#' Produce a Love plot of balance statistics
#' @description
#' Produces Love plots (also known as dot plots) of balance statistics to
#' summarize balance visually. The plots are generated using
#' [dotchart()] and [points()].
#' @details
#' Love plots will be produced for the requested statistics in the
#' `summary.lmw` output. How these plots are arranged depends on the value
#' supplied to `layout`, which uses [layout()] to arrange the
#' plots.
#' @param x a `summary.lmw` object; the output of a call to
#' [summary.lmw()] with `standardize = TRUE`.
#' @param stats a vector of the names of the columns in the `summary.lmw`
#' output to plot; more than one is allowed. Abbreviations allowed. When
#' unspecified, the TSMD statistics for each treatment group will be plotted.
#' @param abs `logical`; whether the statistics should be plotted in
#' absolute value (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). Default is `TRUE`.
#' This does not affect the display of KS statistics (which are always
#' non-negative). When `TRUE` and standardized mean differences are
#' displayed, the x-axis title will be "TASMD", i.e., target absolute
#' standardized mean difference.
#' @param var.order how the variables should be ordered. Allowable options
#' include `"data"`, ordering the variables as they appear in the summary
#' output, `"alphabetical"`, ordering the variables alphabetically, and,
#' when `un = TRUE` in the call to `summary.lmw()`,
#' `"unadjusted"`, ordering the variables by the first statistic in
#' `stats` in the unadjusted sample. Default is `"data"`.
#' Abbreviations allowed.
#' @param threshold numeric values at which to place vertical lines indicating
#' a balance threshold. These can make it easier to see for which variables
#' balance has been achieved given a threshold. Multiple values can be supplied
#' to add multiple lines. When `abs = FALSE`, the lines will be displayed
#' on both sides of zero. The lines are drawn with `abline` with the
#' linetype (`lty`) argument corresponding to the order of the entered
#' variables (see options at [par()]). Enter a value as `NA` to
#' skip that value of `lty` (e.g., `c(NA, .05)` to have only a dashed
#' vertical line at .05).
#' @param layout how the multiple plots should be laid out. Allowable options
#' include `"vertical"` (the default) and `"horizontal"`.
#' Abbreviations allowed.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to [dotplot()].
#' @return A plot is displayed, and `x` is invisibly returned.
#' @seealso [summary.lmw()]
#' @examples
#' data("lalonde")
#' # URI regression for ATT
#' lmw.out1 <- lmw(~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' estimand = "ATT", method = "URI",
#' treat = "treat")
#' lmw.out1
#' (s <- summary(lmw.out1))
#' plot(s)
#' plot(s, stats = "SMD", abs = FALSE)
#' @exportS3Method plot summary.lmw
plot.summary.lmw <- function(x, stats, abs = TRUE, var.order = "data", threshold = NULL, layout = "vertical", ...) {
.pardefault <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
un <- !is.null(x[["bal.un"]])
base.weighted <- !is.null(x[["bal.base.weighted"]])
weighted <- !is.null(x[["bal.weighted"]])
if (!un && !base.weighted && !weighted) {
chk::err("`plot()` can only be used on summary.lmw objects when `stat = \"balance\"` was specified in the call to `summary()`")
standard.sum <- if (un) x[["bal.un"]] else x[["bal.weighted"]]
if (!any(startsWith(colnames(standard.sum), "TSMD"))) {
chk::err("not appropriate for unstandardized summary. Run `summary()` with the `standardize = TRUE` option, and then plot")
if (missing(stats)) {
stats <- colnames(standard.sum)[startsWith(colnames(standard.sum), "TSMD")]
