
Defines functions `children<-.list` `children<-.Container` `children<-.ASTNode` `children<-` children.list children.Container children.ASTNode children.NULL children set_immediate_child.Container set_immediate_child.ASTNode set_immediate_child `child<-` child.Container child.ASTNode child nchildren.Container nchildren.ASTNode nchildren child_fields.ASTNode child_fields.Function child_fields.Parameter child_fields.Assignment child_fields.Call child_fields.Invocation child_fields.For child_fields.While child_fields.Loop child_fields.If child_fields.Return child_fields.Branch child_fields

Documented in child child_fields children nchildren

#' Fields Containing Children for an RStatic Object
#' Given an RStatic object, this function returns the names of fields which
#' contain children.
#' This function is the basis for most of the functions that extract or replace
#' children from RStatic objects.
#' @param x (ASTNode) The node.
#' @seealso \code{ls} to get the names of all fields.
#' @export
child_fields = function(x) UseMethod("child_fields")

#' @export
child_fields.Branch = function(x) c("target")

#' @export
child_fields.Return = function(x) c("target", "read")

#' @export
child_fields.If    = function(x) c("true", "false", "condition")
#' @export
child_fields.Loop  = function(x) c("body", "exit")
#' @export
child_fields.While = function(x) c("body", "exit", "condition")
#' @export
child_fields.For   = function(x) c("body", "exit", "variable", "iterator")

#' @export
child_fields.Invocation = function(x) c("args")
#' @export
child_fields.Call       = function(x) c("fn", "args")

#' @export
child_fields.Assignment = function(x) c("write", "read")
#' @export
child_fields.Parameter = function(x) c("default")
#' @export
child_fields.Function  = function(x) c("body", "params")

#' @export
child_fields.ASTNode = function(x) character(0)

# nchildren ------------------------------------------------------------

#' The Number of Children of an RStatic Object
#' This function returns the number of children of the given node.
#' @param x (ASTNode) The node.
#' @export
nchildren =

#' @export
nchildren.ASTNode = function(x) {

#' @export
nchildren.Container = function(x) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Extract or Replace Descendant of an RStatic Object
#' This function extracts or replaces a descendant of the given node.
#' If \code{index} is a vector, the \code{child} function is called recursively
#' so that descendants several levels below \code{node} are accessible.
#' @param node (ASTNode) The node from which to extract or replace the
#' descendant.
#' @param index (integer) The index of the descendant to extract or replace.
#' @param value (ASTNode) The value to replace the descendant with.
#' @return A single child node.
#' @seealso \code{children} to extract or replace all children at once.
#' @examples
#' code = quote_ast(mean(1, 2, 3 + x))
#' x = child(code, c(2, 3, 2, 2))
#' child(code, c(2, 3, 2, 2)) = Integer$new(4)
#' @export
child =
function(node, index)

#' @export
child.ASTNode =
function(node, index)
  len = length(index)
  if (len == 0)
    return (node)

  fields = child_fields(node)
  if (len == 1)
    return (.subset2(node, fields[[index]]))

  field = fields[[ index[[1L]] ]]
  child(.subset2(node, field), index[-1L])

#' @export
child.Container =
function(node, index)
  len = length(index)
  if (len == 0)
    return (node)
  if (len == 1)
    return (.subset2(node$contents, index))

  i = index[[1L]]
  child(.subset2(node$contents, i), index[-1L])

#' @rdname child
#' @export
`child<-` =
function(node, index, value)
  len = length(index)
  if (len == 0)
    stop("'index' must have length at least 1.")

  if (len == 1) {
    set_immediate_child(node, index, value)

  } else {
    parent = child(node, index[-len])
    set_immediate_child(parent, index[[len]], value)


set_immediate_child =
function(node, index, value)

#' @export
set_immediate_child.ASTNode =
function(node, index, value)
  assign(child_fields(node)[[index]], value, envir = node)

#' @export
set_immediate_child.Container =
function(node, index, value)
  node$contents[[index]] = value

#' Extract or Replace All Children of an RStatic Object
#' This function extracts or replaces all children of the given node.
#' @param node (ASTNode) The node from which to extract or replace the
#' children.
#' @param value (list) A named list of objects to replace the children with.
#' Names should match field names of \code{node}.
#' @return A list of the child nodes.
#' @seealso \code{child} to extract or replace a single, specific descendant
#' slightly more efficiently.
#' @examples
#' code = quote_ast(x <- 3)
#' children(code)
#' children(code) = list(read = Integer$new(42), write = Symbol$new("y"))
#' @export
children =

#' @export
children.NULL =

#' @export
children.ASTNode =
  mget(child_fields(node), node)

#' @export
children.Container =

#' @export
children.list =

#' @rdname children
#' @export
`children<-` =
function(node, value)

#' @export
`children<-.ASTNode` =
function(node, value) {
  names = names(value)
  if (!is.list(value) || is.null(names))
    stop("Assigned 'value' must be a named list", call. = FALSE)

  invalid = match(names, child_fields(node), 0L) == 0L
  if (any(invalid)) {
    msg = sprintf("Object of class '%s' does not have fields %s.",
      class(node)[[1]], paste0("'", names[invalid], "'", collapse = ", "))
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

  # We can't tell which fields actually changed, so be conservative and set all
  # of them.
  mapply(assign, names, value, MoreArgs = list(envir = node),


#' @export
`children<-.Container` =
function(node, value)
  if (!is.list(value))
    stop("Assigned 'value' must be a list", call. = FALSE)

  node$contents = value

#' @export
`children<-.list` =
function(node, value)
  modifyList(node, value, keep.null = TRUE)
nick-ulle/rstatic documentation built on May 14, 2024, 8:10 p.m.