#' This copies the rxode2 UI object so it can be modified
#' @param ui Original UI object
#' @return Copied UI object
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
.copyUi <- function(ui) {
if (inherits(ui, "raw")) {
.ret <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
lapply(ls(envir=ui, all.names=TRUE), function(item){
assign(item, get(item, envir=ui), envir=.ret)
class(.ret) <- class(ui)
#' Expand the quoted lines to include relevant lines from UI
#' @param cur This is the current piped in `rxUi` interface
#' @param iniDf This is the ini data frame from the prior ui
#' @param charExpression character vector of the current expression
#' @return `NULL` if there is no lines to add OR a list of the lines
#' from the `cur` UI removing parameters that are not in the
#' destination `ini()`
#' @author Matthew L Fidler
#' @noRd
.quoteExpandRxUi <- function(cur, iniDf, charExpression) {
if (is.null(iniDf)) return(NULL)
.cur <- try(as.rxUi(cur), silent=TRUE)
if (!inherits(.cur, "rxUi")) return(NULL)
.curLotri <- lotri::as.lotri(.cur$iniDf)
.lotriEst <- lotri::lotriEst(.curLotri)
attr(.curLotri, "lotriEst") <- NULL
.ini1 <- NULL
if (!is.null(.lotriEst)) {
.w <- which(.lotriEst$name %in% iniDf$name)
.drop <- NULL
if (length(.w) == 0L) {
.drop <- .lotriEst$name
} else {
.drop <- .lotriEst$name[-.w]
.lotriEst <- .lotriEst[.w, ]
.ret <- list()
attr(.ret, "lotriEst") <- .lotriEst
class(.ret) <- "lotriFix"
.ini1 <- as.data.frame(.ret)
.dn <- dimnames(.curLotri)
.ini2 <- NULL
if (!is.null(.dn)) {
.dn <- .dn[[1]]
.w <- which(.dn %in% iniDf$name)
if (length(.w) == 0L) {
.drop <- c(.drop, .dn)
} else {
.drop <- c(.drop, .dn[-.w])
.curLotri <- .curLotri[.w, .w]
class(.curLotri) <- c("lotriFix", "matrix", "array")
.ini2 <- as.data.frame(.curLotri)
.iniDf <- rbind(.ini1, .ini2)
if (is.null(.iniDf)) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste0("piping '", charExpression, "' has no parameters in common with model and does nothing"))
if (length(.drop) > 0) {
cli::cli_alert_info(paste0("ignoring following estimates in '", charExpression, "': ",
paste(.drop, collapse=", ")))
.ini <- lotri::lotriDataFrameToLotriExpression(.iniDf, useIni = TRUE)
.ini <- .ini[[2]]
.ini <- as.list(.ini)[-1]
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$labels <- NULL
.env$lastlhs <- NULL
.env$lhsvars <- NULL
.ini <- lapply(seq_along(.ini), function(i) {
.cur <- .ini[[i]]
if (is.call(.cur) && identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`label`))) {
if (is.null(.env$lastlhs)) {
stop("do not know where to put label", call.=FALSE) # should not get here
.env$labels <- c(.env$labels, i)
return(as.call(list(quote(`<-`), str2lang(.env$lastlhs), .cur)))
if (is.call(.cur) && (identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`<-`)) ||
identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`~`)))) {
if (is.call(.cur[[2]])) {
if (identical(.cur[[2]], quote(`+`))) {
.env$lhsvars <- c(.env$lhsvars, vapply(as.list(.cur)[-1], function(x) {
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
} else {
.char <- as.character(.cur[[2]])
.env$lastlhs <- .char
.env$lhsvars <- c(.env$lhsvars, .char)
if (!is.null(.env$labels)) {
if (getOption("rxode2.ignoreLabels", TRUE)) {
.ini <- .ini[-.env$labels]
.minfo("the labels from the piped model do not overwrite old labels\nto change use 'options(rxode2.ignoreLabels=FALSE)'")
} else {
.minfo("the labels from the piped model overwrite old labels\nto change use 'options(rxode2.ignoreLabels=TRUE)'")
#' This expands a list of expressions
#' @param lines These are the expressions as a list
#' @param bracketsOrCs This is the indicator of the bracket lines ie