stats <- match_arg(stats, colnames(standard.sum), several.ok = TRUE)
if (un) {
stats.un <- as.data.frame(x[["bal.un"]][,stats, drop = FALSE])
if (base.weighted) {
stats.base.weighted <- as.data.frame(x[["bal.base.weighted"]][,stats, drop = FALSE])
if (weighted) {
stats.weighted <- as.data.frame(x[["bal.weighted"]][,stats, drop = FALSE])
var.names <- rownames(standard.sum)
var.order <- tolower(var.order)
var.order <- match_arg(var.order, c("data", "alphabetical", "unadjusted"[un]))
layout <- tolower(layout)
layout <- match_arg(layout, c("vertical", "horizontal"))
if (abs) {
if (un) {
for (i in seq_along(stats.un))
stats.un[[i]] <- abs(stats.un[[i]])
if (base.weighted) {
for (i in seq_along(stats.base.weighted))
stats.base.weighted[[i]] <- abs(stats.base.weighted[[i]])
if (weighted) {
for (i in seq_along(stats.weighted))
stats.weighted[[i]] <- abs(stats.weighted[[i]])
xlab <- vapply(stats, rename_summary_stat, character(1L), abs = abs)
ord <- switch(var.order,
"data" = rev(seq_along(var.names)),
"alphabetical" = order(var.names, decreasing = TRUE),
"unadjusted" = order(stats.un[[1]]))
minx <- min(if (un) unlist(stats.un), if (base.weighted) unlist(stats.base.weighted), if (weighted) unlist(stats.weighted), if (abs) 0 else -.01)
maxx <- max(if (un) unlist(stats.un), if (base.weighted) unlist(stats.base.weighted), if (weighted) unlist(stats.weighted), .01)
xlim <- c(minx, 1.75*maxx - minx)
if (layout == "vertical") layout(do.call("rbind", as.list(seq_along(stats))))
else if (layout == "horizontal") layout(do.call("cbind", as.list(seq_along(stats))))
par(mar=c(3.75, 6.5, 1.25, 0.5),
mgp=c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
if (base.weighted) {
if (identical(x$base.weights.origin, "MatchIt")) {
legend.text <- sprintf(c("Before matching"[un],
"After matching",
"After matching + \n%s regression"[weighted]), x$method)
else if (identical(x$base.weights.origin, "WeightIt")) {
legend.text <- sprintf(c("Before weighting"[un],
"After weighting",
"After weighting + \n%s regression"[weighted]), x$method)
else {
legend.text <- sprintf(c("Before base weighting"[un],
"After base weighting",
"After base weighting + \n%s regression"[weighted]), x$method)
else {
legend.text <- sprintf(c("Before regression"[un],
"After %s regression"[weighted]), x$method)
for (i in seq_along(stats)) {
dotchart(if (un) stats.un[[i]][ord] else stats.weighted[[i]][ord],
labels = var.names[ord], xlab = xlab[[i]],
xlim = xlim, lcolor = NA,
bg = NA, color = NA, ...)
abline(v = 0)
if (un) {
points(x = stats.un[[i]][ord], y = seq_along(stats.un[[i]]),
pch = 4, cex=1.5)
if (base.weighted) {
points(x = stats.base.weighted[[i]][ord], y = seq_along(stats.base.weighted[[i]]),
pch = 1, cex=1.5)
if (weighted) {
points(x = stats.weighted[[i]][ord], y = seq_along(stats.weighted[[i]]),
pch = 19, cex=1.5)
if (!is.null(threshold)) {
if (abs) {
abline(v = threshold, lty = seq_along(threshold))
else {
abline(v = threshold, lty = seq_along(threshold))
abline(v = -threshold, lty = seq_along(threshold))
# title(ylab = "Covariate", mgp = c(5.25, 0.5, 0), cex = .8)
legend(x=maxx + .1*(maxx-minx),
pch=c(4, 1, 19)[c(un, base.weighted, weighted)],
cex = .8)
rename_summary_stat <- function(x, abs = FALSE) {
splitted <- strsplit(x, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
stat <- splitted[1]
if (endsWith(stat, "KS")) stat <- paste(stat, "statistic")
else if (endsWith(stat, "SMD") && abs) stat <- sub("SMD", "ASMD", stat, fixed = TRUE)
if (length(splitted) == 1) return(stat)
group <- paste(splitted[-1], collapse = " ")
if (tolower(group) %in% c("treated", "control")) {
group <- paste(tolower(group), "group")
sprintf("%s (%s)", stat, group)
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