id, deduplicate_chunk_boundaries=False)[id]", ...), silent=TRUE)
counter = counter - 1
mesh = NULL
reticulate::py_run_string("m = sk.utilities.make_trimesh(m, validate=False)", ...)
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("m = sk.pre.fix_mesh(mesh=m, remove_disconnected=%s, inplace=True)", remove_disconnected), ...)
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("m = sk.pre.simplify(m, ratio=%s)",ratio), ...)
if(method %in% c("vertex_clusters","edge_collapse")){
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("m = sk.pre.contract(m, SL=%s, WH0=%s, iter_lim=%s, epsilon=%s, precision=%s, validate=%s, operator='%s', progress=False)",
SL,WH0,iter_lim,epsilon,precision,ifelse(validate,"True","False"), operator),...)
skeletonize.params <- if(method=="vertex_clusters"){
sprintf("sampling_dist=%s, cluster_pos='%s'",sampling_dist,cluster_pos)
}else if (method=="edge_collapse"){
sprintf("shape_weight=%s, sample_weight=%s",shape_weight,sample_weight)
}else if (method=="wavefront"){
sprintf("waves=%s, step_size=%s",waves,step_size)
}else if (method=="teasar"){
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("swc = sk.skeletonize.by_%s(mesh=m, %s, progress=False)",
method, skeletonize.params), ...)
if(clean && method !="wavefront"){
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("swc = sk.post.clean_up(s=swc, mesh=m, theta=%s)", theta), ...)
radius.params <- if(method.radii=="knn"){
sprintf("n=%s", n)
fallback = "'knn'"
sprintf("n_rays=%s, projection='%s', fallback=%s", n_rays, projection, fallback)
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("sk.post.radii(s=swc, mesh=m, method='%s', %s, aggregate='mean')",method.radii, radius.params), ...)
reticulate::py_run_string("swc['radius'] = 0", ...)
skel = reticulate::py$swc
swc = skel$swc
colnames(swc) = c("PointNo","Parent","X","Y","Z","W")
neuron = nat::as.neuron(swc)
neuron = suppressMessages(nat::stitch_neurons_mst(x = neuron, threshold = heal.threshold, k = heal.k))
neuron = subtree(neuron)
neuron = tryCatch(reroot_hairball(neuron, k.soma.search = k.soma.search, radius.soma.search = radius.soma.search, brain = brain),
error = function(e){
# we need to get python to export it
savedir <- if(!is.null(save.obj)){
on.exit(unlink(td, recursive=TRUE))
ff = id
ff=file.path(savedir, paste0(id, '.obj'))
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("s = m.export('%s')",ff), ...)
# this means that we will have a mesh3d object
neuron$mesh3d = mesh
class(neuron) = union("neuronmesh", class(neuron))
neuron$id = basename(gsub("\\.obj","",id))
#' @rdname skeletor
#' @export
reroot_hairball <- function(x,
k.soma.search = 10,
radius.soma.search = 2500,
brain = NULL){
# Get end and branch points, as vectors
e = nat::endpoints(x)
pin = !nat::pointsinside(x = x$d, surf = brain)
pin[is.na(pin)||is.infinite(pin)||is.nan(pin)] = FALSE
ins = c(1:nrow(x$d))[pin]
ee = intersect(e, ins)
d = nat::dotprops(x)
v = d$vect[e,]
p = d$points[e,]
# Find new root
root = e
# Find those within range
near=knn(p, query = p, k = k.soma.search, eps = 0, searchtype = 1L, radius = radius.soma.search)
idx = near$nn.idx[,-1]
dists = near$nn.dists[,-1]
dists[is.infinite(dists)] = radius.soma.search
rownames(idx) = rownames(v) = rownames(dists) = e
dists = dists[apply(idx,1,function(r) sum(r>0)>1),]
idx = idx[apply(idx,1,function(r) sum(r>0)>3),]
# Asses vector direction
l = lapply(rownames(idx), function(r) sum(abs(apply(v[idx[r,],],1,function(vr) crossprod3D(vr, v[r,],i=3) ) )))
u = unlist(l)
root = rownames(idx)[which.max(u)]
# Re-root neuron
somid = x$d$PointNo[match(root, 1:nrow(x$d))]
y = nat::as.neuron(nat::as.ngraph(x$d), origin = somid)
y$tags$soma = somid
y$tags$soma.edit = "estimated"
