pkg <- read.dcf(here::here("DESCRIPTION"), fields = "Package")[1] description <- read.dcf(here::here("DESCRIPTION"), fields = "Description")[1] # If you're using R<4.1.1, need this version of rvcheck # devtools::install_version('rvcheck',version='0.1.8') library(hexSticker) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(ggimage) # library(ggpattern)# remotes::install_github("coolbutuseless/ggpattern")
You can make awesome hex stickers for your R packages using:
r pkg
Create file path to save hex sticker to.
filename <- here::here("inst/hex/hex.png") dir.create(dirname(filename), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
phenos <- HPOExplorer::make_phenos_dataframe(ancestor = "Neurodevelopmental delay") phenoNet <- HPOExplorer::make_network_object(phenos = phenos, colour_var = "ontLvl_geneCount_ratio") # plt <- HPOExplorer::make_network_plot(phenoNet = phenoNet, # colour_var = "ontLvl_geneCount_ratio", # colour_label = "ontLvl_genes", # interactive = FALSE) # plt$layers[[2]] <- NULL phenoNet$pair_id <- seq(nrow(phenoNet)) fig <- plotly::plot_ly(phenoNet, x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~ontLvl, color = ~ontLvl_geneCount_ratio, type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers") |> plotly::add_trace(x = phenoNet$xend, y = phenoNet$yend, z = phenoNet$ontLvl, line = as.list(phenoNet$ontLvl_geneCount_ratio), type = "scatter3d", mode = "lines", showlegend = FALSE, inherit = FALSE) # plt2 <- rayshader::plot_gg(ggobj = plt)
#### Create function to adjust image opacity #### alph <- function(img,a=.8) { magick::image_fx(img, expression = paste0(a,"*a"), channel = "alpha") } #### Create data to define images/position #### dat <- data.frame(x=rep(1,2), y=rep(1,2), image = c(here::here("inst/hex/brain2.png"), here::here("inst/hex/gene1.png")), size = c(1, .5), alpha = c(.5, 1)) ## Make sure the gene is placed behind the brain dat$image <- factor(x = dat$image, labels = rev(unique(dat$image)), ordered = TRUE) #### Create plot #### gp <- ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y)) + ggimage::geom_image(aes(image=image, size=I(size), alpha=I(alpha))) + theme_void() print(gp)
s_size = .7 stick <- hexSticker::sticker( subplot = here::here("inst/hex/hpo_plotly.png"), #### Package name #### package = pkg, p_size=20, p_y = 1, p_color = ggplot2::alpha("white",.8), #### Subplot ##### s_x=1, s_y=.9, s_height = s_size, s_width = s_size, #### Fill & border #### h_fill = "#0F1941", h_color = "#0e326d", #### Spotlight #### spotlight = FALSE, l_alpha = .3, l_width = 10, #### File output #### filename = filename, dpi = 300, white_around_sticker = TRUE) print(stick)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.