
Defines functions bridge FactorExtraction kalman_filter_diag kalman_smoother_diag kalman_update_diag outliers_correction pcatodfm smooth_update

#' @importFrom stats cov end fitted lm median na.omit predict quantile sd start ts tsp window as.ts frequency
#' @import zoo corpcor 
#' @rawNamespace import(matlab, except = reshape)
#' @importFrom lubridate quarter year month

bridge <- function(y, x, freq_y){
  # y: ts (quarterly or monthly)
  # x: factors (monthly - output from FactorExtraction)
  if(!(freq_y %in% c(4,12))){stop("y frequency must be 4 (quarterly) or 12 (monthly).")}
  fatoresTS <- x
  if(freq_y == 4){
    fatoresTRI <- month2qtr(fatoresTS)
    fatoresTRI <- fatoresTS
  # regression estimation
  dados <- cbind(y, window(fatoresTRI, start = start(y), frequency = frequency(y)))
  colnames(dados) <- c("Y", paste0("Factor",1:ncol(data.frame(fatoresTRI))))
  Balanced_panel <- na.omit(data.frame(dados))
  reg <- stats::lm(Y ~ ., data = Balanced_panel)
  fit <- stats::ts(fitted(reg), end = end(na.omit(dados)), frequency = frequency(y))
  Qmax <- max(which(!is.na(dados[,1])))
  edge <- zoo::as.Date(dados)[Qmax]
  # forecast
  newbase <- data.frame(dados[-(1:Qmax),-1])
  colnames(newbase) <- paste0("Factor",1:ncol(data.frame(fatoresTRI)))
  if(freq_y == 4){
    ano <- lubridate::year(edge + months(3))
    tri <- lubridate::quarter(edge + months(3))
    ano <- lubridate::year(edge + months(1))
    tri <- lubridate::month(edge + months(1))
  prev <- stats::ts(stats::predict(object = reg, newdata = newbase),
                    start = c(ano,tri),
                    frequency = freq_y) 
  dados_y <- cbind(y, fit, prev)
  colnames(dados_y) <- c("y", "in","out")
  # output
  return(list(main = dados_y, reg = reg))

