Man pages for neurogenomics/MungeSumstats
Standardise summary statistics from GWAS

api_queryWrapper for sending queries and payloads to API
axelaxel downloader
check_access_tokenCheck if authentication has been made
check_allele_flipEnsure A1 & A2 are correctly named, if GWAS SNP constructed...
check_allele_mergeEnsure that A1:A2 or A1/A2 or A1>A2 or A2>A1 aren't merged...
check_bi_allelicRemove non-biallelic SNPs
check_bp_rangeEnsure that the Base-pair column values are all within the...
check_chrStandardize the CHR column
check_col_orderEnsure that the first three columns are SNP, CHR, BP in that...
check_drop_indelsDrop Indels from summary statistics
check_dup_bpEnsure all rows have unique positions, drop those that don't
check_dup_colEnsure that no columns are duplicated
check_dup_rowEnsure all rows are unique based on SNP,CHR,BP,A1,A2, drop...
check_dup_snpEnsure all rows have unique SNP IDs, drop those that don't
check_effect_columns_nonzeroEnsure that the standard error (se) is positive for all SNPs
check_empty_colsCheck for empty columns
check_four_step_colEnsure that CHR:BP:A2:A1 aren't merged into 1 column
check_frqEnsure all SNPs have frq score above threshold
check_frq_mafCheck that FRQ column refers to minor/effect allele frequency...
check_info_scoreEnsure all SNPs have info score above threshold
check_ldsc_formatEnsures that parameters are compatible with LDSC format
check_miss_dataRemove SNPs with missing data
check_multi_gwasEnsure that only one model in GWAS sumstats or only one trait...
check_multi_rs_snpEnsure that SNP ids don't have multiple rs ids on one line
check_n_intEnsure that the N column is all integers
check_n_numEnsure all SNPs have N less than X std dev below mean
check_no_alleleEnsure that A1 & A2 are present, if not can find it with SNP...
check_no_chr_bpEnsure that CHR and BP are missing if SNP is present, can...
check_no_rs_snpEnsure that SNP appears to be valid RSIDs (starts with rs)
check_no_snpEnsure that SNP is present if not can find it with CHR and BP
check_numericCheck numeric columns
check_on_ref_genomeEnsure all SNPs are on the reference genome
check_pos_seEnsure that the standard error (se) is positive for all SNPs...
check_range_p_valEnsure that the p values are not >1 and if so set to 1
check_row_snpEnsure all rows have SNPs beginning with rs or SNP, drop...
check_save_pathCheck if save path and log folder is appropriate
check_signed_colEnsure that there is at least one signed column in summary...
check_small_p_valEnsure that the non-negative p-values are not 5e-324 or...
check_strand_ambiguousRemove SNPs with strand-ambiguous alleles
check_tabularEnsure valid tabular format
check_two_step_colEnsure that CHR:BP aren't merged into 1 column
check_vcfCheck if the inputted file is in VCF format
check_vital_colEnsure that all necessary columns are in the summary...
check_zscoreCheck for Z-score column
column_dictionaryMap column names to positions.
compute_nsizeCheck for N column if not present and user wants, impute N...
compute_sample_sizeCompute (effective) sample size
compute_sample_size_nAdd user supplied sample size
compute_sample_size_neffCompute Neff/N
convert_sumstatsConvert summary statistics to desired object type
DF_to_dtDataFrame to data.table
downloaderdownloader wrapper
download_vcfDownload VCF file and its index file from Open GWAS
drop_duplicate_colsDrop duplicate columns
drop_duplicate_rowsDrop duplicate rows
find_sumstatsSearch Open GWAS for datasets matching criteria
format_sumstatsCheck that summary statistics from GWAS are in a homogeneous...
formatted_exampleFormatted example
get_access_tokenGet access token for OAuth2 access to MR Base
get_chain_fileDownload chain file for liftover
get_eff_frq_allele_combnsGet combinations of uncorrected allele and effect (and frq)...
