
Defines functions adj2formula edges2adj params2nodes.list nodes2params.list2 nodes2params.list complement.at.idx get_configuration_frequencies count_row_matches exp_list log_list logsumexp2 logsumexp update_CRFutil

Documented in adj2formula complement.at.idx count_row_matches edges2adj exp_list get_configuration_frequencies log_list logsumexp logsumexp2 nodes2params.list nodes2params.list2 params2nodes.list update_CRFutil

#' Easily update the CRFutil library by installing the current version from the github site
#' Easily update the CRFutil library by installing the current version from the github site
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
update_CRFutil <- function() {
  print("Updating CRFutil")

#' Log sum exp trick. From Brendon Brewer's DNest code:
#' Handy for calculating Z from a vector of log potentials.
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
logsumexp <- function(logv) {
  n <- length(logv)
  max.logv <- max(logv)

  answer <- 0

  for(i in 1:n){
    answer <- answer + exp(logv[i] - max.logv)
  answer <- max.logv + log(answer);



#' Log sum exp trick. From Brendon Brewer's DNest code:
#' Handy for calculating Z from a vector of log potentials.
#' A less readable but shorter Log sum exp:
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
logsumexp2 <- function(logv)
  n <- length(logv)
  max.logv <- max(logv)

  answer <-  max.logv + log(cumsum(c(0,exp(logv - max.logv)))[n+1])



#' Take the log of stuff (vectors, matrices, etc) in a list
#' Handy for going from node/edge potentials in list form to node/edge energies (log potentials)
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
log_list <- function(a.list.for.logging) {

  a.logged.list <- lapply(1:length(a.list.for.logging), function(xx){log(a.list.for.logging[[xx]])})

  if(!is.null(names(a.list.for.logging))) {
    names(a.logged.list) <- names(a.list.for.logging)



#' Exp a bunch of stuff (vectors, matrices, etc) in a list
#' Handy for going from node/edge energies (log potentials) in list to node/edge potentials
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
exp_list <- function(a.list.for.eing) {

  an.exp.list <- lapply(1:length(a.list.for.eing), function(xx){exp(a.list.for.eing[[xx]])})

  if(!is.null(names(a.list.for.eing))) {
    names(an.exp.list) <- names(a.list.for.eing)



#' Code from prodlim library to match a row in a matrix
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
row.match <- function (x, table, nomatch = NA)   # **********NEEDS TO BE C
  #if (class(table) == "matrix")
  if ("matrix" %in% class(table)) # Mod needed because class now returns all classes of object and that causes a bug. 10-15-23
    table <- as.data.frame(table)
  if (is.null(dim(x)))
    x <- as.data.frame(matrix(x, nrow = 1))
  cx <- do.call("paste", c(x[, , drop = FALSE], sep = "\r"))
  ct <- do.call("paste", c(table[, , drop = FALSE], sep = "\r"))
  match(cx, ct, nomatch = nomatch)

#' A quick and dirty function to find the frequency of a configuration within a sample of configurations
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param tab.query The query configuration(s)
#' @param tab.ref The reference configurations to search through
#' @param drop.query.replicatesQ If there are repeated entries in tab.query, drop them so their frequencies aren't double counted
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
count_row_matches <- function(tab.query, tab.ref, drop.query.replicatesQ=T, node.names=NULL) {

  # Prep query configurations. Make sure they are in a matrix in case they were passed in as a vector or a single character string:
  if(class(tab.query)[1] == "numeric"){             # If just one input search configuration as a vector
    qvec <- as.matrix(paste(tab.query,collapse="")) # Glue the states of the query configuration together and put in matrix format so we can write one loop over rows later
  } else if(class(tab.query)[1] == "character"){    # If just one input search configuration as a character string
    qvec <- as.matrix(tab.query)                    # Glue the states of the query configuration together and put in matrix format so we can write one loop over rows later
  } else {                                          # If multiple queries are passed in as a matrix already
    qvec <- sapply(1:nrow(tab.query), function(xx){paste(tab.query[xx,],collapse="")})

  # Prep reference configurations. They should already be in a matrix:
  if(class(tab.ref)[1] == "character") {
    # Assume reference configurations are already glued together into strings
    # This should save time when using the function recursively.
    rvec <- tab.ref
  } else {
    # If not, glue the states of the configurations together into strings
    rvec <- sapply(1:nrow(tab.ref), function(xx){paste(tab.ref[xx,], collapse="")})

  # First drop repeated configs from the queries if requested:
  if(drop.query.replicatesQ == T) {

    qvec.reduced <- qvec
    for(i in 1:length(qvec)) {
      row.matches <- which(qvec.reduced == qvec[i])

      if(length(row.matches) > 1) {
        drop.idxs <- row.matches[-1] # If more than one found, keep the first and drop the rest
        qvec.reduced <- qvec.reduced[-drop.idxs]

    qvec <- qvec.reduced

  num.query.rows <- length(qvec)
  freqs          <- NULL
  query.configs  <- NULL
  for(i in 1:num.query.rows){

    row.matches <- which(rvec == qvec[i])
    freq        <- length(row.matches)
    freqs       <- c(freqs, freq)

    a.query.config <- as.numeric(strsplit(qvec[i],split = "")[[1]])
    query.configs  <- rbind(query.configs, a.query.config)

  if(!is.null(node.names)) {
    colnames(query.configs) <- node.names

  num.nodes                                <- ncol(tab.ref)
  config.freq.frame                        <- data.frame(query.configs, freqs)
  colnames(config.freq.frame)[num.nodes+1] <- "Freq"
  rownames(config.freq.frame)              <- NULL



