
Defines functions calculate_intervals

Documented in calculate_intervals

#' Calculate bootstrap prediction intervals for forecasts
#' The residuals from model training/fit are sampled i.i.d. for (a) each direct forecast
#' horizon for a single time series and (b) each combination of direct forecast horizon and
#' group for multiple time series.
#' @param forecasts A data.frame of forecasts.
#' @param residuals A data.frame of residuals (e.g., \code{residuals(data_fit)})
#' @param index Optional for forecasts from \code{combine_forecasts()}. A string giving the name of the
#' date column in \code{forecasts}.
#' @param outcome Optional for forecasts from \code{combine_forecasts()}. A string giving the name of the
#' forecast column in \code{forecasts}.
#' @param keys Optional. For grouped time series, a character vector giving the column name(s) of the
#' group columns. The key identifies unique time series of residuals for bootstrap sampling. For direct forecasting,
#' a single time series will have one group per direct forecast horizon.
#' @param levels A numeric vector with 1 or more forecast prediction intervals. A level of .95, for example, will
#' return the 0.25 and .975 quantiles of the bootstrapped forecast distribution at each forecast horizon.
#' @param times Integer. The number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param weights Not implemented.
#' @param keep_samples Boolean. If \code{TRUE}, a data.frame of \code{times} bootstrapped forecasts is returned
#' in addition to the calculated forecast prediction intervals. The samples are in the list slot named 'samples'.
#' @return If \code{forecasts} is an object of class 'forecast_results', a \code{forecast_results} object
#' with a new column for each lower- and upper-bound forecast in \code{levels}. If \code{forecasts} is a
#' data.frame, the function return will be the same but without \code{forecastML} attributes. If,
#' \code{keep_samples} is \code{TRUE}, a named list of length 2 is returned with 'forecasts' and 'samples'.
#' @example /R/examples/example_calculate_intervals.R
#' @export
calculate_intervals <- function(forecasts, residuals, index = NULL, outcome = NULL, keys = NULL,
                                levels = c(.95), times = 100L, weights = NULL, keep_samples = FALSE) {

  data_residuals <- residuals

  if (methods::is(forecasts, "forecast_results")) {

    outcome_levels <- attributes(forecasts)$outcome_levels

    if (!is.null(outcome_levels)) {
      stop("Bootstrap prediction intervals are not currently available for factor outcomes.")

    names(forecasts)[names(forecasts) == "forecast_period"] <- "index"

    index <- "index"
    outcome <- paste0(attributes(forecasts)$outcome_name, "_pred")

  if (methods::is(data_residuals, "training_residuals")) {

    groups <- attributes(data_residuals)$groups

    if (any(unique(forecasts$model) %in% unique(data_residuals$model))) {

      keys <- c("model", groups, "model_forecast_horizon")

    } else {

      keys <- c(groups, "model_forecast_horizon")

      data_residuals$model <- NULL
  if (is.vector(data_residuals)) {

    data_residuals <- data.frame("residuals" = data_residuals)

  } else {

    residuals_name <- names(data_residuals)[!names(data_residuals) %in% c(keys, index, outcome)]

    if (length(residuals_name) > 1) {
      stop(paste0("There are extra columns in 'residuals' beyond 'index', 'outcome', 'keys', and the column of residuals.
                  Enter (a) a vector of residuals or, if there are multiple time series, (b) a data.frame with only keys and residuals."))

    names(data_residuals)[which(names(data_residuals) == residuals_name)] <- "residuals"
  if (!is.null(keys)) {

    forecasts_merge <- forecasts %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(!!outcome)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(keys)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(".n_samples" = dplyr::n(),
                    ".sample" = 1:dplyr::n())

    data_residuals <- dplyr::left_join(data_residuals, forecasts_merge[, c(keys, ".n_samples")], by = keys)

    data_residuals <- data_residuals %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$.n_samples)) %>%
  forecast_sim <- lapply(seq_len(times), function(i) {

    if (!is.null(keys)) {

      data_residuals <- data_residuals %>%
        dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(keys)) %>%
        dplyr::group_modify(.f = function(., ...) {
          data.frame("residuals" = base::sample(.$residuals, .$.n_samples, replace = TRUE))
        }, keep = TRUE) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(".sample" = 1:dplyr::n())

      forecasts <- dplyr::left_join(forecasts_merge, data_residuals, by = c(keys, ".sample"))

      forecasts$.n_samples <- NULL
      forecasts$.sample <- NULL

    } else {

      forecasts$residuals <- base::sample(data_residuals$residuals[!is.na(data_residuals$residuals)], nrow(forecasts), replace = TRUE)

    forecasts[, outcome] <- forecasts[, outcome] + forecasts[, "residuals"]

    forecasts[, "residuals"] <- NULL


  forecast_sim <- dplyr::bind_rows(forecast_sim, .id = ".times")

  forecast_sim <- forecast_sim[, c(keys, index, outcome)]
  quantiles <- sort(c(.5 + levels / 2, .5 - levels / 2))

  quantile_functions <- lapply(seq_along(quantiles), function(i) {

    fn <- function(.) stats::quantile(., probs = i)  # 'i' is a placeholder.

    body(fn)[[3]] <- quantiles[i]


  if (methods::is(forecasts, "forecast_results")) {

    names(quantile_functions) <- paste0(outcome, paste0(rep(c("_lower_", "_upper_"), each = length(levels)),
                                                        c(rev(levels), levels) * 100))

  } else {

    names(quantile_functions) <- paste0(outcome, paste0(rep(c("_pred_lower_", "_pred_upper_"), each = length(levels)),
                                                        c(rev(levels), levels) * 100))
  forecast_intervals <- forecast_sim %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(keys), index) %>%
    dplyr::summarize_at(outcome, quantile_functions)

  data_out <- dplyr::left_join(forecasts, forecast_intervals, by = c(keys, index))
  if (methods::is(forecasts, "forecast_results")) {

    for (attrib in names(attributes(forecasts))[!names(attributes(forecasts)) %in% c("row.names", "names", "class")]) {

      attr(data_out, attrib) <- attributes(forecasts)[[attrib]]
      attr(data_out, "prediction_intervals") <- sort(levels)
      class(data_out) <- class(forecasts)

  if (keep_samples) {

    data_out <- list(data_out, as.data.frame(forecast_sim))
    names(data_out) <- c("forecasts", "samples")

nredell/forecastML documentation built on June 14, 2020, 5:12 p.m.