##### -- Similarity Matrix Class --------------------
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
simMat <- function(VALUE=NA_real_, nelem, NAMES=NULL, DIAG=FALSE){
if (missing(nelem)){
return(as.simMat(VALUE, NAMES=NAMES, DIAG=DIAG))
if (DIAG)
num_vals <- nelem*(nelem+1) / 2
num_vals <- nelem*(nelem-1) / 2
if (num_vals %% length(VALUE) != 0)
warning("number of elements provided (", length(VALUE),
") is not a multiple of requested length (", num_vals, ")")
v <- rep(VALUE, length.out=num_vals)
return(as.simMat(v, NAMES=NAMES, DIAG=DIAG))
as.simMat <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('as.simMat')
as.simMat.default <- function(x, ...){
if (is(x, 'matrix')){
return(as.simMat.matrix(x, ...))
} else if (is(x, 'vector')){
return(as.simMat.vector(x, ...))
} else {
stop("Input must be of type 'matrix' or type 'vector'.")
as.simMat.vector <- function(x, NAMES=NULL, DIAG=TRUE, ...){
# We can just solve quadratic formula if input a vector
# n^2 - n - 2*length(x) = 0
# a=1, b=-1, c=-2*length(x)
b <- ifelse(DIAG, -1, 1)
l <- 2*length(x)
deter <- 1 + 4*l
# Has to be the positive case to be valid
val <- (sqrt(deter) + b) / 2
stopifnot('x is not a valid length!'=val%%1==0)
stopifnot('incorrect NAMES length!'=(is.null(NAMES) || length(NAMES)==val))
if ( !DIAG ){
total_num <- (val) * (val+1) / 2
outvec <- numeric(total_num)
svals <- (c(0, cumsum(val:1)) + 1)[-(val+1)]
outvec[-svals] <- x
outvec[svals] <- 1
x <- outvec
if (is.null(NAMES)){
NAMES <- as.character(seq_len(val))
as.simMat.matrix <- function(x, ...){
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
stopifnot("Matrix must be square"=nr==nc)
if (all(x[upper.tri(x)] != t(x)[upper.tri(x)])){
warning("Matrix is not symmetric, using upper triangle.")
if (is.null(rownames(x)) || is.null(colnames(x))){
NAMES <- as.character(seq_len(nr))
} else if(!setequal(rownames(x),colnames(x))){
warning("Matrix has different row and column names, using default index.")
NAMES <- as.character(seq_len(nr))
} else {
NAMES <- rownames(x)
v <- t(x)[lower.tri(x, diag=TRUE)]
return(as.simMat.vector(v, NAMES=NAMES, DIAG=TRUE))
show.simMat <- function(object){
n <- getOption("SynExtend.simMat")
if(is.null(n) || !is(n, 'integer')){
n <- 10
if(n < 3){
n <- 3
nr <- attr(object, 'nrow')
if (nr > n){
ns <- attr(object, 'NAMES')
NAMEWIDTH <- min(NAMEWIDTH, max(nchar(ns)))
# need at least 5 characters to print values
if(max(nchar(ns)) > NAMEWIDTH){
ns <- vapply(ns, \(x){
if(nchar(x) > NAMEWIDTH){
x <- paste0(substring(x, 1L, NAMEWIDTH-1L), '\u2026')
}, character(1L))
object <- unclass(object)
format_vals <- function(x, j='right') paste(format(x, justify=j,
nstr <- ns
if (CUTOFF){
nstr <- c(ns[seq_len(n-1)], '', ns[nr])
outstr <- c(format_vals(c(' ', nstr), j='centre'), '\n')
ctr <- 1L
for ( i in seq_len(nr) ){
if (!CUTOFF || i < (n-1) || i == nr){
linestr <- c(ns[i], rep(' ', i-1L))
for ( j in seq_len(nr-i+1L) ){
linestr <- c(linestr, sprintf('%.2f', object[ctr]))
ctr <- ctr + 1L
if (CUTOFF){
linestr <- c(linestr[seq_len(n)], '\u22EF', linestr[nr+1])
if (CUTOFF && i == nr){
linestr[n+1] <- ''
linestr[n+2] <- sprintf('%.2f', object[length(object)])
} else if (CUTOFF && i == (n)){
linestr <- c('\u22EE', rep('\u22EE', n-1), '', '\u22EE')
} else {
outstr <- c(outstr, format_vals(linestr), '\n')
statusstr <- paste0('\n Similarity matrix with ', nr, ' members.\n')
outstr <- c(' ', outstr, statusstr)
# invisible to quietly return NULL
print.simMat <- function(x, ...) show.simMat(x)
as.matrix.simMat <- function(x, ...){
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
ns <- attr(x, 'NAMES')
outmat <- diag(1, nrow=nr)
colnames(outmat) <- rownames(outmat) <- ns
# have to do it this way due to column-wise ordering
outmat[lower.tri(outmat, diag=TRUE)] <- x
