
#' Download a dataset from the WorldPopUK site
#' This function downloads a dataset in .tif format from the WorldPopUK
#' This function is intended to be used following the getWPdatatypes() and
#' getWPoptions() functions as the inputs for getWPdownload() are given by the
#' previous two functions.
#' As a bonus and to make matching WorldPop sets easier, this function contains
#' correction algorithms to standardize country names to match WorldPop UK sets
#' (i.e. WorldPop has "Côte d'Ivoire", you can type "Ivory Coast" and it will
#' return the WorldPop Côte d'Ivoire set). This function adds a dataframe of
#' the available sets called WP.options to your working environment.
#' @param countryname (character), the name of a country you want to see what
#' data is avaialble from WorldPop for. e.g. \code{“Tanzania”}
#' @param datatype (character), the datatype you would like to see what options
#' are available for WorldPop UK data. The available datatypes can be attained
#' with the function getWPdatatypes() Example datatypes: \code{“Population”} or
#' \code{“Stunting”}
#' @param options (character), the options of the tif dataset you would like to
#' download. The available options can be attained with the function
#' getWPoptions() e.g. \code{“ppp”} or \code{c(“F”, "interdecile")}
#' @param year (numeric), the year of the dataset you would like to download.
#' Available years are given by the getWPoptions() function.
#' If a dataset on WorldPop is not year coded in the filename you will need to
#' type 9999 for the year. This is indicated by the getWPoptions() function.
#' e.g. \code{2015} or \code{9999}
#' @author Neal Thomas Barsch
#' @references WorldPop UK data are attained through the WorldPop UK website.
#' These data are licensensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
#' License. \url{http://www.worldpop.org.uk/}.
#' Eternal grattitude to StackOverflow member hrbrmstr without whom this
#' function would not have been possible.
#' @examples
#' getWPdownload("Tanzania", "Births", "pp", 2015)
#' #Example that has year 9999 and multiple options
#' getWPdownload("Nigeria", "Stunting", c("F", "interdecile"), 9999)
#' ###Full Example 1###
#' #see available Tanzania sets
#' getWPdatatypes("Tanzania")
#' #see available options for Tanzania Births Set
#' getWPoptions("Tanzania", "Births")
#' #Download as above with included options
#' getWPdownload("Tanzania", "Births", "pp", 2015)
#' ###Full Example 2###
#' getWPdatatypes("Nigeria")
#' #see available options for Nigeria Stunting Set
#' getWPoptions("Nigeria", "Stunting")
#' #Download as above with included options for uncertainty map
#' getWPdownload("Nigeria", "Stunting", c("F", "interdecile"), 9999)
#' #or for the dataset NOT the uncertainty map
#' getWPdownload("Nigeria", "Stunting", "F", 9999)
#' @export getWPdownload
getWPdownload <- function (country, datatype, options, year)  {
  ###standardize country name, takes care of stuff like Bolivia (Plurinational State of) or countries with accented chars like Côte d'Ivoire
  country <- standardizeCountry(paste(country),fuzzyDist=30)
  year <- as.numeric(year)
  optionschosen <- paste(options, collapse = '-')

  # Need to "prime" the session with a cookie
  res <- GET(url="http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/data_sources/")
  # Get the page contents
  pg <- content(res)
  # Find the summary links
  summary_link_nodes <- html_nodes(pg, xpath=".//a[contains(@href,'summary')]")
  map(summary_link_nodes, html_nodes, xpath=".//../..") %>%
    map(html_children) %>%
    map(html_text) %>%
    map(~.[1:4]) %>%
    map(as.list) %>%
    map_df(set_names, c("continent", "country", "resolution", "data_type")) %>%
        summary_link = sprintf("http://www.worldpop.org.uk%s", html_attr(summary_link_nodes, "href"))
    ) -> world_pop_data
  world_pop_data$data_type <- gsub("Urban change", "UrbanChange", world_pop_data$data_type)
  world_pop_data$data_type <- gsub("Maternal and Newborn Health", "MaternalNewbornHealth", world_pop_data$data_type)
  world_pop_data$data_type <- gsub("Contraceptive Use", "ContraceptiveUse", world_pop_data$data_type)
  world_pop_data$data_type <- gsub("Age structures", "AgeStructures", world_pop_data$data_type)
  world_pop_data$data_type <- gsub("Dynamic Population", "DynamicPopulation", world_pop_data$data_type)
  countryreference <- as.data.frame(world_pop_data)
  countryreference <- countryreference[,c(1,2,4)]
  countryreference <- countryreference[!(countryreference$country)=="N/A",]
  world_pop_data <- world_pop_data[!(world_pop_data$country)=="N/A",]

