
## Coercition methods

as.data.frame.SoilProfile <- function(x, ...)  {
  # ID (always defined)
  df_id <- data.frame(rep(x@id, times = nrow(x)))
  names(df_id) <- names(x@id)
  # Depths (always defined)
  df_depths <- data.frame(x@depths)
  # Spatial point
  if (.hasSpatialPoint(x)) {
    df_sp <- as.data.frame(coordinates(x@sp))
    # replicate coordinates for each hz
    df_sp <- ldply(1:nrow(x), function(x) df_sp)
  } else {
    df_sp <- NULL
  # Horizon data
  if (nrow(horizons(x)) > 0) {
    df_hz <- horizons(x)
  } else {
    df_hz <- NULL
  # Site data
  if (nrow(site(x)) > 0) {
    df_site <- site(x)
    # replicate site data for each hz
    df_site <- ldply(1:nrow(x), function(x) df_site)
  } else {
    df_site <- NULL
  l_df <- list(df_id, df_depths, df_sp, df_hz, df_site)
  # Eliminate NULL fields
  l_df <- l_df[which(laply(l_df, function(x) !is.null(x)))]
  do.call('cbind', c(l_df, row.names = NULL))

setAs("SoilProfile", "data.frame", function(from)

as.data.frame.SPC <- function(x, ...) {
  data.frame( do.call('rbind', lapply(profiles(x), as.data.frame)) , row.names = NULL)

setAs("SPC", "data.frame", function(from)

as.SoilProfileCollection.SPC <- function(from) {
  # Get col names of SPC slots
  nm <- list(
    id = unique(laply(profiles(from), function(x) names(x@id))),
    depths = colnames(do.call(rbind, depths(from))),
    site = names(site(from)),
    sp = colnames(coordinates(from)),
    p4s = proj4string(from)
  .depths_aqp <- getMethod('depths<-', 'data.frame', "package:aqp")
  .site_aqp <- getMethod('site<-', 'SoilProfileCollection', "package:aqp")
  f_depths <- as.formula(paste(nm$id, "~", paste(nm$depths, collapse = "+")))
  # Convert from to df
  df <- as.data.frame(from)
  # Initiate SoilProfileCollection object from data.frame
  # extract components of formula: 1. user id, 2. top, 3. bottom
  mf <- model.frame(f_depths, df)
  # get column names containing id, top, bottom
  nm_from <- names(mf)
  # re-order data: IDs, top hz depths
  new.order <- order(df[[nm_from[1]]], df[[nm_from[2]]])
  # check for factor-class ID
  if(inherits(df[[nm_from[1]]], 'factor')) {
    warning('converting IDs from factor to character', call.=FALSE)
    df[[nm_from[1]]] <- as.character(df[[nm_from[1]]])
  # create object
  spc <- SoilProfileCollection(idcol = nm_from[1], depthcols = c(nm_from[2], nm_from[3]), horizons = df[new.order, , drop = FALSE])
  # add default metadata: depths are cm
  spc@metadata <- data.frame(depth_units = 'cm', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # add default site data: profile IDs in same order as hz
  site.temp <- data.frame(xxx = aqp::profile_id(spc), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(site.temp) <- aqp::idname(spc)
  spc@site <- site.temp
  # Initiate site slot if present
  if (length(nm$site) > 0) {
    f_site <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(nm$site, collapse = "+")))
    spc <- .site_aqp(spc, f_site)
  # Initiate sp slot if present
  if (length(nm$sp) > 0) {
    .coordinates_aqp <- getMethod('coordinates<-', 'SoilProfileCollection', "package:aqp")
    .proj4string_aqp <- getMethod('proj4string<-', 'SoilProfileCollection', "package:aqp")
    f_sp <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(nm$sp, collapse = "+")))
    # Put coords in site data
    mf_sp <- data.frame(
      spc@horizons[, aqp::idname(spc), drop = FALSE], 
      model.frame(f_sp, spc@horizons, na.action=na.pass), 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE # don't automatically make strings into factors
    new_site_data <- ddply(mf_sp, aqp::idname(spc), function(x) unique(x[, nm$sp]))
    # if site data is already present in the object, we don't want to erase it
    spc@site <- join(aqp::site(spc), new_site_data, by = aqp::idname(spc))
    # Set coordinates and proj4string
    spc <- .coordinates_aqp(spc, f_sp)
    spc <- .proj4string_aqp(spc, proj4string(from))

setAs("SPC", "SoilProfileCollection", function(from)
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:38 p.m.