
Defines functions computeSpectraEns ar1Surrogates createSyntheticTimeseries

Documented in ar1Surrogates computeSpectraEns createSyntheticTimeseries

#' @export
#' @name createSyntheticTimeseries
#' @family spectra
#' @family pca
#' @title Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a timeseries
#' @description create synthetic timeseries based on a timeseries. Useful for null hypothesis testing
#' @param time LiPD "variable list" or vector of year/age values
#' @param values LiPD "variable list" or vector of values
#' @param sameTrend should the synthetic data have the same first-order trend as the original? (default  = TRUE)
#' @param index.to.model an optional index of values to model (default = NA, the whole series)
#' @param n.ens Number of ensemble members to simulate
#' @return a vector or matrix of synthetic values
createSyntheticTimeseries <- function(time,values,n.ens=1,sameTrend=TRUE,index.to.model = NA){
  #check to see if time and values are "column lists"
    index.to.model = seq_along(time)
  orig.time = time
  #make them all matrices
  time = as.matrix(time[index.to.model])
  values = as.matrix(values[index.to.model])
  #find the NAs...
  tnai = which(!is.finite(time))
  vnai = which(!is.finite(values))
  #measure long term trend
  trendmodel = lm(values~time)
  longtrend = orig.time*trendmodel$coefficients[2]+trendmodel$coefficients[1]
  #remove the trend
  #get necessary metadata
  #fit = arima(x = notrend, order = c(1, 0, 0),method = "ML") #AR1 only
  synValues = matrix(NA,nrow=length(orig.time),ncol=n.ens)
  #go through ensemble members
  for(jj in 1:n.ens){
    #generate a random series with ar=ar
    rdata = arima.sim(model=list("ar"=ar),n=length(orig.time)) #More conservative
    #rdata=arima.sim(model=fit,n=length(notrend)) AR1 only 
      #remove any trend
      #scale the same as data
      #add the data trend in
      synValues[,jj] = rdata

#' @export
#' @import dplR
#' @family spectra
#' @family pca
#' @family correlation
#' @title Create a synthetic timeseries that emulates the characteristics of a variable
#' @description create synthetic timeseries based on a timeseries. Useful for null hypothesis testing
#' @param time LiPD "variable list" or vector of year/age values
#' @param vals LiPD "variable list" or vector of values
#' @param detrend boolean variable, indicating whether one should remove a linear trend (default) or not. Note: does not affect the AR(1) fit, but does affect the generated timeseries
#' @param method Method used for estimation. Possible values are "even" or "redfit"
#' @param n.ens Number of ensemble members to simulate
#' @return a vector or matrix of AR(1) surrogates for series X
ar1Surrogates = function(time,vals,detrend=TRUE,method='redfit',n.ens=1){
  #check to see if time and values are "column lists"
  #make them all matrices
  time = as.matrix(time)
  vals = as.matrix(vals)
  #find the NAs...
  tnai = which(is.na(time))
  vnai = which(is.na(vals))
  goodi <-  which(!is.na(time) & !is.na(vals))
  trend=predict(lm(vals[goodi]~time[goodi]))     #fit a linear trend
  # if detrend option is passed, use detrended values; otherwise, unchanged.
    #remove the linear trend
  } else {
  #extract low-order moments
  if (method=='redfit') {
    redf.dat <- try(redfit(vals_used, time, nsim = 50),silent = TRUE) # 21 is minimum number you can get away with
    if(class(redf.dat) == "try-error"){
      g = redf.dat
      g = redf.dat$rho
  } else {
    fit = try(arima(x = vals_used, order = c(1, 0, 0)),silent = TRUE) # assumes evenly-spaced data
    if(class(fit) == "try-error"){
     g = fit
    g = as.numeric(fit$coef[1])
  if(class(g) == "try-error"){
    #let's do the simplest ar1 estimation then:
    g <- cor(vals_used[-1],vals_used[-length(vals_used)],use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
  if(class(g) == "try-error"){
   stop("Despite multiple attempts, we cannot estimate an ar1 coefficient for this record. The data are probably weird.")
