
Defines functions requestLogSummary cacheLogSummary loadLogfile startLog halt responseStatusLog logMessage

Documented in cacheLogSummary halt loadLogfile logMessage requestLogSummary startLog

#' Log a message
#' @param ... Strings to pass to [base::cat()]
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
logMessage <- function(...) {
  logfile <- getOption("httpcache.log")
  if (!is.null(logfile)) {
    msg <- paste(strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS3"), ...)
    cat(msg, "\n", sep = "", file = logfile, append = TRUE)

responseStatusLog <- function(response) {
  # Log message content for a HTTP response
  req <- response$request
    response$headers[["content-length"]] %||% "NA",
    paste(round(response$times, 3), collapse = " ")

#' Stop, log, and no call
#' Wrapper around [base::stop()] that logs the error message and then stops
#' with `call. = FALSE` by default.
#' @param ... arguments passed to `stop`
#' @param call. logical: print the call? Default is `FALSE`, unlike `stop`
#' @return Nothing. Raises an error.
#' @export
halt <- function(..., call. = FALSE) {
  msg <- gsub("\n", " ", ..1)
  logMessage("ERROR", msg)
  stop(..., call. = call.)

#' Enable logging
#' @param filename character: a filename/path where the log can be written out.
#' If `""`, messages will print to `stdout` (the screen). See [base::cat()].
#' @param append logical: if the file already exists, append to it? Default
#' is `FALSE`, and if not in append mode, if the `filename` exists,
#' it will be deleted.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
startLog <- function(filename = "", append = FALSE) {
  options(httpcache.log = filename)
  if (!append && nchar(filename) && file.exists(filename)) {

#' Read in a httpcache log file
#' @param filename character name of the log file, passed to
#' [utils::read.delim()]
#' @param scope character optional means of selecting only certain log
#' messages. By default, only "CACHE" and "HTTP" log messages are kept. Other
#' logged messages, such as "ERROR" messages from [halt()], will be
#' dropped from the resulting data.frame.
#' @return A data.frame of log results.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
loadLogfile <- function(filename, scope = c("CACHE", "HTTP")) {
  df <- read.delim(filename, sep = " ", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  numeric.cols <- c(
    "status", "content_length", "redirect", "namelookup",
    "connect", "pretransfer", "starttransfer", "total"
  all.cols <- c("timestamp", "scope", "verb", "url", numeric.cols)
  # Don't let long error message lines distort our data.frame
  # But don't let a log that is only cache hits (and thus no status and
  # timing entries) break for being too short
  dfcols <- 1:min(ncol(df), length(all.cols))
  df <- df[, dfcols]
  names(df) <- all.cols[dfcols]
  df <- df[df$scope %in% scope, ] # Prune out-of-scope things
  df$timestamp <- strptime(df$timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")
  numerics <- intersect(c("status", numeric.cols), names(df))
  df[numerics] <- lapply(df[numerics], as.numeric)

#' Summarize cache performance from a log
#' @param logdf A logging data.frame, as loaded by [loadLogfile()].
#' @return A list containing counts of cache hit/set/drop events, plus a
#' cache hit rate.
#' @export
cacheLogSummary <- function(logdf) {
  df <- logdf[logdf$scope == "CACHE", ]
  counts <- table(df$verb)
    counts = counts,
    hit.rate = 100 * counts["HIT"] / sum(counts[c("HIT", "SET")])

#' Summarize HTTP requests from a log
#' @param logdf A logging data.frame, as loaded by [loadLogfile()].
#' @return A list containing counts of HTTP requests by verb, as well as
#' summaries of time spent waiting on HTTP requests.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head tail
requestLogSummary <- function(logdf) {
  total.time <- as.numeric(difftime(tail(logdf$timestamp, 1),
    head(logdf$timestamp, 1),
    units = "secs"
  df <- logdf[logdf$scope == "HTTP", ]
  counts <- table(df$verb)
  req.time <- sum(df$total, na.rm = TRUE)
  pct.http.time <- 100 * req.time / total.time
    counts = counts, req.time = req.time, total.time = total.time,
    pct.http.time = pct.http.time

# Borrowed from Hadley
"%||%" <- function(a, b) if (!is.null(a)) a else b
nealrichardson/httpcache documentation built on April 21, 2023, 3:41 p.m.