  ###Filter country names so they match the desired country
  ###There is probably a better way to do this but I had this code from standardizing country name lists for matching a while back
  countryreference$CountryStandard <- standardizeCountry(countryreference[,"country"], fuzzyDist=20)
  countryreference$CountryEdit <- gsub("[()]", "", countryreference$country)
  countryreference$CountryEdit2 <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",as.character(countryreference$country))
  foreach(a=1:nrow(countryreference)) %do% {
      countryreference[a,"CountryStandard"] <- standardizeCountry(countryreference[a,"CountryEdit"], fuzzyDist=20)
        countryreference[a,"CountryStandard"] <- standardizeCountry(countryreference[a,"CountryEdit2"], fuzzyDist=20)
          countryreference[a,"CountryStandard"] <- toupper(countryreference[a,"country"])
  exists <- isTRUE(paste(country) %in% as.character(countryreference$CountryStandard))
    print("It appears this country is not in the WorldPop set, please check and try again")
  countryreference <- countryreference[,c(1,4,3)]
  world_pop_data$CountryStandard <- countryreference[,2]
  world_pop_data <- world_pop_data[,c(1,6,2,3,4,5)]
  countryreference <- suppressMessages(dcast(countryreference, continent+CountryStandard ~ data_type))
  countryreference <- filter(countryreference, countryreference$CountryStandard==country)
  countryreference <- countryreference[,colSums(is.na(countryreference))<nrow(countryreference)]
  #Filter Country Desired
  world_pop_data <- filter(world_pop_data, CountryStandard %in% countryreference$CountryStandard)
  world_pop_data <- filter(world_pop_data, data_type==paste(datatype))

  ##Get country link
  dataset_link <- as.character(world_pop_data[1,"summary_link"])

  #Follow the country URL for worldpop#
  GET(url=dataset_link) -> res2
  pg2 <- content(res2)

  # extract "form" fields (that page does a POST request)
  fields <- html_nodes(pg2, "form#conform > input")
  fields <- set_names(xml_attr(fields, "value"), html_attr(fields, "name"))

  ###Submit the form with the field data
    url = "http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/download/",
    add_headers(`Referer` = dataset_link),
    body = list(
      client_first_name = "",
      client_last_name = "",
      client_organization = "",
      client_country = "",
      client_email = "",
      client_message = "",
      zip_id = fields["zip_id"],
      zip_title = fields["zip_title"],
      decoy = fields["decoy"],
      website = "",
      download = "Browse Individual Files"
    encode = "form"
  ) -> res3

  # find the link that has the file list
  pg3 <- content(res3)
  html_nodes(pg3, xpath=".//a[contains(., 'switch to')]") %>%
    html_attr("href") -> file_list_query_string

  # follow that link (we need to use some of the previous captured fields)
    url = "http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/files/index.php",
    query = list(
      dataset = fields["zip_id"],
      action = "dir"
  ) -> res4

  ###Get the datasets on the page###
  pg4 <- content(res4)
    group_name = html_nodes(pg4, "a.dl") %>% html_text(),
    href = html_nodes(pg4, "a.dl") %>% html_attr("href")
  ) -> downloads

  ###Ditch non tif section
  downloads$istif <- str_sub(downloads$group_name,-4,-1)
  #Some such as senegal are inexplicably .TIF
  downloads$istif <- tolower(downloads$istif)
  downloads <- filter(downloads, istif==".tif")

