
Defines functions rxnormV_ rxrandnV isNullZero rpp_ rxRmvnSEXP rxRmvn0 rxweibull_ rxunif_ rxt__ rxpois_ rxnorm_ rxgeom_ rxbeta_ rxexp_ rxchisq_ rxcauchy_ rxbinom_ rxSeedEng rxMvrandn_ rxNleq rxGradpsi rxCholperm rxMvnrnd rxRmvn_ rxStack rxOptRep_ rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate rxSymInvChol rxInv rxSetSilentErr dropUnitsRxSolve rxUpdateTrans_ getProgSupported setProgSupported setRstudio rxDelete rxDynUnload rxUnloadAll_ rxAllowUnload rxUnlock rxLock rxDynLoad rxIsLoaded rxC rxDll rxAssignPtr rxIsCurrent rxGetRxODE rxRmModelLib_ rxSolveSEXP rxSolveUpdate rxSolveGet rxSolveDollarNames rxSolve_ rxSolveFree rxgamma_ rxf_ rxSimThetaOmega atolRtolFactor_ rxSetupScale rxSetupIni rxInits rxLhs rxDfdy rxParams_ rxState rxModelVars_ dynLoad getRxFn rxIs rxQr rxQs convertId_ rxIndLin_ rxExpandNesting rxRepR0_ rxExpandFEta_ rxExpandSens2_ rxExpandSens_ rxExpandGrid_ etTrans rxSetIni0 forderForceBase etRep_ etSeq_ et_ etUpdate etDollarNames nestingInfo_ expandPars_ expandTheta_ cvPost_ rcvC1 invWR1d rLKJcvLsd1 rLKJcv1 rLKJ1 rinvchisq removableDrive

Documented in etTrans forderForceBase invWR1d rinvchisq rLKJ1 rxAllowUnload rxAssignPtr rxC rxDelete rxDfdy rxDll rxDynLoad rxDynUnload rxGetRxODE rxInits rxInv rxIs rxIsCurrent rxIsLoaded rxLhs rxLock rxSetIni0 rxSetSilentErr rxSetupIni rxSetupScale rxSimThetaOmega rxSolveFree rxStack rxState rxSymInvChol rxUnlock

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

removableDrive <- function(driveRoot) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_removableDrive`, driveRoot)

#' Scaled Inverse Chi Squared distribution
#' @param n Number of random samples
#' @param nu degrees of freedom of inverse chi square
#' @param scale  Scale of inverse chi squared distribution 
#'         (default is 1).
#' @return a vector of inverse chi squared deviates.
#' @examples
#' rinvchisq(3, 4, 1) ## Scale = 1, degrees of freedom = 4
#' rinvchisq(2, 4, 2) ## Scale = 2, degrees of freedom = 4
#' @export
rinvchisq <- function(n = 1L, nu = 1.0, scale = 1) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rinvchisq`, n, nu, scale)

#' One correlation sample from the LKJ distribution
#' @param d The dimension of the correlation matrix
#' @param eta The scaling parameter of the LKJ distribution.
#'   Must be > 1.  Also related to the degrees of freedom nu.
#'   eta = (nu-1)/2.
#' @param cholesky boolean; If `TRUE` return the cholesky
#'   decomposition.
#' @return A correlation sample from the LKJ distribution
#' @author Matthew Fidler (translated to RcppArmadillo) and Emma Schwager
#' @export
rLKJ1 <- function(d, eta = 1.0, cholesky = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rLKJ1`, d, eta, cholesky)

rLKJcv1 <- function(sd, eta = 1.0) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rLKJcv1`, sd, eta)

rLKJcvLsd1 <- function(logSd, logSdSD, eta = 1.0) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rLKJcvLsd1`, logSd, logSdSD, eta)