  vals_syn = matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(time),ncol=n.ens)
  for(jj in 1:n.ens){  #go through ensemble members
    #generate a random series with fitted model.parameters
    ar1=scale(ar1)*s+m   #scale the same as original values
    ar1[vnai]=NA # put NA values in same place as original
  # if trend needs to stay in, add it back in
    vals_syn = vals_syn + replicate(n.ens,trend)

#' Calculate ensemble power spectra
#' @title Calculate ensemble power spectra
#' @name computeSpectraEns
#' @description Calculate ensemble power spectra using 4 spectral methods: 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Lomb-Scargle periodogram
#' \item REDFIT (Mudelsee et al, 2009) 
#' \item Multitaper Method (Thomson et al. 1982)
#' \item nuspectral (Mathias et al 2004)  (no confidence estimation)
#' }
#' For REDFIT and MTM, only the 95% confidence limit is computed. The estimation thereof is as described in Mudelsee et al 2009 for a single ensemble member.
#' For multiple ensemble members, the median of the ensemble of 95% CLs is taken.  
#' For Lomb-Scargle, the parameter `probs` determines the quantiles of the surrogate spectrum distribution extracted as confidence limits.
#' @param time LiPD "variable list" or vector of year/age values
#' @param values LiPD "variable list" or vector of values
#' @param max.ens Maximum number of ensemble members to analyze
#' @param ofac oversampling factor for lomb::lsp and dplR::redfit
#' @param tbw time-bandwidth product for astrochron::mtm___ functions
#' @param padfac padding factor for astrochron::mtm___ functions
#' @param wgtrad radius of the nuspectral nuwaveletcoeff weight function (non-dimensional units)
#' @param sigma decay parameter of the nuspectral nuwaveletcoeff wavelets
#' @param probs vector of probabilities for the siginificance levels. To avoid such computations, pass `probs = NA`.
#' @param method Method used to compute the spectra. Choose from: \itemize{
#' \item 'mtm': The multi-taper method (MTM) of Thomson (1982), a mainstay of spectral analysis (Ghil et al. 2002) designed for evenly spaced timeseries. From the astrochron package.
#' \item 'redfit': a version of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram tailored to paleoclimatic data (Mudelsee et al. 2009). From the dplR package.
#' \item 'lomb-scargle': the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (VanderPlas et al. 2018), which uses an inverse approach to harmonic analysis in unevenly-spaced timeseries. From the lomb package.   
#' \item 'nuspectral':The wavelet-based method of Mattias et al. (2004). This method is quite similar to the Weighted Wavelet Z-transform algorithm of Foster (1996), though it is prohibitively slow in this implementation. From the nuspectral package.
#' }
#' @param mtm_null Method to estimate null hypothesis if method = "mtm". Valid choices are 'AR(1)', 'power_law' (default), or 'ML96'
#' @param gaussianize Boolean flag indicating whether the values should be mapped to a standard Gaussian prior to analysis.
#' @return a list of ensemble spectra results
#' \itemize{
#' \item freqs: vector of frequencies
#' \item power: vector of spectral powers
#' \item power.CL: matrix of confidence limits for spectral power
#' }
#' @import dplR
#' @importFrom astrochron mtm mtmPL mtmML96 linterp
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMedians
#' @importFrom lomb lsp
#' @references 
#' Ghil, M., Allen, R. M., Dettinger, M. D., Ide, K., Kondrashov, D., Mann, M. E., Robertson, A., Saunders, A., Tian, Y., Varadi, F., and Yiou, P.: Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series, Rev. Geophys., 40, 1003–1052, 2002.
#' Foster, G.: Wavelets for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series, Astron. Jour., 112, 1709, https://doi.org/10.1086/118137, 1996.
#' Mudelsee, M., D. Scholz, R. Röthlisberger, D. Fleitmann, A. Mangini, and E. W. Wolff (2009), Climate spectrum estimation in the presence of timescale errors, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 16(1), 43–56, doi:10.5194/npg-16-43-2009.
