
Defines functions add_random_direct_ancestor_hook add_random_side_branch get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to add_fossil_randomly add_fossils_from_xls_randomly add_list_of_fossil_tips_to_tipranges add_fossils_to_many_trees error_checks_for_fossils_xls

# Error checks for dumb things in fossils xls file

#' Adding fossils to BioGeoBEARS (error check of fossils spreadsheet)
#' When fossils are being added "manually" to a phylogenetic biogeography
#' analysis, the fossil data are listed in a spreadsheet. This function 
#' checks for common user errors (missing ages, duplicate taxon names, etc.)
#' @param xls A data.frame, e.g. as read in by \code{XLConnect}'s \code{readWorksheetFromFile}.
#'            The format of this spreadsheet will be given in example files when this
#'            method is published (Saila & Matzke, in prep.).
#' @param fix_duplicates If TRUE (default), any duplicate names are made unique by
#'                       adding the taxon numbers.
#' @return something
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
error_checks_for_fossils_xls <- function(xls, fix_duplicates=TRUE)

	# Remove rows you don't want to use
	# Also remove rows where use is blank!
	TF = isblank_TF(xls$use)
	if (sum(TF) > 0)
		txt = paste0("WARNING from error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): You have ", sum(TF), " blanks (or NAs etc.) in the 'use' column of your input Excel spreadsheet.  These are all being auto-set to 'no', meaning these rows will not be used. Edit the spreadsheet if you want a different result.")

		xls$use[TF] = "no"
	xls = xls[xls$use=="yes",]
	# Blanks or NAs in max_age
	if (any(isblank_TF(xls$max_age)) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): You have blanks (or NAs etc.) in some row(s) for max_age. Check your input Excel spreadsheet."
		} # END if (any(isblank_TF(xls$max_age)) == TRUE)
	TF = xls$max_age < xls$min_age
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): You have max_age < min_age in some row(s). Printing them below:"
		} # END if (any(TF) == TRUE)
	# No blanks allowed
	TF = isblank_TF(xls$Fossil_Taxon)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in column xls$Fossil_Taxon can be blank. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No spaces allowed
	fossil_taxa_names = xls$Fossil_Taxon
	TF = grepl(pattern=" ", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have spaces (' ') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"
	# No commas allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern=",", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have commas (',') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No ? allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern="\\?", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have commas (',') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No slashes allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern="/", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have slashes ('/') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No parenthesis allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern="\\(", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have parentheses ('(' or ')') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No parenthesis allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern="\\)", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have parentheses ('(' or ')') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No backslashes allowed
	TF = grepl(pattern="\\\\", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have backslashes ('\') in the fossil taxon names. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No periods allowed, except 'indet.' and 'sp.'
	TF = grepl(pattern="\\.", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	TF2 = grepl(pattern="indet.", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	TF3 = grepl(pattern="sp.", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	fossil_taxa_names = gsub(pattern="indet.", replacement="indet", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	fossil_taxa_names = gsub(pattern="sp.", replacement="sp", x=fossil_taxa_names)
	xls$Fossil_Taxon = fossil_taxa_names
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "WARNING from error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in xls$Fossil_Taxon can have periods ('.') in the fossil taxon names (except for 'indet.' or 'sp.', where the periods will be auto-removed). Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# No repeated names allowed
	uniq_fossil_taxa = unique(fossil_taxa_names)

	if ( (length(uniq_fossil_taxa) != length(fossil_taxa_names)) && (fix_duplicates == FALSE) )
		counts = table(fossil_taxa_names)
		duplicate_names = names(counts)[counts > 1]
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): There can be *NO* duplicate names in xls$Fossil_Taxon. Check your input spreadsheet!! The duplicated names are listed below..."
		cat(duplicate_names, sep="\n")

	# Fix repeated names
	if (length(uniq_fossil_taxa) != length(fossil_taxa_names))
		counts = table(fossil_taxa_names)
		duplicate_names = names(counts)[counts > 1]
		# Fix the duplicates
		for (i in 1:length(duplicate_names))
			name_to_add_numbers_to = duplicate_names[i]
			TF = fossil_taxa_names == name_to_add_numbers_to
			nums_to_add = 1:sum(TF)
			nums_as_strings = sprintf(fmt="%04.0f", (nums_to_add))
			nums_as_strings = paste("_specimen", nums_as_strings, sep="")
			new_names = paste(fossil_taxa_names[TF], nums_as_strings, sep="")
			# Insert new names
			fossil_taxa_names[TF] = new_names
			} # END for (i in 1:length(duplicate_names))
		txt = "WARNING from error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): added specimen numbers to OTU names in xls, in order to make all OTUs unique."
		xls$Fossil_Taxon = fossil_taxa_names
		} # END if (length(uniq_fossil_taxa) != length(fossil_taxa_names))
	# Blank cells
	TF = isblank_TF(xls$range_coded)
	if (any(TF) == TRUE)
		stoptxt = "STOP ERROR in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): No cells in column xls$range_coded can be blank. Go check your input spreadsheet!!"

	# Fix repeated names - Fossil_Taxon_orig
	Fossil_Taxon_orig = xls$Fossil_Taxon_orig
	uniq_Fossil_Taxon_orig = unique(Fossil_Taxon_orig)
	if (length(uniq_Fossil_Taxon_orig) != length(xls$Fossil_Taxon_orig))
		counts = table(Fossil_Taxon_orig)
		duplicate_names = names(counts)[counts > 1]
		# Fix the duplicates
		for (i in 1:length(duplicate_names))
			name_to_add_numbers_to = duplicate_names[i]
			TF = Fossil_Taxon_orig == name_to_add_numbers_to
			nums_to_add = 1:sum(TF)
			nums_as_strings = sprintf(fmt="%04.0f", (nums_to_add))
			nums_as_strings = paste("_specimen", nums_as_strings, sep="")
			new_names = paste(Fossil_Taxon_orig[TF], nums_as_strings, sep="")
			# Insert new names
			Fossil_Taxon_orig[TF] = new_names
			} # END for (i in 1:length(duplicate_names))
		txt = "WARNING from error_checks_for_fossils_xls(): added specimen numbers to OTU names in xls, in order to make all OTUs unique."
		xls$Fossil_Taxon_orig = Fossil_Taxon_orig
		} # END if (length(uniq_fossil_taxa) != length(fossil_taxa_names))

	cat("\nPassed error checks in error_checks_for_fossils_xls(), but this only checks for the problems Nick thought of. Returning xls (perhaps modified!)...\n\n")
	} # END error_checks_for_fossils_xls <- function(xls)

