alpacaListToGo: GO term enrichment for a list of gene sets

View source: R/ALPACA.R

alpacaListToGoR Documentation

GO term enrichment for a list of gene sets


GO term enrichment is run using the GOstats package, and corrected for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg method.


alpacaListToGo(gene.list, univ.vec, comm.nums)



A list consisting of vectors of genes; genes must be identified by their official gene symbols.


A vector of all gene symbols that were present in the original network. This set is used as the universe for running the hypergeometric test in GOstats.


A vector of names for the gene sets in the input parameter "gene.list". These are used to create the table of final results.


A table whose rows represent enriched GO terms (p_adj<0.05) and columns describe useful properties, like the name of the GO term, the label of the gene set which is enriched in that GO term, the adjusted p-value and Odds Ratio.


a <- 1 # example place holder

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