
Defines functions rxUdfUi.rxpois rxRmvn rxWithPreserveSeed rxWithSeed .rxSetSeed .rxGetSeed .rmRseed rxSetSeed cvPost .expandPars .vecDf phi .cbindOme rxPp rxnbinomMu rxnbinom rxbinom rxord rxcauchy rxchisq rxexp rxf rxgamma rxbeta rxgeom rxweibull rxunif rxt rxpois rxnormV

Documented in .cbindOme cvPost .expandPars phi rxbeta rxbinom rxcauchy rxchisq rxexp rxf rxgamma rxgeom rxnbinom rxnbinomMu rxnormV rxord rxpois rxPp rxRmvn rxSetSeed rxt rxunif rxweibull rxWithPreserveSeed rxWithSeed .vecDf

#' Simulate random normal variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rnorm
#' @param n number of observations
#' @param ncores Number of cores for the simulation
#' `rxnorm` simulates using the threefry sitmo generator.
#' `rxnormV` used to simulate with the vandercorput simulator, but
#' since it didn't satisfy the normal properties it was changed to simple be
#' an alias of `rxnorm`. It is no longer supported in `rxode2({})` blocks
#' @return normal random number deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxnorm(n = 10) # with rxnorm you have to explicitly state n
#' rxnorm(n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxnorm(2, 3) ## The first 2 arguments are the mean and standard deviation
#' ## This example uses `rxnorm` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxnorm()
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxnormV  <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(mean, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(sd, lower = 0, len = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxnorm_`, mean, sd, n, ncores)
#' @rdname rxnormV
#' @export
rxnorm <- rxnormV

#' Simulate random Poisson variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rpois
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return poission random number deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxpois(lambda = 3, n = 10) # with rxpois you have to explicitly state n
#' rxpois(lambda = 3, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxpois(4) ## The first arguments are the lambda parameter
#' ## This example uses `rxpois` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxpois(3)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxpois <- function(lambda, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(lambda, len = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxpois_`, lambda, n, ncores)

#' Simulate student t variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rt
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return t-distribution random numbers
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxt(df = 3, n = 10) # with rxt you have to explicitly state n
#' rxt(df = 3, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxt(4) ## The first argument is the df parameter
#' ## This example uses `rxt` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'    model({
#'     a <- rxt(3)
#'    })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxt <- function(df, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(df, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (df == 0) stop("'df' must be greater than 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxt__`, df, n, ncores)

#' Simulate uniform variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::runif
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return uniform random numbers
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxunif(min = 0, max = 4, n = 10) # with rxunif you have to explicitly state n
#' rxunif(min = 0, max = 4, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxunif()
#' ## This example uses `rxunif` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxunif(0, 3)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxunif <- function(min = 0, max = 1, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(min, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(max, len = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxunif_`, min, max, n, ncores)

#' Simulate Weibull variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rweibull
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return Weibull random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' # with rxweibull you have to explicitly state n
#' rxweibull(shape = 1, scale = 4, n = 10)
#' # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxweibull(shape = 1, scale = 4, n = 10, ncores = 2)
#' rxweibull(3)
#' ## This example uses `rxweibull` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxweibull(1, 3)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxweibull <- function(shape, scale = 1, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(shape, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(scale, len = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxweibull_`, shape, scale, n, ncores)

#' Simulate geometric variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rgeom
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return geometric random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxgeom(0.5, n = 10) # with rxgeom you have to explicitly state n
#' rxgeom(0.25, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxgeom(0.75)
#' ## This example uses `rxgeom` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxgeom(0.24)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxgeom <- function(prob, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(prob, len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxgeom_`, prob, n, ncores)

#' Simulate beta variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rbeta
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return beta random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxbeta(0.5, 0.5, n = 10) # with rxbeta you have to explicitly state n
#' rxbeta(5, 1, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxbeta(1, 3)
#' ## This example uses `rxbeta` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxbeta(2, 2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxbeta <- function(shape1, shape2, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(shape1, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (shape1 == 0) stop("'shape1' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(shape2, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (shape2 == 0) stop("'shape2' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxbeta_`, shape1, shape2, n, ncores)

