
#' Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire (SRI)
#' SGRQ scoring
#' @param X a \code{\link{matrix}} or \code{\link{data.frame}} of 50
#' columns, containing the questionnaire items. In order from left to right:
#' sgrq.1 -- sgrq.50.
#' @export
scoring_sgrq <- function( X, id = '') {

# SORT VARIABLES IN DATA FRAME --------------------------------------------
  X <- X %>%
    select(id, sgrq.1:sgrq.8, # symptoms
           sgrq.11a:sgrq.11g, sgrq.15a:sgrq.15i, # activity
           sgrq.9:sgrq.10, sgrq.12a:sgrq.14d, sgrq.16a:sgrq.17) # impacts

# STEP 1: INPUT DATA ------------------------------------------------------

  items = c(paste0("sgrq.", 1:8), 
            paste0("sgrq.11", letters[1:7]), paste0("sgrq.15", letters[1:9]),
            'sgrq.9', 'sgrq.10',
            paste0("sgrq.12", letters[1:6]), paste0("sgrq.13", letters[1:8]),
            paste0("sgrq.14", letters[1:4]), paste0("sgrq.16", letters[1:5]), 

  if (length(which(is.element(items, colnames(X)))) < 50) {
    stop("At least one item is missing: items must be named sgrq.1 to sgrq.50")
  if (length(which(match(items, colnames(X)) == sort(match(items,
                                                           colnames(X))))) < 50) {
    stop("Items must be named sgrq.1 to sgrq.17 and presented on that order in the dataset")
  if (sum(apply(X[, items], 2, is.numeric)) < 50) {
    stop("Items must be numeric")
  if (min(X[, items[1:7]], na.rm = T) < 1) {
    stop("Minimum possible value for items is 1")
  if (max(X[, items[1:7]], na.rm = T) > 5) {
    stop("Maximum possible value for items is 5")
  if (min(X[, items[8:50]], na.rm = T) < 0) {
    stop("Minimum possible value for items is 0")
  if (max(X[, items[c(8:24, 27:49)]], na.rm = T) > 1) {
    stop("Maximum possible value for items is 1")
  if (max(X[, items[c(25, 50)]], na.rm = T) > 3) {
    stop("Maximum possible value for items is 3")
  if (max(X[, items[26]], na.rm = T) > 2) {
    stop("Maximum possible value for items is 2")
  if (id != "") {
    Y = matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 5)
    Y = as.data.frame(Y)
    Y[, 1] = X[, id]
    colnames(Y) = c(id, "sgrq.ss", "sgrq.as", "sgrq.is", "sgrq.ts")
  if (id == "") {
    Y = matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 4)
    Y = as.data.frame(Y)
    colnames(Y) = c("sgrq.ss", "sgrq.as", "sgrq.is", "sgrq.ts")

# RECODE DATA -------------------------------------------------------------

  for (j in 1:ncol(reg.weights)){
    for (k in 1:nrow(X)){
      X[k, j+1] <- unlist(ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 0, reg.weights[1, j],
                                    ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 1, reg.weights[2, j],
                                           ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 2, reg.weights[3, j],
                                                  ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 3, reg.weights[4, j],
                                                         ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 4, reg.weights[5, j],
                                                                ifelse(X[k, j+1] == 5, reg.weights[6, j], NA)))))))


# STEP 3: SGRQ SCALE CONSTRUCTION -----------------------------------------

  ## Symptoms Score (8 items) ##

  repl.val <- vector('numeric', 8)
  for (i in 1:8){
    repl.val[i] = max(reg.weights[i], na.rm = TRUE)
  a <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.1");   z <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.8")
  # define variable names
  vars <- paste0("sgrq.", 1:8)
  # calculate number of missing items
  Y$NMISS.ss <- rowSums(is.na(X[, c(a:z)]))
  # replace missing values with highest score
  for (i in a:z) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(X)){
      X[j, i] <- ifelse(is.na(X[j, i] == TRUE), repl.val[i-1], X[j, i])
  # calculate score

  Y$sgrq.ss <- rowSums(X[, vars]) / 662.5 * 100
  Y$sgrq.ss <- round(Y$sgrq.ss, 1)
  Y$sgrq.ss <- ifelse(Y$NMISS.ss > 2, NA, Y$sgrq.ss)
  comment(Y$sgrq.ss) <- "SGRQ - Symptoms Score (0-100)"

  ## Activity Score (16 items) ##

  repl.val <- vector('numeric', 16)
  for (i in 9:24){
    repl.val[i-8] = max(reg.weights[i], na.rm = TRUE)
  a <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.11a");   z <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.15i")
  # define variable names
  vars <- c(paste0('sgrq.11', letters[1:7]), paste0('sgrq.15', letters[1:9]))
  # calculate number of missing items
  Y$NMISS.as <- rowSums(is.na(X[, c(a:z)]))
  # replace missing values with highest score
  for (i in a:z) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(X)){
      X[j, i] <- ifelse(is.na(X[j, i] == TRUE), repl.val[i-9], X[j, i])
  # calculate score

  Y$sgrq.as <- rowSums(X[, vars]) / 1209.1 * 100
  Y$sgrq.as <- round(Y$sgrq.as, 1)
  Y$sgrq.as <- ifelse(Y$NMISS.as > 4, NA, Y$sgrq.as)
  comment(Y$sgrq.as) <- "SGRQ - Activity Score (0-100)"

  ## Impacts Score (26 items) ##

  repl.val <- vector('numeric', 26)
  for (i in 25:50){
    repl.val[i-24] = max(reg.weights[i], na.rm = TRUE)
  a <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.9");   z <- which(names(X)=="sgrq.17")
  # define variable names
  vars <- c('sgrq.9', 'sgrq.10',
            paste0("sgrq.12", letters[1:6]), paste0("sgrq.13", letters[1:8]),
            paste0("sgrq.14", letters[1:4]), paste0("sgrq.16", letters[1:5]), 
  # calculate number of missing items
  Y$NMISS.is <- rowSums(is.na(X[, c(a:z)]))
  # replace missing values with highest score
  for (i in a:z) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(X)){
      X[j, i] <- ifelse(is.na(X[j, i] == TRUE), repl.val[i-25], X[j, i])
  # calculate score
  Y$sgrq.is <- rowSums(X[, vars]) / 2117.8 * 100
  Y$sgrq.is <- round(Y$sgrq.is, 1)
  Y$sgrq.is <- ifelse(Y$NMISS.is > 6, NA, Y$sgrq.is)
  comment(Y$sgrq.is) <- "SGRQ - Impacts Score (0-100)"

  ## Total Score (50 items)
  # define variable names

  vars <- items
  Y$NMISS <- Y$NMISS.ss + Y$NMISS.as + Y$NMISS.is
  Y$sgrq.ts <- sum.n(X[, vars], 50) / 3989.4 * 100
  Y$sgrq.ts <- ifelse(Y$NMISS > 12, NA, Y$sgrq.ts)
  Y$sgrq.ts <- round(Y$sgrq.ts, 1)


# RETURN VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------
  Y <- Y %>% select(-starts_with('NMISS'))


nrkoehler/sgrqr documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:38 a.m.