
# This function was written in January 2012 -- Yves Rosseel
# First success: Friday 20 Jan 2012: the standard errors for
#                thresholds and polychoric correlations (in an 
#                unrestricted/saturated model) are spot on!
# Second success: Saturday 9 June 2012: support for mixed (ordinal + metric)
#                 variables; thanks to the delta method to get the ACOV 
#                 right (see H matrix)
# Third success: Monday 2 July 2012: support for fixed.x covariates
# Friday 13 July 2012: merge exo + non-exo code
# Monday 16 July 2012: fixed sign numeric in WLS.W; I think we got it right now

# YR 26 Nov 2015: move step1 + step2 to external functions
muthen1984 <- function(Data              = NULL, 
                       ov.names          = NULL, 
                       ov.types          = NULL, 
                       ov.levels         = NULL,
                       ov.names.x        = character(0L),
                       eXo               = NULL,
                       verbose           = FALSE,
                       missing           = "listwise",
                       WLS.W             = TRUE,
                       optim.method      = "nlminb",
                       zero.add          = c(0.5, 0.0),
                       zero.keep.margins = TRUE,
                       zero.cell.warn    = FALSE,
                       zero.cell.tables  = TRUE,
                       group             = 1L) { # group only for error messages

    # just in case Data is a vector
    Data <- as.matrix(Data)

    # internal function lav_crossprod2
    if(missing == "listwise") {
        lav_crossprod2 <- base::crossprod
    } else { # pairwise, we can have missing values
        lav_crossprod2 <- function(x, y) sum(x * y, na.rm = TRUE)

    # pairwise version
    # FIXME: surely a much better/faster solution is possible??
    lav_crossprod_matrix <- function(A) {
        ndim <- NCOL(A)
        # off-diagonal
        upper <- apply(combn(NCOL(A),2),2,
                       function(x) sum(A[,x[1]] * A[,x[2]], na.rm=TRUE))
        tmp <- diag(apply(A, 2, function(x) sum(x*x, na.rm=TRUE)))
        tmp[ lav_matrix_vechru_idx(ndim, diagonal = FALSE) ] <- upper
        tmp[ lav_matrix_vech_idx(  ndim, diagonal = FALSE) ] <- upper

    nvar <- NCOL(Data); N <- NROW(Data)
    num.idx <- which(ov.types == "numeric")
    ord.idx <- which(ov.types == "ordered")
    nexo <- length(ov.names.x)
    if(nexo > 0L) stopifnot(NCOL(eXo) == nexo)
    pstar <- nvar*(nvar-1)/2

    if(verbose) {
        cat("\nPreparing for WLS estimation -- STEP 1 + 2\n")
        cat("Number of endogenous variables: ", nvar, "\n")
        cat("Endogenous variable names:\n"); print(ov.names); cat("\n")
        cat("Endogenous ov types:\n"); print(ov.types); cat("\n")
        cat("Endogenous ov levels:\n "); print(ov.levels); cat("\n")
        cat("Number of exogenous variables: ", nexo, "\n")
        cat("Exogenous variable names:\n"); print(ov.names.x); cat("\n")

    step1 <- lav_samplestats_step1(Y = Data, ov.names = ov.names,
        ov.types = ov.types, ov.levels = ov.levels, ov.names.x = ov.names.x,
        eXo = eXo, scores.flag = WLS.W, group = group)

    FIT <- step1$FIT
    TH <- step1$TH; TH.NOX <- step1$TH.NOX
    TH.IDX <- step1$TH.IDX; TH.NAMES <- step1$TH.NAMES
    VAR <- step1$VAR; SLOPES <- step1$SLOPES
    SC.TH <- step1$SC.TH; SC.SL <- step1$SC.SL; SC.VAR <- step1$SC.VAR
    th.start.idx <- step1$th.start.idx; th.end.idx <- step1$th.end.idx
    # rm SC.VAR columns from ordinal variables
    if(WLS.W && length(ord.idx) > 0L) {
        SC.VAR <- SC.VAR[,-ord.idx, drop=FALSE]

    if(verbose) {
        cat("STEP 1: univariate statistics\n")
        cat("Threshold + means:\n")
        TTHH <- unlist(TH)
        names(TTHH) <- unlist(TH.NAMES)
        cat("Slopes (if any):\n")
        colnames(SLOPES) <- ov.names.x
        rownames(SLOPES) <- ov.names
        names(VAR) <- ov.names

    # stage two -- correlations
    if(verbose) cat("\n\nSTEP 2: covariances/correlations:\n")
    COR <- lav_samplestats_step2(UNI = FIT, ov.names = ov.names,
                                 zero.add = zero.add, 
                                 zero.keep.margins = zero.keep.margins,
                                 zero.cell.warn = zero.cell.warn,
                                 zero.cell.tables = zero.cell.tables,
                                 optim.method = optim.method)
    empty.cell.tables <- attr(COR, "zero.cell.tables")
    attr(COR, "zero.cell.tables") <- NULL

    if(verbose) {
        colnames(COR) <- rownames(COR) <- ov.names

    if(!WLS.W) { # we do not need the asymptotic variance matrix
        if(any("numeric" %in% ov.types)) {
            COV <- cor2cov(R=COR, sds=sqrt(unlist(VAR)))
        } else {
            COV <- COR
        out <- list(TH=TH, SLOPES=SLOPES, VAR=VAR, COR=COR, COV=COV,
                INNER=NULL, A11=NULL, A12=NULL, A21=NULL, A22=NULL,
                WLS.W=NULL, H=NULL, zero.cell.tables=matrix("",0,2))

