
Defines functions get_friends get_friends_ run_it_back get_friend get_friend_nosp my_friendships lookup_friendships_ lookup_friendships parse_showfriendships

Documented in get_friends lookup_friendships my_friendships

#' Get user IDs of accounts followed by target user(s).
#' Returns a list of user IDs for the accounts following BY one or
#' more specified users. To return the friends of more than 15 users
#' in a single call (the rate limit maximum), set "retryonratelimit"
#' to TRUE.
#' @param users Screen name or user ID of target user from which the
#'   user IDs of friends (accounts followed BY target user) will be
#'   retrieved.
#' @param n Number of friends (user IDs) to return. Defaults to 5,000,
#'   which is the maximum returned by a single API call. Users are
#'   limited to 15 of these requests per 15 minutes. Twitter limits
#'   the number of friends a user can have to 5,000. To follow more
#'   than 5,000 accounts (to have more than 5 thousand "friends")
#'   accounts must meet certain requirements (e.g., a certain ratio of
#'   followers to friends). Consequently, the vast majority of users
#'   follow fewer than five thousand accounts. This function has been
#'   oriented accordingly (i.e., it assumes the maximum value of n is
#'   5000). To return more than 5,000 friends for a single user, call
#'   this function multiple times with requests after the first using
#'   the \code{page} parameter.
#' @param retryonratelimit If you'd like to retrieve 5,000 or fewer
#'   friends for more than 15 target users, then set
#'   \code{retryonratelimit = TRUE} and this function will use
#'   base \code{Sys.sleep} until rate limits reset and the desired
#'   number of friend networks is retrieved. This defaults to
#'   FALSE. See details for more info regarding possible issues with
#'   timing misfires.
#' @param page Default \code{page = -1} specifies first page of JSON
#'   results. Other pages specified via cursor values supplied by
#'   Twitter API response object. This is only relevant if a user has
#'   over 5000 friends (follows more than 5000 accounts).
#' @param parse Logical, indicating whether to return parsed vector or
#'   nested list object. By default, \code{parse = TRUE}
#'   saves you the time [and frustrations] associated with
#'   disentangling the Twitter API return objects.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether or not to include output
#'   messages. Defaults to TRUE, which includes printing a success message
#'   for each inputted user.
#' @param token Every user should have their own Oauth (Twitter API) token. By
#'   default \code{token = NULL} this function looks for the path to a saved
#'   Twitter token via environment variables (which is what `create_token()`
#'   sets up by default during initial token creation). For instruction on how
#'   to create a Twitter token see the tokens vignette, i.e.,
#'   `vignettes("auth", "rtweet")` or see \code{?tokens}.
#' @seealso \url{https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/accounts-and-users/follow-search-get-users/api-reference/get-friends-ids}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get user ids of accounts followed by Donald Trump
#' (djt <- get_friends("realDonaldTrump"))
#' ## get user ids of accounts followed by (friends) KFC, Trump, and Nate Silver.
#' (fds <- get_friends(c("kfc", "jack", "NateSilver538")))
#' }
#' @details When \code{retryonratelimit = TRUE} this function internally
#'   makes a rate limit API call to get information on (a) the number of requests
#'   remaining and (b) the amount of time until the rate limit resets. So, in
#'   theory, the sleep call should only be called once between waves of data
#'   collection. However, as a fail safe, if a system's time is calibrated such
#'   that it expires before the rate limit reset, or if, in another session, the
#'   user dips into the rate limit, then this function will wait (use Sys.sleep
#'   for a second time) until the next rate limit reset. Users should monitor
#'   and test this before making especially large calls as any systematic issues
#'   could create sizable inefficiencies.
#'   At this time, results are ordered with the most recent following first —
#'   however, this ordering is subject to unannounced change and eventual
#'   consistency issues. While this remains true it is possible iteratively build
#'   friends lists for a user over time.
#' @return A tibble data frame with two columns, "user" for name or ID of target
#'   user and "user_id" for follower IDs.
#' @family ids
#' @export
get_friends <- function(users,
                        n = 5000,
                        retryonratelimit = FALSE,
                        page = "-1",
                        parse = TRUE,
                        verbose = TRUE,
                        token = NULL) {
  args <- list(
    users = users,
    n = n,
    retryonratelimit = retryonratelimit,
    page = page,
    parse = parse,
    verbose = verbose,
    token = token
  do.call("get_friends_", args)

