#' Generate overlap
#' Compute simply overlap tests for each combination of disease/phenotype
#' gene setvs. celltype gene set
#' (determined by the top specificity quantiles for each celltype).
#' \emph{NOTE}:\cr
#' This is a faster but less robust version of \link[MSTExplorer]{gen_results}.
#' It also only requires >=1 gene per disease/phenotype, as opposed to >=4.
#' @param long_format Return results with "union" and "intersection"
#' genes melted into long format (default: \code{FALSE}).
#' Otherwise, genes will be collapsed into a list column (\code{TRUE}).
#' @param save_dir Directory to save results to.
#' @inheritParams prioritise_targets
#' @inheritParams ewce_para
#' @returns \link[data.table]{data.table} of all overlap test results.
#' @export
#' @import GeneOverlap
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @examples
#' gene_data <- HPOExplorer::load_phenotype_to_genes()
#' list_names <- unique(gene_data$disease_id)[seq(3)]
#' overlap <- gen_overlap(gene_data = gene_data,
#' list_names = list_names)
gen_overlap <- function(gene_data =
ctd = load_example_ctd(),
list_name_column = "disease_id",
gene_column = "gene_symbol",
list_names = unique(gene_data[[list_name_column]]),
annotLevel = 1,
top_n = NULL,
long_format = FALSE,
save_dir = tempdir(),
force_new = FALSE,
cores = 1,
verbose = TRUE){
qval <- pval <- NULL;
#### Create save path ####
save_path <- gen_results_save_path(save_dir = save_dir,
prefix = "gen_overlap")
#### Check if results already exist ####
if(file.exists(save_path) &&
isFALSE(force_new)) {
messager("Results already exist at:",save_path,
"Use `force_new=TRUE` to overwrite.",v=verbose)
results_final <- readRDS(save_path)
#### Run new analysis ####
t1 <- Sys.time()
ct_genes <- apply(ctd[[annotLevel]]$specificity_quantiles,
names(x[x %in% keep_specificity_quantiles])
bg <- rownames(ctd[[annotLevel]]$specificity_quantiles)
#### Iterate overlap tests: data.table ####
# data.table::setDTthreads(cores)
# overlap <- gene_data[,gen_overlap_test(ct_genes = ct_genes,
# list_name = {
# if(.GRP%%50==0)
# paste0(.BY," : ",
# round(.GRP/.NGRP*100,2),
# "%")
# },
# dgenes = gene_symbol,
# long_format = long_format,
# bg = bg),
# by=list_name_column]
#### Remove all unnecessary columns to save memory ####
gene_data <- gene_data[,c(list_name_column,gene_column), with=FALSE]
#### Subset data to only the list_names ####
gene_data <- gene_data[get(list_name_column) %in% list_names,]
messager("Splitting data.",v=verbose)
split.data.table <- utils::getFromNamespace("split.data.table","data.table")
gene_data_split <- split.data.table(x = gene_data,
by = list_name_column,
keep.by = FALSE)
#### Iterate overlap tests: parallel ####
fut <- future::plan(future::multisession, workers = cores)
overlap <- furrr::future_map(.x = gene_data_split,
.progress = TRUE,
.f = function(.x){
gen_overlap_test(ct_genes = ct_genes,
dgenes = unique(.x$gene_symbol),
long_format = long_format,
bg = bg,
verbose = FALSE)
data.table::rbindlist(use.names = TRUE,
idcol = list_name_column)
#### Multiple testing correction ####
overlap[,qval:=stats::p.adjust(pval,method = "bonf")]
#### Get top N ####
overlap <- overlap[,utils::head(.SD, top_n),
by = c(list_name_column)]
#### Report time ####
messager(difftime(Sys.time(),t1),v = TRUE)
#### Save results ####
save_path <- save_results(results = overlap,
save_path = save_path,
verbose = verbose)
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