# Add fossils to some or all of the trees in a NEXUS treefile,
# outputing a Newick file for each
add_fossils_to_many_trees <- function(nexfn, burnin, numtrees, xls, living_tipranges_fn, fn_prefix="tr", fn_suffix="", brlen_of_side_branch=1e-07, sample_trs_w_replacement=TRUE, plottree=TRUE)
	defaults='	fn_suffix=""

	# Make a list of the output tree filenames
	output_trfns = NULL
	txt = paste("\n\nadd_fossils_to_many_trees():\n\n", sep="")
	# Read the input geography file with the geography of living species 
	# (or whatever you have before the fossils are added)
	txt = paste("...is reading in the pre-fossils geographic ranges in '", living_tipranges_fn, "'.\n", sep="")
	tipranges = getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(lgdata_fn=living_tipranges_fn)
	living_tipranges_df = tipranges@df

	# Process the input trees
	txt = paste("...is processing the trees in NEXUS file '", nexfn, "':\n\n", sep="")
	trs = read.nexus(nexfn)
	if (class(trs) == "multiPhylo")
		num_nexus_trees = length(trs)
		} else {
		num_nexus_trees = 1
		} # END if (class(trs) == "multiPhylo")


	# Cut the burnin
	if (class(trs) == "multiPhylo")
		trs = trs[(burnin+1):num_nexus_trees]
		numtrees_to_sample_from = length(trs)
		} else {
		trs = trs
		numtrees_to_sample_from = 1
	# If the number of trees matches exactly, no sampling is needed, but I guess it doesn't matter
	treenums_to_use = sort(sample(x=1:numtrees_to_sample_from, size=numtrees, replace=sample_trs_w_replacement))

	# Cycle through the list of input trees
	for (i in 1:length(treenums_to_use))
		txt = paste("\n\n\nAdding fossils to tree #", i, "/", length(treenums_to_use), "\n", sep="")
		# Re-load tipranges from original tipranges file
		tipranges = getranges_from_LagrangePHYLIP(lgdata_fn=living_tipranges_fn)
		living_tipranges_df = tipranges@df
		# Select a tree from the sample
		treenum_to_use = treenums_to_use[i]
		if (class(trs) == "multiPhylo")
			tr = trs[[ treenum_to_use ]]
			} else {
			tr = trs
			} # END if (class(trs) == "multiPhylo")
		trnum_txt = sprintf(fmt="%04.0f", (treenum_to_use+burnin))
		trnum_txt2 = sprintf(fmt="%04.0f", (i))

		# Are there any taxa in the tree that are not in the geography file?  That's OK, if these
		# taxa are added via the add_fossils file.
		treetips_missing_from_geog_TF = (tr$tip.label %in% row.names(tipranges@df)) == FALSE
		tips_to_drop = tr$tip.label[treetips_missing_from_geog_TF]
		tips_to_drop_txt = paste0(sort(tips_to_drop), collapse=", ")
		num_missing = sum(treetips_missing_from_geog_TF)
		if (num_missing > 0)
			txt = paste0("Warning: add_fossils_to_many_trees() has noticed that your tree file '", nexfn, "', tree #", treenum_to_use, " has ", num_missing, " tipnames that are not in the geography file, '", living_tipranges_fn, "'. The tipnames that are in the tree, but missing from the geography file, are: ", tips_to_drop_txt, ".\n")
			#tr = drop.tip(phy=tr, tip=tips_to_drop)
			cat("\nTips removed from tree:\n")
			cat(sort(tips_to_drop), sep="\n")
			} # END if (num_missing > 0)

		# Are there any taxa in the geography file that are not in the tree?  Cut those.
		geogtips_missing_from_tree_TF = (row.names(tipranges@df) %in% tr$tip.label) == FALSE
		geogtips_to_drop = row.names(tipranges@df)[geogtips_missing_from_tree_TF]
		geogtips_to_drop_txt = paste0(sort(geogtips_to_drop), collapse=", ")
		num_missing = sum(geogtips_missing_from_tree_TF)
		if (num_missing > 0)
			txt = paste0("Wait. add_fossils_to_many_trees() has noticed that your geography file '", living_tipranges_fn, "' has ", num_missing, " names that are not in the treefile, '", nexfn, "', tree #", treenum_to_use, ". Removing them from the geography file.  Really, you should probably get this kind of basic thing straightened out before running a complex analysis like this!  The tipnames that are in the geography file, but missing from the tree, are: ", geogtips_to_drop_txt, ".\n")

			tmpdf = tipranges@df
			tmpdf2 = tmpdf[geogtips_missing_from_tree_TF==FALSE, ]
			tipranges@df = tmpdf2

			cat("\nNames removed from geography file:\n")
			cat(sort(geogtips_to_drop), sep="\n")
			} # END if (num_missing > 0)

		# Add the list of fossils randomly, and save the tree
		tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list = add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(tr=tr, xls=xls, brlen_of_side_branch=brlen_of_side_branch, plottree=plottree)
		tr_w_fossil_tips_added = tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$tr_w_fossil
		list_of_fossil_tips_added =	tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$list_of_fossil_tips_added
		outtr_fn = paste(fn_prefix, trnum_txt, "_wFossils", trnum_txt2, fn_suffix, ".newick", sep="")
		write.tree(phy=tr_w_fossil_tips_added, file=outtr_fn)
		txt= paste("Tree with fossils added saved to '", outtr_fn, "', which has ", length(tr_w_fossil_tips_added$tip.label), " tips.\n", sep="")
		# Add the list of fossils added to the tree, to the geography filename
		new_tipranges_df = add_list_of_fossil_tips_to_tipranges(tipranges_df=living_tipranges_df, list_of_fossil_tips_added=list_of_fossil_tips_added, xls=xls, numareas=ncol(living_tipranges_df))
		tipranges@df = new_tipranges_df
		# Save the new tipranges
		outgeog_fn = paste(fn_prefix, trnum_txt, "_wFossils", trnum_txt2, fn_suffix, ".geog", sep="")
		save_tipranges_to_LagrangePHYLIP(tipranges_object=tipranges, lgdata_fn=outgeog_fn)

		txt= paste("Geog with fossils added saved to '", outgeog_fn, "'.\n", sep="")
		# Add to list
		output_trfns = c(output_trfns, outtr_fn)
		} # end for (i in 1:length(treenums_to_use))
		# End cycle through input trees
	} # end add_fossils_to_many_trees()