#'Mathias, A., F. Grond, R. Guardans, D. Seese, M. Canela, and H. Diebner (2004), Algorithms for spectral analysis of irregularly sampled time series, Journal of Statistical Software, Articles, 11(2), 1–27, doi:10.18637/jss.v011.i02.
#'Thomson, D. J. (1982), Spectrum estimation and harmonic analysis, Proc. IEEE, 70(9), 1055–1096.
#'VanderPlas, J. T.: Understanding the Lomb–Scargle Periodogram, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 236, 16, https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4365/aab766, 2018.
#'Mann, M. and Lees, J.: Robust Estimation of Background Noise and Signal Detection in Climatic Time Series, Clim. Change, 33, 409–445.
#' @export
#' @family spectra
#' @section Long-form example:
#' \href{http://nickmckay.github.io/GeoChronR/articles/spectral_analysis.html}{View a full-fledged example of how to use this function.}
computeSpectraEns = function(time,values,max.ens=NA,method='mtm',probs=0.95,gaussianize=TRUE,ofac=4,padfac=2,tbw=3,wgtrad=1,sigma=0.02,mtm_null='power_law'){
  #check to see if time and values are "column lists"
  #make them all matrices
  time = as.matrix(time)
  values = as.matrix(values)
  # apply mapping to standard Gaussian?
  if(gaussianize){vals = gaussianize(values)}else{vals=values}
  if(nrow(time) != nrow(values)){stop("time and values must have the same number of rows (observations)")}
  #how many ensemble members?
  n.ensPoss = ncol(time)*ncol(vals)
      nsim = max.ens
  } else {nsim = 200}
  # random sampling of columns in case of very large ensembles
  tind = sample.int(ncol(time),size = min(n.ens,ncol(time)))
  vind = sample.int(ncol(vals),size = min(n.ens,ncol(vals)))
  if (ncol(time) < n.ens){tind = rep_len(tind,n.ens)}
  if (ncol(vals) < n.ens){vind = rep_len(vind,n.ens)} 
  # Now apply various spectral methods
  if (method=='lomb-scargle') {
    t = time[, 1]
    v = vals[, 1]
    lomb.out = lomb::lsp(v,
                   times = t,
                   ofac = ofac,
                   plot = F)
    noutrow = length(lomb.out$power)
    if (n.ens == 1) {
      fMat = lomb.out$scanned
      pMat = lomb.out$power
      #  Simulate AR(1) spectra: this part to be replaced by uAR1 as soon as it's available
      syn = ar1Surrogates(time = t,
                          vals = v,
                          n.ens = nsim) #create matrix of synthetic timeseries
      pMatSyn =  matrix(NA, ncol = nsim, nrow = length(pMat))
      #pb = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nsim, style = 3)
      for (k in 1:nsim) {
        # compute spectra
        pMatSyn[1:length(pMat), k] =  lsp(syn[, k],
                                          times = t,
                                          ofac = ofac,
                                          plot = F)$power
        #if (k %% round(nsim / 10) == 0) {setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)}
    } else if (n.ens > 1){
      #preallocate matrices
      fMat = matrix(NA,ncol=n.ens,nrow=length(lomb.out$power))
      pMat = fMat
      pMatSyn = fMat
      #declare progress bar
      pb = txtProgressBar(min=1,max = n.ens,style = 3)
      for(k in 1:n.ens){  # loop over ensemble members
        t = jitter(time[,tind[k]])   # add jitter
        v = vals[,vind[k]] 
        out = lsp(v,times=t,ofac=ofac,plot = F) # Lomb-Scargle Periodogram
        if(!any(is.na(probs))) {
          syn = ar1Surrogates(time = t, vals = v) #create matrix of synthetic timeseries
          synOut = lsp(syn,
                       times = t,
                       ofac = ofac,
                       plot = F) # apply to AR(1) surrogate [NoTE: need to do more than 1...]
          pMatSyn[1:length(synOut$power), k] =  synOut$power # store for later
        # JEG: the frequency axis will be subtly different for each iteration.  I think it would be better to interpolate to a common frequency axis if we are to compare them all. Or does quantile2d already take care of that?
