#' Message about fixing or unfixing a parameter
#' @param ini this is the iniDf data frame
#' @param w this indicates the row number of the item that is fixed or
#' unfixed
#' @param fixedValue this is a boolean
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.msgFix<- function(ini, w, fixedValue) {
lapply(w, function(.w) {
if (ini$fix[.w] != fixedValue) {
if (fixedValue) {
.minfo(paste0("fix {.code ", ini$name[.w], "} to {.code ", ini$est[.w], "}"))
} else {
.minfo(paste0("unfix {.code ", ini$name[.w], "} keeping initial estimate {.code ", ini$est[.w], "}"))
#' This modifies the iniDf to fix (or unfix) parameters and related
#' values
#' Note that the block of etas will be fixed/unfixed when a single
#' value is fixed/unfixed
#' @param ini iniDf data.frame
#' @param w which item will be fixed
#' @param fixedValue should this be fixed `TRUE` or unfixed `FALSE`
#' @return nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.iniModifyFixedForThetaOrEtablock <- function(ini, w, fixedValue) {
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.msgFix(ini, w, fixedValue)
ini$fix[w] <- fixedValue
.neta <- ini$neta1[w]
if (!is.na(.neta)) {
.etas <- .neta
.fixedEtas <- NULL
while (length(.etas) > 0) {
.neta <- .etas[1]
w <- which(ini$neta1 == .neta | ini$neta2 == .neta)
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.msgFix(ini, w, fixedValue)
ini$fix[w] <- fixedValue
.etas <- unique(c(.etas, ini$neta1[w], ini$neta2[w]))
.fixedEtas <- c(.neta, .fixedEtas)
.etas <- .etas[!(.etas %in% .fixedEtas)]
#' Modify the population estimate in the internal `iniDf` data.frame
#' @param ini This is the data frame for modifying
#' @param lhs This is the left hand expression as a character
#' @param rhs This is the right handed expression
#' @param doFix Fix the estimation variable
#' @param doUnfix Unfix the estimation variable
#' @param maxLen The maximum length is either 3 or 1
#' @return Modified ini variable
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.iniModifyThetaOrSingleEtaDf <- function(ini, lhs, rhs, doFix, doUnfix, maxLen) {
.w <- which(ini$name == lhs)
if (length(.w) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", lhs, "'", call.=FALSE)
.curFix <- ini$fix[.w]
if (doFix) {
if (.curFix) {
warning("trying to fix '", lhs, "', but already fixed",
} else {
ini <- .iniModifyFixedForThetaOrEtablock(ini, .w, TRUE)
} else if (doUnfix) {
if (.curFix) {
ini <- .iniModifyFixedForThetaOrEtablock(ini, .w, FALSE)
} else {
warning("trying to unfix '", lhs, "', but already unfixed",
if (is.null(rhs)) {
} else if (length(rhs) == 1) {
ini$est[.w] <- rhs
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("change initial estimate of {.code ", ini$name[.w], "} to {.code ", ini$est[.w], "}"))
.lower <- ini$lower[.w]
.upper <- ini$upper[.w]
if (.lower >= rhs) {
ini$lower[.w] <- -Inf
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("lower bound of {.code ", ini$name[.w], "} reset to {.code -Inf}"))
if (.upper <= rhs) {
ini$upper[.w] <- Inf
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("upper bound of {.code ", ini$name[.w], "} reset to {.code Inf}"))
} else {
if (maxLen == 1) {
stop("piping for '", lhs, "' failed, the estimate should only be 1 value",
} else if (length(rhs) == 2) {
ini$lower[.w] <- rhs[1]
ini$est[.w] <- rhs[2]
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("change initial estimate (", ini$est[.w], ") and lower bound (", ini$lower[.w], ") of {.code ", ini$name[.w], "}"))
# now check/change upper if needed
.upper <- ini$upper[.w]
if (.upper <= rhs[1] || .upper <= rhs[2]) {
ini$upper[.w] <- Inf
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("upper bound for initial estimate (", ini$name[.w], ") reset to Inf"))
} else if (length(rhs) == 3) {
ini$lower[.w] <- rhs[1]
ini$est[.w] <- rhs[2]
ini$upper[.w] <- rhs[3]
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("change initial estimate (", ini$est[.w], ") and upper/lower bound (", ini$lower[.w], " to ", ini$upper[.w], ") of {.code ", ini$name[.w], "}"))
#' Handle a fix or unfixed single expressionon for population or single eta
#' This updates the `iniDf` within the rxode2 UI object
#' @param expr Single assignment expression
#' @param rxui rxode2 UI object