    # stage three -- WLS.W
    SC.COR <- matrix(0, N, pstar)
    PSTAR <- matrix(0, nvar, nvar)
    PSTAR[lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar, diagonal = FALSE)] <- 1:pstar

    A11.size <- NCOL(SC.TH) + NCOL(SC.SL) + NCOL(SC.VAR)

    # A21
    A21 <- matrix(0, pstar, A11.size)
    H22 <- diag(pstar) # for the delta rule
    H21 <- matrix(0, pstar, A11.size)
    # for this one, we need new scores: for each F_ij (cor), the
    # scores with respect to the TH, VAR, ...
    for(j in seq_len(nvar-1L)) {
        for(i in (j+1L):nvar) {
            pstar.idx <- PSTAR[i,j]
            th.idx_i <- th.start.idx[i]:th.end.idx[i]
            th.idx_j <- th.start.idx[j]:th.end.idx[j]
            if(nexo > 0L) {
                sl.idx_i <- NCOL(SC.TH) + seq(i, by=nvar, length.out=nexo)
                sl.idx_j <- NCOL(SC.TH) + seq(j, by=nvar, length.out=nexo)

                var.idx_i <- NCOL(SC.TH) + NCOL(SC.SL) + match(i, num.idx)
                var.idx_j <- NCOL(SC.TH) + NCOL(SC.SL) + match(j, num.idx)
            } else {
                var.idx_i <- NCOL(SC.TH) + match(i, num.idx)
                var.idx_j <- NCOL(SC.TH) + match(j, num.idx)
            if(ov.types[i] == "numeric" && ov.types[j] == "numeric") {
                SC.COR.UNI <- pp_cor_scores(rho=COR[i,j],

                # RHO
                SC.COR[,pstar.idx] <- SC.COR.UNI$dx.rho

                # TH
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_i] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.mu.y1)
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_j] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.mu.y2)
                # SL
                if(nexo > 0L) {
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_i] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y1)
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_j] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y2)
                # VAR
                A21[pstar.idx, var.idx_i] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.var.y1)
                A21[pstar.idx, var.idx_j] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.var.y2)
                # H21 only needed for VAR
                H21[pstar.idx, var.idx_i] <-
                    (sqrt(VAR[j]) * COR[i,j]) / (2*sqrt(VAR[i]))
                H21[pstar.idx, var.idx_j] <-
                    (sqrt(VAR[i]) * COR[i,j]) / (2*sqrt(VAR[j]))
                H22[pstar.idx, pstar.idx] <- sqrt(VAR[i]) * sqrt(VAR[j])
            } else if(ov.types[i] == "numeric" && ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
                SC.COR.UNI <- ps_cor_scores(rho=COR[i,j],
                # RHO
                SC.COR[,pstar.idx] <- SC.COR.UNI$dx.rho

                # TH
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_i] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.mu.y1)
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_j] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.th.y2)
                # SL
                if(nexo > 0L) {
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_i] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y1)
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_j] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y2)
                # VAR
                A21[pstar.idx, var.idx_i] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.var.y1)
                # H21 only need for VAR
                H21[pstar.idx,  var.idx_i] <- COR[i,j] / (2*sqrt(VAR[i]))
                H22[pstar.idx, pstar.idx] <- sqrt(VAR[i])
            } else if(ov.types[j] == "numeric" && ov.types[i] == "ordered") {
                SC.COR.UNI <- ps_cor_scores(rho=COR[i,j],
                # RHO
                SC.COR[,pstar.idx] <- SC.COR.UNI$dx.rho

                # TH
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_j] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.mu.y1)
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_i] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.th.y2)
                # SL
                if(nexo > 0L) {
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_j] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y1)
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_i] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y2)
                # VAR
                A21[pstar.idx, var.idx_j] <-
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.var.y1)
                # H21 only for VAR
                H21[pstar.idx, var.idx_j] <- COR[i,j] / (2*sqrt(VAR[j]))
                H22[pstar.idx, pstar.idx] <- sqrt(VAR[j])
            } else if(ov.types[i] == "ordered" && ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
                # polychoric correlation
                SC.COR.UNI <- pc_cor_scores(rho=COR[i,j], 
                # RHO
                SC.COR[,pstar.idx] <- SC.COR.UNI$dx.rho

                # TH
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_i] <- 
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.th.y1)
                A21[pstar.idx, th.idx_j] <- 
                    lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.th.y2)
                # SL
                if(nexo > 0L) {
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_i] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y1)
                    A21[pstar.idx, sl.idx_j] <-
                        lav_crossprod2(SC.COR[,pstar.idx], SC.COR.UNI$dx.sl.y2)
                # NO VAR