#' Simulate gamma variable from threefry generator
#' @param shape The shape of the gamma random variable
#' @inheritParams stats::rgamma
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return gamma random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxgamma(0.5, n = 10) # with rxgamma you have to explicitly state n
#' rxgamma(5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxgamma(1)
#' ## This example uses `rxbeta` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxgamma(2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxgamma <- function(shape, rate = 1, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(shape, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (shape == 0) stop("'shape' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(rate, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (rate == 0) stop("'rate' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxgamma_`, shape, rate, n, ncores)

#' Simulate F variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rf
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return f random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxf(0.5, 0.5, n = 10) # with rxf you have to explicitly state n
#' rxf(5, 1, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxf(1, 3)
#' ## This example uses `rxf` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxf(2, 2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxf <- function(df1, df2, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(df1, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (df1 == 0) stop("'df1' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(df2, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (df2 == 0) stop("'df2' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxf_`, df1, df2, n, ncores)

#' Simulate exponential variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rexp
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return exponential random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxexp(0.5, n = 10) # with rxexp you have to explicitly state n
#' rxexp(5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxexp(1)
#' ## This example uses `rxexp` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxexp(2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxexp <- function(rate, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(rate, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (rate == 0) stop("'rate' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxexp_`, rate, n, ncores)

#' Simulate chi-squared variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rchisq
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return chi squared random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxchisq(0.5, n = 10) # with rxchisq you have to explicitly state n
#' rxchisq(5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxchisq(1)
#' ## This example uses `rxchisq` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxchisq(2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxchisq <- function(df, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(df, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (df == 0) stop("'df' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxchisq_`, df, n, ncores)

#' Simulate Cauchy variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rcauchy
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return Cauchy random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxcauchy(0, 1, n = 10) # with rxcauchy you have to explicitly state n
#' rxcauchy(0.5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxcauchy(3)
#' ## This example uses `rxcauchy` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxcauchy(2)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxcauchy <- function(location = 0, scale = 1, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(location, len = 1)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(scale, len = 1, lower = 0)
  if (scale == 0) stop("'scale' cannot be 0", call. = FALSE)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxcauchy_`, location, scale, n, ncores)
#' Simulate ordinal value
#' @param ... the probabilities to be simulated.  These should sum up to a number below one.
#' @return A number from 1 to the (number of probabilities specified + 1)
#' @details
#' The values entered into the 'rxord' simulation will simulate the
#' probability of falling each group. If it falls outside of the
#' specified probabilities, it will simulate the group (number of
#' probabilities specified + 1)
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' # This will give values 1, and 2
#' rxord(0.5)
#' rxord(0.5)
#' rxord(0.5)
#' rxord(0.5)
#' # This will give values 1, 2 and 3
#' rxord(0.3, 0.3)
#' rxord(0.3, 0.3)
#' rxord(0.3, 0.3)
#' @export
rxord <- function(...) {
  .args <- c(...)
  if (any(.args < 0)) return(NA_real_)
  if (any(.args > 1)) return(NA_real_)
  .sum <- sum(.args)
  if (.sum >= 1) return(NA_real_)
  .v <- rxunif()
  .args <- cumsum(.args)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxordSelect`, .v, .args)

#' Simulate Binomial variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rbinom
#' @inheritParams rxnorm
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return binomial random deviates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxbinom(10, 0.9, n = 10) # with rxbinom you have to explicitly state n
#' rxbinom(3, 0.5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxbinom(4, 0.7)
#' ## This example uses `rxbinom` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxbinom(1, 0.5)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:2)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxbinom <- function(size, prob, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(prob, len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxbinom_`, size, prob, n, ncores)