# Make a geography file by adding fossils to a tipranges data frame
# tipranges_df: just a table, e.g. tipranges@df
# list_of_fossil_tips_added: a vector of names matching paste("fossil_", xls$Fossil_Taxon, sep="")
# xls: e.g. xls_full = read.xls("/drives/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/z_help/Ruud_Scharn/RuudScharn_fossilsLiving_for_biogeography_v3.xlsx", sheet="fossils", skip=5)
#' Add fossil tips to BioGeoBEARS geography data 
#' When fossils are being added "manually" to a phylogenetic biogeography
#' analysis, the fossil data are listed in an Excel spreadsheet. This function 
#' adds the desired fossils to the tipranges object, which is read in from
#' a \code{BioGeoBEARS} geography data file.
#' @param tipranges_df A \code{tipranges} \code{data.frame} from inside a \code{tipranges} object.
#'                     The \code{df} slot can be accessed with e.g. \code{tipranges@df}.
#' @param list_of_fossil_tips_added The list of fossil tipnames to add.
#' @param xls A data.frame, e.g. as read in by \code{XLConnect}'s \code{readWorksheetFromFile}.
#'            The format of this spreadsheet will be given in example files when this
#'            method is published (Saila & Matzke, in prep.).
#' @param numareas By default the number of columns in the \code{tipranges_df}.
#' @return new_tipranges_df A new tipranges df, with the fossil tips and their ranges added.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_list_of_fossil_tips_to_tipranges <- function(tipranges_df, list_of_fossil_tips_added, xls, numareas=ncol(tipranges_df))
	# ...OR...
	tipranges_df = tipranges@df
	xls = read.xls("/drives/Dropbox/_njm/__packages/BioGeoBEARS_setup/z_help/Ruud_Scharn/RuudScharn_fossilsLiving_for_biogeography_v3.xlsx", sheet="fossils", skip=5)

	# The names of the fossils listed in xls
	fossils_in_xls = paste("fossil_", xls$Fossil_Taxon, sep="")
	# Check for an empty list of fossil tips to add; return original tipranges if so.
	if (length(list_of_fossil_tips_added) == 0)
		txt = paste0("WARNING: add_list_of_fossil_tips_to_tipranges() found *0* new fossil ranges to add. Returning the original list of tipranges, with 0 fossils added.")
		new_tipranges_df = tipranges_df
		} # END if (length(list_of_fossil_tips_added) == 0)
	# Add the fossil ranges to the list of ranges
	# Initialize
	tipranges_to_add = NULL
	for (i in 1:length(list_of_fossil_tips_added))
		# Find the row in the xls table:
		TF = list_of_fossil_tips_added[i] == fossils_in_xls
# 		print("sum(TF):")
# 		print(sum(TF))
# 		print(xls[TF,])
		# STUPID Excel readin converts "'0000100" to "100" in R
		# Fix with sprintf
		if (numareas < 10)
			sprintf_str = paste("%0", numareas, ".0f", sep="")
		if (numareas >= 10)
			sprintf_str = paste("%", numareas, ".0f", sep="")
		sprintf_str = "%s"
		range_coded = sprintf(fmt=sprintf_str, xls$range_coded[TF])
		ranges = strsplit(range_coded, split="")[[1]]
		# What sort of geographic constraint?
		geog_constraint = xls$geog_constraint[TF]
		# If the fossil data is presence-only, then the absences don't mean anything,
		# just the presences
		if (geog_constraint == "presence-only")
			ranges[ranges == "0"] = "?"
		# If the fossil data is absence-only, then the presences don't mean anything,
		# just the absences
		# (which would be VERY WEIRD -- but MAYBE sometimes you could exclude a fossil
		#  from a well-sampled region)
		if (geog_constraint == "absence-only")
			ranges[ranges == "1"] = "?"

		# If the fossil data is "both", then the presences and absences
		# are both meaningful; i.e., you know the true range.
		# An alternative to the above strategies is to use a 
		# detection model, see Matzke Ph.D., chapter 4
		if (geog_constraint == "both")
			# Make no change
			ranges = ranges

		# detection model, see Matzke Ph.D., chapter 4
		if (geog_constraint == "detection_model")
			# Not implemented yet -- you'd have to write an observation counts file
			# and a taphonomic control counts file
			error_txt = "\n\nWARNING: add_list_of_fossil_tips_to_tipranges() does not yet implement use of the detection model\n\n"
			# Make no change
			ranges = ranges

		# OK, now add the modified ranges to the table of ranges to add
		tipranges_to_add = rbind(tipranges_to_add, ranges)
	# Convert the tipranges to a data.frame
	tipranges_to_add = adf2(tipranges_to_add)
	names(tipranges_to_add) = names(tipranges_df)
	rownames(tipranges_to_add) = list_of_fossil_tips_added
	# Merge the tipranges
	new_tipranges_df = rbind(tipranges_df, tipranges_to_add)

# Add fossils from a data.frame, e.g. as read in from Excel with read.xls() from library(gdata)
# The data.frame MUST have the following headings:
# Fossil_Taxon (no spaces, ".", "/", or any other punctuation except "_")
# stem_or_crown
# min_age
# max_age
# range_coded
# is_MRCA_of
# and_MRCA_of
# geog_constraint
# constraint_type
# taxon_specifiers
# specifier_type
# See example Excel file for what goes in each column.