FactorExtraction <- function(x = NULL,q = NULL,r = NULL,p = NULL, 
                             A = NULL,C = NULL,Q = NULL,R = NULL,
                             initx = NULL, initV = NULL,
                             ss = NULL, MM = NULL, a = NULL){
  # The model
  # x_t = C F_t + \xi_t
  # F_t = AF_{t-1} + B u_t
  # R = E(\xi_t \xi_t')
  # Q = BB'
  # u_t ~ WN(0,I_q)
  # initx = F_0
  # initV = E(F_0 F_0')
  # ss: std(x) 
  # MM: mean(x) 
  # q: dynamic rank
  # r: static rank (r>=q)
  # p: ar order of the state vector (default p=1)
  # Ft: estimated factors
  # VF: estimation variance for the common factors
  # x = series1
  # q = 2; r = 2; p = 1;
  # A = NULL; C = NULL; Q = NULL;R = NULL;
  # initx = NULL; initV = NULL; ss = NULL; MM = NULL
  datas <- zoo::as.Date(x)
  # Base dimension
  TT <- nrow(x)
  N <- ncol(x)
  # Number of missings - Here the missings are only new information
  n.missings <- colSums(is.na(x))
  m <- max(n.missings)
  # Number of arguments inputed
  n.arg <- sum(c(!is.null(x),!is.null(q),!is.null(r),!is.null(p),
                 !is.null(initx), !is.null(initV), 
                 !is.null(ss), !is.null(MM), !is.null(a)))
  if(n.arg < 5){ # Estimate parameters if they are not inputed
    z <- x[1:(TT - m),]      # ONLY complete information for PCA
    ss <- apply(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd)
    MM <- apply(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
    for(i in 1:N){
      x[,i] <- (x[,i] - MM[i]) / ss[i]
    z <- x[1:(TT - m),]
    parametros <- pcatodfm(z,q,r,p)
    A <- parametros$A
    C <- parametros$C
    Q <- parametros$Q
    R <- parametros$R
    initx <- parametros$initx
    initV <- parametros$initV
    a <- parametros$eigen
    # If parameters are inputed only need to standardize
    for(i in 1:N){
      x[,i] <- (x[,i] - MM[i])/ss[i]
    z <- x[1:(TT - m),]
  # Parameters for state space model
  AA <- array(A, dim = c(nrow(A), ncol(A), TT))
  QQ <- array(Q, dim = c(nrow(Q), ncol(Q), TT))
  CC <- array(C, dim = c(nrow(C), ncol(C), TT))
  miss <- is.na(x)
  RR <- array(NA, dim = c(nrow(R), ncol(R), TT))
  for(i in 1:TT){
    Rtemp <- diag(R)
    Rtemp[miss[i,]] <- 1e32
    RR[,,i] <- diag(Rtemp)
  xx <- x
  xx[is.na(x)] <- 0 # Arbitrary value for missing
  resul <- kalman_smoother_diag(t(xx), AA, CC, QQ, RR, initx, initV, list('model',1:TT))
  xsmooth <- resul$xsmooth
  Vsmooth <- resul$Vsmooth
  VVsmooth <- resul$VVsmooth
  loglik <- resul$loglik
  VF <- Vsmooth
  ind <- size(VF,3)
  fatores <-  t(xsmooth)
  nomes_colunas <- c("data", paste0("Factor",1:ncol(fatores)))
  fator_final <- data.frame(datas, fatores)
  colnames(fator_final) <- nomes_colunas
  fatoresTS <- stats::ts(fator_final[,-1], 
                         end = c(lubridate::year(max(datas)), lubridate::month(max(datas))),
                         frequency = 12)
  if(p > 1){
    fatoresTS <- fatoresTS[,1:r]
  # output
  return(list(dynamic_factors = fatoresTS, A = A, C = C, Q = Q, R =  R,
              initx =  initx, initV =  initV,
              eigen = a, ss = ss, MM = MM))

kalman_filter_diag <- function(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V, varagin){
  # y = t(xx);
  # A = AA;
  # C = CC;
  # Q = QQ;
  # R = RR;
  # init_x = initx;
  # init_V = initV;
  # varagin = list("model", model, "u", u, "B", B)
  os <- nrow(y)
  TT <- ncol(y)
  ss <- dim(A)[1] # size of state space
  # parâmetros default
  model <- ones(1,TT)
  u <- NULL
  B <- NULL
  ndx <- NULL
  args <- varagin
  nargs <- length(args)
  for(i in seq(1, nargs, by = nargs-1)){
    if(args[i] == "model"){ model <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "u"){ u <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "B"){ B <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "ndx"){ ndx <- args[[i+1]]
  x <- zeros(ss, TT)
  V <- zeros(ss, ss, TT)
  VV <- zeros(ss, ss, TT)
  loglik <- 0
  LL <- NULL
  for(t in 1:TT){
    m <- model[t]
    if(t == 1){
      prevx <- init_x
      prevV <- init_V
      initial <- 1
      prevx <- t(matrix(x[,t-1]))
      prevV <- V[,,t-1]
      initial <- 0
      #print(paste0("entrei aqui no primeiro", t))
      resul <- kalman_update_diag(A[,,m], C[,,m], Q[,,m], R[,,m], y[,t], prevx, prevV, list('initial', initial))
      x[,t] <- resul$xnew
      V[,,t] <- resul$Vnew
      LL[t] <- resul$loglik
      VV[,,t] <- resul$VVnew
    }else if(is.null(ndx)){
      #print(paste0("entrei aqui em null ndx", t))
      resul <- kalman_update_diag(A[,,m], C[,,m], Q[,,m], R[,,m], y[,t], prevx, prevV, list('initial', initial, 'u', u[,t], 'B', B[,,m]))
      x[,t] <- resul$xnew
      V[,,t] <- resul$Vnew
      LL[t] <- resul$loglik
      VV[,,t] <- resul$VVnew
      #print(paste0("entrei aqui em else", t))
      i <- ndx[t];
      # copy over all elements; only some will get updated
      x[,t] <- prevx;
      prevP <- solve(prevV);
      prevPsmall <- prevP[i,i]
      prevVsmall <- solve(prevPsmall)
      resul <- kalman_update_diag(A[i,i,m], C[,i,m], Q[i,i,m], R[,,m], y[,t], prevx[i], prevVsmall, list('initial', initial, 'u', u[,t], 'B', B[i,,m]))
      x[i,t] <- resul[[1]]
      smallV <- resul[[5]]
      LL[t] <- resul[[3]]
      VV[i,i,t] <- resul[[4]]
      smallP <- solve(smallV)
      prevP[i,i] <- smallP
      V[,,t] <- solve(prevP)
    loglik <- loglik + LL[t]
  # output
  return(list(x = x, V = V, VV = VV, loglik = loglik))