#' @param envir Environment where the evaulation occurs
#' @param maxLen Maximum length of the argument
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.iniHandleFixOrUnfixEqual <- function(expr, rxui, envir=parent.frame(), maxLen=3L) {
.tilde <- .isLotriAssignment(expr)
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
.lhs <- as.character(expr[[2]])
.rhs <- expr[[3]]
.doFix <- .doUnfix <- FALSE
if (is.name(.rhs)) {
if (identical(.rhs, quote(`fix`))) { # variations on fix are handled upstream
.doFix <- TRUE
.rhs <- NULL
} else if (identical(.rhs, quote(`unfix`))) { # variations on unfix are handled upstream
.doUnfix <- TRUE
.rhs <- NULL
} else if (identical(.rhs[[1]], quote(`fix`))) {
.doFix <- TRUE
.rhs[[1]] <- quote(`c`)
} else if (identical(.rhs[[1]], quote(`unfix`))) {
.doUnfix <- TRUE
.rhs[[1]] <- quote(`c`)
if (!is.null(.rhs)) {
.rhs <- eval(.rhs, envir=envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.rhs, any.missing=FALSE, min.len=1, max.len=3, .var.name=.lhs)
if (!all(sort(.rhs) == .rhs)) {
stop("the '", .lhs, "' piping lower, estimate, and/or upper estimate is in the wrong order",
if (.lhs %in% .covs) {
.addVariableToIniDf(.lhs, rxui, toEta=.tilde, value=.rhs, promote=TRUE)
# assign is called again to handle the fixing of the variable
assign("iniDf", .iniModifyThetaOrSingleEtaDf(rxui$ini, .lhs, .rhs, .doFix, .doUnfix, maxLen=maxLen),
#' Add a covariance term between two eta values
#' @param ini Data frame of initial estimates
#' @param neta1 Name of the first eta term
#' @param neta2 Name of the second eta term
#' @param est Estimate of the covariance
#' @param doFix Should this term be fixed
#' @param rxui is the rxui value
#' @return A modified (unsorted) data frame with the new covariance term appended
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.iniAddCovarianceBetweenTwoEtaValues <- function(ini, neta1, neta2, est, doFix, rxui) {
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
if (neta1 %in% .covs) {
.addVariableToIniDf(neta1, rxui, toEta=TRUE, value=NA, promote=TRUE)
ini <- rxui$iniDf
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
if (neta2 %in% .covs) {
.addVariableToIniDf(neta2, rxui, toEta=TRUE, value=NA, promote=TRUE)
ini <- rxui$iniDf
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
.w1 <- which(ini$name == neta1)
.w2 <- which(ini$name == neta2)
if (length(.w1) != 1) stop("cannot find parameter '", neta1, "'", call.=FALSE)
if (length(.w2) != 1) stop("cannot find parameter '", neta2, "'", call.=FALSE)
if (ini$neta1[.w1] < ini$neta1[.w2]) {
.tmp <- .w1
.w1 <- .w2
.w2 <- .tmp
.tmp <- neta1
neta1 <- neta2
neta2 <- .tmp
.fix <- FALSE
if (doFix) .fix <- TRUE
.ini2 <- data.frame(ntheta= NA_integer_, neta1=ini$neta1[.w1], neta2=ini$neta1[.w2],
name=paste0("(", neta2, ",", neta1, ")"), lower= -Inf, est=est, upper=Inf,
fix=.fix, label=NA_character_, backTransform=NA_character_, condition="id",
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("add covariance between {.code ", ini$name[.w1], "} and {.code ", ini$name[.w2], "} with initial estimate {.code ", est, "}"))
#' This function handles the lotri process and integrates into current UI
#' This will update the matrix and integrate the initial estimates in the UI
#' @param mat Lotri processed matrix from the piping ini function
#' @param rxui rxode2 UI function
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.iniHandleLotriMatrix <- function(mat, rxui) {
.dn <- dimnames(mat)[[1]]
.iniDf <- rxui$iniDf
.drop <- FALSE
.common <- rxui$iniDf$name[rxui$iniDf$name %in% .dn]
if (all(is.na(rxui$iniDf$neta1))) {
.maxEta <- 0
.shift <- 0
} else {
.maxEta <- max(rxui$iniDf$neta1, na.rm=TRUE)
.shift <- .maxEta - length(.common)
.ini2 <- NULL
for (.i in seq_along(.dn)) {
.n <- .dn[.i]
.w <- which(.iniDf$name == .n)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
.oNum <- .iniDf$neta1[.w]
.w2 <- which(.iniDf$neta1 == .oNum & .iniDf$neta2 != .oNum)
.df1 <- .iniDf[.w, ]
.df1$neta1 <- .i + .shift
.df1$neta2 <- .i + .shift
.ini2 <- c(.ini2, list(.df1))
if (length(.w2) > 0) {
.iniDf <- .iniDf[-.w2, ]
.drop <- TRUE
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE)) && .drop) {
.minfo(paste0("some correlations may have been dropped for the variables: {.code ", paste(.dn, collapse="}, {.code "), "}"))