# hidden
crossprod3D <- function(x, y, i=1:3) {
# Project inputs into 3D, since the cross product only makes sense in 3D.
To3D <- function(x) utils::head(c(x, rep(0, 3)), 3)
x <- To3D(x)
y <- To3D(y)
# Indices should be treated cyclically (i.e., index 4 is "really" index 1, and
# so on). Index3D() lets us do that using R's convention of 1-based (rather
# than 0-based) arrays.
Index3D <- function(i) (i - 1) %% 3 + 1
# The i'th component of the cross product is:
# (x[i + 1] * y[i + 2]) - (x[i + 2] * y[i + 1])
# as long as we treat the indices cyclically.
return (x[Index3D(i + 1)] * y[Index3D(i + 2)] -
x[Index3D(i + 2)] * y[Index3D(i + 1)])
#' @rdname skeletor
#' @export
download_neuron_obj <- function(segments,
save.obj = getwd(),
ratio = 1,
py_cloudvolume(cloudvolume.url, ...)
neurons = nat::neuronlist()
message("Saving .obj files in: ", save.obj)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " downloading [:bar] :current/:total eta: :eta",
total = length(segments), clear = FALSE, show_after = 1)
for(id in segments){
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("id=%s",id), ...)
counter = 3 # we'll try 3 times
res = try(reticulate::py_run_string("m = vol.mesh.get(id, deduplicate_chunk_boundaries=False)[id]", ...), silent=TRUE)
counter = counter - 1
reticulate::py_run_string("m = tm.Trimesh(m.vertices, m.faces)", ...)
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("m = sk.pre.simplify(m, ratio=%s)",ratio), ...)
ff=file.path(save.obj, paste0(id, '.obj'))
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("s = m.export('%s')",ff), ...)
#' Get flywire IDs that map onto CATMAID neurons
#' @description Provide this function with a CATMAID query (skeleton IDs or an
#' annotation term, as you could provide to \code{catmaid::catmaid_skids}) or
#' a \code{nat::neuronlist} object in FAFB14 space, and it will return a
#' ranked list of flywire IDs that map onto the given neuron(s).
#' @param search one or more skids or a CATMAID query expression. Else, a
#' neuronlist of neurons in FAFB14 space.
#' @param only.root only return one \code{root_id} at the location of the root node
#' of the given CATMAID neuron(s)..
#' @param only.biggest only return one \code{root_id} per CATMAID \code{skid}
#' i.e. the biggest overlapping fragment.
#' @param OmitFailures logical, whether to omit neurons that cannot be read from CATMAID.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{nat::nlapply}.
#' @inheritParams catmaid::read.neuron.catmaid
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of ranked flywire IDs, and the number of points
#' in each CATMAID neuron that maps to that ID.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # a specific skid
#' df=fafb14_to_flywire_ids(16)
#' head(df)
#' # Get neurons from a specific CATMAID environment
#' ## See catmaid package help for details on how to 'login'
#' # This is the Drosophila anatomy ontology identifier for DL1
#' # adult antennal lobe projection neuron DL1 adPN
#' # see \url{https://virtualflybrain.org} for details.