kalman_smoother_diag <- function(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V, varagin){
  # y = t(xx);
  # A = AA;
  # C = CC;
  # Q = QQ;
  # R = RR;
  # init_x = initx;
  # init_V = initV;
  # varagin = list("model", 1:TT)
  os <- nrow(y)
  TT <- ncol(y)
  ss <- dim(A)[1]
  # parâmetros default
  model <- ones(1,TT)
  u <- NULL
  B <- NULL
  args = varagin
  nargs = length(args)
  for(i in seq(1, nargs, by = nargs-1)){
    if(args[i] == "model"){ model <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "u"){ u <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "B"){ B <- args[[i+1]]
  xsmooth <- zeros(ss, TT)
  Vsmooth <- zeros(ss, ss, TT)
  VVsmooth <- zeros(ss, ss, TT)
  # Forward pass
  resul <- kalman_filter_diag(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V, list("model", model, "u", u, "B", B))
  xfilt <- resul$x
  Vfilt <- resul$V
  VVfilt <- resul$VV
  loglik <- resul$loglik
  # Backward pass
  xsmooth[,TT] <- xfilt[,TT]
  Vsmooth[,,TT] <- Vfilt[,,TT]
  for(t in (TT - 1):1){
    m <- model[t+1]
      resul <- smooth_update(xsmooth[,t+1], Vsmooth[,,t+1], xfilt[,t], Vfilt[,,t], 
                             Vfilt[,,t+1], VVfilt[,,t+1], A[,,m], Q[,,m], NULL, NULL)
      xsmooth[,t] <- resul$xsmooth
      Vsmooth[,,t] <- resul$Vsmooth
      VVsmooth[,,t+1] <- resul$VVsmooth
      resul <- smooth_update(xsmooth[,t+1], Vsmooth[,,t+1], xfilt[,t], Vfilt[,,t], 
                             Vfilt[,,t+1], VVfilt[,,t+1], A[,,m], Q[,,m],  B[,,m], u[,t+1])
      xsmooth[,t] <- resul$xsmooth
      Vsmooth[,,t] <- resul$Vsmooth
      VVsmooth[,,t+1] <- resul$VVsmooth
  VVsmooth[,,1] <- zeros(ss,ss)
  # output
  return(list(xsmooth = xsmooth, Vsmooth = Vsmooth, VVsmooth = VVsmooth, loglik = loglik))