#' Simulate Binomial variable from threefry generator
#' @inheritParams stats::rnbinom
#' @inheritParams rxbinom
#' @template birthdayProblem
#' @return negative binomial random deviates. Note that `rxbinom2`
#'   uses the `mu` parameterization an the `rxbinom` uses the `prob`
#'   parameterization (`mu=size/(prob+size)`)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Use threefry engine
#' rxnbinom(10, 0.9, n = 10) # with rxbinom you have to explicitly state n
#' rxnbinom(3, 0.5, n = 10, ncores = 2) # You can parallelize the simulation using openMP
#' rxnbinom(4, 0.7)
#' # use mu parameter
#' rxnbinomMu(40, 40, n=10)
#' ## This example uses `rxbinom` directly in the model
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxnbinom(10, 0.5)
#'   })
#' }
#' et <- et(1, id = 1:100)
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' rx <- function() {
#'   model({
#'     a <- rxnbinomMu(10, 40)
#'   })
#' }
#' s <- rxSolve(rx, et)
#' }
#' @export
rxnbinom <- function(size, prob, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(prob, len = 1, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxnbinom_`, size, prob, n, ncores)

##' @rdname rxnbinom
##' @export
rxnbinomMu <- function(size, mu, n = 1L, ncores = 1L) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(mu, len = 1, lower = 0)
  .Call(`_rxode2_rxnbinomMu_`, size, mu, n, ncores)

#' Simulate a from a Poisson process
#' @param n Number of time points to simulate in the Poisson process
#' @param lambda Rate of Poisson process
#' @param gamma Asymmetry rate of Poisson process.  When gamma=1.0,
#'   this simulates a homogenous Poisson process.  When gamma<1.0,
#'   the Poisson process has more events early, when gamma > 1.0,
#'   the Poisson process has more events late in the process.
#'   When gamma is non-zero, the tmax should not be infinite but indicate
#'   the end of the Poisson process to be simulated.  In most
#'   pharamcometric cases, this will be the end of the study.
#'   Internally this uses a rate of:
#'   l(t) = lambda*gamma*(t/tmax)^(gamma-1)
#' @param prob When specified, this is a probability function with
#'   one argument, time, that gives the probability that a Poisson
#'   time t is accepted as a rejection time.
#' @param t0 the starting time of the Poisson process
#' @param tmax the maximum time of the Poisson process
#' @param randomOrder when `TRUE` randomize the order of the Poisson
#'   events.  By default (`FALSE`) it returns the Poisson process is
#'   in order of how the events occurred.
#' @return
#' This returns a vector of the Poisson process times; If the dropout is >=
#' tmax, then all the rest of the times are = tmax to indicate the
#' dropout is equal to or after tmax.
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Sample homogenous Poisson process of rate 1/10
#' rxPp(10, 1 / 10)
#' ## Sample inhomogenous Poisson rate of 1/10
#' rxPp(10, 1 / 10, gamma = 2, tmax = 100)
#' ## Typically the Poisson process times are in a sequential order,
#' ## using randomOrder gives the Poisson process in random order
#' rxPp(10, 1 / 10, gamma = 2, tmax = 10, randomOrder = TRUE)
#' ## This uses an arbitrary function to sample a non-homogenous Poisson process
#' rxPp(10, 1 / 10, prob = function(x) {
#'   1/(1+abs(x))
#' })
rxPp <- function(n, lambda, gamma = 1.0, prob = NULL, t0 = 0.0, tmax = Inf, randomOrder = FALSE) {
  checkmate::assertNumeric(t0, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(tmax, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, lower = t0)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(gamma, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, lower = .Machine$double.eps)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(lambda, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, lower = .Machine$double.eps)
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(n, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, lower = 1L)
  checkmate::assertLogical(randomOrder, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  if (gamma != 1.0 && is.infinite(tmax)) {
    stop("when 'gamma' is not 1, 'tmax' cannot be infinite")
  .Call(`_rxode2_rpp_`, n, lambda, gamma, prob, t0, tmax, randomOrder, PACKAGE = "rxode2")

#' cbind Ome
#' @param et The theta data frame
#' @param mat The full matrix simulation from omegas
#' @param n number of subject simulated
#' @return data frame with et combined with simulated omega matrix values
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
.cbindOme <- function(et, mat, n) {
  .Call(`_cbindOme`, et, mat, as.integer(n)) # nolint