#' One correlation sample from the Inverse Wishart distribution
#' This correlation is constructed by transformation of the Inverse Wishart
#' random covariate to a correlation.
#' @inheritParams rLKJ1
#' @param nu Degrees of freedom of the Wishart distribution
#' @inheritParams cvPost
#' @return One correlation sample from the inverse wishart
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @export
invWR1d <- function(d, nu, omegaIsChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_invWR1d`, d, nu, omegaIsChol)

rcvC1 <- function(sdEst, nu = 3.0, diagXformType = 1L, rType = 1L, returnChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rcvC1`, sdEst, nu, diagXformType, rType, returnChol)

cvPost_ <- function(nuS, omegaS, nS, omegaIsCholS, returnCholS, typeS, diagXformTypeS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_cvPost_`, nuS, omegaS, nS, omegaIsCholS, returnCholS, typeS, diagXformTypeS)

expandTheta_ <- function(thetaS, thetaMatS, thetaLowerS, thetaUpperS, nStudS, nCoresRVS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_expandTheta_`, thetaS, thetaMatS, thetaLowerS, thetaUpperS, nStudS, nCoresRVS)

expandPars_ <- function(objectS, paramsS, eventsS, controlS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_expandPars_`, objectS, paramsS, eventsS, controlS)

nestingInfo_ <- function(omega, data) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_nestingInfo_`, omega, data)

etDollarNames <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_etDollarNames`, obj)

etUpdate <- function(obj, arg = NULL, value = NULL, exact = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_etUpdate`, obj, arg, value, exact)

et_ <- function(input, et__) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_et_`, input, et__)

etSeq_ <- function(ets, handleSamples = 0L, waitType = 0L, defaultIi = 0, rbind = FALSE, uniqueId = 0L, reserveLen = 0L, needSort = TRUE, newUnits = as.character( c()), newShow = as.logical( c()), isCmtIntIn = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_etSeq_`, ets, handleSamples, waitType, defaultIi, rbind, uniqueId, reserveLen, needSort, newUnits, newShow, isCmtIntIn)

etRep_ <- function(curEt, times, wait, ids, handleSamples, waitType, ii) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_etRep_`, curEt, times, wait, ids, handleSamples, waitType, ii)

#' Force using base order for RxODE radix sorting
#' @param forceBase boolean indicating if RxODE should use R's
#'   [order()] for radix sorting instead of
#'   `data.table`'s parallel radix sorting.
#' @return NILL; called for side effects
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' forderForceBase(TRUE) # Use base `order` for RxODE sorts
#' forderForceBase(FALSE) # Use `data.table` for RxODE sorts
#' }
forderForceBase <- function(forceBase = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_forderForceBase`, forceBase)

#' Set Initial conditions to time zero instead of the first observed/dosed time
#' @param ini0 When `TRUE` (default), set initial conditions to time
#'   zero. Otherwise the initial conditions are the first observed
#'   time.
#' @return the boolean ini0, though this is called for its side effects
#' @export
rxSetIni0 <- function(ini0 = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSetIni0`, ini0)

#' Event translation for RxODE
#' @param inData Data frame to translate
#' @param obj Model to translate data
#' @param addCmt Add compartment to data frame (default `FALSE`).
#' @param dropUnits Boolean to drop the units (default `FALSE`).
#' @param allTimeVar Treat all covariates as if they were time-varying
#' @param keepDosingOnly keep the individuals who only have dosing records and any
#'   trailing dosing records after the last observation.
#' @param combineDvid is a boolean indicating if RxODE will use `DVID` on observation
#'     records to change the `cmt` value; Useful for multiple-endpoint nlmixr models.  By default
#'     this is determined by `option("RxODE.combine.dvid")` and if the option has not been set,
#'     this is `TRUE`. This typically does not affect RxODE simulations.
#' @param keep This is a named vector of items you want to keep in the final RxODE dataset.
#'     For added RxODE event records (if seen), last observation carried forward will be used.
#' @return Object for solving in RxODE
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
etTrans <- function(inData, obj, addCmt = FALSE, dropUnits = FALSE, allTimeVar = FALSE, keepDosingOnly = FALSE, combineDvid = NULL, keep = character(0)) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_etTrans`, inData, obj, addCmt, dropUnits, allTimeVar, keepDosingOnly, combineDvid, keep)

