
Defines functions wb_data

Documented in wb_data

#' Download Data from the World Bank API
#' This function downloads the requested information using the World Bank API
#' @param indicator Character vector of indicator codes. These codes correspond
#' to the `indicator_id` column from the `indicators` tibble of [wb_cache()], [wb_cachelist], or
#'  the result of running [wb_indicators()] directly
#' @param country Character vector of country, region, or special value codes for the
#' locations you want to return data for. Permissible values can be found in the
#' countries tibble in [wb_cachelist] or by running [wb_countries()] directly.
#' Specifically, values listed in the following fields `iso3c`, `iso2c`, `country`,
#' `region`, `admin_region`, `income_level` and all of the `region_*`,
#' `admin_region_*`, `income_level_*`, columns. As well as the following special values
#' * `"countries_only"` (Default)
#' * `"regions_only"`
#' * `"admin_regions_only"`
#' * `"income_levels_only"`
#' * `"aggregates_only"`
#' * `"all"`
#' @param start_date Numeric or character. If numeric it must be in `%Y` form (i.e. four digit year).
#'  For data at the subannual granularity the API supports a format as follows: for monthly data, "2016M01"
#'  and for quarterly data, "2016Q1". This also accepts a special value of "YTD", useful for more frequently
#'  updated subannual indicators.
#' @param end_date Numeric or character. If numeric it must be in `%Y` form (i.e. four digit year).
#'  For data at the subannual granularity the API supports a format as follows: for monthly data, "2016M01"
#'  and for quarterly data, "2016Q1".
#' @param return_wide Logical. If `TRUE` data is returned in a wide format instead of long,
#' with a column named for each `indicator_id` or if the `indicator` argument is a named vector,
#' the [names()] given to the indicator will be the column names. To necessitate this transformation,
#' the `indicator` column that provides the human readable description is dropped, but provided as a column label.
#' Default is `TRUE`
#' @param mrv Numeric. The number of Most Recent Values to return. A replacement
#' of `start_date` and `end_date`, this number represents the number of observations
#' you which to return starting from the most recent date of collection. This may include missing values.
#' Useful in conjuction with `freq`
#' @param mrnev Numeric. The number of Most Recent Non Empty Values to return. A replacement
#' of `start_date` and `end_date`, similar in behavior as `mrv` but excludes locations with missing values.
#' Useful in conjuction with `freq`
#' @param cache List of tibbles returned from [wb_cache()]. If omitted, [wb_cachelist] is used
#' @param freq Character String. For fetching quarterly ("Q"), monthly("M") or yearly ("Y") values.
#' Useful for querying high frequency data.
#' @param gapfill Logical. If `TRUE` fills in missing values by carrying forward the last
#' available value until the next available period (max number of periods back tracked will be limited by `mrv` number).
#' Default is `FALSE`
#' @param date_as_class_date Logical. If `TRUE` the date field is returned as class [Date], useful when working with
#' non-annual data or data at mixed resolutions. Default is `FALSE`
#' available value until the next available period (max number of periods back tracked will be limited by `mrv` number).
#' Default is `FALSE`
#' @inheritParams wb_cache
#' @return a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] of all available requested data.
#' @details
#' ## `obs_status` column
#' Indicates the observation status for location, indicator and date combination.
#' For example `"F"` in the response indicates that the observation status for
#' that data point is "forecast".
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # gdp for all countries for all available dates
#' \donttest{df_gdp <- wb_data("NY.GDP.MKTP.CD")}
#' # Brazilian gdp for all available dates
#' \donttest{df_brazil <- wb_data("NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", country = "br")}
#' # Brazilian gdp for 2006
#' \donttest{
#' df_brazil_1 <- wb_data("NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", country = "brazil", start_date = 2006)
#' }
#' # Brazilian gdp for 2006-2010
#' \donttest{
#' df_brazil_2 <- wb_data("NY.GDP.MKTP.CD", country = "BRA",
#'                        start_date = 2006, end_date = 2010)
#' # Population, GDP, Unemployment Rate, Birth Rate (per 1000 people)
#' \donttest{
#' my_indicators <- c("SP.POP.TOTL",
#'                    "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD",
#'                    "SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS",
#'                    "SP.DYN.CBRT.IN")
#' \donttest{df <- wb_data(my_indicators)}
#' # you pass multiple country ids of different types
#' # Albania (iso2c), Georgia (iso3c), and Mongolia
#' \donttest{
#' my_countries <- c("AL", "Geo", "mongolia")
#' df <- wb_data(my_indicators, country = my_countries,
#'               start_date = 2005, end_date = 2007)
#' # same data as above, but in long format
#' \donttest{
#' df_long <- wb_data(my_indicators, country = my_countries,
#'                    start_date = 2005, end_date = 2007,
#'                    return_wide = FALSE)
#' # regional population totals
#' # regions correspond to the region column in wb_cachelist$countries
#' \donttest{
#' df_region <- wb_data("SP.POP.TOTL", country = "regions_only",
#'                      start_date = 2010, end_date = 2014)
#' }
#' # a specific region
#' \donttest{
#' df_world <- wb_data("SP.POP.TOTL", country = "world",
#'                     start_date = 2010, end_date = 2014)
#' # if the indicator is part of a named vector the name will be the column name
#' my_indicators <- c("pop" = "SP.POP.TOTL",
#'                    "gdp" = "NY.GDP.MKTP.CD",
#'                    "unemployment_rate" = "SL.UEM.TOTL.ZS",
#'                    "birth_rate" = "SP.DYN.CBRT.IN")
#' df_names <- wb_data(my_indicators, country = "world",
#'                     start_date = 2010, end_date = 2014)
#' # custom names are ignored if returning in long format
#' \donttest{
#' df_names_long <- wb_data(my_indicators, country = "world",
#'                          start_date = 2010, end_date = 2014,
#'                          return_wide = FALSE)
#' # same as above but in Bulgarian
#' # note that not all indicators have translations for all languages
#' \donttest{
#' df_names_long_bg <- wb_data(my_indicators, country = "world",
#'                             start_date = 2010, end_date = 2014,
#'                             return_wide = FALSE, lang = "bg")
wb_data <- function(indicator, country = "countries_only", start_date, end_date,
                    return_wide = TRUE, mrv, mrnev, cache, freq, gapfill = FALSE,
                    date_as_class_date = FALSE, lang) {

