
Defines functions giant_component_detect min_max_rule visualize_subgraph_structure visualize_association_network

Documented in visualize_association_network visualize_subgraph_structure

#' Interactive association network visualization
#' Produces an interactive plot of nodes connected by edges scaled by the
#' strength of association.
#' The plot automatically detects isolated subgraphs (groups of nodes with
#' connections only within the group) and lays them out in a grid to avoid
#' overlap between unrelated parts of the network.
#' @param association_pairs dataframe with columns `a` and `b` representing the
#'   ids of the variables or nodes and columns `strength` that is a numeric
#'   indicator of strength of association (higher = stronger).
#' @param node_info Optional dataframe that has a column `id` that corresponds
#'   to the variables codded in `a` and `b` of `association_pairs` that contains
#'   additional info nade available on hover in visualization.
#' @param measure_title Name of measure used to quantify strength of association
#'   between the variables.
#' @param alphaDecay Paramter to control how fast the force-layout converges.
#'   Lower values mean a better but slower layout, higher means faster. See the
#'   [d3-force docs](https://github.com/d3/d3-force#simulation_alphaDecay) for
#'   more info.
#' @param n_neighbors How many neighbors for a hovered node should be shown?
#' @param warn_of_mismatches If there are differences in the ids present in
#'   `association_pairs` and `node_info` should a warning be issued?
#' @return Interactive javascript visualization of association network
#' @export
#' @examples
#' virus_associations <- head(dplyr::arrange(virus_net, dplyr::desc(strength)), 300)
#' visualize_association_network(virus_associations)
visualize_association_network <- function(association_pairs,
                                          measure_title = "association",
                                          alphaDecay = 0.01,
                                          n_neighbors = 5,
                                          warn_of_mismatches = TRUE) {
  unique_nodes <- gather_unique_nodes(association_pairs)
  if (missing(node_info)) {
    nodes <- unique_nodes
  } else {
    all_passed_nodes <- unique(node_info$id)
    in_edges <- unique_nodes$id

    n_not_in_edges <- length(dplyr::setdiff(all_passed_nodes, in_edges))
    n_not_in_info <-  length(dplyr::setdiff(in_edges, all_passed_nodes))

    if(n_not_in_edges > 0 & warn_of_mismatches){
      warning(paste("There are", n_not_in_edges, "ids in the node_info dataframe that were not seen in association pairs. These are omitted."))

    if(n_not_in_info > 0 & warn_of_mismatches){
      warning(paste("There are", n_not_in_info,  "ids in the association_pairs dataframe that are not in the node_info dataframe."))

    # unique_nodes
    nodes <- dplyr::right_join(node_info, unique_nodes, by = "id")

    system.file("d3/information_network.js", package = "associationsubgraphs"),
    dependencies = system.file("d3/find_subgraphs.js", package = "associationsubgraphs"),
    data = list(
      nodes = nodes,
      edges = dplyr::select(
    container = "div",
    options = list(measure = measure_title,
                   alphaDecay = alphaDecay,
                   n_neighbors = n_neighbors,
                   source_id = "a",
                   target_id = "b")

#' Interactive association subgraphs visualization
#' Produces an interactive plot of network structure for all possible subgraph
#' arrangements for passed association pairs with summary statistics to guide
#' exploration of cut-points.
#' @inheritParams calculate_subgraph_structure
#' @param node_info Optional dataframe that has a column `id` that corresponds
#'   to the variables codded in `a` and `b` of `association_pairs` that contains
#'   additional info nade available on hover in visualization.
#' @param subgraph_results Dataframe of subgraph results as returned by
#'   \code{\link{calculate_subgraph_structure}}. If it isnt provided it is
#'   calculated. Automatic calculation will slow down code depending on how
#'   large dataset is.
#' @param trim_subgraph_results Should subgraph results after a giant subgraph
#'   has taken over be filtered out? Rule for filtering is at least 10% of the
#'   variables are in subgraphs and largest subgraph contains less than 95% of
#'   all variables in subgraphs. Allows for easier investigating of the subgraph
#'   structure over strength.
#' @param warn_of_mismatches If there are differences in the ids present in
#'   `association_pairs` and `node_info` should a warning be issued?
#' @param default_step How should the default starting position of the
#'   visualization be decided. Options are `min_max_rule` which tends to result
#'   in lots of small subgraphs that are easier to parse,
#'   `giant_component_local` which tries to detect when a giant component first
#'   forms based on seen number of nodes. `giant_component_global` uses same
#'   logic as `giant_component_local` just the threshold for a giant component
#'   is based on all possible nodes rather than those seen. This gives the most
#'   accurate clusterings if true cluster structure is non-hierarchical.
#'   Alternatively you can provided the step as an integer value.
#' @param pinned_node Name (matching `id` column of `association_pairs`) of node
#'   to highlight in results. If no `default_step` is set, then the
#'   visualization intializes to the first instance of this node occuring in the
#'   subgraphs.
#' @param subgraph_messages Should messages be sent about the calculation of the
#'   subgraph structure if it needs to be calculated by the function?
#' @param width,height Valid css units for output size (e.g. pixels (`px`) or
#'   percent(`%`)).
#' @return Interactive javascript visualization of association network subgraphs
#'   at all possible cut-points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' node_info <- dplyr::rename(virus_host_viruses, id = virus_id)
#' node_info$color <- ifelse(node_info$type == "RNA", "orangered", "steelblue")
#' visualize_subgraph_structure(
#'   virus_net,
#'   node_info = node_info
#' )
visualize_subgraph_structure <- function(association_pairs,
                                         trim_subgraph_results = TRUE,
                                         warn_of_mismatches = TRUE,
                                         width = "100%",
                                         height = "800px",
                                         pinned_node = NULL,
                                         subgraph_messages = TRUE) {