#' Cumulative distribution of standard normal
#' @param q vector of quantiles
#' @return cumulative distribution of standard normal distribution
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' # phi is equivalent to pnorm(x)
#' phi(3)
#' # See
#' pnorm(3)
#' # This is provided for NONMEM-like compatibility in rxode2 models
#' @export
phi <- function(q) {
  .Call(`_phi`, q)

#' Convert numeric vector to repeated data.frame
#' @param vec Named input vector
#' @param n Number of columns
#' @return Data frame with repeated vec
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
.vecDf <- function(vec, n) {
  .Call(`_vecDF`, vec, as.integer(n)) # nolint

#' Expand parameters
#' @param object rxode2 model variables object
#' @param params parameters to expand
#' @param events event table to help with the expansion
#' @param control control structure to help with the parameter generation
#' @return Expanded parameters for simulation
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.expandPars <- function(object, params, events, control) {
  .Call(`_rxode2_expandPars_`, object, params, events, control)

#' Sample a covariance Matrix from the Posterior Inverse Wishart
#' distribution.
#' Note this Inverse wishart rescaled to match the original scale of
#' the covariance matrix.
#' If your covariance matrix is a 1x1 matrix, this uses an scaled
#' inverse chi-squared which is equivalent to the Inverse Wishart
#' distribution in the uni-directional case.
#' @param nu Degrees of Freedom (Number of Observations) for
#'        covariance matrix simulation.
#' @param omega Either the estimate of covariance matrix or the
#'     estimated standard deviations in matrix form each row forming
#'     the standard deviation simulated values
#' @param n Number of Matrices to sample.  By default this is 1.
#'     This is only useful when `omega` is a matrix.  Otherwise
#'     it is determined by the number of rows in the input
#'     `omega` matrix of standard deviations
#' @param omegaIsChol is an indicator of if the omega matrix is in
#'   the Cholesky decomposition. This is only used when \code{type="invWishart"}
#' @param returnChol Return the Cholesky decomposition of the
#'   covariance matrix sample. This is only used when \code{type="invWishart"}
#' @param diagXformType Diagonal transformation type.  These could be:
#' * `log` The standard deviations are log transformed, so the
#'   actual standard deviations are exp(omega)
#' * `identity` The standard deviations are not transformed. The
#' standard deviations are not transformed;  They should be positive.
#' * `variance` The variances are specified in the `omega`
#' matrix; They are transformed into standard deviations.
#' * `nlmixrSqrt` These standard deviations come from an nlmixr
#' omega matrix where diag(chol(inv(omega))) = x^2
#' * `nlmixrLog` These standard deviations come from a nlmixr
#' omega matrix omega matrix where diag(chol(solve(omega))) = exp(x)
#' * `nlmixrIdentity` These standard deviations come from a nlmixr
#' omega matrix omega matrix where diag(chol(solve(omega))) = x
#'  The nlmixr transformations only make sense when there is no
#'  off-diagonal correlations modeled.
#' @param type The type of covariance posterior that is being
#'     simulated.  This can be:
#' * `invWishart` The posterior is an inverse wishart; This allows
#' for correlations between parameters to be modeled.  All the
#' uncertainty in the parameter is captured in the degrees of freedom
#' parameter.
#' * `lkj` The posterior separates the standard deviation
#' estimates (modeled outside and provided in the `omega`
#' argument) and the correlation estimates. The correlation estimate
#' is simulated with the [rLKJ1()].  This simulation uses
#' the relationship `eta=(nu-1)/2`.  This is relationship based
#' on the proof of the relationship between the restricted
#' LKJ-distribution and inverse wishart distribution (XXXXXX).  Once