kalman_update_diag <- function(A, C, Q, R, y, x, V, varagin){
  # A = A[,,m]
  # C = C[,,m]
  # Q = Q[,,m]
  # R = R[,,m]
  # y = y[,t]
  # x = prevx
  # V = prevV
  # varagin <- list('initial', initial)
  # parâmetros default
  u <- NULL
  B <- NULL
  initial <- 0
  args <- varagin
  nargs <- length(args)
  for(i in seq(1, nargs, by = nargs-1)){
    if(args[i] == "u"){ u <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "B"){ B <- args[[i+1]]
    }else if(args[i] == "initial"){ initial <- args[[i+1]]
  #  xpred(:) = E[X_t+1 | y(:, 1:t)]
  #  Vpred(:,:) = Cov[X_t+1 | y(:, 1:t)]
  if(initial != 0){
      xpred <- x
      xpred <- x + B %*% u
    Vpred <- V
      xpred <- t(A %*% t(x))
      xpred <- t(A %*% t(x) + B %*% u)
    Vpred <- A %*% V %*% t(A) + Q
  e <- y - C %*% t(xpred) # error (innovation)
  n <- length(e)
  ss <- nrow(A)
  if(is.null(ss)){ ss <- length(A) }
  d <- size(e,1)
  S <- C %*% Vpred %*% t(C) + R
  GG <- t(C) %*% diag(1/diag(R)) %*% C
  Sinv <- diag(1/diag(R)) - diag(1/diag(R)) %*% C %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(eye(ss) + Vpred %*% GG) %*% Vpred %*% t(C) %*% diag(1/diag(R)) # works only with R diagonal
  # Sinv = inv(S)
  detS <- prod(diag(R)) %*% det(eye(ss) + Vpred %*% GG)
  denom <- (2*pi)^(d/2)*sqrt(abs(detS))
  mahal <- rowSums(t(e) %*% Sinv %*% e)
  loglik <- -0.5*mahal - log(denom)
  K <- Vpred %*% t(C) %*% Sinv # Kalman gain matrix
  # If there is no observation vector, set K = zeros(ss).
  xnew <- t(xpred) + (K %*% e)              #csi_est(t\t) formula 13.6. 5    
  Vnew <- (eye(ss) - K %*% C) %*% Vpred    #P(t\t) formula 13.2.16 hamilton
  VVnew <- (eye(ss) - K %*% C) %*% A %*% V
  # output
  return(list(xnew = xnew, Vnew = Vnew, VVnew = VVnew, loglik = loglik))          

outliers_correction <- function(x, k.ma = 3, NA.replace){

  # encontrar missings
  if(NA.replace == T){missing <- is.na(x)}else{missing <- rep(FALSE, length(x))}
  # outlier is an observation greater than 4 times interquartile range
  if(NA.replace == T){
    outlier <- abs(x - median(x, na.rm = T)) > (4 * stats::IQR(x, na.rm = T)) & !missing
    outlier <- abs(x - median(x, na.rm = T)) > (4 * stats::IQR(x, na.rm = T)) & !missing
    outlier[is.na(outlier)] = FALSE
  Z <- x
  # replacing outliers and missings by median
  Z[outlier] <- median(x, na.rm = T)
  Z[missing] <- median(x, na.rm = T)
  # centred moving average length k.ma
  xpad <- c(Z[1]*ones(k.ma,1), Z, Z[length(Z)]*ones(k.ma,1))
  x_ma <- xpad*NA
  for(j in (k.ma + 1):(length(xpad) - k.ma)){
    x_ma[j - k.ma] <- mean(xpad[(j - k.ma):(j + k.ma)],na.rm=TRUE)
  x_ma <- x_ma[1:length(x)]
  Z[outlier] <- x_ma[outlier]
  Z[missing] <- x_ma[missing]
  # output