#' `{}` or concatenations ie `c()`, that are expanded
#' @param iniDf initial conditions from the previous/parent rxUi
#' @return Single list of expressions; `a=b` becomes `a<-b` in this
#' expression
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.quoteExpandBracketsOrCs <- function(lines, bracketsOrCs, envir=envir, iniDf=NULL) {
if (length(bracketsOrCs) == 0) return(lines)
.expandedForm <- NULL
.currentLine <- 1
for (.b in bracketsOrCs) {
.bracketExpression <- lines[[.b]]
.cur <- NULL
if (length(.bracketExpression) == 1) {
# evaulate expression
.cur <- try(eval(.bracketExpression, envir=envir), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.cur, "try-error")) {
} else if (length(.cur) > 1) {
if (inherits(.cur, "character")) {
if (is.null(names(.cur))) {
.cur <- lapply(.cur, function(x) {
} else {
.cur <- lapply(names(.cur), function(x) {
str2lang(paste0(x, "<-", .cur[[x]]))
.cur <- as.call(c(list(quote(`{`)),.cur))
.bracketExpression <- .cur
} else if (identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
.bracketExpression <- .cur
.unlistedBrackets <- NULL
if (length(.bracketExpression) > 1) {
if (identical(.bracketExpression[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
.unlistedBrackets <- lapply(seq_along(.bracketExpression)[-1],
function(i) {
.c <- .bracketExpression[[i]]
if (identical(.c[[1]], quote(`=`))) {
.c[[1]] <- quote(`<-`)
if (is.null(.unlistedBrackets)) {
if (is.null(.cur)) {
## evalute to vector and then put it in place
.cur <- eval(.bracketExpression, envir=envir)
if (inherits(.cur, "<-") || inherits(.cur, "call")) {
.unlistedBrackets <- .cur
} else if (inherits(.cur, "numeric")) {
if (is.null(names(.cur))) {
stop("cannot figure out what to do with the unnamed vector", call.=FALSE)
.unlistedBrackets <- lapply(names(.cur), function(.n) {
bquote(.(str2lang(.n)) <- .(setNames(.cur[.n], NULL)))
} else if (inherits(.cur, "list")) {
if (is.null(names(.cur))) {
stop("cannot figure out what to do with the unnamed list", call.=FALSE)
.unlistedBrackets <- lapply(names(.cur), function(.n) {
.v <- .cur[[.n]]
if (inherits(.v, "numeric")) {
bquote(.(str2lang(.n)) <- .(setNames(.cur[[.n]], NULL)))
} else {
stop("one of the list items supplied to piping is non-numeric", call.=FALSE)
} else if (inherits(.cur, "matrix")) {
.cur2 <- .cur
.unlistedBrackets <- as.list(lotri::lotriAsExpression(.cur2, plusNames=TRUE)[[-1]])[-1]
} else if (inherits(.cur, "character") && !is.null(names(.cur))) {
.unlistedBrackets <- lapply(paste(names(.cur),"=", setNames(.cur, NULL)),
} else if (inherits(.cur, "character") && length(.cur) == 1) {
.unlistedBrackets <- try(str2lang(.cur), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.unlistedBrackets, "try-error")) {
stop("vectors and list need to be named numeric expression", call.=FALSE)
if (identical(.unlistedBrackets[[1]], quote(`=`))) {
.unlistedBrackets[[1]] <- quote(`<-`)
.unlistedBrackets <- list(.unlistedBrackets)
} else {
.ini <- .quoteExpandRxUi(.cur, iniDf=iniDf, charExpression=deparse1(.bracketExpression))
if (is.null(.ini)) stop("vectors and list need to be named numeric expression", call.=FALSE)
.expandedForm <- c(.expandedForm, .ini)
if (.currentLine == .b) {
.expandedForm <- c(.expandedForm, .unlistedBrackets)
} else {
.expandedForm <- c(.expandedForm, lines[seq(.currentLine, .b - 1)],
.currentLine <- .b + 1
if (.currentLine <= length(lines)) {
.expandedForm <- c(.expandedForm, lines[seq(.currentLine, length(lines))])
#' This function collapses the lotri line form to the plus form
#' @param expressionList Expression list that is input to change into
#' matrix expression form the new line expressions to the classic
#' plus expressions.