  ###WorldPop decided to have super inconsistent filenames

  pg4charfile <- as.character(downloads[1,"group_name"])
  pg4charfile <- gsub(' {1,}','',pg4charfile)
    if(grepl("\\d", pg4charfile)==TRUE){
      char4 <- substr(pg4charfile,4,4)
      char6 <-substr(pg4charfile,6,6)
      char9 <-substr(pg4charfile,9,9)
      char11 <-substr(pg4charfile,11,11)
      char4num <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(char4)))
      char6num <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(char6)))
      char9num <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(char9)))
      char11num <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(char11)))
      if(char4num==TRUE & char6num==TRUE){
        downloads$years <-substr(downloads$group_name,4,7)

      if(char4num==TRUE & char6num==FALSE){
        downloads$years <-substr(downloads$group_name,4,5)
        getfouryear <- function (yearsvec)  {
          yrFlip = 50
          yearsvec <- as.numeric(yearsvec)
          yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] + 1900
          yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] + 2000
        downloads$years <- getfouryear(downloads$years)
      if(char9num==FALSE & char11num==TRUE){
        downloads$years <-substr(downloads$group_name,11,12)
        getfouryear <- function (yearsvec)  {
          yrFlip = 50
          yearsvec <- as.numeric(yearsvec)
          yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] + 1900
          yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] + 2000
        downloads$years <- getfouryear(downloads$years)
      if(char4num==FALSE & char6num==FALSE & char9num==TRUE){
        downloads$years <- str_extract(downloads$group_name, "\\d{4}")
      if(char4num==FALSE & char6num==FALSE & char9num==FALSE & char11num==FALSE){
        downloads$years <- str_extract(downloads$group_name, "\\d{4}")
    }else{downloads$years <- 9999}
    downloads$years<- as.numeric(substr(downloads$group_name,7,8))
    getfouryear <- function (yearsvec)  {
      yrFlip = 50
      yearsvec <- as.numeric(yearsvec)
      yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec > yrFlip] + 1900
      yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] <- yearsvec[yearsvec < yrFlip] + 2000
    downloads$years <- getfouryear(downloads$years)
  downloads <- downloads[!is.na(downloads$years),]

  ###Possible Options due to the inexplicable nature of their inconsistent file names
  possopt <- c("_pph_", "_ppp_", "_pp_", "uncert", "adj","_M.",  "_M_","_F.", "_F_",
               "interdecile", "povsd", "125", "200","wpipov", "ppipov", "incpov",
               "mpipov", "ANC", "SBA", "PNC",
               "A0005", "A0510", "A1015",
               "A1520", "A2025", "A2530",
               "A3035", "A3540", "A4045",
               "A4550", "A5055", "A5560",
               "A6065", "A65PL")
  opttext <- c("Persons per hectare", "Persons per pixel", "per pixel", " uncertainty dataset showing 95% credible intervals",
               "adjusted to match UN estimates", "MALE", "MALE", "FEMALE", "FEMALE", "Uncertainty map", "poverty standard deviation map", "$1.25/day",
               "$2.00/day", "mean wealth index", "mean likelihood of living in poverty per grid square", "Income estimate USD per grid square", "%poverty by Multidimensional Poverty Index",
               "prob of four or more antenatal care visits at time of delivery", "prob of skilled birth attendance during delivery", "prob of postnatal care received within 48 hours of delivery",
               "number of people age 0-5","number of people age 5-10","number of people age 10-15","number of people age 15-20",
               "number of people age 20-25","number of people age 25-30","number of people age 30-35",
               "number of people age 35-40","number of people age 40-45","number of people age 45-50",
               "number of people age 50-55","number of people age 55-60", "number of people age 60-65",
               "number of people age 65+")
  possoptdf <- data.frame(possopt, opttext, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  groupsubstr <- str_sub(downloads$group_name,4,-4)

  ###get options for each file from the worldpop selected country and datatype###
  optionsforchoice<-foreach(a=1:nrow(downloads), .combine=rbind)%do%{
    theoptions<- foreach(b=1:length(opttext), .combine=cbind)%do%{
      matchoopt <- str_detect(downloads[a,"group_name"],coll(possopt[b]))
      if(matchoopt==TRUE){result <-possopt[b]}
      if(matchoopt==FALSE){result<- NA}
        mistake <- str_detect(downloads[a,"group_name"],"\\d{4}")
        if(mistake==TRUE){result <- NA}
  ###get rid of all the nonoptions for selection
  optionsforchoice<-do.call(rbind,lapply(1:nrow(optionsforchoice),function(x) t(matrix(optionsforchoice[x,order(is.na(optionsforchoice[x,]))])) ))
  optionsforchoice <- as.data.frame(optionsforchoice, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  optionsforchoice <- optionsforchoice[,colSums(is.na(optionsforchoice))<nrow(optionsforchoice)]
  downloads <- cbind(downloads,optionsforchoice)
  optiters <- as.data.frame(optionsforchoice)
  optiters <- ncol(optiters)
  ###join all the options so they can be displayed
    downloads <- merge(downloads, possoptdf, by.x=paste0("V",a), by.y="possopt", all.x=TRUE)
    coltochange <- ncol(downloads)
    colnames(downloads)[coltochange] <- paste0("possopt",a)