#' hits=fafb14_to_flywire_ids(search="FBbt:00067353", conn=catmaid::vfbcatmaid())
#' head(hits)
#' }
#' @export
fafb14_to_flywire_ids <- function(search,
only.root = FALSE,
only.biggest = FALSE,
pid = 1L,
conn = NULL,
fetch.annotations = FALSE,
OmitFailures = FALSE,
neurons = search
}else if(nat::is.neuron(search)){
neurons = nat::as.neuronlist(search)
skids = catmaid::catmaid_skids(search, pid=pid, conn=conn, several.ok=TRUE)
neurons = nlapply(skids, robust_read_catmaid_neuron, pid=pid, conn=conn, OmitFailures = OmitFailures)
neurons = neurons[unlist(sapply(neurons,nat::is.neuron))]
fw.df = nat::nlapply(X = neurons, FUN = fafb14_to_flywire_ids_timed.neuron, only.root=only.root, only.biggest=only.biggest, OmitFailures = OmitFailures, ...)
df = do.call(rbind, fw.df)
df = df[order(df$hits, decreasing = TRUE),]
rownames(df) = NULL
# private function capable of dealing with single node neurons
robust_read_catmaid_neuron <- function(skid, pid = 1L, conn = NULL, ...) {
n=try(catmaid::read.neuron.catmaid(skid, pid=pid, conn=conn, ...), silent = T)
if(inherits(n, 'try-error')) {
r=catmaid::catmaid_get_compact_skeleton(skid, pid=pid, conn=conn, ...)
n=structure(list(d=r$nodes, skid=skid, StartPoint=1), class='neuron')
# hidden
fafb14_to_flywire_ids.neuron <- function(x,
only.root = FALSE,
only.biggest = FALSE
count = 0
pos.orig = nat::xyzmatrix(x)
pos = matrix(pos.orig[nat::rootpoints(x),], ncol = 3)
pos = nat::xyzmatrix(x)
fw.xyz = nat.templatebrains::xform_brain(pos, sample = "FAFB14", reference = "FlyWire", OmitFailures = FALSE, Verbose=FALSE)
fw.ids = suppressWarnings(flywire_xyz2id(fw.xyz, rawcoords = FALSE))
if (only.root){
if(fw.ids == "0"){
while (count < 10 & fw.ids=="0"){
p = sample(1:nrow(pos.orig),1)
pos = matrix(pos.orig[p,], ncol = 3)
fw.xyz = nat.templatebrains::xform_brain(pos, sample = "FAFB14", reference = "FlyWire", OmitFailures = FALSE, Verbose=FALSE)
fw.ids = suppressWarnings(flywire_xyz2id(fw.xyz, rawcoords = FALSE))
count = count + 1
fw.ids = fw.ids[!fw.ids%in%"0"]
df = as.data.frame(table(as.character(fw.ids)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df = df[order(df$Freq, decreasing = TRUE),]
df$skid = ifelse(length(skid), skid, NA_character_)
colnames(df) = c("root_id","hits","skid")
}else if (only.root){
df$fw.xyz = paste_coords(fw.xyz)
df$hits = "other"
df$hits = "root"
# hidden
fafb14_to_flywire_ids_timed.neuron <- function(x=x, only.root = FALSE, only.biggest=FALSE, cpu = Inf, elapsed = 3000, error = NA){
try_with_time_limit(fafb14_to_flywire_ids.neuron(x,only.root=only.root,only.biggest=only.biggest), cpu = cpu, elapsed = elapsed)
# hidden
paste_coords <- function(xyz, sep = ", ", brackets = TRUE){
# hidden
subtree <- function(neuron, subtree = 1){
v = unique(unlist(neuron$SubTrees[subtree]))
neuron = nat::prune_vertices(neuron, verticestoprune = v, invert = TRUE)
# hidden
#' @importFrom nat neuronlist as.neuronlist
subtree.neuronlist <- function(someneuronlist, subtree = 1){
neurons.fragments = neuronlist()
for(id in names(someneuronlist)){
neuron = someneuronlist[id][[1]]
df = someneuronlist[id,]
for(t in 1:neuron$nTrees){
subt = subtree(neuron, subtree = t)
subt = neuron
subt = as.neuronlist(subt)
attr(subt,"df") = df
names(subt) = paste0(id,"_",t)
neurons.fragments = c(neurons.fragments, subt)
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