outmat <- t(outmat)
outmat[lower.tri(outmat, diag=TRUE)] <- x
`[.simMat` <- function(x, i, j){
hasi <- !missing(i)
hasj <- !missing(j)
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
ns <- attr(x, 'NAMES')
svals <- c(0, cumsum(nr:1)) + 1
if (!hasi && !hasj)
class(x) <- 'vector'
# These are in to quash a warning
# I can't figure out how to differentiate x[i,] from x[i]
if(hasi && !hasj && length(i) == length(x))
if(hasj && !hasi && length(j) == length(x))
if (hasi){
stopifnot("indices must be character or numeric"=
is(i, 'character') || is(i, 'numeric') || is(i, 'logical'))
if(is(i, 'logical')){
if(nr %% length(i) != 0){
warning("T/F positions specified not multiple of number of rows.")
stopifnot("No rows specified!"=any(i))
i <- rep(i, length.out=nr)
i <- which(i, useNames = FALSE)
if(is(i, 'numeric') && any(i%%1 != 0))
stop('indices must be whole numbers')
if (is(i, 'character')){
i <- vapply(i, \(ii) which(ii==ns)[1], integer(1L))
if (any(is.na(i))){
stop('Incorrect indices provided')
if (is(i, 'numeric') && all(i < 0)) {
i <- (seq_len(nr))[i]
if (any(i > 0) && any(i < 0)){
stop('Mixing of positive and negative indices is not supported.')
if (any(i > nr | i < 1)){
stop('Indices out of bounds')
if (hasj){
stopifnot("indices must be character or numeric"=
is(j, 'character') || is(j, 'numeric') || is(j, 'logical'))
if(is(j, 'logical')){
if(nr %% length(j) != 0)
warning("T/F positions specified not multiple of number of rows.")
stopifnot("No columns specified!"=any(j))
j <- rep(j, length.out=nr)
j <- which(j, useNames = FALSE)
if(is(j, 'numeric') && any(j%%1 != 0))
stop('indices must be whole numbers')
if (is(j, 'character')){
j <- vapply(j, \(ji) which(j==ns)[1], integer(1L))
if (any(is.na(j))){
stop('Incorrect indices provided')
if (is(j, 'numeric') && all(j < 0)) {
j <- (seq_len(nr))[j]
if (any(j > 0) && any(j < 0)){
stop('Mixing of positive and negative indices is not supported.')
if (any(j > nr | j < 1)){
stop('Indices out of bounds')
if (hasj && !hasi){
i <- j
hasj <- FALSE
hasi <- TRUE
if (!hasj){
outmat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(i), ncol=nr)
for ( idxi in seq_along(i) ){
idx <- i[idxi]
outvec <- numeric(nr)
outvec[idx:nr] <- x[svals[idx]:(svals[idx+1]-1)]
if (idx != 1)
outvec[seq_len(idx-1)] <- x[svals[seq_len(idx-1)] + (idx-1):1]
outmat[idxi,] <- outvec
rownames(outmat) <- ns[i]
colnames(outmat) <- ns
if (COLOUT) outmat <- t(outmat)
all_accessed <- expand.grid(i, j)
idxvec <- integer(nrow(all_accessed))
namevec <- character(nrow(all_accessed))
for (idx in seq_len(nrow(all_accessed))){
i1 <- all_accessed[idx, 1]
i2 <- all_accessed[idx, 2]
if ( i1 > i2 ){
namevec[idx] <- paste(ns[i2], ns[i1], sep=',')
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i2] + (i1 - i2)
} else if ( i1 == i2 ){
namevec[idx] <- paste(ns[i1], ns[i1], sep=',')
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i1]
} else {
namevec[idx] <- paste(ns[i1], ns[i2], sep=',')
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i1] + (i2 - i1)
outvec <- x[idxvec]
names(outvec) <- namevec
`[<-.simMat` <- function(x, i, j, value){
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
ns <- attr(x, 'NAMES')
svals <- c(0, cumsum(nr:1)) + 1
class(x) <- c('vector')
hasi <- !missing(i)
hasj <- !missing(j)
if (hasi){
stopifnot("indices must be character or numeric"=
is(i, 'character') || is(i, 'numeric'))
if(is(i, 'numeric') && any(i%%1 != 0))
stop('indices must be whole numbers')
if (is(i, 'character')){
i <- vapply(i, \(ii) which(ii==ns)[1], integer(1L))
if (any(is.na(i))){
stop('Incorrect indices provided')
if (is(i, 'numeric') && all(i < 0)) {
i <- (seq_len(nr))[i]
if (any(i > 0) && any(i < 0)){
stop('Mixing of positive and negative indices is not supported.')