.minfo("the piping should specify the needed covariances directly")
.dfTheta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$neta1), ]
.dfEta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$neta1), ]
.dfEta <- .dfEta[!(.dfEta$name %in% .dn),, drop = FALSE]
if (length(.dfEta$neta1) > 0) {
.dfEta$neta1 <- factor(paste(.dfEta$neta1))
.dfEta$neta2 <- factor(paste(.dfEta$neta2), levels=levels(.dfEta$neta1))
.dfEta$neta1 <- as.integer(.dfEta$neta1)
.dfEta$neta2 <- as.integer(.dfEta$neta2)
.iniDf <- do.call("rbind", c(list(.dfTheta), list(.dfEta), .ini2))
assign("iniDf", .iniDf, envir=rxui)
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
.fixMatrix <- attr(mat, "lotriFix")
.unfixMatrix <- attr(mat, "lotriUnfix")
.n <- dimnames(mat)[[1]]
.mat <- mat
if (!inherits(.mat, "lotriFix"))
class(.mat) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat))
.df <- as.data.frame(.mat)
.lastFix <- FALSE
for (i in seq_along(.df$neta1)) {
if (!is.na(.df$neta1[i])) {
.doFix <- FALSE
.doUnfix <- FALSE
if (!is.null(.fixMatrix) && .df$fix[i]) {
.doFix <- TRUE
if (!is.null(.unfixMatrix) && !.df$fix[i]) {
.doUnfix <- TRUE
if (.df$neta1[i] == .df$neta2[i]) {
.var <- as.character(.df$name[i])
if (.var %in% .covs) {
.addVariableToIniDf(.var, rxui, toEta=TRUE, value=.df$est[i], promote=TRUE)
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
assign("iniDf", .iniModifyThetaOrSingleEtaDf(rxui$iniDf, .var, .df$est[i], .doFix, .doUnfix, 1L),
.lastFix <- rxui$iniDf$fix[rxui$iniDf$name == .var]
} else {
.n1 <- paste0("(", .n[.df$neta1[i]], ",", .n[.df$neta2[i]], ")")
assign("iniDf", .iniAddCovarianceBetweenTwoEtaValues(rxui$iniDf, .n[.df$neta1[i]], .n[.df$neta2[i]], .df$est[i],
.lastFix, rxui),
.covs <- rxui$allCovs
# Determine if the input is an endpoint by being 3 long and the call part being
# a tilde
.isLotriAssignment <- function(expr) {
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang(". ~ ."))
#' Modify the label in an iniDf
#' @inheritParams .iniHandleLine
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Bill Denney & Matthew Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.iniHandleLabel <- function(expr, rxui, envir) {
.lhs <- as.character(expr[[2]])
.newLabel <- expr[[3]][[2]]
.ini <- rxui$ini
.w <- which(.ini$name == .lhs)
if (length(.w) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", .lhs, "'", call.=FALSE)
} else if (is.null(.newLabel)) {
.newLabel <- NA_character_
} else if (!is.character(.newLabel) || !(length(.newLabel) == 1)) {
stop("the new label for '", .lhs, "' must be a character string",
.ini$label[.w] <- .newLabel
assign("iniDf", .ini, envir=rxui)
#' This handles the backTransform() piping calls
#' @param expr expression for backTransform() in `ini()` piping
#' @param rxui rxode2 ui function
#' @param envir evaluation environment
#' @return nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.iniHandleBackTransform <- function(expr, rxui, envir) {
.lhs <- as.character(expr[[2]])
.newExpr <- expr[[3]][[2]]
.ini <- rxui$ini
.w <- which(.ini$name == .lhs)
.good <- TRUE
if (length(.w) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", .lhs, "'", call.=FALSE)
} else if (is.null(.newExpr)) {
.newExpr <- NA_character_
} else if (checkmate::testCharacter(.newExpr, len=1, any.missing=FALSE,
min.chars = 1)) {
} else {
.newExpr <- deparse1(.newExpr)
if (!checkmate::testCharacter(.newExpr, len=1, any.missing=FALSE,
min.chars = 1)) {
.good <- FALSE
if (!.good) {
stop("backTransform specification malformed",
if (!is.na(.newExpr)) {
if (!exists(.newExpr, envir=envir, mode="function")) {
stop("tried use a backTransform(\"", .newExpr, "\") when the function does not exist",
.ini$backTransform[.w] <- .newExpr
assign("iniDf", .ini, envir=rxui)
#' Reorder rows in iniDf
#' @inheritParams .iniHandleLine
#' @param append Reorder theta parameters. \code{NULL} means no change to
#' parameter order. A parameter name (as a character string) means to put the
#' new parameter after the named parameter. A number less than or equal to
#' zero means to put the parameter at the beginning of the list. A number
#' greater than the last parameter number means to put the parameter at the
#' end of the list.