get_friends_ <- function(users,
                         n = 5000,
                         retryonratelimit = FALSE,
                         page = "-1",
                         parse = TRUE,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         token = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.vector(users), is_n(n))
  if (any(is.na(unlist(users)))) {
    warning("Missing users omitted", call. = FALSE)
    users <- na_omit(users)
  if (n < 5000) {
    count <- n
  } else {
    count <- 5000
  ## number of users to return
  n <- length(users)
  ## build URL
  query <- "friends/ids"
  token <- check_token(token)
  ## set scipen to ensure IDs are not rounded
  op <- getOption("scipen")
  on.exit(options(scipen = op), add = TRUE)
  options(scipen = 14)
  ## for larger requests implement Sys.sleep
  if (n > 1) {
    ## initialize output object
    f <- vector("list", n)
    ## default (counter) values
    more <- TRUE
    i <- 0L
    ## until friends of n users have been retrieved
    while (more) {
      rl <- rate_limit2(token, query)
      n.times <- rl[["remaining"]]
      i <- i + 1L
      params <- list(
        user_type = users[[i]],
        count = count,
        cursor = page,
        stringify_ids = TRUE
      names(params)[1] <- .id_type(users[[i]])
      url <- make_url(
        query = query,
        param = params
      if (retryonratelimit) {
        ## if no calls remaining then sleep until no longer rate limited
        rate_limited <- isTRUE(n.times == 0)
        while (rate_limited) {
          if (verbose) {
              paste("Waiting about",
                    round(as.numeric(rl$reset, "secs") / 60, 1),
                    "for rate limit reset...")
          Sys.sleep(as.numeric(rl$reset, "secs") + 2)
          rl <- rate_limit2(token, query)
          n.times <- rl$remaining
          rate_limited <- isTRUE(n.times == 0)
      ## make call
      f[[i]] <- get_friend_nosp(url, token = token)
      if (has_name_(f[[i]], "errors")) {
        warning(f[[i]]$errors[["message"]], call. = FALSE)
      } else if (parse) {
        if (length(f[[i]][["ids"]]) == 0) {
          f[[i]] <- tibble::as_tibble()
        } else {
          nextcursor <- next_cursor(f)
          f[[i]] <- tibble::as_tibble(
            list(user = users[[i]], user_id = f[[i]][["ids"]]))
          attr(f[[i]], "next_cursor") <- nextcursor
      if (verbose) {
        message(paste(i, "friend networks collected!"))
      ## update more (logical)
      more <- isTRUE(i < n)
    ## i don't think this line is needed anymore but just in case
    f <- f[!vapply(f, is.null, logical(1))]
    ## parse into data frame
    if (parse) {
      nextcursors <- lapply(f, attr, "next_cursor")
      f <- do.call("rbind", f)
      attr(f, "next_cursor") <- nextcursors
  } else {
    users <- unlist(users)
    stopifnot(length(users) == 1L)
    ## compose query
    params <- list(
      user_type = users,
      count = count,
      cursor = page,
      stringify_ids = TRUE
    names(params)[1] <- .id_type(users)
    url <- make_url(
      query = query,
      param = params
    ## if !retryonratelimit then if necessary exhaust what can with token
    f <- get_friend_nosp(url, token = token)
    if (has_name_(f, "errors")) {
      warning(f$errors[["message"]], call. = FALSE)
    } else if (parse) {
      nextcursor <- f[["next_cursor"]]
      if (length(f[["ids"]]) == 0) {
        f <- tibble::as_tibble()
      } else {
        f <- tibble::as_tibble(
          list(user = users, user_id = f[["ids"]]))
        attr(f, "next_cursor") <- nextcursor

run_it_back <- function(fun, secs = 0.25) {
  eval(parse(text = paste0("function(...) {
    tryCatch(", fun, "(...), error = function(e) {
      Sys.sleep(", secs, ")
      ", fun, "(...)

rate_limit2 <- run_it_back("rate_limit")

TWIT2 <- run_it_back("TWIT")

#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET
get_friend <- function(url, token = NULL) {
  ## set scipen to ensure IDs are not rounded
  op <- getOption("scipen")
  on.exit(options(scipen = op), add = TRUE)
  options(scipen = 14)
  r <- httr::GET(url, token)
  if (!warn_for_twitter_status(r)) {
    if (has_name_(url, "query") &&
        any(grepl("user_id|screen_name", names(url$query)))) {
      warning("^^ warning regarding user: ",
        url$query[[grep("screen_name|user_id", names(url$query))]],
        call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    return(list(ids = character()))

get_friend_nosp <- function(url, token = NULL) {
  r <- httr::GET(url, token)
  if (!warn_for_twitter_status(r)) {
    if (has_name_(url, "query") &&
        any(grepl("user_id|screen_name", names(url$query)))) {
      warning("^^ warning regarding user: ",
        url$query[[grep("screen_name|user_id", names(url$query))]],
        call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    return(list(ids = character()))