#' Add fossils, of uncertain position, to a BioGeoBEARS phylogenetic biogeography analysis
#' When fossils are being added "manually" to a phylogenetic biogeography
#' analysis, the fossil data are listed in an Excel spreadsheet. This function 
#' adds the desired fossils to the tipranges object, which is read in from
#' a \code{BioGeoBEARS} geography data file.
#' Typically, the phylogenetic position of the fossils is highly uncertain. If you 
#' have a morphological character matrix for the living and fossil specimens, then 
#' probably the best method is to jointly estimate the dating and topology of the 
#' phylogeny ("tip-dating" -- see e.g. Matzke & Wright 2016), and use that dated
#' phylogeny in BioGeoBEARS directly.
#' However, often such a morphological matrix doesn't exist, and instead the only
#' information available is a taxonomy and/or expert opinion.  E.g., "this fossil
#' is in the genus \emph{Araucaria}." There are various ways that such a statement
#' might be interpreted, depending on the date of the publication and the training
#' of the scientist who made it.  Often, scientists working in a pre-cladistic 
#' framework make such statements based on overall similarity, or the presence of
#' one or a few characters. In that case, membership in a genus might mean the 
#' fossil is anywhere in the crown or stem.  Scientists working in a cladistic
#' framework might mean that the fossil shares one or more characters thought to
#' be synapomorphies (shared derived characters) with a clade inside the genus, 
#' thus placing the fossil "securely" inside the crown group. (Of course, 
#' phylogenetic placements relying on only one or a few characters will always 
#' be only as reliable as those characters).
#' Another source of uncertainty is the date of the fossil specimen, although,
#' often, this is more secure than the taxonomic bracket.
#' Obviously, running \code{add_fossils_from_xls_randomly} only once makes little
#' sense. Instead, the idea would be to run e.g. ~100 times, and repeat the 
#' biogeography analysis on each of the 100 semi-random trees.
#' The Excel spreadsheet used for placing uncertain fossils in a BioGeoBEARS
#' analysis allows the researcher to specify the various forms of uncertainty
#' above for each fossil. Then, the BioGeoBEARS add_fossils functions can
#' add in the fossils randomly within the constraints. Uncertainty in the 
#' geographic data (e.g., fossil presence in region A does not necessarily
#' mean absence from region B) can also be incorporated.
#' The full format of this spreadsheet will be given in example files when this
#' method is published (Saila & Matzke, in prep.). The columns of the spreadsheet,
#' which become fields in the data.frame \code{xls}, MUST have the following headings:
#' (draft fields, check spreadsheet)
#' Fossil_Taxon (no spaces, ".", "/", or any other punctuation except "_")
#' stem_or_crown -- could the fossil be in the "stem" of the clade, the "crown", or 
#'                  "both" (meaning, the fossil could be in either)
#' min_age       -- the minimum age (youngest possible age) for the fossil specimen
#' max_age       -- the maximum age (oldest possible age) for the fossil specimen
#' range_coded   -- the geographic range, as coded with 1s and 0s for a BioGeoBEARS 
#'                  geography file. In Excel, numbers should be forced to be text with
#'                  a single-quote apostrophe, e.g. \code{'001101}.
#' is_MRCA_of    -- A clade can be specified with any 2 tips. This is tip #1.
#' and_MRCA_of   -- A clade can be specified with any 2 tips. This is tip #2.
#' geog_constraint  -- Constraints on the geography (e.g. presence known, absence uncertain)
#' constraint_type  -- Does the range_coded field indicate the assumed full range, 
#'                     presence-only data, or absence-only data.
#' taxon_specifiers -- The name of the species/genus/family etc., if a taxon specifier
#'                     is being used.
#' specifier_type  -- Is the clade constraint based on tip specifiers, a species 
#'                     (e.g. if the fossil is claimed to be from a living species),
#'                     a genus, family, etc.
#' @param brlen_of_side_branch The length of the side-branch when a fossil is attached
#'                             as a direct ancestor (not always the case).
#' @param list_of_fossil_tips_added The list of fossil tipnames to add.
#' @param plottree Should the updated tree be plotted? Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @return tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list, a list with 2 fields: \code{$tr_w_fossil} 
#'         is the tree with the fossils added in their semi-random positions; 
#'         \code{$list_of_fossil_tips_added} is the vector of fossil tips added.
#' A new tipranges df, with the fossil tips and their ranges added.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_fossils_from_xls_randomly <- function(tr, xls, brlen_of_side_branch=1e-07, plottree=TRUE)
	list_of_fossil_tips_added = NULL

	# Error check: no spaces in fossil names etc.
	colnames_to_check = c("Fossil_Taxon", "stem_or_crown", "range_coded", "is_MRCA_of", "and_MRCA_of", "geog_constraint", "constraint_type", "taxon_specifiers", "specifier_type")

	for (i in 1:length(colnames_to_check))
		# Build and execute a TRUE/FALSE (TF) command:
		cmdstr = paste('TF1 = grepl(pattern=" ", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")

		cmdstr = paste('TF2 = grepl(pattern="/", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")

		cmdstr = paste('TF3 = grepl(pattern="\\\\.", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")

		cmdstr = paste('TF4 = grepl(pattern="\\\\?", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")
		cmdstr = paste('TF5 = grepl(pattern="\\\\(", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")

		cmdstr = paste('TF6 = grepl(pattern="\\\\)", x=xls$', colnames_to_check[i], ")", sep="")
		TFsum = TF1 + TF2 + TF3 + TF4 + TF5 + TF6
		TF = TFsum >= 1
		# Report error if it occurs
		if (sum(TF) > 0)
			error_txt = paste("\n\nWARNING in add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(): Spaces, punctuation, etc. are illegal in xls$", colnames_to_check[i], ".\n You might keep them if 'indet.' etc., though, so those will be removed. Printing the offending entries:\n\n", sep="")
			cmdstr = paste('offending_entries = xls$', colnames_to_check[i], "[TF]", sep="")
			for (j in 1:length(offending_entries))
				txt = paste("'", offending_entries[j], "'\n", sep="")
			# Fix "indet."
			offending_entries_new = gsub(pattern="indet.", replacement="indet", x=offending_entries)
			cmdstr = paste('xls$', colnames_to_check[i], "[TF] = offending_entries_new", sep="")

			# Fix "sp."
			offending_entries_new = gsub(pattern="sp.", replacement="sp", x=offending_entries)
			cmdstr = paste('xls$', colnames_to_check[i], "[TF] = offending_entries_new", sep="")
			warning("Warning from add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(): punctuation in OTU names is a bad idea, normally.")
			} # end: if (sum(TF) > 0)
		} # end: for (i in 1:length(colnames_to_check))

	# Add fossils (skipping fixnodes)
	# options are side_branch, ancestor, fixnode
	# skip fixnode cases here
	TF = xls$constraint_type != "fixnode"
	xls = xls[TF,]

	numrows = nrow(xls)
	# 33 fossils to add
	if (numrows < 1)
		txt = paste0("WARNING: add_fossils_from_xls_randomly() found *0* active rows in 'xls'. Returning the original tree, with 0 fossils added.")
		tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list = NULL
		tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$tr_w_fossil = tr
		tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$list_of_fossil_tips_added = list()
	# Loop through all fossils, adding the fossils one by one
	list_of_fossil_tips_added = NULL
	#numrows = 1
	tr_orig = tr
	tr_w_fossil = tr
	for (i in 1:numrows)
		counter_txt = paste("\n\nAttempting to add fossil #", i, "/", numrows, "...", sep="")

		# Randomly draw the age of the fossil
		# Ages are times before present
		fossil_name = paste("fossil_", xls$Fossil_Taxon[i], sep="")
		max_age = as.numeric(xls$max_age[i])
		min_age = as.numeric(xls$min_age[i])
		constraint_type = as.character(xls$constraint_type[i])
		stem_or_crown = as.character(xls$stem_or_crown[i])

		# Error checks - 2017-03-14
		if (xls$specifier_type[i] == "specifiers")
			# if ((xls$is_MRCA_of[i] %in% tr$tip.label) == FALSE)
			if ((xls$is_MRCA_of[i] %in% tr_w_fossil$tip.label) == FALSE)
				txt = paste0("STOP ERROR in add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(): the tip specifier '", xls$is_MRCA_of[i], "' DOES NOT EXIST as a tip in the tree, even after adding any previous fossils in the table. Fix the Excel fossils file, and/or the tree!")