    # stage three
    SC <- cbind(SC.TH, SC.SL, SC.VAR, SC.COR)
    if(missing == "listwise") {
        INNER <- crossprod(SC)
    } else {
        INNER <- lav_crossprod_matrix(SC)

    # A11
    # new approach (2 June 2012): A11 is just a 'sparse' version of 
    # (the left upper block of) INNER
    A11 <- matrix(0, A11.size, A11.size)
    for(i in 1:nvar) {
        th.idx <- th.start.idx[i]:th.end.idx[i]
        sl.idx <- integer(0L)
        var.idx <- integer(0L)
        if(nexo > 0L) {
            sl.idx <- NCOL(SC.TH) + seq(i, by=nvar, length.out=nexo)
            #sl.end.idx <- (i*nexo); sl.start.idx <- (i-1L)*nexo + 1L
            #sl.idx <- NCOL(SC.TH) + (sl.start.idx:sl.end.idx)
        if(ov.types[i] == "numeric") {
            var.idx <- NCOL(SC.TH) + NCOL(SC.SL) + match(i, num.idx)
        a11.idx <- c(th.idx, sl.idx, var.idx)
        A11[a11.idx, a11.idx] <- INNER[a11.idx, a11.idx]

    ##### DEBUG ######
    #### for numeric VAR only, use hessian to get better residual var value
    # for(i in 1:nvar) {
    #     if(ov.types[i] == "numeric") {
    #         tmp.npar <- FIT[[i]]$npar
    #         e.var <- FIT[[i]]$theta[ tmp.npar ]
    #         sq.e.var <- sqrt(e.var)
    #         sq.e.var6 <- sq.e.var*sq.e.var*sq.e.var*sq.e.var*sq.e.var*sq.e.var
    #         dx2.var <- N/(2*e.var*e.var) - 1/sq.e.var6 * (e.var * N)
    #         var.idx <- NCOL(SC.TH) + NCOL(SC.SL) + match(i, num.idx)
    #         A11[var.idx, var.idx] <- -1 * dx2.var
    #     }
    # }

    # A22 (diagonal)
    A22 <- matrix(0, pstar, pstar)
    for(i in seq_len(pstar)) {
        A22[i,i] <- sum( SC.COR[,i]*SC.COR[,i], na.rm=TRUE )

    # A12 (zero)
    A12 <- matrix(0, NROW(A11), NCOL(A22))

    #B <- rbind( cbind(A11,A12),
    #            cbind(A21,A22) )

    # we invert B as a block-triangular matrix (0.5-23)
    # B.inv = A11^{-1}                   0
    #         -A22^{-1} A21 A11^{-1}     A22^{-1}

    # invert A
    A11.inv <- try(solve(A11), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(A11.inv, "try-error")) {
        # brute force
        A11.inv <- MASS::ginv(A11)
        warning("psindex WARNING: trouble constructing W matrix; used generalized inverse for A11 submatrix")
    # invert
    da22 <- diag(A22)
    if(any(da22 == 0)) {
        warning("psindex WARNING: trouble constructing W matrix; used generalized inverse for A22 submatrix")
        A22.inv <- MASS::ginv(A22)
    } else {
        A22.inv <- A22
        diag(A22.inv) <- 1/da22

    # lower-left block
    A21.inv <- -A22.inv %*% A21 %*% A11.inv

    # upper-left block remains zero
    A12.inv <- A12

    # construct B.inv
    B.inv <- rbind( cbind(A11.inv, A12.inv),
                    cbind(A21.inv, A22.inv) )

    #  weight matrix (correlation metric)
    WLS.W <- B.inv %*% INNER %*% t(B.inv)

    # COV matrix?
    if(any("numeric" %in% ov.types)) {
        COV <- cor2cov(R=COR, sds=sqrt(unlist(VAR)))

        # construct H matrix to apply delta rule (for the tranformation
        # of rho_ij to cov_ij)
        H11 <- diag(NROW(A11))
        H12 <- matrix(0, NROW(A11), NCOL(A22))
        # H22 and H21 already filled in
        H <- rbind( cbind(H11,H12),
                    cbind(H21,H22) )

        WLS.W <- H %*% WLS.W %*% t(H)
    } else {
        COV <- COR
          H <- diag(NCOL(WLS.W))

    # reverse sign numeric TH (because we provide -mu in WLS.obs)
    # (WOW, it took me a LOOONGGG time to realize this!)
    # YR 16 July 2012

    # NOTE: prior to 0.5-17, we used num.idx (instead of NUM.idx)
    # which is WRONG if we have more than one threshold per variable
    # (thanks to Sacha Epskamp for spotting this!)
    if(length(num.idx) > 0L) {
        NUM.idx <- which(unlist(TH.IDX) == 0L)
        WLS.W[NUM.idx,] <- -WLS.W[NUM.idx,]
        WLS.W[,NUM.idx] <- -WLS.W[,NUM.idx]
                INNER=INNER, A11=A11, A12=A12, A21=A21, A22=A22,
                WLS.W=WLS.W, H=H,
                zero.cell.tables = empty.cell.tables)
nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.