

depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom

# how can we compute entropy from continuous variables?
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_entropy
# http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/entropy/

# calculation for continuous random vars based on binning / counts
# http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/entropy/entropy.pdf

## this isn't correct, and barfs when there is < 90% data available
f.entropy <- function(v) {
  # compute density, will use to map values -> probabilities
  # density has constraints on non-NA sample size
  d <- density(v, na.rm = TRUE, bw=1)
  # map values -> p via density estimation
  f <- splinefun(d)
  p <- f(v)
  # ... this doesn't sum to 1, density() is only approximate
  # shannon entropy is based on probabilities... which sum to 1
  h <- -sum(p * log(p, base=length(p)))
  # return fake lower / upper
  res <- c(value=h, lower=NA, upper=NA)

f.sig.to.noise <- function(v) {
  res <- mean(v, na.rm=TRUE) / sd(v, na.rm=TRUE)
  # return fake lower / upper
  res <- c(value=res, lower=NA, upper=NA)

# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartile_coefficient_of_dispersion
# http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/38635/ratio-of-range-to-iqr-vs-coefficient-of-variation-which-is-the-more-useful-r
f.qcd <- function(v) {
  res <- IQR(v, na.rm=TRUE) / median(v, na.rm=TRUE)
  # return fake lower / upper
  res <- c(value=res, lower=NA, upper=NA)

## this isn't possible as slab functions can only "see" the current slab
# QCD of z-scores ?

mean.and.sd <- function(values) {
  m <- mean(values, na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- sd(values, na.rm=TRUE)
  upper <- m + s
  lower <- m - s
  res <- c(value=m, lower=lower, upper=upper)

## does this make sense?
# simulate a no-information, baseline QCD, from all original, sliced values
no.information.qcd <- function(i, n.slices=101){
  # "i" is a chunk of data.frame
  x <- i$value
  # remove NA
  not.NA.idx <- which(!is.na(x))
  x <- x[not.NA.idx]
  # remove O's
  non.zero.idx <- which(x != 0)
  x <- x[non.zero.idx]
  # this is the mean QCD over then entire set of property 'x'
  qcd <- IQR(x) / median(x)
  # this is the sum of mean QCD over the number of depth slices
  qcd.sum <- qcd * n.slices
  d <- data.frame(mean.ni.qcd=qcd, sum.ni.qcd=qcd.sum)

## weighted mean QCD, weighted by contributing fraction
## must remove 0's and NA before computing weighted mean QCD
## when n=1, IQR = 0 => QCD = 0
wtd.mean.qcd <- function(i){
  # "i" is a chunk of data.frame
  x <- i$value
  w <- i$contributing_fraction
  # remove NA
  not.NA.idx <- which(!is.na(x))
  x <- x[not.NA.idx]
  w <- w[not.NA.idx]
  # remove O's
  non.zero.idx <- which(x != 0)
  x <- x[non.zero.idx]
  w <- w[non.zero.idx]
  res <- wtd.mean(x, weights=w, na.rm=TRUE)
  #   ## this doesn't make much sense...
  #   # normalize to some kind of baseline
  #   n <- length(x)
  #   r <- sample(x, size=n * 100, prob = w, replace = TRUE)
  #   base.qcd <- IQR(r) / median(r)
  d <- data.frame(wt.mean.qcd=res)

## weighted sum QCD
## must remove 0's and NA before computing weighted mean QCD
## when n=1, IQR = 0 => QCD = 0
wtd.sum.qcd <- function(i){
  # "i" is a chunk of data.frame
  x <- i$value
  w <- i$contributing_fraction
  # remove NA
  not.NA.idx <- which(!is.na(x))
  x <- x[not.NA.idx]
  w <- w[not.NA.idx]
  # remove O's
  non.zero.idx <- which(x != 0)
  x <- x[non.zero.idx]
  w <- w[non.zero.idx]
  # compute weighted sum
  res <- sum(x * w)
  #   ## this doesn't make much sense...
  #   # normalize to some kind of baseline,
  #   # re-sampled sum(QCD) from 10x original number of slices
  #   n <- length(x)
  #   s <- replicate(n, sample(x, size=n*10, prob = w, replace = TRUE))
  #   base.qcd <- sum(apply(s, 2, function(i) IQR(i) / median(i)))
  d <- data.frame(wt.sum.qcd=res)

# compute some "information" metrics
a <- slab(sp3,  ~ clay + A + cec + ph, slab.fun = mean.and.sd, slab.structure = 0:100)
a.1 <- slab(sp3,  ~ clay + A + cec + ph, slab.fun = f.entropy, slab.structure = 0:100)
a.2 <- slab(sp3, ~ clay + A + cec + ph, slab.fun = f.sig.to.noise, slab.structure = 0:100)
a.3 <- slab(sp3, ~ clay + A + cec + ph, slab.fun = f.qcd, slab.structure = 0:100)

# combine
g <- make.groups(summary = a, entropy = a.1, sig.to.noise = a.2, qcd = a.3)
g$which <- factor(g$which, labels = c('Mean +/- 1SD', 'psuedo-Entropy', 'Signal : Noise', 'QCD'))

.tps <- tactile.theme(superpose.line=list(lwd=2, col=c('RoyalBlue', 'Orange2')))

p <- xyplot(
  top ~ value | which + variable, data=g,
  lower=g$lower, upper=g$upper, sync.colors=TRUE, alpha=0.5,
  ylab='Depth (cm)',
  ylim=c(100,-5), layout=c(5,3), scales=list(x=list(relation='free')),
  par.settings = .tps,
  auto.key=list(columns=2, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE)

## not quite right, as x-axis shouldn't float...
useOuterStrips(p, strip=strip.custom(bg=grey(0.85)), strip.left = strip.custom(horizontal=FALSE, bg=grey(0.85)))

## a "no-information QCD" must be computed from the raw data, by depth-slice
s <- dice(sp3, fm = 0:100 ~ clay + A + cec + ph, SPC = FALSE)
s.long <- melt(s, id.vars = c('top', 'bottom'), measure.vars = c('clay', 'A', 'cec', 'ph'))

qcd.ni <- lapply(split(s.long, s.long$variable), no.information.qcd)

## compute weighted mean and weighted sum QCD by variable
## note that these must be standardized by slice-wise "no-information" QCD
# wm.qcd <- ddply(a.3, 'variable', .fun=wtd.mean.qcd)
# ws.qcd <- ddply(a.3, 'variable', .fun=wtd.sum.qcd)
# ### does this make sense?
# # join QCD summaries to "no-information" baseline
# ss <- join(join(wm.qcd, ws.qcd), qcd.ni)
# transform(ss, mean.qcd=wt.mean.qcd / mean.ni.qcd, sum.qcd=wt.sum.qcd / sum.ni.qcd)
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 7:22 a.m.