rxExpandGrid_ <- function(c1, c2, type) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxExpandGrid_`, c1, c2, type)

rxExpandSens_ <- function(state, calcSens) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxExpandSens_`, state, calcSens)

rxExpandSens2_ <- function(state, s1, s2) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxExpandSens2_`, state, s1, s2)

rxExpandFEta_ <- function(state, neta, pred) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxExpandFEta_`, state, neta, pred)

rxRepR0_ <- function(neta) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxRepR0_`, neta)

rxExpandNesting <- function(obj, nestingInfo, compile = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxExpandNesting`, obj, nestingInfo, compile)

#' Inductive linearization solver
#' @param cSub = Current subject number
#' @param op - RxODE solving options
#' @param tp - Prior time point/time zeor
#' @param yp - Prior state;  vector size = neq; Final state is updated here
#' @param tf - Final Time
#' @param InfusionRate = Rates of each comparment;  vector size = neq
#' @param on Indicator for if the compartment is "on"
#' @param cache
#'    0 = no Cache
#'    When doIndLin == 0, cache > 0 = nInf-1
#' @param ME the RxODE matrix exponential function
#' @param IndF The RxODE Inductive Linearization function F
#' @return Returns a status for solving
#'   1 = Successful solve
#'   -1 = Maximum number of iterations reached when doing
#'        inductive linearization

rxIndLin_ <- function(states) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxIndLin_`, states)

convertId_ <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_convertId_`, x)

rxQs <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxQs`, x)

rxQr <- function(encoded_string) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxQr`, encoded_string)

#' Check the type of an object using Rcpp
#' @param obj Object to check
#' @param cls Type of class.  Only s3 classes for lists/environments and primitive classes are checked.
#'    For matrix types they are distinguished as `numeric.matrix`, `integer.matrix`,
#'    `logical.matrix`, and `character.matrix` as well as the traditional `matrix`
#'    class. Additionally checks for `event.data.frame` which is an `data.frame` object
#'    with `time`,  `evid` and `amt`. (UPPER, lower or Title cases accepted)
#' @return A boolean indicating if the object is a member of the class.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxIs <- function(obj, cls) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxIs`, obj, cls)

getRxFn <- function(name) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_getRxFn`, name)

dynLoad <- function(dll) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_dynLoad`, dll)

rxModelVars_ <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxModelVars_`, obj)

#' State variables
#' This returns the model's compartments or states.
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @param state is a string indicating the state or compartment that
#'     you would like to lookup.
#' @return If state is missing, return a character vector of all the states.
#' If state is a string, return the compartment number of the named state.
#' @seealso [RxODE()]
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxState <- function(obj = NULL, state = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxState`, obj, state)

rxParams_ <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxParams_`, obj)

#' Jacobian and parameter derivatives
#' Return Jacobain and parameter derivatives
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return A list of the jacobian parameters defined in this RxODE
#'     object.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxDfdy <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxDfdy`, obj)

#' Left handed Variables
#' This returns the model calculated variables
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return a character vector listing the calculated parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{RxODE}}
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxLhs <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxLhs`, obj)

#' Initial Values and State values for a RxODE object
#' Returns the initial values of the rxDll object
#' @param obj rxDll, RxODE, or named vector representing default
#'     initial arguments
#' @param vec If supplied, named vector for the model.
#' @param req Required names, and the required order for the ODE solver
#' @param defaultValue a number or NA representing the default value for
#'     parameters missing in `vec`, but required in `req`.
#' @param noerror is a boolean specifying if an error should be thrown
#'     for missing parameter values when `default` = `NA`
#' @return Initial values of the rxDll object
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxInits <- function(obj, vec = NULL, req = NULL, defaultValue = 0, noerror = FALSE, noini = FALSE, rxLines = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxInits`, obj, vec, req, defaultValue, noerror, noini, rxLines)

#' Setup the initial conditions.
#' @param obj RxODE object
#' @param inits A numeric vector of initial conditions.
#' @return initial conditions that were setup
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxSetupIni <- function(obj, inits = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSetupIni`, obj, inits)