			# if ((xls$and_MRCA_of[i] %in% tr$tip.label) == FALSE)
			if ((xls$and_MRCA_of[i] %in% tr_w_fossil$tip.label) == FALSE)
				txt = paste0("STOP ERROR in add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(): the tip specifier '", xls$and_MRCA_of[i], "' DOES NOT EXIST as a tip in the tree, even after adding any previous fossils in the table. Fix the Excel fossils file, and/or the tree!")
			} # END if (xls$specifier_type[i] == "specifiers")
		if (xls$specifier_type[i] == "species")
			#if ((xls$taxon_specifiers[i] %in% tr$tip.label) == FALSE)
			if ((xls$taxon_specifiers[i] %in% tr_w_fossil$tip.label) == FALSE)
				txt = paste0("STOP ERROR in add_fossils_from_xls_randomly(): the tip specifier '", xls$taxon_specifiers[i], "' DOES NOT EXIST as a tip in the tree, even after adding any previous fossils in the table. Fix the Excel fossils file, and/or the tree!")
				cat("Sorted tip labels in tree:\n")
			} # END if (xls$specifier_type[i] == "species")

		# Get the tip_specifiers
		if (xls$specifier_type[i] == "specifiers")
			# Get the two tip species that are tip specifiers
			tip_specifiers = c(xls$is_MRCA_of[i], xls$and_MRCA_of[i])
			} else {
			if ((xls$specifier_type[i] == "species") || (xls$specifier_type[i] == "specifiers"))
				# Fossil is related to a terminal branch on the tree
				# Only ONE tip specified (stem of a single species is being used)
				# Input the species name
				# Be sure add_fossil_randomly() can accept a single-tip specifier
				tip_specifiers = xls$taxon_specifiers[i]
				} else {
				# Using Genus or Family as the specifier
				# Some ranked group; MUST be in the tip names
				# Note that this REQUIRES that names be NON-REDUNDANT; I do
				# this by searching on e.g. "FamilyName_"
				pattern_to_search_on = paste(xls$taxon_specifiers[i], "_", sep="")
				tips_in_clade_TF = grepl(pattern=pattern_to_search_on, x=tr$tip.label)
				tips_in_clade = tr$tip.label[tips_in_clade_TF]
				tip_specifiers = tips_in_clade
				} # end tip specifiers as ranks
			} # end tip specifiers

		#plottree=TRUE; fixnode_clades=NULL
		tr_w_fossil_added = add_fossil_randomly(tr=tr_w_fossil, tip_specifiers=tip_specifiers, fossil_name=fossil_name, max_age=max_age, min_age=min_age, constraint_type=constraint_type, stem_or_crown=stem_or_crown, plottree=plottree, fixnode_clades=NULL, brlen_of_side_branch=brlen_of_side_branch)

		# Check that the new tree is different
		if (length(tr_w_fossil_added$tip.label) == (length(tr_w_fossil$tip.label)+1) )
			tr_w_fossil = tr_w_fossil_added
			list_of_fossil_tips_added = c(list_of_fossil_tips_added, fossil_name)
			} else {
			warning_txt = paste("\n\nWarning: fossil '", fossil_name, "' was NOT added. In the Excel fossils file, check constraints, age range, tip specifiers, etc.\n", sep="")
		} # END for (i in 1:numrows)
	tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list = NULL
	tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$tr_w_fossil = tr_w_fossil
	tr_w_fossils_and_fossils_added_list$list_of_fossil_tips_added = list_of_fossil_tips_added
	} # end add_fossils_from_xls_randomly()

#' Add fossil, of uncertain position, to a BioGeoBEARS phylogenetic biogeography analysis
#' This function will mostly be run by \code{add_fossils_randomly}. 
#' See documentation for \code{add_fossils_randomly}. 
#' @param tr An ape \code{phylo} object.
#' @param tip_specifiers A vector of 2 tipnames, specifying a clade
#' @param fossil_name Name of the fossil tip
#' @param max_age The maximum (oldest) age for the fossil's age range
#' @param min_age The minimum (youngest) age for the fossil's age range 
#' @param constraint_type Is the fossil a "side_branch", "direct_ancestor"/"ancestor", or "fixnode"
#' @param stem_or_crown Could the fossil go in "stem", "crown", or "both"
#' @param plottree Should the updated tree be plotted? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fixnode_clades NOT USED. (original intention follows, now done elsewhere)
#'        The list of clades that will have the \code{fixnode} option (inputting
#'                       range constraints at a node). List will be added to if 
#'                       \code{constraint_type} is "fixnode". 
#' @param fossil_age_within_constraints If TRUE (default), the min_age/max_age constraints
#'        are combined with constraints imposed by the topology (a fossil in a crown
#'        group cannot be older than the crown group, even if its max_age is older).
#'        Conflicts of this sort (between an MCC tree's dates and the allowed age-ranges
#'        of a fossil) are not rare -- this is one of the reasons a joint-estimation
#'        approach to place the fossils in a tree is a preferable. However, the function
#'        will do the best it can. If the min_age/max_age constraints totally exclude
#'        the clade constraints, then the fossil is not added. If FALSE, just the
#'        min_age/max_age constraints are used (ignoring clade constraints, if they
#'        conflict; this may however cause errors downstream). 
#' @param brlen_of_side_branch The length of the side-branch when a fossil is attached
#'                             as a direct ancestor (not always the case).
#' @return tr_w_fossil The tree, with the fossil added.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_fossil_randomly <- function(tr, tip_specifiers, fossil_name, max_age, min_age, constraint_type="side_branch", stem_or_crown="both", plottree=FALSE, fixnode_clades=NULL, fossil_age_within_constraints=TRUE, brlen_of_side_branch=1e-07)
	if (max_age < min_age)
		errortxt = paste("\nERROR in add_fossil_randomly(): fossil '", fossil_name, "' max_age (", max_age, ") is less than fossil min_age (", min_age, ").\nmax_age must be greater than or equal to min_age.\n", sep="")

	# Get the tree table
	trtable = prt(tr, printflag=FALSE)
	# Get the list of branches that are possible attachment points
	branches = try(get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to(tr, trtable, tip_specifiers, stem_or_crown))
	if (class(branches) == "try-error")
		warning_txt = paste("\n\nWARNING in add_fossil_randomly(): In add_fossil_randomly(), 'get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to()' failed. The input tree is being returned. The fossil name is: '", fossil_name, " (min=", min_age, " / max=", max_age, "). tip_specifiers='", paste0(tip_specifiers, sep=","), "', stem_or_crown='", stem_or_crown, "'. Printing try-error...\n\n", sep="")
		print("Printing 'branches' result (result was of class 'try-error'):")

