
#' @title Fit a Model using Generators
#' @description this function is used to fit or train a \code{DLmodel} by using generator 
#' functions for training and validation data.
#' @param .model               (\code{DLmodel}) The model to train
#' @param generator            (function) The generator function for training data, built by \code{\link{create_generator_from_config}}, Default: NULL
#' @param steps_per_epoch      (integer) Number of steps per training epoch, Default: NULL
#' @param train_config         (list) The training configuration, the output of \code{\link{create_generator_from_config}} when inputs are training files, Default: NULL
#' @param epochs               (numeric) Maximum number of epochs to train, Default: 10
#' @param starting_epoch       (numeric) strating epoch, useful when we want to resume a previous fit, Default: 1
#' @param validation_data      (function or matrix) Data for validation. It can be a generator function, built by \code{\link{create_generator_from_config}}, Default: NULL
#' @param validation_steps     (integer) Number of steps of validation per epoch, Default: NULL
#' @param validation_config    (list) The testing configuration, the output of \code{\link{create_generator_from_config}} when inputs are validation files, Default: NULL
#' @param keep_best            (logical) Should the training always store the best model up-to-date?, Default: TRUE
#' @param metrics_viewer       (logical) Visualize training loss interactively while fitting?, Default: FALSE
#' @param reset_optimizer      (logical) Reset optimizer state after each subepoch?, Default: FALSE
#' @param verbose              (logical) Provide additional information on training, Default: TRUE
#' @param ...                  extra arguments passed to other functions.
#' @return The trained \code{DLmodel}.
#' @details \code{generator}, \code{steps_per_epoch}, \code{validation_data} and \code{validation_steps} are completely and automatically determined if one uses the \code{train_config} and \code{validation_config} parameters, both being the outputs of \code{\link{create_generator_from_config}}.
#' Additionally, we can pass this function two arguments: \code{path} and \code{prefix}, the best model will be stored in the corresponding path with the given prefix (usually something indicative or with a timestamp).
#' @seealso 
#'  \code{\link[keras]{callback_lambda}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom keras callback_lambda
#' @import keras
#' @import progress
fit_with_generator <- function(.model,
                               generator = NULL,
                               steps_per_epoch = NULL,
                               train_config = NULL,
                               epochs = 10,
                               starting_epoch = 1,
                               validation_data = NULL,
                               validation_steps = NULL, 
                               validation_config = NULL,
                               keep_best = TRUE,
                               verbose = TRUE,
                               metrics_viewer = FALSE,
                               reset_optimizer = FALSE,
                               ...) {
  # Basic input class check
  stopifnot(inherits(.model, "DLmodel"))
  # Manage extra arguments
  extra_args <- list(...)
  # At least we require the training configuration
  if (is.null(train_config) & is.null(generator) & is.null(steps_per_epoch)) {
    message <- "No training configuration/generator provided."
    .model$log("ERROR", message = message)
  # If we have a train_config, this define the other variables:
  if (!is.null(train_config)) {
    generator <- train_config$generator
    steps_per_epoch <- train_config$max_sub_epochs * train_config$num_files
    batch_size <- floor(train_config$num_windows / 2)
  } else {
    batch_size <- 10000
  # If the batch_size is defined explicitly, use the provided by the user
  if (!is.null(extra_args$batch_size)) batch_size <- extra_args$batch_size
  # If no validation is provided, a warning will be given
  if (is.null(validation_config) & is.null(validation_data) & is.null(validation_steps)) {
    message <- "No validation configuration/generator provided."
    .model$log("WARNING", message = message)
  # If it is provided, other variables are defined from the configuration.
  if (!is.null(validation_config)) {
    validation_data <- validation_config$generator
    validation_steps <- validation_config$max_sub_epochs * validation_config$num_files
  # Let's take into account where to store the best model
  path <- NULL
  prefix <- NULL
  # If path or prefix are provided, use them.
  if (keep_best & ("path" %in% names(extra_args))) path <- extra_args$path
  if (keep_best & ("prefix" %in% names(extra_args))) prefix <- extra_args$prefix
  extra_args["path"] <- NULL
  extra_args["prefix"] <- NULL
  # If not, use temp folder and file.
  if (keep_best & is.null(path))  
    model_path <- tempdir()
    model_path <- path
  if (keep_best & is.null(prefix))
    model_prefix <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
    model_prefix <- prefix
  # Initialize variables for training
  model <- .model$get_model()
  # Compute optimal batch size
  batch_size <- .model$check_memory()
  .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Optimal batch size set to: ", batch_size, "."))
  if (verbose)
    cat("Batch size is set to:", batch_size, "\n") # nocov
  # Unfreeze learning phase (freeze at the end)
  # .model %>% set_trainability(trainability = TRUE)
  .model$log("DEBUG", message = "Unfreeze learning phase.")
  best_validation_loss <- .model$get_loss()
  epoch <- 0
  # Set variables needed to keep always the best model trained so far
  if (keep_best) {
    # Path to store the best model
    save_path <- file.path(model_path, model_prefix)
    # If it exists, we ask the user for some input: Should we:
    # Overwrite?
    # Load the previous model?
    # Save both?
    # Note that this only works when in interactive mode. If in a script, it will
    # always overwrite.
    if (file.exists(save_path) & interactive()) {
      # nocov start
      .model$log("WARNING", message = "Existing previous version.")
      choices <- c("Overwrite", "Load previous", "Save both")
      title <- "Already existing model. Choose an action:"
      chosen_output <- utils::select.list(choices = choices, title = title)
      .model$log("INFO", message = paste0("User selected to ", tolower(chosen_output), "."))