#' Lookup friendship information between users.
#' Gets information on friendship between authenticated user and up
#' to 100 other users.
#' @param user Screen name or user id of target user.
#' @param parse Logical indicating whether to return parsed data frame.
#'   Defaults to true.
#' @param token OAuth token. By default \code{token = NULL} fetches a
#'   non-exhausted token from an environment variable. Find instructions
#'   on how to create tokens and setup an environment variable in the
#'   tokens vignette (in r, send \code{?tokens} to console).
#' @return Data frame converted form returned JSON object. If parse is
#'   not true, the HTTP response object is returned instead.
#' @family friends
#' @export
my_friendships <- function(user,
                           parse = TRUE,
                           token = NULL) {
  ## gotta have ut8-encoding for the comma separated IDs
  ## set scipen to ensure IDs are not rounded
  op_enc <- getOption("encoding")
  op_sci <- getOption("scipen")
  on.exit(options(scipen = op_sci, encoding = op_enc), add = TRUE)
  options(scipen = 14, encoding = "UTF-8")

  token <- check_token(token)
  query <- "friendships/lookup"
  params <- list(
    user_type = paste(user, collapse = ",")
  names(params)[1] <- .id_type(user)
  url <- make_url(
    query = query,
    param = params)
  f <- tryCatch(
    TWIT(get = TRUE, url, token),
    error = function(e) return(NULL))
  if (parse) {
  } else {

lookup_friendships_ <- function(source,
                                parse = TRUE,
                                token = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.atomic(source), is.atomic(target))
  token <- check_token(token)
  query <- "friendships/show"
  params <- list(
    source = source,
    target = target
  names(params)[1] <- paste0("source_", .id_type(source))
  names(params)[2] <- paste0("target_", .id_type(target))
  url <- make_url(
    query = query,
    param = params)
  f <- tryCatch(
    TWIT(get = TRUE, url, token),
    error = function(e) return(NULL))
  f <- from_js(f)
  if (parse) {
    f <- parse_showfriendships(f, source, target)

#' Lookup friendship information between two specified users.
#' Gets information on friendship between two Twitter users.
#' @param source Screen name or user id of source user.
#' @param target Screen name or user id of target user.
#' @param parse Logical indicating whether to return parsed data frame.
#'   Defaults to true.
#' @param token Every user should have their own Oauth (Twitter API) token. By
#'   default \code{token = NULL} this function looks for the path to a saved
#'   Twitter token via environment variables (which is what `create_token()`
#'   sets up by default during initial token creation). For instruction on how
#'   to create a Twitter token see the tokens vignette, i.e.,
#'   `vignettes("auth", "rtweet")` or see \code{?tokens}.
#' @return Data frame converted form returned JSON object. If parse is
#'   not true, the HTTP response object is returned instead.
#' @family friends
#' @export
lookup_friendships <- function(source, target, parse = TRUE, token = NULL) {
  if (length(source) > 1L && length(target) > 1L) {
    stopifnot(length(source) == length(target))

  ## set scipen to ensure IDs are not rounded
  op_sci <- getOption("scipen")
  on.exit(options(scipen = op_sci), add = TRUE)
  options(scipen = 14)
  fds <- Map(
    "lookup_friendships_", source, target,
    MoreArgs = list(parse = parse, token = token)
  if (parse) {
    fds <- do.call("rbind", fds)
    row.names(fds) <- NULL

parse_showfriendships <- function(x, source_user, target_user) {
  if (has_name_(x, "relationship")) {
    x <- x$relationship
  if (has_name_(x, "source")) {
    src <- unlist(x$source)
    src <- tibble::tibble(
      relationship = "source",
      user = target_user,
      variable = names(src),
      value = src
  } else {
    src <- data.frame()
  if (has_name_(x, "target")) {
    trg <- unlist(x$target)
    trg <- tibble::tibble(
      relationship = "target",
      user = source_user,
      variable = names(trg),
      value = trg
  } else {
    trg <- data.frame()
  rbind(src, trg)
nicolofcavalli/rtweet documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 1 a.m.