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @keywords internal
.iniHandleAppend <- function(expr, rxui, envir, append) {
ini <- rxui$ini
if (is.null(append)) {
# Do nothing
} else if (is.logical(append)) {
checkmate::assertLogical(append, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
if (isTRUE(append)) {
appendClean <- Inf
} else if (isFALSE(append)) {
appendClean <- 0
} else if (is.numeric(append)) {
checkmate::assertNumber(append, null.ok = FALSE, na.ok = FALSE)
appendClean <- append
} else if (is.character(append)) {
checkmate::assertCharacter(append, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1, null.ok = FALSE)
checkmate::assertChoice(append, choices = ini$name)
appendClean <- which(ini$name == append)
} else {
stop("'append' must be NULL, logical, numeric, or character/expression of variable in model",
call. = FALSE)
lhs <- as.character(expr[[2]])
wLhs <- which(ini$name == lhs)
if (length(wLhs) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", lhs, "'", call.=FALSE)
} else if (length(appendClean) != 1) {
# This likely cannot be reached because all scenarios should be handled
# above in the input checking. The line remains in the code defensively.
stop("Cannot find parameter '", append, "'", call.=FALSE) # nocov
} else if (appendClean == wLhs) {
warning("parameter '", lhs, "' set to be moved after itself, no change in order made",
call. = FALSE)
} else if (is.na(ini$ntheta[wLhs])) {
stop("only theta parameters can be moved. '", lhs, "' is not a theta parameter",
call. = FALSE)
# Do the movement
if (appendClean <= 0) {
# put it at the top
ret <- rbind(ini[wLhs, ], ini[-wLhs, ])
} else if (appendClean >= nrow(ini)) {
# put it at the bottom
ret <- rbind(ini[-wLhs, ], ini[wLhs, ])
} else {
# put it in the middle
rowsAbove <- setdiff(seq_len(appendClean), wLhs)
rowsBelow <- setdiff(seq(appendClean + 1, nrow(ini)), wLhs)
ret <- rbind(ini[rowsAbove, ], ini[wLhs, ], ini[rowsBelow, ])
# Ensure that ntheta stays in order
ini$ntheta[!is.na(ini$ntheta)] <- seq_len(sum(!is.na(ini$ntheta)))
assign("iniDf", ret, envir=rxui)
.iniHandleRecalc <- function(rxui) {
.fun <- rxUiDecompress(rxui$fun())
for (.i in ls(.fun, all.names=TRUE)) {
if (.i != "meta") {
assign(.i, get(.i, envir=.fun), envir=rxui)
#' Handle switching theta to eta and vice versa
#' This is coded as model |> ini(~par)
#' @param expr Expression, this would be the ~par expression
#' @param rxui rxui uncompressed environment
#' @param envir Environment for evaluation (if needed)
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.iniHandleSwitchType <- function(expr, rxui, envir=parent.frame()) {
.var <- as.character(expr[[2]])
.iniDf <- rxui$iniDf
.w <- which(.iniDf$name == .var)
if (length(.w) != 1L) stop("cannot switch parameter type for '", .var, "'", call.=FALSE)
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
if (is.na(.iniDf$ntheta[.w])) {
# switch eta to theta
.neta <- .iniDf$neta1[.w]
.eta <- .eta[.eta$neta1 != .neta,, drop = FALSE]
.eta <- .eta[.eta$neta2 != .neta,, drop = FALSE]
.eta$neta1 <- .eta$neta1 - ifelse(.eta$neta1 < .neta, 0L, 1L)
.eta$neta2 <- .eta$neta2 - ifelse(.eta$neta2 < .neta, 0L, 1L)
.newTheta <- .iniDf[.w, ]
.newTheta$neta1 <- NA_integer_
.newTheta$neta2 <- NA_integer_
if (length(.theta$ntheta) == 0L) {
.newTheta$ntheta <- 1L
} else {
.newTheta$ntheta <- max(.theta$ntheta) + 1L
.minfo(paste0("convert '", .var, "' from between subject variability to population parameter"))
.theta <- rbind(.theta, .newTheta)
} else {
# switch theta to eta
if (!is.na(.iniDf$err[.w])) {
stop("cannot switch error parameter '", .var,
"' to a different type", call. = FALSE)
.ntheta <- .iniDf$ntheta[.w]
.theta <- .theta[.theta$ntheta != .ntheta,, drop = FALSE]
.theta$ntheta <- .theta$ntheta - ifelse(.theta$ntheta < .ntheta, 0L, 1L)
.newEta <- .iniDf[.w, ]
.newEta$ntheta <- NA_integer_
if (length(.eta$neta1) == 0L) {
.newEta$neta1 <- .newEta$neta2 <- 1L