#' Setup the initial conditions.
#' @param obj RxODE object
#' @param inits A numeric vector of initial conditions.
#' @param extraArgs A list of extra args to parse for initial conditions.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @return setup scale for changing compartment values
#' @export
rxSetupScale <- function(obj, scale = NULL, extraArgs = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSetupScale`, obj, scale, extraArgs)

atolRtolFactor_ <- function(factor) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RxODE_atolRtolFactor_`, factor))

#' Simulate Parameters from a Theta/Omega specification
#' @param params Named Vector of RxODE model parameters
#' @param nObs Number of observations to simulate (with `sigma` matrix)
#' @inheritParams rxSolve
#' @param simSubjects boolean indicated RxODE should simulate subjects in studies (`TRUE`,
#'         default) or studies (`FALSE`)
#' @return a data frame with the simulated subjects
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxSimThetaOmega <- function(params = NULL, omega = NULL, omegaDf = NULL, omegaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), omegaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), omegaIsChol = FALSE, omegaSeparation = "auto", omegaXform = 1L, nSub = 1L, thetaMat = NULL, thetaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), thetaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), thetaDf = NULL, thetaIsChol = FALSE, nStud = 1L, sigma = NULL, sigmaLower = as.numeric( c(R_NegInf)), sigmaUpper = as.numeric( c(R_PosInf)), sigmaDf = NULL, sigmaIsChol = FALSE, sigmaSeparation = "auto", sigmaXform = 1L, nCoresRV = 1L, nObs = 1L, dfSub = 0, dfObs = 0, simSubjects = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSimThetaOmega`, params, omega, omegaDf, omegaLower, omegaUpper, omegaIsChol, omegaSeparation, omegaXform, nSub, thetaMat, thetaLower, thetaUpper, thetaDf, thetaIsChol, nStud, sigma, sigmaLower, sigmaUpper, sigmaDf, sigmaIsChol, sigmaSeparation, sigmaXform, nCoresRV, nObs, dfSub, dfObs, simSubjects)

#' Free the C solving/parsing information.
#' Take the ODE C system and free it.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return logical indicating if the memory was successfully freed
#' @export
rxSolveFree <- function() {

rxSolve_ <- function(obj, rxControl, specParams, extraArgs, params, events, inits, setupOnly) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSolve_`, obj, rxControl, specParams, extraArgs, params, events, inits, setupOnly)

rxSolveDollarNames <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSolveDollarNames`, obj)

rxSolveGet <- function(obj, arg, exact = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSolveGet`, obj, arg, exact)

rxSolveUpdate <- function(obj, arg = NULL, value = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSolveUpdate`, obj, arg, value)

rxSolveSEXP <- function(objS, rxControlS, specParamsS, extraArgsS, paramsS, eventsS, initsS, setupOnlyS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSolveSEXP`, objS, rxControlS, specParamsS, extraArgsS, paramsS, eventsS, initsS, setupOnlyS)

rxRmModelLib_ <- function(str) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RxODE_rxRmModelLib_`, str))

#' Get RxODE model from object
#' @param obj RxODE family of objects
#' @return RxODE model
#' @export
rxGetRxODE <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxGetRxODE`, obj)

#' Checks if the RxODE object was built with the current build
#' @inheritParams rxModelVars
#' @return boolean indicating if this was built with current RxODE
#' @export
rxIsCurrent <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxIsCurrent`, obj)

#' Assign pointer based on model variables
#' @param object RxODE family of objects
#' @return nothing, called for side effects
#' @export
rxAssignPtr <- function(object = NULL) {
    invisible(.Call(`_RxODE_rxAssignPtr`, object))

#' Return the DLL associated with the RxODE object
#' This will return the dynamic load library or shared object used to
#' run the C code for RxODE.
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects or a character string of the
#'     model specification or location of a file with a model
#'     specification.
#' @return a path of the library
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDll <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxDll`, obj)