#' the correlation posterior is calculated, the estimated standard
#' deviations are then combined with the simulated correlation matrix
#' to create the covariance matrix.
#' * `separation` Like the `lkj` option, this separates out
#' the estimation of the correlation and standard deviation.  Instead
#' of using the `LKJ` distribution to simulate the correlation,
#' it simulates the inverse wishart of the identity matrix and
#' converts the result to a correlation matrix.  This correlation
#' matrix is then used with the standard deviation to calculate the
#' simulated covariance matrix.
#' @return a matrix (n=1) or a list of matrices  (n > 1)
#' @details
#' In general, the separation strategy is preferred for diagonal
#' matrices.  If the dimension of the matrix is below 10, `lkj`
#' is numerically faster than `separation` method.  However, the
#' `lkj` method has densities too close to zero (XXXX) when the
#' dimension is above 10.  In that case, though computationally more
#' expensive `separation` method performs better.
#' For matrices with modeled covariances, the easiest method to use
#' is the inverse Wishart which allows the simulation of correlation
#' matrices (XXXX).  This method is more well suited for well behaved
#' matrices, that is the variance components are not too low or too
#' high.  When modeling nonlinear mixed effects modeling matrices
#' with too high or low variances are considered sub-optimal in
#' describing a system.  With these rules in mind, it is reasonable
#' to use the inverse Wishart.
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler & Wenping Wang
#' @references
#' Alvarez I, Niemi J and Simpson M. (2014) *Bayesian Inference for a
#' Covariance Matrix*. Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture.
#' Wang1 Z, Wu Y, and Chu H. (2018) *On Equivalence of the LKJ
#' distribution and the restricted Wishart
#' distribution*. <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1809.047463
#' @examples
#' ## Sample a single covariance.
#' draw1 <- cvPost(3, matrix(c(1, .3, .3, 1), 2, 2))
#' ## Sample 3 covariances
#' set.seed(42)
#' draw3 <- cvPost(3, matrix(c(1, .3, .3, 1), 2, 2), n = 3)
#' ## Sample 3 covariances, but return the cholesky decomposition
#' set.seed(42)
#' draw3c <- cvPost(3, matrix(c(1, .3, .3, 1), 2, 2), n = 3, returnChol = TRUE)
#' ## Sample 3 covariances with lognormal standard deviations via LKJ
#' ## correlation sample
#' cvPost(3, sapply(1:3, function(...) {
#'   rnorm(10)
#' }), type = "lkj")
#' ## or return cholesky decomposition
#' cvPost(3, sapply(1:3, function(...) {
#'   rnorm(10)
#' }),
#' type = "lkj",
#' returnChol = TRUE
#' )
#' ## Sample 3 covariances with lognormal standard deviations via separation
#' ## strategy using inverse Wishart correlation sample
#' cvPost(3, sapply(1:3, function(...) {
#'   rnorm(10)
#' }), type = "separation")
#' ## or returning the cholesky decomposition
#' cvPost(3, sapply(1:3, function(...) {
#'   rnorm(10)
#' }),
#' type = "separation",
#' returnChol = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
cvPost <- function(nu, omega, n = 1L, omegaIsChol = FALSE, returnChol = FALSE,
                   type = c("invWishart", "lkj", "separation"),
                   diagXformType = c("log", "identity", "variance", "nlmixrSqrt", "nlmixrLog", "nlmixrIdentity")) {
  if (is.null(nu) && n == 1L) {
  if (inherits(type, "numeric") || inherits(type, "integer")) {
    .type <- as.integer(type)
  } else {
    .type <- as.vector(c(
      "invWishart" = 1L, "lkj" = 2L,
      "separation" = 3L
  if (.type == 1L) {
    .xform <- 1L
  } else if (inherits(diagXformType, "numeric") || inherits(diagXformType, "integer")) {
    .xform <- as.integer(diagXformType)
  } else {
    .xform <- setNames(
        "variance" = 6L, "log" = 5L,
        "identity" = 4L, "nlmixrSqrt" = 1L,
        "nlmixrLog" = 2L,
        "nlmixrIdentity" = 3L
  .ret <- .Call(`_rxode2_cvPost_`, nu, omega, n,
                omegaIsChol, returnChol, .type, .xform)