  downloads$years <- as.numeric(downloads$years)
  downloads <- downloads[order(downloads$years),]
  ##Subsetting downloads to columns that only contain possopt
  downpossopt <- downloads[ ,  grepl( "possopt" , colnames( downloads ) ) ]
  downpossopt <- as.data.frame(downpossopt)
  downpossopt$code <- c(1:nrow(downpossopt))
  downloads$code <- c(1:nrow(downloads))
  rownames(downloads) <- c(1:nrow(downloads))
  rownames(downpossopt) <- c(1:nrow(downpossopt))
    colnames(downpossopt) <- "possopt1"}
  downpossopt <- cbind(downloads$years, downpossopt)
  names(downpossopt)[names(downpossopt) == 'downloads$years'] <- 'years'
  names(downpossopt)[names(downpossopt) == 'V1'] <- 'years'

  ###get the right codes for the function
  possoptcodes <- c("pph", "ppp", "pp",
                    "uncert", "adj","M",
                    "M","F", "F", "interdecile",
                    "povsd", "125", "200","wpipov",
                    "ppipov", "incpov", "mpipov",
                    "ANC", "SBA", "PNC",
                    "00_05", "05_10", "10_15",
                    "15_20", "20_25", "25_30",
                    "30_35", "35_40", "40_45",
                    "45_50", "50_55", "55_60",
                    "60_65", "65PL"
  possoptcodes <- as.data.frame(cbind(possoptcodes, opttext))
  possoptcodes <- possoptcodes[c(1:6,8,10:nrow(possoptcodes)),]
  names(downpossopt)[names(downpossopt) == 'downpossopt'] <- 'possopt1'
    downpossopt <- merge(downpossopt, possoptcodes, by.x=paste0("possopt",a), by.y="opttext", all.x=TRUE)
    coltochange <- ncol(downpossopt)
    colnames(downpossopt)[coltochange] <- paste0("OptionCode",a)
  downpossopt <- as.data.frame(downpossopt)
  downpossopt <- downpossopt[order(downpossopt$code),]
  downpossopt <- downpossopt[,c(which(colnames(downpossopt)=="possopt1"),which(colnames(downpossopt)!="possopt1"))]
  downpossopt <- downpossopt[,c(which(colnames(downpossopt)=="years"),which(colnames(downpossopt)!="years"))]
  downpossopt$country <- countryreference[1,"CountryStandard"]
  downpossopt <- downpossopt[,c(which(colnames(downpossopt)=="country"),which(colnames(downpossopt)!="country"))]
  row.names(downpossopt) <- c(1:nrow(downpossopt))
  downpossoptcodes <- downpossopt[ ,  grepl( "OptionCode" , colnames( downpossopt ) ) ]
  downpossoptcodes <- as.data.frame(downpossoptcodes)
    downpossoptcodes <- data.frame(x=apply(downpossoptcodes,1,function(x) {paste(x[!is.na(x)],collapse='-')}))
  colnames(downpossoptcodes) <- "optionspossible"
  downloads <- as.data.frame(cbind(downloads, downpossoptcodes))
  downloads <- filter(downloads, downloads$years==year)
    downloads2 <- filter(downloads, downloads$optionspossible==optionschosen)
    if(is.na(downloads2[1,1]) & length(options)>1){
      optionschosen <- paste0(options[2],"-", options[1], collapse='')
      downloads2 <- filter(downloads, downloads$optionspossible==optionschosen)
  }else{downloads2 <- filter(downloads, is.na(downloads$optionspossible))}

  readme_query_stringdownload <- as.character(downloads2[1,"href"])

    url = "http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/files/index.php",
    query = parse_url(readme_query_stringdownload)$query,
    write_disk(paste0(country,"_", datatype,"_", paste(options, collapse="_"),"_",year, ".tif"), overwrite=TRUE)
  )-> res5
nbarsch/spaceheater documentation built on Sept. 3, 2021, 6:13 a.m.