} else {
.newEta$neta1 <- .newEta$neta2 <- max(.eta$neta1) + 1L
.minfo(paste0("convert '", .var, "' from population parameter to between subject variability"))
if (.newEta$est == 0) {
.minfo("old initial estimate is zero, changing to 1")
.newEta$est <- 1
} else if (.newEta$est < 0) {
.minfo("old initial estimate was negative, changing to positive")
.newEta$est <- -.newEta$est
.newEta$lower <- -Inf
.newEta$upper <- Inf
.newEta$condition <- "id"
.eta <- rbind(.eta, .newEta)
.ini <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
assign("iniDf", .ini, envir=rxui)
#' Handle dropping parameter and treating as if it is a covariate
#' This is coded as model |> ini(-par)
#' @param expr Expression, this would be the ~par expression
#' @param rxui rxui uncompressed environment
#' @param envir Environment for evaluation (if needed)
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.iniHandleDropType <- function(expr, rxui, envir=parent.frame()) {
.var <- as.character(expr[[2]])
.iniDf <- rxui$iniDf
.w <- which(.iniDf$name == .var)
if (length(.w) != 1L) stop("no initial estimates for '", .var, "', cannot change to covariate", call.=FALSE)
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
if (is.na(.iniDf$ntheta[.w])) {
.minfo(paste0("changing between subject variability parameter '", .var, "' to covariate parameter"))
.neta <- .iniDf$neta1[.w]
.eta <- .eta[.eta$neta1 != .neta,, drop = FALSE]
.eta <- .eta[.eta$neta2 != .neta,, drop = FALSE]
.eta$neta1 <- .eta$neta1 - ifelse(.eta$neta1 < .neta, 0L, 1L)
.eta$neta2 <- .eta$neta2 - ifelse(.eta$neta2 < .neta, 0L, 1L)
} else {
if (!is.na(.iniDf$err[.w])) {
stop("cannot switch error parameter '", .var,
"' to a covariate", call. = FALSE)
.minfo(paste0("changing population parameter '", .var, "' to covariate parameter"))
.ntheta <- .iniDf$ntheta[.w]
.theta <- .theta[.theta$ntheta != .ntheta,, drop = FALSE]
.theta$ntheta <- .theta$ntheta - ifelse(.theta$ntheta < .ntheta, 0L, 1L)
.ini <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
assign("iniDf", .ini, envir=rxui)
# This will change covariates, recalculate everything
#' Update the iniDf of a model
#' @param expr Expression for parsing
#' @param rxui User interface function
#' @param envir Environment for parsing
#' @inheritParams .iniHandleAppend
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.iniHandleLine <- function(expr, rxui, envir=parent.frame(), append = NULL) {
if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("~diag()"))) {
.iniHandleDiag(expr=NULL, rxui=rxui)
} else if (length(expr) == 2L &&
identical(expr[[1]], quote(`~`)) &&
is.call(expr[[2]]) && length(expr[[2]]) >= 2L &&
identical(expr[[2]][[1]], quote(`diag`))) {
# .matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("~diag(.)")) doesn't work
.iniHandleDiag(expr=expr, rxui=rxui)
# Convert all variations on fix, fixed, FIX, FIXED; unfix, unfixed, UNFIX,
# UNFIXED to fix and unfix to simplify all downstream operations
expr <- .iniSimplifyFixUnfix(expr)
# Convert assignment equal ("=") to left arrows ("<-") to simplify all
# downstream operations
expr <- .iniSimplifyAssignArrow(expr)
if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang(".name <- NULL")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang(".name ~ NULL")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("cov(.name, .name) <- NULL")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("cor(.name, .name) <- NULL")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("cov(.name, .name) ~ NULL")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("cor(.name, .name) ~ NULL"))) {
expr <- as.call(list(quote(`-`), expr[[2]]))
# now handle dropping covariances
if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("-cov(.name, .name)")) ||
.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("-cor(.name, .name)"))) {
.iniHandleRmCov(expr=expr, rxui=rxui)