  if (missing(cache)) cache <- wbstats::wb_cachelist

  base_url <- wb_api_parameters$base_url

  # format country ----------------------------------------------------------
  country_param <- format_wb_country(country, cache = cache)
  country_path <- paste0(wb_api_parameters$country, "/", country_param)

  # check dates ----------
  date_query <- NULL
  if (!missing(start_date)  &&  missing(end_date)) date_query <- paste0(start_date, ":", start_date)
  if (missing(start_date)   && !missing(end_date)) date_query <- paste0(end_date, ":", end_date)
  if (missing(start_date) == FALSE && missing(end_date) == FALSE) date_query <- paste0(start_date, ":", end_date)

  # check freq ----------
  freq_query <- NULL
  if (!missing(freq)) {

    if (!freq %in% c("Y", "Q", "M"))
      stop("If supplied, values for freq must be one of the following 'Y' (yearly), 'Q' (Quarterly), or 'M' (Monthly)")

    freq_query <- freq

  # check mrv ----------
  mrv_query <- NULL
  if (!missing(mrv)) {
    if (!is.numeric(mrv)) stop("If supplied, mrv must be numeric")

    mrv_query <- paste0(round(mrv, digits = 0)) # just to make sure its a whole number

  # check mrnev ----------
  mrnev_query <- NULL
  if (!missing(mrnev)) {
    if (!is.numeric(mrnev)) stop("If supplied, mrnev must be numeric")
    mrnev_query <- paste0(round(mrnev, digits = 0)) # just to make sure its a whole number

  # check gapfill ----------
  gapfill_query <- NULL
  if (!missing(gapfill)) {
    if (!is.logical(gapfill)) stop("If supplied, values for gapfill must be TRUE or FALSE")
    if (missing(mrv)) stop("mrv must be supplied for gapfill to be used")

    gapfill_query <- ifelse(gapfill, "Y", "N")

  # check scale ----------
  scale_query <- NULL
  # remove support for scale parameter, it causes more problems that in solves
  # if (!missing(scale)) {
  #   if (!is.logical(scale)) stop("Values for scale must be TRUE or FALSE")
  #   scale_query <- ifelse(scale, "Y", "N")
  # }

  # country should be part of the path list b/c other endpoint don't require it or need more things
  path_list <- list(
    version = wb_api_parameters$version,
    lang    = if_missing(lang, wb_default_lang(), lang),
    country = country_path