#' Return the C file associated with the RxODE object
#' This will return C code for generating the RxODE DLL.
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects or a character string of the
#'     model specification or location of a file with a model
#'     specification.
#' @return a path of the library
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxC <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxC`, obj)

#' Determine if the DLL associated with the RxODE object is loaded
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the RxODE library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxIsLoaded <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxIsLoaded`, obj)

#' Load RxODE object
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the RxODE library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDynLoad <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxDynLoad`, obj)

#' Lock/unlocking of RxODE dll file
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects
#' @return nothing; called for side effects
#' @export
rxLock <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxLock`, obj)

#' @rdname rxLock
#' @export
rxUnlock <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxUnlock`, obj)

#' Allow unloading of dlls
#' @param allow boolean indicating if garbage collection will unload of RxODE dlls.
#' @return Boolean allow; called for side effects
#' @examples
#' # Garbage collection will not unload un-used RxODE dlls
#' rxAllowUnload(FALSE);
#' # Garbage collection will unload unused RxODE dlls
#' rxAllowUnload(TRUE);
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Fidler
rxAllowUnload <- function(allow) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxAllowUnload`, allow)

rxUnloadAll_ <- function() {

#' Unload RxODE object
#' @param obj A RxODE family of objects
#' @return Boolean returning if the RxODE library is loaded.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDynUnload <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxDynUnload`, obj)

#' Delete the DLL for the model
#' This function deletes the DLL, but doesn't delete the model
#' information in the object.
#' @param obj RxODE family of objects
#' @return A boolean stating if the operation was successful.
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
rxDelete <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxDelete`, obj)

setRstudio <- function(isRstudio = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_setRstudio`, isRstudio)

setProgSupported <- function(isSupported = 1L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_setProgSupported`, isSupported)

getProgSupported <- function() {

rxUpdateTrans_ <- function(ret, prefix, libName) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxUpdateTrans_`, ret, prefix, libName)

dropUnitsRxSolve <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_dropUnitsRxSolve`, x)

#' Silence some of RxODE's C/C++ messages
#' @param silent can be 0L "noisy"  or 1L "silent"
#' @keywords internal
#' @return TRUE; called for side effects
#' @export
rxSetSilentErr <- function(silent) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSetSilentErr`, silent)

#' Invert matrix using RcppArmadillo.  
#' @param matrix matrix to be inverted.
#' @return inverse or pseudo inverse of matrix.
#' @export
rxInv <- function(matrix) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxInv`, matrix)

#' Get Omega^-1 and derivatives
#' @param invObjOrMatrix Object for inverse-type calculations.  If
#'   this is a matrix, setup the object for inversion
#'   [rxSymInvCholCreate()] with the default arguments and return a
#'   reactive s3 object.  Otherwise, use the inversion object to
#'   calculate the requested derivative/inverse.
#' @param theta Thetas to be used for calculation.  If missing (`NULL`), a
#'     special s3 class is created and returned to access `Omega^1`
#'     objects as needed and cache them based on the theta that is
#'     used.
#' @param type The type of object.  Currently the following types are
#'     supported:
#' * `cholOmegaInv` gives the
#'     Cholesky decomposition of the Omega Inverse matrix.
#' * `omegaInv` gives the Omega Inverse matrix.
#' * `d(omegaInv)` gives the `d(Omega^-1)` withe respect to the
#'     theta parameter specified in `thetaNumber`.
#' * `d(D)` gives the `d(diagonal(Omega^-1))` with respect to
#'     the theta parameter specified in the `thetaNumber`
#'     parameter
#' @param thetaNumber For types `d(omegaInv)` and `d(D)`,
#'     the theta number that the derivative is taken against.  This
#'     must be positive from 1 to the number of thetas defining the
#'     Omega matrix.
#' @return Matrix based on parameters or environment with all the
#'     matrixes calculated in variables `omega`, `omegaInv`, `dOmega`,
#'     `dOmegaInv`.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxSymInvChol <- function(invObjOrMatrix, theta = NULL, type = "cholOmegaInv", thetaNumber = 0L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSymInvChol`, invObjOrMatrix, theta, type, thetaNumber)

rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate <- function(obj, what, theta = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSymInvCholEnvCalculate`, obj, what, theta)

rxOptRep_ <- function(input) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxOptRep_`, input)