# Convert fix(name) or unfix(name) to name <- fix or name <- unfix
if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("fix(.name)"))) {
expr <- as.call(list(quote(`<-`), expr[[2]], quote(`fix`)))
} else if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang("unfix(.name)"))) {
expr <- as.call(list(quote(`<-`), expr[[2]], quote(`unfix`)))
if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang(".name <- label(.)"))) {
.iniHandleLabel(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir)
} else if (.matchesLangTemplate(expr, str2lang(".name <- backTransform(.)"))) {
.iniHandleBackTransform(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir)
} else if (.isAssignment(expr) && is.character(expr[[3]])) {
"to assign a new label, use '%s <- label(\"%s\")'",
as.character(expr[[2]]), expr[[3]]
), call.=FALSE
} else if (.isAssignment(expr)) {
.iniHandleFixOrUnfixEqual(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir)
} else if (.isLotriAssignment(expr)) {
.rhs <- expr[[2]]
if (length(.rhs) > 1) {
if (identical(.rhs[[1]], quote(`+`))) {
.iniHandleLotriMatrix(eval(as.call(list(quote(`lotri`), as.call(list(quote(`{`), expr)))),
expr[[3]] <- eval(as.call(list(quote(`lotri`), as.call(list(quote(`{`), expr)))),
envir=envir)[1, 1]
.iniHandleFixOrUnfixEqual(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir, maxLen=1L)
} else if (.isTildeExpr(expr)) {
.iniHandleSwitchType(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir)
} else if (.isIniDropExpression(expr)) {
.iniHandleDropType(expr=expr, rxui=rxui, envir=envir)
} else {
# Can this error be improved to clarify what is the expression causing the
# issue? It needs a single character string representation of something
# that is not a character string.
stop("invalid expr for ini() modification", call.=FALSE)
# (Maybe) update parameter order; this must be at the end so that the
# parameter exists in case it is promoted from a covariate
.iniHandleAppend(expr = expr, rxui = rxui, envir = envir, append = append)
# now take out ETAs that no longer exist
.iniDf <- get("iniDf", envir=rxui)
.w <- which(is.na(.iniDf$neta1) & !is.na(.iniDf$neta2))
.reassign <- FALSE
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.iniDf <- .iniDf[-.w, ]
.reassign <- TRUE
.iniDf <- get("iniDf", envir=rxui)
.w <- which(!is.na(.iniDf$neta1) & is.na(.iniDf$neta2))
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.iniDf <- .iniDf[-.w, ]
.reassign <- TRUE
if (.reassign) {
assign("iniDf", .iniDf, envir=rxui)
# TODO: while nlmixr2est is changed
#' @rdname dot-iniHandleLine
#' @export
.iniHandleFixOrUnfix <- .iniHandleLine
#' Simplify variants of fix and unfix to just those two
#' @param expr An R call or similar object
#' @return \code{expr} where all variants of fix (fixed, FIX, FIXED) and unfix
#' (unfixed, UNFIX, and UNFIXED) are converted to fix and unfix
#' @noRd
.iniSimplifyFixUnfix <- function(expr) {
if (identical(expr, as.name("fixed")) ||
identical(expr, as.name("FIX")) ||
identical(expr, as.name("FIXED"))) {
expr <- as.name("fix")
} else if (identical(expr, as.name("unfixed")) ||
identical(expr, as.name("UNFIX")) ||
identical(expr, as.name("UNFIXED"))) {
expr <- as.name("unfix")
} else if (is.call(expr)) {
for (idx in seq_along(expr)) {
# Do not perform a NULL assignment so that NULL comes out of the result
if (!is.null(expr[[idx]])) {
expr[[idx]] <- .iniSimplifyFixUnfix(expr[[idx]])
} else {
# do nothing
#' Simplify all assignments to be left arrows (and not equal signs)
#' @param expr An R call or similar object
#' @return \code{expr} where all variants assignment equal signs are converted
#' to \code{<-}
#' @noRd
.iniSimplifyAssignArrow <- function(expr) {
if (is.call(expr) && length(expr) == 3) {
if (expr[[1]] == as.name("=")) {
expr[[1]] <- as.name("<-")
} else {
# do nothing
#' This gets the append arg for the ini({}) piping
#' @param f this is the `try(force(append))` argument,