      # Perform the required action
             "Overwrite" = {
               .model %>% save_model(path = model_path, prefix = model_prefix, 
                                     comment = paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ":", " New initial state.\n"))
               saveRDS(best_validation_loss, file = file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_loss.rds")))
             "Load previous" = {
               .model <- load_model(path = model_path, prefix = model_prefix)
               if (file.exists(file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_loss.rds"))))
                 best_validation_loss <- readRDS(file = file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_loss.rds")))
               if (verbose)
                 message("Previous model loaded.") # nocov
             "Save both" = {
               model_prefix <- c(model_prefix, "_other")
               save_path <- file.path(model_path, model_prefix)
               dir.create(save_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
               .model %>% save_model(path = model_path, prefix = model_prefix, 
                                     comment = paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ":", " Initial state.\n"))
               saveRDS(best_validation_loss, file = file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_loss.rds")))
      if (verbose)
        message("Model saved in ", save_path) # nocov
      .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Model saved in ", save_path))
      # nocov end
    } else {
      # Overwrite if in a script or new training 
      dir.create(save_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
      .model %>% save_model(path = model_path, prefix = model_prefix, 
                            comment = paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ":", " Initial state.\n"))
      if (verbose)
        message("Model saved in ", save_path) # nocov
      .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Model saved in ", save_path))
    # Define the action to perform when exiting this training:
    # If we have trained for more than one epoch, load the best
    # model up-to-date.
    # This works even when the user interrupts training.
      .model$log("INFO", message = "Exiting training.")
      if (epoch > 1) {
        my_message <- paste0("Loading previous best model, with loss: ", best_validation_loss)
        .model$log("INFO", message = my_message)
        weights_filename <- file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_weights.hdf5"))
        .model$get_model() %>% load_model_weights_hdf5(filepath = weights_filename)
        # Freeze learning phase (freeze at the end)
        # .model %>% set_trainability(trainability = FALSE)
        .model$log("DEBUG", message = "Freeze learning phase.")
      if (metrics_viewer) {
  # Package progress is useful to make graphical progress bars.
  if (verbose) {
    # nocov start
    if (require(progress)) {
      progress <- TRUE
      pb_epochs <- progress_bar$new(format = " Epoch :epoch/:total [:bar] ETA: :eta . Elapsed: :elapsed",
                                    total = epochs,
                                    clear = FALSE,
                                    width = 60)
      pb_epochs$update(ratio = 0, tokens = list(epoch = 0))
    } else {
      progress <- FALSE
    # nocov end
  # Initialize the callbacks for the training
  last_loss <- Inf
  my_callback <- keras::callback_lambda(
    on_batch_end = function(batch, logs = NULL) {
      last_loss <<- logs$loss
  if (metrics_viewer) {
    message("Initializing Viewer")
    .model$log("INFO", message = "Initializing Viewer")
  # Select epochs to train, useful to resume previous trainings.
  training_epochs <- seq(epochs)
  if (starting_epoch > 1) 
    training_epochs <- setdiff(training_epochs, seq(starting_epoch - 1))
  if (starting_epoch == 1)
  .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Training from epoch ", training_epochs[1],
                                       " to epoch ", max(training_epochs), "."))
  .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Number of steps per epoch in training is ", steps_per_epoch, "."))
  .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Number of steps per epoch in testing is ", validation_steps, "."))
  # For each training epoch
  for (epoch in training_epochs) {
    opt_states <- model$optimizer$updates
    iterations <- model$optimizer$iterations
    .model$log("INFO", message = paste0("Start Training Epoch ", epoch, "."))
    # Information (progress bar) for epochs.
    if (verbose) {
      # nocov start
      message("\nEpoch ", epoch,  "/", epochs)
      if (!progress) {
        message("Start Training")
      # nocov end
    training_loss <- 0
    # Information (progress bar) for subepochs
    if (verbose) {
      # nocov start
      if (progress) {
        pb_subepoch <- progress_bar$new(format = paste0("   Training Subepoch :subepoch/:total ",
                                                        "[:bar] ETA: :eta . Elapsed: :elapsed. ",
                                                        "Current loss = :loss"),
                                        total = steps_per_epoch,
                                        clear = FALSE,
                                        width = 100)
        pb_subepoch$update(ratio = 0, tokens = list(subepoch = 0, loss = last_loss)) 
      # nocov end
    # For each subepoch
    for (step in seq(steps_per_epoch)) {
      .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Starting step ", step, "."))