#' Set the parallel seed for rxode2 random number generation
#' This sets the seed for the rxode2 parallel random number generation.
#' If set, then whenever a seed is set for the threefry or
#' vandercorput simulation engine, it will use this seed, increment
#' for the number of seeds and continue with the sequence the next
#' time the random number generator is called.
#' In contrast, when this is not called, the time that the
#' vandercorput or threefry simulation engines are seeded it comes
#' from a uniform random number generated from the standard R random
#' seed.  This may cause a duplicate seed based on the R seed state.
#' This means that there could be correlations between simulations
#' that do not exist This will avoid the birthday problem picking
#' exactly the same seed using the seed state of the R random number
#' generator.  The more times the seed is called, the more likely this
#' becomes.
#' @param seed An integer that represents the rxode2 parallel and
#'   internal random number generator seed.  When positive, use this
#'   seed for random number generation and increment and reseed any
#'   parallel or new engines that are being called. When negative,
#'   turn off the rxode2 seed and generate a seed from the R's uniform
#'   random number generator.  Best practice is to set this seed.
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effects
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' rxSetSeed(42)
#' # seed with generator 42
#' rxnorm()
#' # Use R's random number generator
#' rnorm(1)
#' rxSetSeed(42)
#' # reproduces the same number
#' rxnorm()
#' # But R's random number is not the same
#' rnorm(1)
#' # If we reset this to use the R's seed
#' # (internally rxode2 uses a uniform random number to span seeds)
#' # This can lead to duplicate sequences and seeds
#' rxSetSeed(-1)
#' # Now set seed works for both.
#' # This is not recommended, but illustrates the different types of
#' # seeds that can be generated.
#' set.seed(42)
#' rxnorm()
#' rnorm(1)
#' set.seed(42)
#' rxnorm()
#' rnorm(1)
#' @seealso rxGetSeed, rxWithSeed, rxWithPreserveSeed
#' @references
#' JD Cook. (2016). Random number generator seed mistakes.
#' \url{https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2016/01/29/random-number-generator-seed-mistakes/}
#' @export
rxSetSeed <- function(seed) {
  .Call(`_rxSetSeed`, seed)

.rmRseed <- function() {
  if (!exists(".Random.seed", globalenv(), mode = "integer", inherits = FALSE)) {
  set.seed(seed = NULL)
  rm(".Random.seed", envir = globalenv())

.rxGetSeed <- function() {
  if (!exists(".Random.seed", globalenv(), mode = "integer", inherits = FALSE)) {
    return(list(seed=NULL, kind=NULL, rxseed=rxGetSeed()))
  list(seed = get(".Random.seed", globalenv(), mode = "integer",
                  inherits = FALSE), kind = RNGkind(), rxseed=rxGetSeed())

.rxSetSeed <- function(seed) {
  if (is.null(seed$seed)) {
  } else {
    do.call(RNGkind, args = as.list(seed$kind))
#' Preserved seed and possibly set the seed
#' @param seed R seed to use for the session
#' @param code Is the code to evaluate
#' @param rxseed is the rxode2 seed that is being preserved
#' @return returns whatever the code is returning
#' @inheritParams base::RNGkind
#' @seealso rxGetSeed, rxSetSeed
#' @examples
#' rxGetSeed()
#' rxWithSeed(1, {
#'    print(rxGetSeed())
#'    rxnorm()
#'    print(rxGetSeed())
#'    rxnorm()
#' }, rxseed=3)
#' @export
rxWithSeed <- function(seed, code, rxseed=rxGetSeed(), kind = "default", normal.kind = "default",
                       sample.kind = "default") {
  .rxSeed <- .rxGetSeed()
  .origSeed <- .rxGetSeed()
  .newSeed <- .origSeed
  .newSeed$seed <- seed
  .newSeed$kind <- c(kind, normal.kind, sample.kind)
  .newSeed$rxseed <- rxseed
  on.exit(.rxSetSeed(.origSeed), add = TRUE)

#' @rdname rxWithSeed
#' @export
rxWithPreserveSeed <- function(code) {
  .origSeed <- .rxGetSeed()
  on.exit(.rxSetSeed(.origSeed), add = TRUE)