	# Randomly draw the age of the fossil
	# Ages are times before present
	if (fossil_age_within_constraints == FALSE)
		# Old strategy, 2014
		fossil_age = runif(n=1, min=min_age, max=max_age)
		} else {
		# New strategy, 2017-03-14
		# IS ALL DECIDED in get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to()
		# Should we include the branch below the crown node??

		age_oldest_node = max(branches$time_bp)
# 		if (stem_or_crown == "crown")
# 			{
# 			# Don't include that branch!
# 			use_branch_below_this_node_TF = (branches$time_bp != age_oldest_node) == TRUE
# 			} else {
# 			# Do include that branch!
# 			use_branch_below_this_node_TF = (branches$time_bp <= age_oldest_node) == TRUE
# 			}
		# Filter the branches to include/exclude the branch below the crown node
# 		branches = branches[use_branch_below_this_node_TF, ]

		# Max age of each branch
		branch_min_ages = branches$time_bp
		temp_brlens = branches$edge.length
		temp_brlens[is.na(temp_brlens)] = 0
		branch_max_ages = branch_min_ages + temp_brlens
		oldest_branch_age = max(branch_max_ages)
		youngest_branch_age = min(branch_min_ages)
		# If the oldest branch age is younger than the oldest age of the fossil,
		# make max_age the oldest_branch_age
		original_max_age = max_age
		if (max_age > oldest_branch_age)
			max_age = oldest_branch_age
		# Check if the new max_age screws up the age range!
		if (max_age < min_age)
			txt = paste0("WARNING in add_fossil_randomly(): For fossil '", fossil_name, "', your specified age range was min_age=", min_age, " Ma, max_age=", original_max_age, " Ma.  However, the date range of the available branches matching the constraints in your Excel file is only ", youngest_branch_age, "-", oldest_branch_age, " Ma.  This fossil will be skipped for producing this particular tree and geography file, but you should consider revising your tree and/or your Excel fossils file!")
			# Restore max_age for purposes of later script
			max_age = original_max_age
			} # END if (max_age < min_age)
		fossil_age = runif(n=1, min=min_age, max=max_age)
		} # END if (fossil_age_within_constraints == FALSE)

	# If you have NO branches that are possible attachment points for this tree,
	# then print WARNING, and return the input tree
	if ((nrow(branches) == 0) || (length(branches) == 0))
		warning_txt = paste("\n\nWARNING: In add_fossil_randomly(), fossil has no possible branches to attach to\nin this tree, given the constraints and fossil date. The input tree is being returned.\nThe fossil name is: '", fossil_name, "', age=", fossil_age, " (min=", min_age, " / max=", max_age, ").", sep="")

	# # Possible constraint types:
	# 1. side_branch
	# 2. direct_ancestor
	# 3. fixnode
	#constraint_type = "side_branch"
	txt = paste0("\nAttempting to add fossil '", fossil_name, "' as a constraint_type='", constraint_type, "', age=", fossil_age, " (min=", min_age, " / max=", max_age, ").")
	# Error check on constraint type
	#constraint_type_options = c("side_branch", "direct_ancestor", "ancestor", "fixnode", "specifiers")
	constraint_type_options = c("side_branch", "direct_ancestor", "ancestor", "fixnode")
	TF = constraint_type %in% constraint_type_options
	if (TF == FALSE)
		txt = paste0("STOP ERROR in add_fossil_randomly(): the input constraint_type for this row was '", constraint_type, "', but this is not an allowed constraint_type.")
	if (constraint_type == "side_branch")
		# Get the branches that are possible attachment points
		# Any branch that extends below the fossil age, but is 
		# in the identified clade / branch list
		# Add random side branch
		tr_w_fossil = add_random_side_branch(tr, trtable, branches, fossil_name, fossil_age, plottree=plottree)

	if ((constraint_type == "direct_ancestor") || (constraint_type == "ancestor") )
		# Get the branches that are possible hosts of the ancestor hook
		# Any branch that extends below the fossil age, but has
		# min_age above fossil_age
		# in the identified clade / branch list
		tr_w_fossil = add_random_direct_ancestor_hook(tr, trtable, branches, fossil_name, fossil_age, plottree=plottree, brlen_of_side_branch=brlen_of_side_branch)

	if (constraint_type == "fixnode")
		# Then add to the list of fixnodes
		fixnode_clades = c(fixnode_clades, tip_specifiers)
		# Nothing to output here, really, do fixnodes in a different way
		# return(fixnode_clades)
	} # end add_fossil_randomly()

#' Get possible branches to add a fossil to
#' This function returns a list of branches that are possible attachment 
#' points for a fossil with a phylogenetic position that is only 
#' approximately known
#' @param tr An ape \code{phylo} object.
#' @param trtable A tree table data.frame, as produced by \code{prt}.
#' @param tip_specifiers A vector of 1 or more tipnames, specifying a clade
#' @param stem_or_crown Could the fossil go in "stem", "crown", or "both"
#' @return branches Here, the full rows of the trtable that contain the necessary branches.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to <- function(tr, trtable, tip_specifiers, stem_or_crown="both")
	# Get the branches in the clade
	#stem_or_crown = "both"	# could be stem, crown, or both
							# default (i.e. BEAST stem) is "both"
	TF = stem_or_crown %in% c("stem", "crown", "both")
	if (TF == FALSE)
		errortxt = paste0("\n\nSTOP ERROR in get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to(): input 'stem_or_crown' must be 'stem', 'crown', or 'both'. You had stem_or_crown='", stem_or_crown, "'")
	# tip_specifiers must have a length of 1 or greater
	if (length(tip_specifiers) <= 0)
		errortxt = "\n\nERROR in get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to(): length(tip_specifiers) cannot be 0 or less.\nPrinting tip_specifiers:\n\n"
		stop("ERROR caused stop.")
		} # end if (length(tip_specifiers) <= 0)

	# If there is just ONE tip_specifier, you have a terminal branch; getMRCA won't work
	# If there is just ONE tip_specifier, you have a terminal branch; the "stem_or_crown" cannot be "crown"
	if (length(tip_specifiers) == 1)
		if (stem_or_crown == "crown")
			errortxt = "\n\nERROR in get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to(): length(tip_specifiers)==1 and stem_or_crown=='crown'.\nCrown groups require two or more tips to be validly defined.\nValid 'stem_or_crown' options are 'stem' or 'both'.\nPrinting tip_specifiers:\n\n"
			stop("ERROR caused stop.")
			} # end if (stem_or_crown == "crown")
		# Otherwise, just return the branch for the tip
		TF = trtable$label == tip_specifiers
		nodenum_of_tip = trtable$node[TF]
		branches = trtable[nodenum_of_tip, ]
		} # end if (length(tip_specifiers) == 1)
	nodenum_of_crown = getMRCA(phy=tr, tip=tip_specifiers)

