
  # Adjustment name ----
  Name = "Multiple Imputation using Chained Equations - MICE",

  # Adjustment type ----

  # Adjustment subtype ----
  SubType = "MICE",

  # Input parameters to the adjustment function ----
  Parameters = list(
    # Parameter 1: a specification with label, type and default value
    nimp = list(
      label = "Number of imputations",
      value = 2L,
      input = "numeric"),
    # Parameter 2
    nit = list(
      label = "Number of mice iterations",
      value = 10L,
      input = "numeric"),
    # Parameter 3
    nsdf = list(
      label = "Number of degrees of freedom for spline of diagnosis calendar year",
      value = 4L,
      min = 3L,
      max = 5L,
      step = 1L,
      ticks = TRUE,
      round = TRUE,
      input = "slider"),
    # Parameter 4
    imputeRD = list(
      label = "Impute reporting delays inputs",
      value = FALSE,
      input = "checkbox")
    # Parameter 5
    # runInParallel = list(
    #   label = "Run in parallel",
    #   value = FALSE,
    #   input = "checkbox")

  # Names of packages that must be made available to the adjustment function ----
  RequiredPackageNames = c("mice"),

  ## Adjustment function ----
  AdjustmentFunction = function(inputData, parameters) {


    # Perform imputations per data set.
    # This is the actual worker function.
    workerFunction <- function(i, nit, nimp, nsdf, imputeRD) {

      cat(sprintf("Processing gender: %s\n", names(dataSets)[i]))

      dataSet <- dataSets[[i]]

      artifacts <- list()

      # Define covariates
      xColNamesAll <- c("AIDS")
      # Define outcomes
      yColNamesAll <- c("Age", "SqCD4", "Transmission", "GroupedRegionOfOrigin")

      if (imputeRD) {
        dataSet[, LogTweakedMaxPossibleDelay := log(TweakedMaxPossibleDelay)]

        xColNamesAll <- union(xColNamesAll, c("LogTweakedMaxPossibleDelay"))
        yColNamesAll <- union(yColNamesAll, c("VarX"))

      # Determine which columns to pass to the mice package

      # At least 2 distinct values present
      xFilterFunc <- function(colName) length(unique(dataSet[[colName]])) >= 2
      # At least one non-NA
      yFilterFunc <- function(colName) !all([[colName]]))

      # Keep only column names meeting requirement
      xColNames <- Filter(xFilterFunc, xColNamesAll)
      yColNames <- Filter(yFilterFunc, yColNamesAll)

      # Keep for reporting
      artifacts[["X_COLS"]] <- list(All = xColNamesAll,
                                    Kept = xColNames)
      artifacts[["Y_COLS"]] <- list(All = yColNamesAll,
                                    Kept = yColNames)

      # Create splines with proper names and intercept
      splineBasisMatrix <- try($DY, df = nsdf)), silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(splineBasisMatrix, "try-error")) {
        splineBasisMatrix <- data.table()
      } else {
        setnames(splineBasisMatrix, paste0("SplineKnot.", colnames(splineBasisMatrix)))

      intercept <- 1L

      # Define covariates of joint imputation model
      X <- cbind(Intercept = intercept,
      if (length(xColNames) > 0) {
        X <- cbind(dataSet[, ..xColNames],

      if (length(yColNames) > 0) {
        # Define outcomes of joint imputation model
        Y <- dataSet[, ..yColNames]

        # Not used levels must be removed
        X <- droplevels(X)
        Y <- droplevels(Y)

        # Run model
        cat("Performing imputation.\n")
        mids <- mice::mice(cbind(Y, X),
                           m = nimp,
                           maxit = nit)
        artifacts[["Mids"]] <- mids

        imp <- setDT(mice::complete(mids, action = "long", include = TRUE))
        setnames(imp, old = c(".imp", ".id"), new = c("Imputation", "id"))

      } else {
        imp <- data.table(Imputation = 0L,
                          id = seq_len(nrow(Y)))

      indexColNames <- c("Imputation", "id")
      impColNames <- union(indexColNames, yColNames)
      dataSetColNames <- setdiff(colnames(dataSet),
                                 union(yColNames, "LogTweakedMaxPossibleDelay"))

      mi <- cbind(imp[, ..impColNames],
                  dataSet[, ..dataSetColNames])

      setcolorder(mi, union(indexColNames, dataSetColNames))

      ConvertDataTableColumns(mi, c(Imputation = function(x) as.integer(as.character(x))))

      return(list(Table = mi,
                  Artifacts = artifacts))

    # 1. Save original order for later
    inputData[, OrigSort := .I]

    # 2. Measures years from earlier diagnosis year
    inputData[, DY := DateOfDiagnosisYear - min(DateOfDiagnosisYear)]

    # 3. Split by gender to data sets
    dataSets <- split(inputData, by = c("Gender"))

    # 4. Execute the worker function per data set
#     if (parameters$runInParallel) {
#       # Run in parallel
#       cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2)
#       parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("libPaths", "mice.impute.pmm", "mice.impute.pmm",
#                                     "mice.impute.polyreg", "mice.impute.logreg",
#                                     "ConvertDataTableColumns", "dataSets"))
#       parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
# 				.libPaths(libPaths)
#         library(data.table)
#       })
#       outputData <- parallel::parLapply(cl,
#                                         seq_along(dataSets),
#                                         workerFunction,
#                                         nit = parameters$nit,
#                                         nimp = parameters$nimp,
#                                         nsdf = parameters$nsdf)
#       parallel::stopCluster(cl)
#     } else {
      # Run sequentially
      outputData <- lapply(seq_along(dataSets),
                           nit = parameters$nit,
                           nimp = parameters$nimp,
                           nsdf = parameters$nsdf,
                           imputeRD = parameters$imputeRD)
    # }

    # 5. Combine all data sets
    names(outputData) <- names(dataSets)
    table <- rbindlist(lapply(outputData, "[[", "Table"))
    artifacts <- lapply(outputData, "[[", "Artifacts")

    # 6. Restore original order per Imputation
    setorder(table, Imputation, OrigSort)

      list(Table = table,
           Artifacts = artifacts)
nextpagesoft/hivEstimatesAccuracyReloaded documentation built on March 14, 2020, 7:06 a.m.