  # what is NULL just gets dropped in the build url step
  query_list <- list(
    date      = date_query,
    scale     = scale_query,
    frequency = freq_query,
    mrv       = mrv_query,
    mrnev     = mrnev_query,
    gapfill   = gapfill_query,
    footnote  = ifelse(return_wide, "y", "n"),
    cntrycode = "y",
    per_page  = wb_api_parameters$per_page,
    format    = wb_api_parameters$format

  # be able to return this for debugging
  ind_url <- build_wb_url(
      base_url  = base_url,  indicator  = indicator,
      path_list = path_list, query_list = query_list

  # d_list <- lapply(ind_url, fetch_wb_url)
  d_list <- lapply(seq_along(ind_url),
                   FUN = function(i){
                       url_string = ind_url[i],
                       indicator = indicator[i]
  d_list <- d_list[sapply(d_list, is.data.frame)]

  d <- dplyr::bind_rows(d_list)
  if(!is.data.frame(d) | nrow(d) == 0) {
    warning("No data was returned for your query. Returning an empty tibble")

  d <- format_wb_data(d, end_point = "data")

  if (any(is.na(d$iso3c))) {

    # country names are not replaced with with cached versions b/c
    # some country names are subnational values where the iso3c and iso2c would
    # be the same value across mutliple subnational units
    d <- d %>%
        iso3c = as.character(.data$iso3c),
        iso2c = as.character(.data$iso2c),
        iso3c = dplyr::if_else(is.na(.data$iso3c), .data$iso2c, .data$iso3c)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(-.data$iso2c) %>%
        dplyr::select(cache$countries, .data$iso3c, .data$iso2c),
        by = "iso3c"

  # country_only actually requests 'all' from the API, now remove non-countries
  if (any(tolower(country) %in% c("countries", "countries_only", "countries only"))) {
    country_only_iso3c <- unique_na(cache$countries$iso3c[cache$countries$region != "Aggregates"])
    d <- d[d$iso3c %in% country_only_iso3c, ]

  if(nrow(d) == 0) {
    warning("No data was returned for your query. Returning an empty tibble")

  if (return_wide) {
    context_cols <- c("iso2c", "iso3c", "country", "date")
    extra_cols <- c("unit", "obs_status","footnote", "last_updated")

    ind_names <- as.data.frame(unique(d[, c("indicator", "indicator_id")]))

    # the decimal column is dropped here b/c support for scale=TRUE was removed
    cols_to_keep <- setdiff(names(d), c("indicator", "decimal"))

    # when you return a wide data frame with more than one indicator
    # the extra_cols are dropped b/c they are specific to each location, indicator, date
    # instance and they have to be rowwise so if you transpose with them it messes
    # everything up
    if (length(unique(ind_names$indicator_id)) > 1) {
      cols_to_keep <- setdiff(cols_to_keep, extra_cols)

    d <- d[ , cols_to_keep]
    d <- tidyr::spread(d, key = "indicator_id", value = "value")

    # column labels
    for (i in 1:nrow(ind_names)) {
      d_col_name <- ind_names$indicator_id[i]
      d_col_label <- ind_names$indicator[i]

      attr(d[[d_col_name]], "label") <- d_col_label

    # named vector for indicators
    if (!is.null(names(indicator))) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(ind_names)) {
        d_col_old_name <- ind_names$indicator_id[i]
        d_col_new_name <- names(indicator[indicator == d_col_old_name])
        if(! (d_col_new_name == "" || is.null(d_col_new_name)) )
          names(d)[which(names(d) == d_col_old_name)] <- d_col_new_name

    indicator_cols <- setdiff(names(d), c(context_cols, extra_cols))
    d <- dplyr::select(d,

  } # end return_wide
  else {
    # these columns are reordered for readability
    col_order <- c("indicator_id", "indicator", "iso2c", "iso3c", "country", "date",
                   "value", "unit", "obs_status", "footnote", "last_updated")
    col_order2 <- col_order[col_order %in% names(d)]

    d <- d[ , col_order2]

  if (date_as_class_date)  d <- format_wb_dates(d)
  else if (!any(grepl("M|Q", d$date, ignore.case = TRUE))) d$date <- as.numeric(d$date)

nset-ornl/wbstats documentation built on March 6, 2021, 4:42 a.m.