      # Get Training data using the generator
      # data has 2 or 3 components:
      # The first is always the input samples
      # The second is always the desired outputs
      # A possible third indicates sample weights.
      data <- generator()
      .model$log("DEBUG", message = "Data generated.")
      num_outputs <- ifelse(is.list(data[[2]]), length(data[[2]]), 1)
      model %>% fit(
        x = data[[1]], y = data[[2]],
        epochs = epoch, 
        verbose = 0, 
        batch_size = batch_size,
        initial_epoch = epoch - 1, 
        callbacks = my_callback) 
      .model$log("DEBUG", message = "Subepoch finished.")
      if (reset_optimizer) {
        .model$log("DEBUG", message = "Resetting optimizer.")
        model$optimizer$updates <- opt_states
        model$optimizer$iterations <- iterations
      last_loss <- last_loss / num_outputs
      .model$add_to_history(epoch = epoch, subepoch = step, loss = last_loss)
      if (epoch == training_epochs[1] & step == 1) {
        .model$add_to_history(epoch = epoch, subepoch = 1, val_loss = last_loss)
        prev_loss_acc <- last_loss
      if (metrics_viewer) {
        if (epoch == training_epochs[1] & step == 1) {
        } else {
          if (step %% 10 == 0) {
            # print("Pausing")
      if (verbose) {
        # nocov start
        if (progress)
          pb_subepoch$tick(tokens = list(subepoch = step, 
                                         loss = sprintf("%.5f", last_loss)))
        # nocov end
    # Loss obtained after this training epoch
    training_loss <- last_loss
    if (verbose) {
      # nocov start
      if (!progress) 
        message("Training loss: ", training_loss)
      # nocov end
    # If we have validation data, start the validation
    if (!is.null(validation_data)) {
      .model$log("INFO", message = "Start validation.")
      if (verbose) {
        # nocov start
        if (!progress)
          message("   Start Validation")
        # nocov end
      # Initialize variables for validation
      loss <- 0
      loss_acc <- 0
      if (is.function(validation_data)) {
        # If it is a generator
        if (verbose) {
          # nocov start
          if (progress) {
            # Progress bar for validation subepoch
            pb_subepoch_val <- progress_bar$new(format = paste0("   Validating Subepoch :subepoch/:total ",
                                                                "[:bar] ETA: :eta . Elapsed: :elapsed. ",
                                                                "Validation loss = :loss"),
                                                total = validation_steps,
                                                clear = FALSE,
                                                width = 100)
            pb_subepoch_val$update(ratio = 0, tokens = list(subepoch = 0, loss = Inf))
          # nocov end
        # Perform the validation and store the losses
        loss_acc <- rep(0, length(validation_steps))
        for (val_steps in seq(validation_steps)) {
          .model$log("DEBUG", message = paste0("Validation step ", val_steps, "."))
          # Use the generator to get data
          test_data <- validation_data()
          # Evaluate
          loss <- model %>% evaluate(x = test_data[[1]],
                                     y = test_data[[2]],
                                     batch_size = batch_size,
                                     verbose = 0)
          # Store loss (if multi-output, it is a list)
          if (is.list(loss)) loss <- loss$loss
          loss_acc[val_steps] <- loss / num_outputs
          if (verbose) {
            # nocov start
            if (progress)
              pb_subepoch_val$tick(tokens = list(subepoch = val_steps, 
                                                 loss = sprintf("%.5f", loss / num_outputs)))
            # nocov end
        # Compute the mean loss
        # loss_acc <- loss_acc / validation_steps
        # loss_acc <- median(loss_acc)
        loss_acc <- mean(loss_acc)
      } else {
        # nocov start
        # If we have validation data, not a generator, just evaluate
        # This is included just for generality purposes, but I think no one
        # is going to use it this way.
        loss_acc <- model %>% evaluate(x = validation_data[[1]],
                                       y = validation_data[[2]])
        # nocov end
      .model$log("INFO", message = paste0("Obtained loss: ", loss_acc, "."))
      val_history <- seq(prev_loss_acc, loss_acc, length.out = steps_per_epoch)
      for (i in seq_along(val_history)) {
        .model$add_to_history(epoch = epoch, subepoch = i, val_loss = val_history[i])
      if (metrics_viewer) {
      prev_loss_acc <- loss_acc
      # .model$add_to_history(epoch = epoch, val_loss = loss_acc)
      # If we have to keep the best model, and we have reduced the loss, save the model as the new best
      if (keep_best & (loss_acc < best_validation_loss)) {
        .model$log("INFO", message = "New best model found. Saving.")
        # Save everything
        best_validation_loss <- loss_acc
        saveRDS(object = loss_acc, file = file.path(model_path, model_prefix, paste0(model_prefix, "_loss.rds")))
        .model %>% save_model(path = model_path, prefix = model_prefix, 
                              comment = paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ":", " Model with loss: ", loss_acc, "\n"))
        message("New best model found with loss: ", sprintf("%.5f", loss_acc))
      if (verbose) {
        # nocov start
        if (!progress)
          message("\nValidation loss: ", loss_acc)
        # nocov end
    if (verbose) {
      # Update the progress bar
      # nocov start
      if (progress) 
        pb_epochs$tick(tokens = list(epoch = epoch))
      # nocov end
neuroimaginador/dl4ni documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:47 p.m.