domonster: MONSTER quick-start with pre-made regulatory networks

View source: R/MONSTER.R

domonsterR Documentation

MONSTER quick-start with pre-made regulatory networks


This function is a wrapper to simplify usage of the monster function in the case where the pair of regulatory networks to be contrasted have already been estimated, either as panda objects, or represented as an adjacency matrix with regulators in rows and genes in columns.


domonster(exp_graph, control_graph, nullPerms = 1000, numMaxCores = 3, ...)



matrix or PANDA object (generated by netzooR::panda); if matrix, should be the adjacency matrix for the network with regulators in rows and genes in columns, both named. This should be the network for the experimental (case) group.


matrix or PANDA object (generated by netzooR::panda); if matrix, should be the adjacency matrix for the network with regulators in rows and genes in columns, both named. This should be the network for the control (reference) group.


numeric; defaults to 1000. Number of null permutations to perform. See monster for more details.


numeric; defaults to 3. Maximum number of cores to use; will be the minimum of this number and the actual available cores. See monster for more details.


other arguments for monster may be passed.


monster object


# Generating PANDA networks for demonstration:
# For the purposes of this example, first partition the pandaToyData samples, then perform panda:
pandaResult_exp <- panda(pandaToyData$motif, pandaToyData$expression[,1:25], pandaToyData$ppi)
pandaResult_control <- panda(pandaToyData$motif, pandaToyData$expression[,26:50], pandaToyData$ppi)

# function takes both panda objects and matrices, or a mixture
monster_res1 <- domonster(pandaResult_exp, pandaResult_control, numMaxCores = 1)
monster_res2 <- domonster(pandaResult_exp@regNet, pandaResult_control@regNet, numMaxCores = 1)
monster_res3 <- domonster(pandaResult_exp@regNet, pandaResult_control, numMaxCores = 1)

netZoo/netZooR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 4:34 a.m.