    # establish confidence limits
    pCL = matrix(NA, ncol = length(probs),nrow = noutrow)
      for(i in 1:noutrow){
        pCL[i,] = quantile(pMatSyn[i,],probs = probs,na.rm  = T)
      # allocate output  
      spec.ens = list(freqs = fMat,power = pMat, power.CL = pCL)
    } else {spec.ens = list(freqs = fMat,power = pMat, power.CL = NA)}
  else if (method=='redfit') {
    # make sure the time axis is increasing
    # dt = diff(time[, 1])
    # if (median(dt) < 0) {
    #   time <- rev(time, 1)
    # }
    goodi <- which(!is.na(time[,1]) & !is.na(vals[, 1]))
    t = time[goodi, 1]
    v = vals[goodi, 1]
    mcflag = !is.na(probs) # only activate Monte Carlo test if probs is not NA
    # blank run on the first ensemble member to obtain matrix dimensions
    redfit.out <- suppressWarnings(redfit(v,
                         tType = "time",
                         mctest = mcflag,
                         ofac = ofac))
    noutrow = length(redfit.out$freq)
    # frequency axis (in tests, ends up being very close between ensemble members, 1e-4 to 1e-6)
    freq <-  redfit.out$freq
    if (n.ens == 1) {
      pMat <-  redfit.out$gxx
      if(mcflag){pCL <- redfit.out$ci95}
      else {pCL = NA}
    else if (n.ens > 1) {
      #preallocate matrices
      pMat = matrix(NA, ncol = n.ens, nrow = noutrow)
      pMatSyn = pMat
      pb = txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.ens, style = 3)
      for (k in 1:n.ens) {
        t <- jitter(time[, tind[k]])   # add jitter
        v <- vals[, vind[k]]
        redfit.out <- suppressWarnings(redfit(v,t,tType = "time", mctest = mcflag, ofac = ofac, nsim=200))
        pMatSyn[, k] <- redfit.out$ci95 # 95% limit
        pMat[, k] <- redfit.out$gxx
        if (k %% round(n.ens / 50) == 0) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
      # establish confidence limits
      if(mcflag) {
        pCL <- rowMedians(pMatSyn)
      } else {pCL = NA}
    # allocate output  
    spec.ens = list(freqs = freq, power = pMat, power.CL = pCL)
  } else if ( method=='mtm') {    # need to make a choice on null : AR(1) or power law?

    if ( mtm_null=='AR(1)') {
      mtm.func = astrochron::mtm
    } else if ( mtm_null=='power_law') {
      mtm.func = astrochron::mtmPL
    } else if ( mtm_null=='ML96') {
      mtm.func = astrochron::mtmML96
    } else {
      stop("Valid choices are 'AR(1)', 'power_law', or 'ML96'")
    #  apply workflow to first member
    t  = time[,tind[1]]; v = vals[,vind[1]] # define data vectors
    dti = modeSelektor(diff(t))  # identify sensible interpolation interval (mode of distribution)
    dfi = astrochron::linterp(data.frame(t,v),dt=dti,genplot=F,check=T,verbose=F)  # interpolate at that sampling rate
    ti = dfi$t  # interpolatedtimescale
    mtm.main    <- mtm.func(dfi,padfac=padfac,genplot = F,output=1, verbose = F, tbw = tbw)
    mtm.sigfreq <- mtm.func(dfi,padfac=padfac,genplot = F,output=2, verbose = F, tbw = tbw)
    # define output matrices
    f <- mtm.main$Frequency
    nout = length(f)
    ens.mtm.power  <-  matrix(NA,ncol=n.ens,nrow=nout)