if (any(i > nr | i < 1)){
stop('Indices out of bounds')
if (hasj){
stopifnot("indices must be character or numeric"=
is(j, 'character') || is(j, 'numeric'))
if(is(j, 'numeric') && any(j%%1 != 0))
stop('indices must be whole numbers')
if (is(j, 'character')){
j <- vapply(j, \(ji) which(j==ns)[1], integer(1L))
if (any(is.na(j))){
stop('Incorrect indices provided')
if (is(j, 'numeric') && all(j < 0)) {
j <- (seq_len(nr))[j]
if (any(j > 0) && any(j < 0)){
stop('Mixing of positive and negative indices is not supported.')
if (any(j > nr | j == 0)){
stop('Indices out of bounds')
# Symmetric so we can do this to simplify
if (hasj && !hasi){
i <- j
hasi <- TRUE
hasj <- FALSE
## Checking for valid inputs
# 3 cases: none given, only i given, i and j both given
num_given <- length(value)
if (!hasi && !hasj){
if (length(x) %% num_given != 0){
warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
value <- rep(value, length.out=length(x))
return(as.simMat(value, NAMES=ns))
li <- length(i)
if (hasi && !hasj){
num_req <- nr * li
} else {
lj <- length(j)
num_req <- li * lj
if (num_req %% num_given != 0){
warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
value <- rep(value, length.out=num_req)
if (!hasj){
for ( idxi in seq_along(i) ){
idx <- i[idxi]
offset <- nr * (idxi-1)
x[svals[idx]:(svals[idx+1]-1)] <- value[(idx:nr) + offset]
if (idx != 1)
x[svals[seq_len(idx-1)] + (idx-1):1] <- value[(seq_len(idx-1)) + offset]
class(x) <- 'simMat'
all_accessed <- expand.grid(i, j)
idxvec <- integer(nrow(all_accessed))
for (idx in seq_len(nrow(all_accessed))){
i1 <- all_accessed[idx, 1]
i2 <- all_accessed[idx, 2]
if ( i1 > i2 ){
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i2] + (i1 - i2)
} else if ( i1 == i2 ){
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i1]
} else {
idxvec[idx] <- svals[i1] + (i2 - i1)
x[idxvec] <- value
class(x) <- 'simMat'
#return(as.simMat(v, NAMES=ns, DIAG=TRUE))
Diag <- function(x, ...) UseMethod('Diag')
Diag.simMat <- function(x, ...){
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
svals <- c(0, cumsum(nr:2)) + 1
v <- unclass(x)
`Diag<-` <- function(x, value) UseMethod('Diag<-')
`Diag<-.simMat` <- function(x, value){
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
if (nr %% length(value) != 0){
warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
value <- rep(value, length.out=nr)
svals <- c(0, cumsum(nr:2)) + 1
class(x) <- 'vector'
x[svals] <- value
class(x) <- 'simMat'
names.simMat <- function(x) {
return(attr(x, 'NAMES'))
`names<-.simMat` <- function(x, value){
ns <- attr(x, 'NAMES')
stopifnot('Incorrect number of names provided.'=length(value) == length(ns))
attr(x, 'NAMES') <- value
as.data.frame.simMat <- function(x, ...) {
l <- length(x)
nr <- attr(x, 'nrow')
i1 <- i2 <- rep(NA_integer_, l)
v <- rep(NA_real_, l)
ctr <- 1
for ( i in seq_len(nr) ){
for ( j in i:nr ) {
i1[ctr] <- i
i2[ctr] <- j
v[ctr] <- x[i,j]
ctr <- ctr + 1
return(data.frame(row=i1, col=i2, value=v))
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