
#' Remove outliers from raster
#' Function that sets value of a raster pixel to NA if it exceeds or subceeds
#' the interquantile range (IQR) of its neighbors by a certain factor.
#' @param ras Input raster
#' @param rad Radius of the considered (circular) neighborhood
#' @param low.perc Lower end of the desired interquantile range (fraction between 0 and 1)
#' @param high.perc Upper end of the desired interquantile range (fraction between 0 and 1)
#' @param fac Factor by which a pixel value needs to exceed or subceed the IQR of its neighbors to be considered an outlier
#' @param high bool if false high outliers will not be removed
#' @param low bool if false low outliers will not be removed
#' @return Raster object with gaps (NA) at the positions of former outliers
#' @keywords raster outlier filter CHM DTM clean quantile quartile percentile interquantile range IQR
#' @export
#' @examples in progress
#' @author Nikolai Knapp, nikolai.knapp@ufz.de

# # Outlier removal
# XYZ.df <- point.cloud
# res=1
# rad=5
# low.perc=0.25
# high.perc=0.75
# fac=1.5
# ras=noisy.ras

# wd <- "C:\\Users\\knappn\\Documents\\Kurse\\HNE_LidarCourse\\Data\\"
# setwd(wd)
# library(sidaRtools)
# library(data.table)
# XYZ.df <- fread("9ha_plot_norm_trans.txt", sep="\t")
# XYZ.df <- data.frame(XYZ.df)
# head(XYZ.df)
# las.column.names <- c("X", "Y", "Z", "Intensity", "ReturnNumber", "NumberOfReturns", "ScanDirectionFlag", "EdgeofFlightLine", "Classification", "ScanAngleRank", "UserData", "PointSourceID", "gpstime", "R", "G", "B")
# names(XYZ.df) <- las.column.names
# myras <- raster("9ha_plot_norm_trans_CHM.tif")
# par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
# plot(myras)
# # Introduce some outliers at random positions in the raster.
# noisy.ras <- myras
# na.pos <- sample.int(n=length(noisy.ras), size=5000)
# noisy.ras[na.pos] <- 40
# plot(noisy.ras)
# clean.ras <- remove.outliers.from.raster.IQR(noisy.ras, high=F)
# plot(clean.ras)

remove.outliers.from.raster.IQR <- function(ras, rad=5, low.perc=0.25, high.perc=0.75, fac=1.5, high=T, low=T){

  # Function that calculates a percentile for a given vector x of values
  low.perc.fun <- function(x, na.rm=T){
    return(quantile(x, probs=low.perc, na.rm=T))
  high.perc.fun <- function(x, na.rm=T){
    return(quantile(x, probs=high.perc, na.rm=T))

  # Create a circular moving window matrix
  xdim <- 2*rad+1
  ydim <- 2*rad+1
  mx <- matrix(NA, nrow=xdim, ncol=ydim)
  in.circle <- function(Xarray, Yarray, Xct, Yct, radius){
    resultarray <- ifelse((Xarray - Xct)^2 + (Yarray - Yct)^2 <= radius^2, 1, NA)
  xmx <- matrix(rep(1:xdim, each=ydim), nrow=xdim, ncol=ydim)
  ymx <- matrix(rep(1:xdim, times=ydim), nrow=xdim, ncol=ydim)
  mx <- in.circle(xmx, ymx, rad+1, rad+1, rad)

  # Calculate the percentile for each pixel in a neigborhood of the given radius
  low.perc.ras <- focal(ras, w=mx, fun=low.perc.fun, na.rm=T, pad=T, padValue=NA, NAonly=F)
  # Calculate the percentile for each pixel in a neigborhood of the given radius
  high.perc.ras <- focal(ras, w=mx, fun=high.perc.fun, na.rm=T, pad=T, padValue=NA, NAonly=F)
  # Create an interquantile raster
  IQR.ras <- high.perc.ras - low.perc.ras

  # Set a pixel value to NA if it exceeds the high quantile
  # of its neighbors by the factor times the IQR
    ras[ras[] > high.perc.ras[]+fac*IQR.ras[]] <- NA
  # Set a pixel value to NA if it subceeds the low quantile
  # of its neighbors by the factor times the IQR
    ras[ras[] < low.perc.ras[]-fac*IQR.ras[]] <- NA
niknap/LidarProcessoR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:18 a.m.