	# Get the branches in the crown group
	nodes = get_daughter_nodes(nodenum=nodenum_of_crown, tr=tr, nodes=NULL)
	# Get the branches in the crown group, stem group, or both
	if (stem_or_crown == "crown")
		branches = trtable[nodes,]

	if (stem_or_crown == "both")
		nodes = c(nodes, nodenum_of_crown)
		branches = trtable[nodes,]
		# And add the ancestor branch
		# 2017-05-16_BUG: this is getting the node BELOW the crown node;
		# we just need the branch ATTACHED to the crown node
		#stem_branch_nodenum = trtable$ancestor[nodenum_of_crown]
		#stem_branch = trtable[stem_branch_nodenum,]
		#branches = rbind(branches, stem_branch)
		# NOTE! We will want the nodenum_of_crown, so that we ONLY get the branch
		# that is the stem of 'nodenum_of_crown'

	if (stem_or_crown == "stem")
		# Use JUST the ancestor branch
		# 2017-05-16_BUG: this is getting the node BELOW the crown node;
		# we just need the branch ATTACHED to the crown node
		#stem_branch_nodenum = trtable$ancestor[nodenum_of_crown]
		#stem_branch = trtable[stem_branch_nodenum,]
		#branches = stem_branch
		branches = trtable[nodenum_of_crown,]
		# NOTE! We will want the nodenum_of_crown, so that we ONLY get the branch
		# that is the stem of 'nodenum_of_crown'

		naTF = is.na(branches$node)
		if (sum(naTF) > 0)
			cat("ERROR: get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to() produces NAs for \n", sep="")
			cat("trtable nodes: \n", sep="")
			cat("Causing this problem in the list of branches that are possible attachment points:\n", sep="")
	} # end get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to()

#' Add a semi-random side branch to a tree
#' Given a fossil time and a clade, randomly add a 
#' side branch somewhere below the fossil to the clade
#' (uniformly on available branches; not perfect, but 
#'  workable)
#' @param tr An ape \code{phylo} object.
#' @param trtable A tree table data.frame, as produced by \code{prt}.
#' @param branches The full rows of the trtable that contain the necessary branches, 
#'                 returned by \code{get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to}.
#' @param fossil_name Name of the fossil tip
#' @param fossil_age The (sampled) age of the fossil
#' @param plottree Should the updated tree be plotted? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @return tr_w_fossil The tree, with the fossil added.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_random_side_branch <- function(tr, trtable, branches, fossil_name, fossil_age, plottree=FALSE)
	# Get the branches that are possible attachment points
	# Any branch that extends below the fossil age, but is 
	# in the identified clade / branch list

	# The fossil cannot be the exact same age as any internal node
	internal_TF = trtable$node.type != "tip"
	matchTF = trtable$time_bp[internal_TF] == fossil_age
	if (sum(matchTF) > 0)
		errormsg = "ERROR in add_random_side_branch(): the fossil tip you are adding is the exact same age\nas an internal node. This is not allowed.\n"
		cat("\n", errormsg, "\n", sep="")

		errormsg = "Returning the input tree...\n"
		cat("\n", errormsg, "\n", sep="")


	# Really, all that matters is that the max_age of the 
	# branch be older than the fossil
	# Max age of each branch
	branch_min_ages = branches$time_bp
	temp_brlens = branches$edge.length
	temp_brlens[is.na(temp_brlens)] = 0
	branch_max_ages = branch_min_ages + temp_brlens

	# Branches are possible attachment points for the side branch if
	# the fossil age is less than branch max_age
	fossil_age_LT_branch_max_age_TF = fossil_age < branch_max_ages
	branches_to_attach_to = branches[fossil_age_LT_branch_max_age_TF, ]

	if ((nrow(branches_to_attach_to) == 0) || length(branches_to_attach_to) == 0)
		warning_txt = paste("\n\nWARNING: In add_random_side_branch(), fossil has no possible branches to attach to\nin this tree, given the constraints and fossil date. The input tree is being returned.\nThe fossil name is: '", fossil_name, "', age=", fossil_age, ".\n\n", sep="")

		warning_txt = paste("One way this can occur is if you added another fossil branch previously that restricts the date range for adding this fossil. Try moving '", fossil_name, "' to the front of the Excel table. (For very complex combinations of fossils we may have to re-do this function.)\n\n", sep="")

		warning_txt = paste("The branches in the clade have these maximum ages:\n\n", sep="")

		warning_txt = paste("\n\nReturning the tree unchanged...\n", sep="")

	# Make a new column, with available branch lengths (anything older than the fossil)
	branch_min_ages = branches_to_attach_to$time_bp
	temp_brlens = branches_to_attach_to$edge.length
	branch_max_ages = branch_min_ages + temp_brlens
	branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to = branches_to_attach_to$edge.length
	diff_between_fossil_and_branch_min_ages = branch_min_ages - fossil_age
	# Only when the result is negative, do you chop down the branch
	negative_TF = diff_between_fossil_and_branch_min_ages < 0

	branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to[negative_TF] = branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to[negative_TF] + diff_between_fossil_and_branch_min_ages[negative_TF]
	naTF = is.na(branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to)
	branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to[naTF] = 0
	branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen = branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to
	# Proportions to sample from
	prop = branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen / sum(branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen)
	prop[is.na(prop)] = 0
	branchrow_to_attach_to = sample(1:length(prop), size=1, replace=FALSE, prob=prop)
	# Uniformly sample a distance above the base of the branch
	height_above_base = runif(n=1, min=0, max=branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen[branchrow_to_attach_to])

	# Pick the highest tip in the clade to count the age back from
	nodenum_at_top_of_branch = branches_to_attach_to$node[branchrow_to_attach_to]
	tipnums = get_daughter_tipnums(nodenum=nodenum_at_top_of_branch, tr=tr)
	highest_tip_in_clade_hts = trtable$node_ht[tipnums]
	highest_tip_in_clade_TF = highest_tip_in_clade_hts == max(highest_tip_in_clade_hts)
	tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade = tipnums[highest_tip_in_clade_TF][1]
	tipname_of_highest_tip_in_clade = trtable$label[tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade]
	# Time before present of the attachment point
	time_bp_attachment_point_absolute = trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] + trtable$edge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] - height_above_base
	# Time before the highest tip above the attachment point
	time_bp_attachment_point_relative_to_tip = time_bp_attachment_point_absolute - trtable$time_bp[tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade]
	# Add the side branch
	length_of_side_branch = time_bp_attachment_point_absolute - fossil_age
	tr_w_fossil = add_hook(t=tr, tipname=tipname_of_highest_tip_in_clade, brlen_of_side_branch=length_of_side_branch, depthtime=time_bp_attachment_point_relative_to_tip, plottree=FALSE, newtipname=fossil_name)
	if (plottree == TRUE)
		if (length(tr_w_fossil$tip.label) > 100)
			plot(tr_w_fossil, show.tip.label=FALSE)
			titletxt = paste("Tree with ", fossil_name, " added", sep="")
			} else {
			plot(tr_w_fossil, show.tip.label=TRUE)
			titletxt = paste("Tree with ", fossil_name, " added", sep="")
	} # end add_random_side_branch()