    ens.mtm.cl     <-  matrix(NA,ncol=n.ens,nrow=nout)
    ens.mtm.sigfreq <-  matrix(0,ncol=n.ens,nrow=nout)
    pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.ens, style = 3)
    # rinse, repeat
    for (k in 1:n.ens){
      t = time[,tind[k]]; v = vals[,vind[k]] 
      dfl = data.frame(approx(t,v,ti,rule = 2)) # interpolate onto new timescale
      #dfe = astrochron::linterp(data.frame(t,v),dt=dti,genplot=F,check=T,verbose=F)  # define local dataframe
      #dti =modeSelektor(diff(t))  # identify sensible interpolation interval (mode of distribution)
      #dfl = astrochron::linterp(data.frame(t,v),dt=dti,genplot=F,check=T,verbose=F)  # interpolate at that sampling rate
      mtm.main    <- mtm.func(dfl,padfac=padfac,genplot = F,output=1, verbose = F, tbw = tbw)
      mtm.sigfreq <- mtm.func(dfl,padfac=padfac,genplot = F,output=2, verbose = F, tbw = tbw)
      ens.mtm.power[,k] <- mtm.main$Power
      if (mtm_null=='AR(1)') {
        ens.mtm.cl[,k] <- mtm.main$AR1_95_power
      } else if ( mtm_null=='power_law') {
        ens.mtm.cl[,k] <- mtm.main$PowerLaw_95_power        
      } else if ( mtm_null=='ML96') {
        ens.mtm.cl[,k] <- mtm.main$AR1_95_power
      ens.mtm.sigfreq[match(mtm.sigfreq$Frequency, mtm.main$Frequency, nomatch = 0),k] <- 1
      if(n.ens>1 & k%%round(n.ens/50)==0){
    # prepare significance assessment
    freqs.prob <- rowMeans(ens.mtm.sigfreq,na.rm = TRUE)
    pCL <- rowMedians(ens.mtm.cl,na.rm = TRUE)
    #fMat <- matrix(f,nrow=length(f),ncol=n.ens,byrow=F)
    # allocate output
    spec.ens = list(freqs = f, power = ens.mtm.power, power.CL=pCL, sig.freq=freqs.prob)
  else if (method=='nuspectral') {
    if (!requireNamespace("nuspectral", quietly = TRUE)) {
        "Package \"nuspectral\" must be installed to use this function. Try 'remotes::install_github(\"nickmckay/nuspectral\"",
        call. = FALSE

    nt = length(time)
    tau = seq(min(time),max(time),length = max(nt %/% 5,10))
    # first iteration to define matrix sizes
    t = time[,tind[1]]; v = vals[,vind[1]] 
    nuspec <-  nuwavelet_psd(t,v,sigma=sigma,taus = tau)
    noutrow <- length(nuspec$Frequency)
    #preallocate matrices
    #fMat = matrix(NA,ncol=n.ens,nrow=noutrow)
    #pMat = fMat
    #pMatSyn = fMat
    # 1st, heard-earned ensemble member
    pMat <- nuspec$Power
    freq <- nuspec$Frequency
    if (n.ens > 1){stop("Ensemble mode not supported with nuspectral")}
    # pb = txtProgressBar(min=1,max = n.ens,style = 3)  # run the loop with progress bar
    # for (k in 2:n.ens){
    #   t = time[,tind[k]]; v = vals[,vind[k]] 
    #   nuspec   <- nuwavelet_psd(t,v,sigma=sigma,taus = tau)
    #   pMat[,k] <- nuspec$Power
    #   fMat[,k] <- nuspec$Frequency
    #   if(k%%round(n.ens/10)==0){
    #     setTxtProgressBar(pb,k)
    #   }
    # }
    # close(pb)
    # allocate output
    spec.ens = list(freqs = freq, power = pMat, power.CL = NA)
  } else {stop("Unknown method: Valid choices are: 'mtm', 'redfit', 'nuspectral', or 'lomb-scargle' ")}
nickmckay/GeoChronR documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:13 a.m.