pcatodfm <- function(x, q, r, p){
  # x: database ts
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  # size
  TT <- nrow(x)
  N <- ncol(x)
  # restriction
  if(r < q){ stop("q must be less than or equal to r") }
  # nlag 
  nlag <- p - 1
  # A temporária - matriz de zeros
  A_temp <- t(zeros(r,r*p))
  # matriz identidade
  I <- diag(r*p)
  if(p == 1){ 
    A <- A_temp 
    A <- rbind(t(A_temp), I[1:(nrow(I) - r), 1:ncol(I)]) 
  Q <- zeros(r*p,r*p)
  Q[1:r,1:r] <- diag(r)
  # autovalores e autovetores
  a <- eigen(cov(x))
  a1 <- a    # save eigen
  d <- a$values[1:r]
  v <- a$vectors[,1:r]
  # estimativa dos fatores comuns
  EF <- x %*% v
  # estimativa da matriz de covariância do termo de erro na equação dos fatores comuns
  R <- diag(diag(cov(x - x %*% v %*% t(v))))
  if(p > 0){
    # estimar o modelo autoregressivo para os fatores VAR: F(t) =  A1*F(t-1) + ... + Ap*F(t-p) + e(t)
    z <- EF
    Z <- NULL
    for(kk in 1:p){
      Z <- cbind(Z, z[(p - kk + 1):(nrow(z) - kk),])
    z <- z[(p + 1):nrow(z),]
    # Estimador OLS para a matriz de transição do VAR
    A_temp <- solve(t(Z) %*% Z) %*% t(Z) %*% z
    A[1:r,1:(r*p)] <- t(A_temp)
    # Q
    e <- z - Z%*%A_temp # VAR residuals
    H <- cov(e) # VAR covariance matrix
    if(r == q){ # The covariance matrix of the VAR residuals is of full rank
      Q[1:r,1:r] <- H
    }else{ #The covariance matrix of the VAR residuals has reduced rank
      a <- eigen(H)
      P <- a$vectors[,1:q]
        M <- diag(a$values[1:q])
        P <- P %*% diag(sign(P[1,]))
        Q[1:r,1:r] <- P %*% M %*% t(P)
        M <- a$values[1:q]
        P <- P * sign(P[1])
        Q[1:r,1:r] <- P * M * t(P)
      u_orth <- e %*% P %*% (M^(-.5)) # extracting the common shocks
      e_pc <- e %*% P %*% t(P)
      #Q[1:r,1:r] <- P %*% M %*% t(P)
  # Condições iniciais pro filtro de kalman
  if(p > 0){
    z <- EF
    Z <- NULL
    for(kk in 0:nlag){
      Z <- cbind(Z, z[(nlag - kk + 1):(nrow(z) - kk),]) # stacked regressors (lagged SPC)
    initx <- t(Z[1,]) 
    initV <- matrix(corpcor::pseudoinverse(eye(size(kronecker(A,A),1))- kronecker(A,A)) %*% matrix(Q, ncol = 1), r*p, r*p)
    initx <- NA
    initV <- NA
  if(nlag != 0){
    C <- cbind(v, zeros(N,r*(nlag)))
    C <- as.matrix(v)
  # output
  return(list(A = A, C = C, Q = Q, R = R, initx = initx, initV = initV, eigen = a1))

smooth_update <- function(xsmooth_future, Vsmooth_future, xfilt, Vfilt,  Vfilt_future, VVfilt_future, A, Q, B, u){
  # xsmooth_future = xsmooth[,t+1]
  # Vsmooth_future = Vsmooth[,,t+1]
  # xfilt = xfilt[,t]
  # Vfilt_future = Vfilt[,,t+1]
  # Vfilt = Vfilt[,,t]
  # VVfilt_future = VVfilt[,,t+1]
  # A = A[,,m]
  # Q = Q[,,m]
  # B = NULL
  # u = NULL
    xpred <- A %*% xfilt
    xpred <- A %*% xfilt + B %*% u
  Vpred <- A %*% Vfilt %*% t(A) + Q # Vpred = Cov[X(t+1) | t]
  J <- Vfilt %*% t(A) %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Vpred) # smoother gain matrix
  xsmooth <- xfilt + J %*% (xsmooth_future - xpred)
  Vsmooth <- Vfilt + J %*% (Vsmooth_future - Vpred) %*% t(J)
    VVsmooth_future <- VVfilt_future + (Vsmooth_future - Vfilt_future) %*% corpcor::pseudoinverse(Vfilt_future) %*% VVfilt_future
    VVsmooth_future <- VVfilt_future + (Vsmooth_future - Vfilt_future) %*% 1/Vfilt_future %*% VVfilt_future
  # output
  return(list(xsmooth = xsmooth, Vsmooth = Vsmooth, VVsmooth_future = VVsmooth_future))
nmecsys/nowcasting documentation built on July 15, 2019, 12:57 p.m.