#' @return expression list where lotri line for covariance matrices
#' are translated to classic plus form.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' tmp <- list(str2lang("d ~ 1"),
#' str2lang("e ~ c(0.5, 3)"),
#' str2lang("cp ~ add(add.sd)"),
#' str2lang("cp ~ add(add.sd) + prop(prop.sd)"),
#' str2lang("cp ~ + add(add.sd)"))
#' .collapseLotriLineFormToPlusForm(tmp)
.collapseLotriLineFormToPlusForm <- function(expressionList) {
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$ret <- expressionList
.env$lst <- list()
.env$last <- NA_integer_
.f <- function() {
if (!is.na(.env$last)) {
.val <- as.call(c(list(quote(`{`)), .env$lst))
.val <- as.call(c(str2lang("lotri::lotri"), .val))
.val <- suppressMessages(try(eval(.val), silent=TRUE))
if (inherits(.val, "try-error")) {
for (.j in seq_along(.env$lst)) {
.env$ret[[.env$last + .j - 1L]] <- .env$lst[[.j]]
} else {
.val <- lotri::lotriAsExpression(.val, plusNames=TRUE)
.val <- lapply(seq_along(.val)[-1],
.val <- lapply(seq_along(.val)[-1],
for (.j in seq_along(.val)) {
.env$ret[[.env$last + .j - 1L]] <- .val[[.j]]
.env$lst <- list()
.env$last <- NA_integer_
for (.i in seq_along(.env$ret)) {
.cur <- .env$ret[[.i]]
if (is.call(.cur) && identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`~`)) &&
length(.cur) == 3L &&
length(.cur[[2]]) == 1L # excludes ll(cp) ~ 1
) {
.isLotri <- TRUE
# Check to see if this is an error call
if (is.call(.cur[[3]])) {
.call <- deparse1(.cur[[3]][[1]])
if (.call == "+" &&
length(.cur[[3]]) >= 2 &&
is.call(.cur[[3]][[2]])) {
.call <- deparse1(.cur[[3]][[2]][[1]])
if (.call %in% names(.errDist)) {
.isLotri <- FALSE
if (.isLotri) {
if (is.na(.env$last)) {
.env$last <- .i
.env$ret[[.i]] <- NA
.env$lst <- c(.env$lst, .cur)
} else {
.w <- which(vapply(seq_along(.env$ret), function(i) {
!(length(.env$ret[[i]]) == 1L && is.na(.env$ret[[i]]))
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
lapply(.w, function(i) { .env$ret[[i]]})
.nsEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.nsEnv$.quoteCallInfoLinesAppend <- NULL
#' Returns quoted call information
#' @param callInfo Call information
#' @param envir Environment for evaluation (if needed)
#' @param iniDf The parent model `iniDf` when piping in a `ini` block
#' (`NULL` otherwise)
#' @return Quote call information. for `name=expression`, change to
#' `name<-expression` in quoted call list. For expressions that are
#' within brackets ie `{}`, unlist the brackets as if they were
#' called in one single sequence.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
.quoteCallInfoLines <- function(callInfo, envir=parent.frame(), iniDf=NULL) {
.bracket <- rep(FALSE, length.out=length(callInfo))
.env <- environment()
.nsEnv$.quoteCallInfoLinesAppend <- NULL
.ret <- lapply(seq_along(callInfo), function(i) {
.name <- names(callInfo)[i]
if (!is.null(.name)) {
if (.name == "append") {
.append <- callInfo[[i]]
if (identical(.append, quote(TRUE)) ||
identical(.append, quote(FALSE)) ||
identical(.append, quote(NA))) {
} else {
.nsEnv$.quoteCallInfoLinesAppend <- eval(call("quote", .append))
} else if (.name %in% c("envir", "auto", "iniDf", "cov")) {
} else if (.name != "") {
# Changed named items to
return(as.call(list(quote(`<-`), str2lang(.name),
eval(call("quote", callInfo[[i]])))))
.quoted <- eval(call("quote", callInfo[[i]]))
if (missing(.quoted)) {
# Capture empty arguments (rxode2#688)
warning("empty argument ignored")
} else if (length(.quoted) == 1) {
if (identical(.quoted, quote(`diag`)) ||
(is.call(.quoted) && identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`diag`)))) {
.quoted <- str2lang("~diag()")
} else {
.bracket[i] <- TRUE
assign(".bracket", .bracket, envir=.env)
} else if (length(.quoted) >= 1 &&
identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`diag`))) {
.quoted <- as.call(c(list(quote(`~`)), .quoted))
} else if (identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`diag`))) {
} else if (identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`{`)) ||
identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`c`)) ||
identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`list`))) {
.bracket[i] <- TRUE
assign(".bracket", .bracket, envir=.env)
} else if (identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`as.formula`))) {
.quoted <- .quoted[[2]]
} else if (identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
if (length(.quoted) == 3L && !is.null(.quoted[[3]])) {
.quoted[[3]] <- .iniSimplifyFixUnfix(.quoted[[3]])
if (identical(.quoted[[3]], quote(`fix`)) ||
identical(.quoted[[3]], quote(`unfix`))) {
.quoted <- as.call(list(quote(`<-`), .quoted[[2]], .quoted[[3]]))
} else if (identical(.quoted[[1]], quote(`$`))) {
.tmp <- try(eval(.quoted), silent=TRUE)
if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.quoted <- .tmp
if (inherits(.quoted, "character")) {
.quoted <- str2lang(.quoted)
.w <- which(.bracket)
.ret <- .quoteExpandBracketsOrCs(.ret, .w, envir=envir, iniDf=iniDf)
.ret <- lapply(seq_along(.ret), function(i) {
if (identical(.ret[[i]][[1]], quote(`$`))) {
.r <- eval(.ret[[i]], envir=envir)
if (inherits(.r, "character")) {
.r <- str2lang(.r)
.collapseLotriLineFormToPlusForm(.ret[vapply(seq_along(.ret), function(i) {
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)])
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