#' Get the frequencies of configurations
#' Get the frequencies of configurations. Uses count.row.matches to get partial frequency table
#' for samples only, but can also get all frequencies (i.e. all the 0 ones too) from the full
#' contingency table.
#' @param XX XXXXXX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
get_configuration_frequencies <- function(sample.mat, type="full", empirical.distributionQ=F) {

  if(type == "full"){
    sample.contingency <- xtabs(~., data=as.data.frame(sample.mat))
    sample.freqs       <- as.data.frame(sample.contingency)
  } else if(type == "partial") {
     sample.freqs       <- count_row_matches(tab.query = sample.mat, tab.ref = sample.mat, drop.query.replicatesQ=T, node.names=NULL)
  } else {
    stop("type must be full or partial")

  if(empirical.distributionQ == T) {
    empdist <- sample.freqs$Freq/sum(sample.freqs$Freq)
    sample.freqs <- data.frame(sample.freqs, empdist)



#' Spits out permutation to re-order configs in targ with respect to ref
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
reorder_configs <- function (ref,targ){  # NEEDS TO BE C

  # FIX: When config is found take it out so next search is shorter.
  reord.idxs <- sapply(1:nrow(ref), function(xx){row.match(x = ref[xx,], table = targ)})

  # reordr.idxs       <- array(NA, nrow(ref))
  # targ.running      <- targ                 # This will shrink as reference configs are found
  # targ.running.idxs <- 1:nrow(targ)         # To keep track of which congis found and removed
  # for(i in 1:nrow(ref)){
  #   print(i)
  #   # Where is the ref in the current target table?:
  #   tr.idx         <- row.match(x = ref[i,], table = targ.running)
  #   # Translate this index to what it was in the original target table
  #   reordr.idxs[i] <- targ.running.idxs[tr.idx]
  #   # Take out of the running what was found:
  #   targ.running      <- targ.running[-tr.idx, ]
  #   targ.running.idxs <- targ.running.idxs[-tr.idx]
  # }



#' Convenience function to complement a node in a configuration.
#' Assumes CRF 1,2 states
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
complement.at.idx <- function(configuration, complement.index){

  new.configuration <- configuration
  if(new.configuration[complement.index] == 1) {
    new.configuration[complement.index] <- 2
  } else if(new.configuration[complement.index] == 2){
    new.configuration[complement.index] <- 1
  } else {
    stop("States must be CRF states, i.e. 1 or 2!")



#' Function to find which nodes are associated with which parameters.
#' The list produced maps node indices to the parameters they are asociated with
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param crf The XX
#' @param storeQ Logical, whether or not to store the the node to parameter list in the crf object
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
nodes2params.list <- function(crf, storeQ = FALSE){

  node.par.assoc <- rep(list(NULL), crf$n.nodes)

  # Find the parameters associated with each node:
  for(i in 1:crf$n.nodes) {
    par.idxs  <- as.numeric(crf$node.par[i,,]) # parameters for the node

    # Get rid of the 0s:
    zeros.idxs <- which(par.idxs == 0)
    if(length(zeros.idxs) != 0) {
      par.idxs  <- par.idxs[-zeros.idxs]

    if(length(par.idxs) == 0){
      stop("No parameters found for node: ", i) # **** This can happen when nodes or edges are not assigned parameters.

    node.par.assoc[[i]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[i]], par.idxs)
    node.par.assoc[[i]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[i]])

  # Find the parameters associated with the nodes of each edge:
  for(i in 1:length(crf$edge.par)) {
    node.idx1 <- crf$edges[i,1] # node 1 of edge
    node.idx2 <- crf$edges[i,2] # node 2 of edge
    par.idxs  <- as.numeric(crf$edge.par[[i]]) # parameters for the edge

    # Get rid of the 0s:
    zeros.idxs <- which(par.idxs == 0)
    if(length(zeros.idxs) != 0) {
      par.idxs  <- par.idxs[-zeros.idxs]

    if(length(par.idxs) == 0){
      stop("No parameters found for edge: ", i) # **** Is this ever allowed????

    node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]], par.idxs)
    node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]], par.idxs)
    node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]])
    node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]])

  if(storeQ == TRUE) {
    crf$nodes2pars <- node.par.assoc


#' Function to find which nodes are associated with which parameters.
#' Generalization experiment
#' The list produced maps node indices to the parameters they are asociated with
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param crf The XX
#' @param storeQ Logical, whether or not to store the the node to parameter list in the crf object
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
nodes2params.list2 <- function(crf, storeQ = FALSE){

  node.par.assoc <- rep(list(NULL), crf$n.nodes)