#' Add a direct ancestor as a hook
#' Given a time and candidate branches of a clade, randomly add a direct 
#' ancestor (in the form of a hook).
#' In \code{BioGeoBEARS}, direct ancestors are coded as very-very short side 
#' branches in the tree. This is an easy way to include direct ancestors, and 
#' save/load the resulting trees in standard formats like Newick. (It does, 
#' though, require that the program in question "knows" to read short 
#' branches this way. BioGeoBEARS does this, but other programs might not.)
#' @param tr An ape \code{phylo} object.
#' @param trtable A tree table data.frame, as produced by \code{prt}.
#' @param branches The full rows of the trtable that contain the necessary branches, 
#'                 returned by \code{get_possible_branches_to_add_fossils_to}.
#' @param fossil_name Name of the fossil tip
#' @param fossil_age The (sampled) age of the fossil
#' @param plottree Should the updated tree be plotted? Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param brlen_of_side_branch The branch length of the hook branch.
#' @return tr_w_fossil The tree, with the fossil added.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas J. Matzke \email{matzke@@berkeley.edu}
#' @examples
#' test=1
add_random_direct_ancestor_hook <- function(tr, trtable, branches, fossil_name, fossil_age, plottree=FALSE, brlen_of_side_branch=1e-07)
	# Get the branches that are possible hosts of the ancestor hook
	# Any branch that extends below the fossil age, but has
	# min_age above fossil_age
	# in the identified clade / branch list

	# The fossil cannot be the exact same age as any internal node
	internal_TF = trtable$node.type != "tip"
	matchTF = trtable$time_bp[internal_TF] == fossil_age
	if (sum(matchTF) > 0)
		errormsg = "ERROR in add_random_direct_ancestor_hook(): the fossil tip you are adding is the exact same age\nas an internal node. This is not allowed.\n"
		cat("\n", errormsg, "\n", sep="")

		errormsg = "Returning the input tree...\n"
		cat("\n", errormsg, "\n", sep="")


	# Really, all that matters is that the max_age of the 
	# branch be older than the fossil

	# Max age of each branch
	branch_min_ages = branches$time_bp
	temp_brlens = branches$edge.length
	temp_brlens[is.na(temp_brlens)] = 0
	branch_max_ages = branch_min_ages + temp_brlens

	# Branches are possible attachment points for the ancestor if
	# the fossil age is less than branch max_age
	fossil_age_LT_branch_max_age_TF = fossil_age < branch_max_ages
	fossil_age_GT_branch_min_age_TF = fossil_age > branch_min_ages
	branches_containing_fossil_age_TF = (fossil_age_LT_branch_max_age_TF + fossil_age_GT_branch_min_age_TF) == 2
	branches_to_attach_to = branches[branches_containing_fossil_age_TF, ]

	if ((nrow(branches_to_attach_to) == 0) || length(branches_to_attach_to) == 0)
		warning_txt = paste("\n\nWARNING: In add_random_direct_ancestor_hook(), fossil has no possible branches to attach to\nin this tree, given the constraints and fossil date. The input tree is being returned.\nThe fossil name is: '", fossil_name, "', age=", fossil_age, ".\n\n", sep="")

		warning_txt = paste("The branches in the clade have these maximum/minimum ages:\n\n", sep="")

		warning_txt = paste("\n\nReturning the tree unchanged...\n\n", sep="")
	# Make a new column, with available branch lengths (anything older than the fossil)
	branch_min_ages = branches_to_attach_to$time_bp
	temp_brlens = branches_to_attach_to$edge.length
	branch_max_ages = branch_min_ages + temp_brlens
	branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to = branches_to_attach_to$edge.length
	naTF = is.na(branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to)
	branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to[naTF] = 0
	branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen = branch_lengths_available_to_attach_to
	# Proportions to sample from -- EQUAL probability for each branch crossed
	prop = branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen / sum(branches_to_attach_to$attach_brlen)
	prop[is.na(prop)] = 0
	branchrow_to_attach_to = sample(1:length(prop), size=1, replace=FALSE, prob=prop)
	# The distance above the base of the branch is calculated
	height_above_base = branches_to_attach_to$time_bp[branchrow_to_attach_to] + branches_to_attach_to$edge.length[branchrow_to_attach_to] - fossil_age
	# Pick the highest tip in the clade to count the age back from
	nodenum_at_top_of_branch = branches_to_attach_to$node[branchrow_to_attach_to]
	tipnums = get_daughter_tipnums(nodenum=nodenum_at_top_of_branch, tr=tr)
	highest_tip_in_clade_hts = trtable$node_ht[tipnums]
	highest_tip_in_clade_TF = highest_tip_in_clade_hts == max(highest_tip_in_clade_hts)
	tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade = tipnums[highest_tip_in_clade_TF][1]
	tipname_of_highest_tip_in_clade = trtable$label[tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade]
	# Time before present of the attachment point
	time_bp_attachment_point_absolute = trtable$time_bp[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] + trtable$edge.length[nodenum_at_top_of_branch] - height_above_base
	# Time before the highest tip above the attachment point
	time_bp_attachment_point_relative_to_tip = time_bp_attachment_point_absolute - trtable$time_bp[tipnum_highest_tip_in_clade]
	# Add the side branch (as a hook, brlen=1e-07)
	tr_w_fossil = add_hook(t=tr, tipname=tipname_of_highest_tip_in_clade, brlen_of_side_branch=brlen_of_side_branch, depthtime=time_bp_attachment_point_relative_to_tip, plottree=FALSE, newtipname=fossil_name)
	if (plottree == TRUE)
		if (length(tr_w_fossil$tip.label) > 100)
			plot(tr_w_fossil, show.tip.label=FALSE)
			titletxt = paste("Tree with ", fossil_name, " added", sep="")
			} else {
			plot(tr_w_fossil, show.tip.label=TRUE)
			titletxt = paste("Tree with ", fossil_name, " added", sep="")
	} # end add_random_direct_ancestor_hook()
nmatzke/BioGeoBEARS documentation built on July 1, 2024, 12:45 p.m.