
Defines functions timeseries2matrix

Documented in timeseries2matrix

#' Time-series image to matrix
#' Extract a matrix from a time-series image after applying a mask.
#' @param img Input image of type 'antsImage' or R array.
#' @param mask Input mask of type 'antsImage' or R array. In either case, the
#' number of voxels in the mask may be either equal to that of input image
#' 'img' or equal to number of voxels in one time unit of input image 'img'. In
#' the second case, the mask is reused for every time unit of the 'img'.  A
#' mask of n-labels will cause the function to return a matrix containing the
#' mean time series within each label.
#' @return Success -- an R matrix of dimensions ( dim(img)[length(dim(img))] ,
#' sum(mask==1) )\cr
#' @author Shrinidhi KL
#' @examples
#' img <- makeImage( c(10,10,10,5) , 0 )
#' # or use antsImageRead ...
#' mask <- array( 1 , dim(img)[1:3] )
#' mat <- timeseries2matrix( img , mask )
#' @export timeseries2matrix
timeseries2matrix <- function(img, mask) {
  mask = check_ants(mask)
  m = as.array(mask)
  labs <- sort(unique(m[m > 0.001]))
  if (!all( labs == round(labs) ))
    stop("Mask image must be binary or integer labels")
  if (length(labs) == 1) {
    logmask <- (m == 1)  
  } else {
    logmask <- (m > 0)
  i = as.array(img)
  # mat = apply(i, 4, function(x) x[logmask])
  mat <- img[logmask]
  dim(mat) <- c(sum(logmask), dim(img)[length(dim(img))])
  mat <- t(mat)
  if (length(labs) == 1) 
  maskvec <- m[logmask]
  mmat <- matrix(
    rowMeans(mat[, maskvec == labs[1], drop = FALSE]), 
    ncol = 1)
  for (i in 2:length(labs)) {
    newmat <- matrix(
      rowMeans(mat[, maskvec == labs[i], drop = FALSE]),
      ncol = 1)
    mmat <- cbind(mmat, newmat)
  colnames(mmat) <- paste("L", labs)
neuroconductor/ANTsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2020, 8:14 a.m.