  # Find the parameters associated with each node:
  for(i in 1:crf$n.nodes) {
    par.idxs  <- as.numeric(crf$node.par[i,,]) # parameters for the node

    # Get rid of the 0s:
    zeros.idxs <- which(par.idxs == 0)
    if(length(zeros.idxs) != 0) {
      par.idxs  <- par.idxs[-zeros.idxs]

    if(length(par.idxs) == 0){
      warning("No parameters found for node: ", i) # **** This can happen when nodes or edges are not assigned parameters.
    } else {
      node.par.assoc[[i]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[i]], par.idxs)
      node.par.assoc[[i]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[i]])


  # Find the parameters associated with the nodes of each edge:
  for(i in 1:length(crf$edge.par)) {
    node.idx1 <- crf$edges[i,1] # node 1 of edge
    node.idx2 <- crf$edges[i,2] # node 2 of edge
    par.idxs  <- as.numeric(crf$edge.par[[i]]) # parameters for the edge

    # Get rid of the 0s:
    zeros.idxs <- which(par.idxs == 0)
    if(length(zeros.idxs) != 0) {
      par.idxs  <- par.idxs[-zeros.idxs]

    if(length(par.idxs) == 0){
      warning("No parameters found for edge: ", i) # **** Is this ever allowed????
    } else {
      node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]], par.idxs)
      node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]] <- c(node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]], par.idxs)
      node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[node.idx1]])
      node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]] <- unique(node.par.assoc[[node.idx2]])


  if(storeQ == TRUE) {
    crf$nodes2pars <- node.par.assoc


#' Function to find which parameters are associated with which nodes.
#' The list produced maps parameters indices to the nodes they are associated with
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param crf The XX
#' @param storeQ Logical, whether or not to store the the parameter to node list in the crf object
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
params2nodes.list <- function(crf, storeQ = FALSE){

    nodes2par <- nodes2params.list(crf, storeQ = FALSE)
  } else {
    nodes2par <- crf$nodes2par

  par.node.assoc <- rep(list(NULL), crf$n.par)
  for(i in 1:crf$n.nodes) {
    for(k in 1:length(nodes2par[[i]])) {
      par.idx <- nodes2par[[i]][k]
      par.node.assoc[[par.idx]] <- c(par.node.assoc[[par.idx]] , i)
      par.node.assoc[[par.idx]] <- unique(par.node.assoc[[par.idx]])

  if(storeQ == TRUE) {
    crf$pars2nodes <- par.node.assoc



#' Form adjacency matrix from edge matrix.
#' Assumes edges/nodes are numeric.
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param edge.mat The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
edges2adj <- function(edge.mat, n.nodes = NULL, plotQ=FALSE){

    num.nods <- max(edge.mat) # Assumes all nodes have at least one edge
  } else {
    num.nods <- n.nodes

  adj.mat <- array(0, c(num.nods,num.nods))

  for(i in 1:nrow(edge.mat)){
    adj.mat[edge.mat[i,1], edge.mat[i,2]] <- 1
    adj.mat[edge.mat[i,2], edge.mat[i,1]] <- 1
  colnames(adj.mat) <- 1:num.nods # **** Assumes edges/nodes are numeric and in order.
  rownames(adj.mat) <- 1:num.nods

    #new.gph <- as(adj.mat,"graphNEL")
    new.gph <- as(adj.mat,"igraph")



#' Form pair-wise formula from adjacency matrix.
#' Assumes edges/nodes are numeric. Uses row and col numbers as node names.
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param edge.mat The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
adj2formula <- function(adj.mat, edge.only.formulaQ=FALSE, Xoption=FALSE){

  # To be safe, just use row and col numbers as node names for now. Add X if required by a
  # formula interface

  num.nodes <- ncol(adj.mat)
  if(Xoption == TRUE) {
    node.idxs <- apply(as.matrix(paste0("X",1:num.nodes)), 2, paste0, collapse = " + ")
  } else {
    node.idxs <- apply(as.matrix(1:num.nodes), 2, paste0, collapse = " + ")


  adj.up.tri <- adj.mat*upper.tri(adj.mat)
  edgs.idxs  <- which(adj.up.tri==1, arr.ind = T)

  # Order edges by first node
  edg.ord   <- order(edgs.idxs[,1])
  #edgs.idxs <- edgs.idxs[edg.ord,]

  if(Xoption == TRUE){
    edgs.idxs <- cbind(paste0("X",edgs.idxs[edg.ord,1]),paste0("X",edgs.idxs[edg.ord,2]))
  } else {
    edgs.idxs <- edgs.idxs[edg.ord,]

  edgs.idxs <- apply(edgs.idxs, 1, paste0, collapse = ":")
  edgs.idxs <- apply(as.matrix(edgs.idxs), 2, paste0, collapse = " + ")

  if(edge.only.formulaQ == TRUE) {
    graph.fomla <- as.formula(paste0("~", edgs.idxs)) # Produce formula with edges only. Primarily used for igraph plot
  } else {
    graph.fomla <- as.formula(paste0("~", node.idxs," + ", edgs.idxs)) # Produce formula with nodes and edges


npetraco/CRFutil documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 11:30 a.m.