nci60Fit: implementation of NCI60 method (GI50, TGI, LC50) for dose...

Description Usage Arguments Value References


This function implements S3-style OOP. Methods such as predict, plot and lines are available. Notice that here the response is assumed to be calculated as in: The response has range -1 to 1. The original NCI60 method applies linear interpolation to estimate GI50, TGI and LC50. Tong, F. P. improved this by using 4-parameter logistic model, which is the LL.4 model in drexplorer (from drc package). For resistant cell lines, even the LL.4 cannot be fitted since the curve is essentially flat. Here we fit multiple models throught the model selection framework in drexplorer and use the best model to estimate GI50, TGI and LC50. This will almost give an estimate for all extreme data without giving NA.


nci60Fit(d, y, interpolation = TRUE, log.d = FALSE)



dose original dose


response percentage of growth inhibition as defined by NCI60 method


whether to use interpolatuon to estimat GI50, TGI and LC50.


whether to return log10 transformed value for GI50, TGI and LC50 (the dose concentration)


a nci50Fit object consisting different attributes. It includes a vector with GI50, TGI and LC50.


Shoemaker, R. H. The NCI60 Human Tumour Cell line Anticancer Drug Screen. Nature Reviews, 6: 813-823, 2006.

Tong, F. P. (2010). Statistical Methods for Dose-Response Assays.

nickytong/drexplorer documentation built on May 23, 2019, 5:08 p.m.