
# small utility functions to deal with PRELIS
# Y.R.: 11 dec 2012 
prelis.read.cor <- function(file = "") {

    # read in numbers as characters
    txt <- scan(file, what="character", quiet=TRUE)

    # convert to numbers
    txt <- gsub("D", "e", txt)
    x <- as.numeric(txt)

    # create COR/COR matrix
    COR <- lav_matrix_lower2full(x, diagonal = TRUE)

prelis.read.acm <- function(file = "", rescale=1e-3) {

    # read in raw data -- ignore first three elements
    # first element: 123.456789 (check?)
    # second element: 2.72 version number of prelis
    # third element: almost zero??
    zz <- file(file, "rb")
    raw <- readBin(zz, what = "double", n = 1e+05)[-c(1, 2, 3)]

    # scale numbers
    raw <- raw*rescale
    ACM <- lav_matrix_lower2full(raw, diagonal = TRUE)

prelis.write.data <- function(data, file = "prelis", na.rm = TRUE, 
                              labels = FALSE, std.ov = FALSE) {

    dfile <- paste(file, ".raw", sep = "")
    write.table(data, file = dfile, na = "-999999", col.names = FALSE, 
        row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    if (labels) {
        lfile <- paste(file, ".lab", sep = "")
        write.table(unique(names(data)), file = lfile, row.names = F, 
            col.names = F, quote = F)

prelis.run <- function(X, type="OR", keep.files=FALSE) {

    label <- names(X)
    nvar  <- ncol(X)

    # write raw data
    prelis.write.data(X, file="prelistmp")

    # write syntax
    txt <- paste("DA NI=", nvar, " NO=0 MI=-999999\n", sep="")
    txt <- paste(txt, "LA", sep="")
    tmp <- 0
    for(i in 1:nvar) {
        if(tmp%%6 == 0) txt <- paste(txt, "\n", sep="")
        txt <- paste(txt, label[i], " ", sep="")
        tmp <- tmp+1
    txt <- paste(txt, "\n")
    txt <- paste(txt, "RA FI=prelistmp.raw\n", sep="")
    txt <- paste(txt, type, " ALL\n", sep="")
    txt <- paste(txt, "OU MA=PM SA=prelistmp.acm SM=prelistmp.cor\n", sep="")
    writeLines(txt, con="prelistmp.in")

    # run prelis
    system("prelis prelistmp.in prelistmp.out")

    # read in acm and cor
    ACM <- prelis.read.acm(file="prelistmp.acm")
    COR <- prelis.read.cor(file="prelistmp.cor")

    # clean up
    if(!keep.files) {
       unlink(c("prelistmp.in", "prelistmp.out", "prelistmp.acm",
                "prelistmp.cor", "prelistmp.FREQ", "prelistmp.raw"))

    list(COR=COR, ACM=ACM)
nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.