
Defines functions are_shade is_shade new_shade

Documented in are_shade is_shade

#' Create a new shade factor
#' @param x a factor to convert into a `shade` object
#' @param extra_levels the extra levels to give to `shade` objects, such as "broken_machine" and so on, which get converted into "NA_broken_machine".
#' @return a new shade, which is built upon a factor
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
new_shade <- function(x, extra_levels = NULL){

  if (!is.factor(x)) {
    rlang::abort(msg = "input to shade must be a factor")

  levels(x) <- union(levels(x), glue::glue("NA_{extra_levels}"))
            class = c("shade", "factor"))

#' Detect if this is a shade
#' This tells us if this column is a shade
#' @param x a vector you want to test if is a shade
#' @return logical - is this a shade?
#' @export
#' @name is_shade
#' @examples
#' xs <- shade(c(NA, 1, 2, "3"))
#' is_shade(xs)
#' are_shade(xs)
#' any_shade(xs)
#' aq_s <- as_shadow(airquality)
#' is_shade(aq_s)
#' are_shade(aq_s)
#' any_shade(aq_s)
#' any_shade(airquality)
is_shade <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "shade")

#' @export
#' @rdname is_shade
are_shade <- function(x){
  purrr::map(x, class) %>%

#' @export
#' @rdname is_shade
any_shade <- function(x){

#' Create new levels of missing
#' Returns (at least) factors of !NA and NA, where !NA indicates a datum that is
#'   not missing, and NA indicates missingness. It also allows you to specify
#'   some new missings, if you like. This function is what powers the factor
#'   levels in `as_shadow()`.
#' @param x a vector
#' @param ... additional levels of missing to add
#' @param extra_levels extra levels you might to specify for the factor.
#' @examples
#' df <- tibble::tribble(
#'   ~wind, ~temp,
#'   -99,    45,
#'   68,    NA,
#'   72,    25
#'   )
#' shade(df$wind)
#' shade(df$wind, inst_fail = -99)
#' @export
shade <- function(x, ..., extra_levels = NULL){


  if (length(x) == 0) {
    rlang::abort(message = "input to shade must have length > 0")

  # is list column
  if (missing(...) & is.list(x)) {
    x <- factor(purrr::map_lgl(x, ~length(.x)==0),
                labels = c("!NA", "NA"),
                levels = c(FALSE, TRUE))

    return(new_shade(x, extra_levels))

  if (!missing(...) & is.list(x)) {
    rlang::abort(message = "additional levels of missing are not available when shade-ing lists column")

  # if no other levels are specified
  if (missing(...)) {
    x <- factor(is.na(x),
                labels = c("!NA", "NA"),
                levels = c(FALSE, TRUE))

    return(new_shade(x, extra_levels))

  # if additional levels are specified
  if (!missing(...)) {
  # capture the dots
  dict <- rlang::dots_list(...)

  # which values of x match the specified values
  match_pos <- match(x, dict)

  # the name of the new NA level
  custom_na_names <- paste0("NA_", names(dict))

  # add exception for when there is no matches anywhere
  # so skip this if there are no matches
  if (!all_na(match_pos)) {
    x[!is.na(match_pos)] <- custom_na_names[match_pos[!is.na(match_pos)]]

  # add labels to those values that are missing
  # For those values that were not matched
    values_not_matched <- is.na(x[is.na(match_pos)])

  # find if they were missing
  x[is.na(match_pos)] <- ifelse(test = values_not_matched,
                                yes = "NA",
                                no = "!NA")

  x <- factor(x,
              levels = c("!NA", "NA", custom_na_names))

  # and return a new shade value
  new_shade(x, extra_levels)

#' Which variables are shades?
#' This function tells us which variables contain shade information
#' @param .tbl a data.frame or tbl
#' @return numeric - which column numbers contain shade information
#' @examples
#' df_shadow <- bind_shadow(airquality)
#' which_are_shade(df_shadow)
#' @export
which_are_shade <- function(.tbl){
njtierney/ggmissing documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:40 p.m.