#' @param s this is the `as.character(substitute(append))` argument
#' @return corrected ini piping argument
#' This is exported for creating new ini methods that have the same
#' requirements for piping
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.iniGetAppendArg <- function(f, s) {
if (inherits(f, "try-error") &&
checkmate::testCharacter(s, len=1, any.missing=FALSE,
min.chars = 1)) {
if (is.null(f)) {
} else if (checkmate::testCharacter(f, len=1, any.missing=FALSE,
min.chars = 1)) {
} else if (is.infinite(f)) {
} else if (checkmate::testIntegerish(f, len=1, any.missing=FALSE)) {
if (f < 0) {
stop("'append' cannot be a negative integer", call.=FALSE)
} else if (checkmate::testLogical(f, len=1)) {
# NA for model piping prepends
if (is.na(f)) return(FALSE)
stop("'append' must be NULL, logical, numeric, or character/expression of variable in model",
#' @export
#' @rdname ini
ini.rxUi <- function(x, ..., envir=parent.frame(), append = NULL) {
.s <- as.character(substitute(append))
.f <- try(force(append), silent=TRUE)
append <- .iniGetAppendArg(.f, .s)
.ret <- rxUiDecompress(.copyUi(x)) # copy so (as expected) old UI isn't affected by the call
.iniDf <- .ret$iniDf
.iniLines <- .quoteCallInfoLines(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-(1:2)], envir=envir, iniDf= .iniDf)
if (length(.iniLines) == 0L) return(.ret$iniFun)
lapply(.iniLines, function(line) {
.iniHandleLine(expr = line, rxui = .ret, envir = envir, append=append)
if (inherits(x, "rxUi")) {
.x <- rxUiDecompress(x)
.ret <- .newModelAdjust(.ret, .x)
.ret <- rxUiCompress(.ret)
if (inherits(x, "rxUi")) {
.cls <- setdiff(class(x), class(.ret))
if (length(.cls) > 0) {
class(.ret) <- c(.cls, class(.ret))
#' @rdname ini
#' @export
ini.default <- function(x, ..., envir=parent.frame(), append = NULL) {
.s <- as.character(substitute(append))
.f <- try(force(append), silent=TRUE)
append <- .iniGetAppendArg(.f, .s)
.ret <- try(as.rxUi(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
stop("cannot figure out what to do with the ini({}) function", call.=FALSE)
.ret <- rxUiDecompress(.ret)
.iniDf <- .ret$iniDf
.iniLines <- .quoteCallInfoLines(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-(1:2)], envir=envir, iniDf = .iniDf)
if (length(.iniLines) == 0L) return(.ret$iniFun)
lapply(.iniLines, function(line) {
.iniHandleLine(expr = line, rxui = .ret, envir=envir, append = append)
#' This tells if the line is modifying an estimate instead of a line of the model
#' @param line Quoted line
#' @param rxui rxode2 UI object
#' @return Boolean indicating if the line defines an `ini` change.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.isQuotedLineRhsModifiesEstimates <- function(line, rxui) {
if (length(line) != 3) return(FALSE)
.rhs <- line[[2]]
if (length(.rhs) > 1) {
if (identical(.rhs[[1]], quote(`+`))) {
.c <- as.character(.rhs)
if (any(rxui$iniDf$name == .c)) return(TRUE)
#' Set random effects and residual error to zero
#' @param object The model to modify
#' @param which The types of parameters to set to zero
#' @param fix Should the parameters be fixed to the zero value?
#' @return The `object` with some parameters set to zero
#' @family Initial conditions
#' @author Bill Denney
#' @examples
#' one.compartment <- function() {
#' ini({
#' tka <- log(1.57); label("Ka")
#' tcl <- log(2.72); label("Cl")
#' tv <- log(31.5); label("V")
#' eta.ka ~ 0.6
#' eta.cl ~ 0.3
#' eta.v ~ 0.1
#' add.sd <- 0.7
#' })
#' model({
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' d/dt(depot) = -ka * depot
#' d/dt(center) = ka * depot - cl / v * center
#' cp = center / v
#' cp ~ add(add.sd)
#' })
#' }
#' zeroRe(one.compartment)
#' @export
zeroRe <- function(object, which = c("omega", "sigma"), fix = TRUE) {
object <- assertRxUi(object)
which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)
.ret <- rxUiDecompress(.copyUi(object)) # copy so (as expected) old UI isn't affected by the call