#' Simulate from a (truncated) multivariate normal
#' This is simulated with the fast, thread-safe threefry simulator
#' and can use multiple cores to generate the random deviates.
#' @param n Number of random row vectors to be simulated OR the
#'     matrix to use for simulation (faster).
#' @param mu mean vector
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix for multivariate normal or a list
#'   of covariance matrices. If a list of covariance matrix, each
#'   matrix will simulate `n` matrices and combine them to a full
#'   matrix
#' @param lower is a vector of the lower bound for the truncated
#'     multivariate norm
#' @param upper is a vector of the upper bound for the truncated
#'     multivariate norm
#' @param ncores Number of cores used in the simulation
#' @param isChol A boolean indicating if `sigma` is a cholesky
#'     decomposition of the covariance matrix.
#' @param keepNames Keep the names from either the mean or covariance
#'     matrix.
#' @param a threshold for switching between methods; They can be
#'   tuned for maximum speed;  There are three cases that are considered:
#'  case 1: a < l < u
#'  case 2: l < u < -a
#'  case 3: otherwise
#' where l=lower and u = upper
#' @param tol When case 3 is used from the above possibilities, the
#'   tol value controls the acceptance rejection and
#'   inverse-transformation;
#' When abs(u-l)>tol, uses accept-reject from randn
#' @param nlTol Tolerance for newton line-search
#' @param nlMaxiter Maximum iterations for newton line-search
#' @return
#' If `n==integer` (default) the output is an (n x d) matrix
#' where the i-th row is the i-th simulated vector.
#' If `is.matrix(n)` then the random vector are store in `n`,
#' which is provided by the user, and the function returns
#' `NULL` invisibly.
#' @references John K. Salmon, Mark A. Moraes, Ron O. Dror, and David
#'     E. Shaw (2011). Parallel Random Numbers: As Easy as 1, 2, 3.
#'     D. E. Shaw Research, New York, NY 10036, USA.
#' @examples
#' ## From mvnfast
#' ## Unlike mvnfast, uses threefry simulation
#' d <- 5
#' mu <- 1:d
#' # Creating covariance matrix
#' tmp <- matrix(rnorm(d^2), d, d)
#' mcov <- tcrossprod(tmp, tmp)
#' set.seed(414)
#' rxRmvn(4, 1:d, mcov)
#' set.seed(414)
#' rxRmvn(4, 1:d, mcov)
#' set.seed(414)
#' rxRmvn(4, 1:d, mcov, ncores = 2) # r.v. generated on the second core are different
#' ###### Here we create the matrix that will hold the simulated
#' #  random variables upfront.
#' A <- matrix(NA, 4, d)
#' class(A) <- "numeric" # This is important. We need the elements of A to be of class "numeric".
#' set.seed(414)
#' rxRmvn(A, 1:d, mcov, ncores = 2) # This returns NULL ...
#' A # ... but the result is here
#' ## You can also simulate from a truncated normal:
#' rxRmvn(10, 1:d, mcov, lower = 1:d - 1, upper = 1:d + 1)
#' # You can also simulate from different matrices (if they match
#' # dimensions) by using a list of matrices.
#' matL <- lapply(1:4, function(...) {
#'   tmp <- matrix(rnorm(d^2), d, d)
#'   tcrossprod(tmp, tmp)
#' })
#' rxRmvn(4, setNames(1:d, paste0("a", 1:d)), matL)
#' @author Matthew Fidler, Zdravko Botev and some from Matteo Fasiolo
#' @references The thread safe multivariate normal was inspired from the `mvnfast` package by Matteo Fasiolo <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mvnfast>
#' @references The concept of the truncated multivariate normal was
#'   taken from Zdravko Botev Botev (2017) \doi{10.1111/rssb.12162}
#'   and Botev and L'Ecuyer (2015) \doi{10.1109/WSC.2015.7408180} and
#'   converted to thread safe simulation;
#' @export
rxRmvn <- function(n, mu = NULL, sigma, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, ncores = 1, isChol = FALSE,
                   keepNames = TRUE, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05, nlTol = 1e-10, nlMaxiter = 100L) {
  .ret <- .Call(
    `_rxode2_rxRmvnSEXP`, n, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores,
    isChol, keepNames, a, tol, nlTol, nlMaxiter
  if (is.matrix(n)) {

#' @export
rxUdfUi.rxpois <- function(fun) {
  .fun <- fun
  .fun[[1]] <- str2lang(paste0(".", deparse1(fun[[1]])))
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.