#' Determine optimal caret model based on Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient
#' This function allows the user to use Lin's Concordance
#' Correlation Coefficient as the metric to select the
#' optimal model from cross-validation in the caret package.
#' @param Model caret model object
#' @return list of three dataframes
#' Dataframe 1: Fit statistics for best model based on CCC, including best tuning parameters
#' Dataframe 2: Holds tuning parameters for the model based on CCC
#' Dataframe 3: Fit statistics for all tuning parameters for the cross validation
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @examples
#' #Calculate fit statistics for the best tune model
#' oss.getCCC(KeeneSOC)
oss.getCCC <- function(Model){
#create some empty objects to store data later
Model<- Model
# we extract the observed and predicted data from the caret outputs
x <- Model$pred
if(is.null(x)) stop ("No predictions are saved to the train object from caret, set \'savePredictions\' argument to \'all\' or \'final\' in the trainControl")
# group the data tuning parameters and calculate the goodness of fit statistics
df <- x %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(which(colnames(x) %in% c(names(Model$bestTune), "Resample")))) %>%
dplyr::do(as.data.frame(oss.goof(predicted=.$pred, observed=.$obs)))
# convert the goodness of fit to data frame
df <- data.frame(df)
# summarize the goodness of fit metrics to generate standard deviation for each
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(which(colnames(df) %in% c(names(Model$bestTune))))) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Mr2 = mean(r2), Madj.r2 = mean(adj.r2), Mconcordance = mean(concordance), MRMSE = mean(RMSE), Mbias = mean(bias), MMAE = mean(MAE),
sd_r2 = stats::sd(r2), sd_adj.r2 = stats::sd(adj.r2), sd_concordance = stats::sd(concordance), sd_RMSE = stats::sd(RMSE), sd_bias = stats::sd(bias), sd_MAE = stats::sd(MAE),
.groups = 'drop') #the .groups = 'drop' just supresses a warning we don't need to worry about regarding how the tibble is organized
# some renaming of columns
df <- data.frame(dplyr::rename(df, r2 = Mr2, adj.r2 = Madj.r2, concordance = Mconcordance, RMSE = MRMSE, bias = Mbias, MAE = MMAE))
#Save the full data frame for output as list item 3
df_var <- df
#Extract information for best model based on CCC and extract the best hyperparamters for output as list item 2
df <- df[df$concordance == max(df$concordance),]
final_pars <- df[which(colnames(df) %in% names(Model$bestTune))]
#Put optimal hyperparameters in a final column as descriptive stats of this best model
df <- cbind(method = Model$method, df)
df$final_pars <- paste(utils::capture.output(t(final_pars))[-1], collapse = " ; ")
#remove individual hyperparamter columns from dataframe
df[,which(colnames(df) %in% names(Model$bestTune))] = NULL
#create the output list object
out<- list(ccc_optimal_model=df, ccc_best_tune=final_pars, ccc_cv_summary=df_var)
# print list item 3, or CV results to console and print statement showing final tuning parameters
cat(paste("Lin's Concordance Coerrelation Coefficient was used to select the optimal model.",
paste0("The final values for the optimal model were ",paste(c(colnames(final_pars)),as.vector(t(final_pars)),sep=" ", collapse=" and "),"."),sep="\n"))
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