get_genome_buildInfers the genome build of the summary statistics file...
get_genome_buildsInfer genome builds
get_query_contentParse out json response from httr object
get_unique_name_log_fileSimple function to ensure the new entry name to a list...
get_vcf_sample_idsGet VCF sample ID(s)
granges_to_dtGenomicRanges to data.table
gwasinfoGet list of studies with available GWAS summary statistics...
hg19ToHg38UCSC Chain file hg19 to hg38
hg38ToHg19UCSC Chain file hg38 to hg19
ieu-a-298Local ieu-a-298 file from IEU Open GWAS
import_sumstatsImport full genome-wide GWAS summary statistics from Open...
index_tabularTabix-index file: table
index_vcfTabix-index file: VCF
infer_effect_columnInfer if effect relates to a1 or A2 if ambiguously named
is_tabixIs tabix
legacy_idsConvert current IDs to legacy IDs
liftoverGenome build liftover
list_sumstatsList munged summary statistics
load_ref_genome_dataLoad the reference genome data for SNPs of interest
load_snp_loc_dataLoads the SNP locations and alleles for Homo sapiens...
logs_exampleExample logs file
make_allele_upperEnsure A1 and A2 are upper case
message_parallelSend messages to console even from within parallel processes
messagerPrint messages
parse_dropped_chromParse number of SNPs dropped due to being on chrom X, Y or MT
parse_dropped_duplicatesParse number of SNPs dropped due to being duplicates
parse_dropped_INFOParse number of SNPs dropped due to being below the INFO...
parse_dropped_nonA1A2Parse number of SNPs dropped due to not matching the ref...
parse_dropped_nonBiallelicParse number of SNPs dropped due to not being bi-allelic
parse_dropped_nonRefParse number of SNPs dropped due to being in the ref genome
parse_flippedParse number of SNPs flipped to align with the ref genome
parse_genome_buildGenome build inferred from the summary statistics
parse_idStandardStandardised IEU MRC OpenGWAS ID
parse_logsParse data from log files
parse_pval_largeParse number of SNPs with p-values >1
parse_pval_negParse number of SNPs with p-values <0
parse_pval_smallParse number of SNPs with non-negative p-values <=5e-324
parse_reportParse "Summary statistics report" metrics
parse_snps_freq_05Parse number/percent of SNPs with FREQ values >0.5
parse_snps_not_formattedParse number of SNPs not correctly formatted
parse_timeParse the total time taken the munge the file
preview_sumstatsPreview formatted sum stats saved to disk
raw_ALSvcfGWAS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ieu open GWAS project -...
raw_eduAttainOkbayGWAS Educational Attainment Okbay 2016 - Subset
read_headerRead in file header
read_sumstatsDetermine summary statistics file type and read them into...
read_vcfRead in VCF file
read_vcf_genomeRead VCF genome
read_vcf_infoRead VCF: INFO column
read_vcf_markernameRead VCF: MarkerName column
read_vcf_parallelRead VCF: parallel
read_vcf_pvalRead VCF: p-value column
register_coresRegister cores
remove_empty_colsRemove empty columns
report_summaryReport info on current state of the summary statistics
select_apiToggle API address between development and release
select_vcf_fieldsSelect VCF fields
sort_coord_genomicrangesSort sum stats: GenomicRanges
sort_coordsSort sum stats
sort_coords_datatableSort sum stats: data.table
standardise_headerStandardise the column headers in the Summary Statistics...
sumstatsColHeadersSummary Statistics Column Headers
supported_suffixesList supported file formats
to_grangesTo 'GRanges'
to_vrangesConvert to 'VRanges'
unlist_dtUnlist a data.table
validate_parametersEnsure that the input parameters are logical
vcf2dfVCF to DF
write_sumstatsWrite sum stats file to disk
neurogenomics/MungeSumstats documentation built on May 2, 2024, 9:04 a.m.