iniDf <- .ret$iniDf
# In the code below there is no test for bounds since the bounds are typically (0, Inf).
if ("omega" %in% which) {
maskOmega <- !is.na(iniDf$neta1)
if (sum(maskOmega) == 0) {
cli::cli_warn("No omega parameters in the model")
} else {
iniDf$est[maskOmega] <- 0
if (fix) {
iniDf$fix[maskOmega] <- TRUE
if ("sigma" %in% which) {
maskSigma <- !is.na(iniDf$err)
if (sum(maskSigma) == 0) {
cli::cli_warn("No sigma parameters in the model")
} else {
iniDf$est[maskSigma] <- 0
maskLowerBound <- maskSigma & iniDf$lower > 0
if (any(maskLowerBound)) {
iniDf$lower[maskLowerBound] <- 0
if (fix) {
iniDf$fix[maskSigma] <- TRUE
ini(.ret) <- iniDf
#' This removes the off-diagonal BSV from a rxode2 iniDf
#' @param ui rxode2 ui model
#' @param diag character vector of diagonal values to remove
#' @return iniDf with modified diagonal
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.iniDfRmDiag <- function(iniDf, diag=character(0)) {
.iniDf <- iniDf
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),,drop=FALSE]
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),,drop=FALSE]
if (length(diag) == 0) {
.w <- which(.eta$neta1 == .eta$neta2)
.rmNames <- .eta[-.w, "name"]
.eta <- .eta[.w,, drop=FALSE]
.iniDf <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
} else {
.rmNames <- character(0)
for (.e in diag) {
.w <- which(.eta$name == .e)
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
.n <- .eta$neta1[.w]
.w <- vapply(seq_along(.eta$neta1),
function(i) {
if (.eta$neta1[i] == .eta$neta2[i]) {
} else if (.eta$neta1[i] == .n && .eta$neta2[i] != .n) {
} else if (.eta$neta2[i] == .n && .eta$neta1[i] != .n) {
} else {
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES = TRUE)
.rmNames <- c(.rmNames, .eta$name[!.w])
.eta <- .eta[.w,,drop=FALSE]
} else {
stop("cannot find parameter '", .e, "' for covariance removal", call.=FALSE)
.mat <- lotri::as.lotri(.eta)
.mat <- lotri::rcm(.mat)
class(.mat) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat))
.eta <- as.data.frame(.mat)
.eta$err <- NA_character_
.iniDf <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
for (.v in .rmNames) {
.minfo(paste0("remove covariance {.code ", .v, "}"))
.iniHandleRmCov <- function(expr, rxui) {
.iniDf <- rxui$iniDf
.theta <- .iniDf[!is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
.eta <- .iniDf[is.na(.iniDf$ntheta),, drop = FALSE]
.mat <- lotri::as.lotri(.eta)
.n1 <- as.character(expr[[2]][[2]])
.v1 <- which(.n1==dimnames(.mat)[[1]])
if (length(.v1) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", .n1, "' for covariance removal", call.=FALSE)
.n2 <- as.character(expr[[2]][[3]])
.v2 <- which(.n2==dimnames(.mat)[[1]])
if (length(.v2) != 1) {
stop("cannot find parameter '", .n2, "' for covariance removal", call.=FALSE)
if (isTRUE(getOption("rxode2.verbose.pipe", TRUE))) {
.minfo(paste0("remove covariance {.code (", .n1, ", ", .n2, ")}"))
.mat[.v1, .v2] <- .mat[.v2, .v1] <- 0
.mat <- lotri::rcm(.mat)
class(.mat) <- c("lotriFix", class(.mat))
.eta <- as.data.frame(.mat)
.eta$err <- NA_character_
.iniDf <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
assign("iniDf", .iniDf, envir=rxui)
.iniHandleDiag <- function(expr, rxui){
if (is.null(expr)) {
assign("iniDf", .iniDfRmDiag(rxui$iniDf), envir=rxui)
} else {
# now get the variables in the diag expression
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$names <- character(0)
.f <- function(x) {
if (is.name(x)) {
.env$names <- c(.env$names, as.character(x))
} else if (is.call(x)) {
lapply(lapply(seq_along(x)[-1], function(i) {x[[i]]}), .f)
expr <- expr[[2]]
function(i) {
assign("iniDf", .iniDfRmDiag(rxui$iniDf, .env$names), envir=rxui)
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