#' Stack a solved object for things like ggplot
#' @param Data is a RxODE object to be stacked.
#' @param vars Variables to include in stacked data; By default this
#'   is all the variables when vars is NULL.
#' @return Stacked data with \code{value} and \code{trt}, where value is the values
#'   and \code{trt} is the state and \code{lhs} variables.
#' @author Matthew Fidler
rxStack <- function(Data, vars = NULL) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxStack`, Data, vars)

rxRmvn_ <- function(A_, mu, sigma, ncores = 1L, isChol = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxRmvn_`, A_, mu, sigma, ncores, isChol)

rxMvnrnd <- function(n, L, l, u, mu, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxMvnrnd`, n, L, l, u, mu, a, tol)

rxCholperm <- function(Sig, l, u, eps = 1e-10) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxCholperm`, Sig, l, u, eps)

rxGradpsi <- function(y, L, l, u) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxGradpsi`, y, L, l, u)

rxNleq <- function(l, u, L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxNleq`, l, u, L)

rxMvrandn_ <- function(A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores = 1L, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05, nlTol = 1e-10, nlMaxiter = 100L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxMvrandn_`, A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores, a, tol, nlTol, nlMaxiter)

rxSeedEng <- function(ncores = 1L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxSeedEng`, ncores)

rxbinom_ <- function(n0, prob, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxbinom_`, n0, prob, n, ncores)

rxcauchy_ <- function(location, scale, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxcauchy_`, location, scale, n, ncores)

rxchisq_ <- function(df, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxchisq_`, df, n, ncores)

rxexp_ <- function(rate, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxexp_`, rate, n, ncores)

rxf_ <- function(df1, df2, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxf_`, df1, df2, n, ncores)

rxgamma_ <- function(shape, rate, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxgamma_`, shape, rate, n, ncores)

rxbeta_ <- function(shape1, shape2, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxbeta_`, shape1, shape2, n, ncores)

rxgeom_ <- function(prob, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxgeom_`, prob, n, ncores)

rxnorm_ <- function(mean, sd, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxnorm_`, mean, sd, n, ncores)

rxpois_ <- function(lambda, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxpois_`, lambda, n, ncores)

rxt__ <- function(df, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxt__`, df, n, ncores)

rxunif_ <- function(low, hi, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxunif_`, low, hi, n, ncores)

rxweibull_ <- function(shape, scale, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxweibull_`, shape, scale, n, ncores)

rxRmvn0 <- function(A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores = 1L, isChol = FALSE, a = 0.4, tol = 2.05, nlTol = 1e-10, nlMaxiter = 100L) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxRmvn0`, A_, mu, sigma, lower, upper, ncores, isChol, a, tol, nlTol, nlMaxiter)

rxRmvnSEXP <- function(nS, muS, sigmaS, lowerS, upperS, ncoresS, isCholS, keepNamesS, aS, tolS, nlTolS, nlMaxiterS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxRmvnSEXP`, nS, muS, sigmaS, lowerS, upperS, ncoresS, isCholS, keepNamesS, aS, tolS, nlTolS, nlMaxiterS)

rpp_ <- function(nS, lambdaS, gammaS, probS, t0S, tmaxS, randomOrderS) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rpp_`, nS, lambdaS, gammaS, probS, t0S, tmaxS, randomOrderS)

isNullZero <- function(obj) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_isNullZero`, obj)

rxrandnV <- function(nrow, ncol) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxrandnV`, nrow, ncol)

rxnormV_ <- function(mean, sd, n, ncores) {
    .Call(`_RxODE_rxnormV_`, mean, sd, n, ncores)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {
    .Call('_RxODE_RcppExport_registerCCallable', PACKAGE = 'RxODE')
nlmixrdevelopment/RxODE documentation built on April 10, 2022, 5:36 a.m.