  # If association pairs are not sorted bad things happen in the algorithm
  association_pairs <- ensure_sorted(association_pairs)

  if (missing(subgraph_results)) {
      message("Calculating subgraph structure results...")
    subgraph_results <- calculate_subgraph_structure(association_pairs)

      # If the user hasn't provided any guidance for default step, use min-max-rule
      default_step <- "min_max_rule"
    } else {
      # Let later logic know to look for pinned node
      default_step <- "pinned_node"

  if(default_step == "min_max_rule"){
    default_step <- min_max_rule(subgraph_results)
  } else if(default_step == "giant_component_local") {
    default_step <- giant_component_detect(subgraph_results)
  } else if(default_step == "giant_component_global") {
    default_step <- giant_component_detect(subgraph_results, all_nodes = TRUE)
  } else if(is.integer(default_step)) {
    # The default step should be an integer in this case as we've exhausted the named heuristics
    if(default_step > nrow(subgraph_results)){
      stop("requested default step is greater than the total number of steps")
  } else if(default_step == "pinned_node"){
    # Locate when the pinned node first occurs in the network
    default_step <- which(association_pairs$a == pinned_node | association_pairs$b == pinned_node)[1]
    if(length(default_step) == 0){
      stop(paste("The requested pinned node", pinned_node, "does not appear in the passed association pairs"))
  } else {
    stop("default_step must be one of the provided default hueristics (\"min_max_rule\", \"giant_component_local\", \"giant_component_global\") or an integer.")

  # We need to know what ids are present in pairs for trimming and checking for mismatches
  unique_nodes <- gather_unique_nodes(association_pairs)

  # Often just the first little bit of the edges have interesting info
  # In this case we want to trim the data sent to the visualization to only be what's necessary
  # because sending the data over to javascript is expensive
  if (trim_subgraph_results) {
    tenth_of_nodes <- nrow(unique_nodes) * 0.1

    last_edge <- max(
      which(subgraph_results$rel_max_size > 0.95 &  subgraph_results$n_nodes_seen > tenth_of_nodes)[1],
      default_step + 10

    # The head is in here because sometimes we have a junk row at end of subgraph results (needs fixing)
    subgraph_results <- utils::head(
      utils::head(subgraph_results, -1),

    # We can now get rid of all the excess edges we wont ever use
    max_num_edges <- utils::tail(subgraph_results$n_edges, 1)
    association_pairs <- head(association_pairs, max_num_edges)

  if (missing(node_info)) {
    # When no node info is supplied we just use our unique node list
    nodes <- unique_nodes
  } else {
    # Otherwise we need to make sure we have matching node and edge datsets
    all_passed_nodes <- unique(node_info$id)
    in_edges <- unique_nodes$id

    n_not_in_edges <-
      length(dplyr::setdiff(all_passed_nodes, in_edges))
    n_not_in_info <-
      length(dplyr::setdiff(in_edges, all_passed_nodes))

    if (n_not_in_edges > 0 &
        warn_of_mismatches & !trim_subgraph_results) {
          "There are",
          "ids in the node_info dataframe that were not seen in association pairs. These are omitted."

    if (n_not_in_info > 0 & warn_of_mismatches) {
          "There are",
          "ids in the association_pairs dataframe that are not in the node_info dataframe."

    # A right join will make sure we dont pull in the node info we don't need
    nodes <- dplyr::right_join(node_info, unique_nodes, by = "id")

  # Typing out the system file command is tiresome. Also this helps if we change the location root
  get_js <-
    function(name) {
      system.file(paste0("d3/", name), package = "associationsubgraphs")

    data = list(
      nodes = nodes,
      edges = dplyr::select(
      structure = subgraph_results
    options = list("default_step" = default_step, "pinned_node" = pinned_node),
    container = "div",
    dependencies = c(
    d3_version = "5", # We use the .join() method a lot so we need 5.0 or later
    width = width,
    height = height

min_max_rule <- function(subgraph_results){

giant_component_detect <- function(subgraph_results, all_nodes = FALSE, wiggle = 0.05){
  super_component_threshold <- pmax(subgraph_results$n_nodes_seen, 5)^(2/3)
    # Just means use total number of nodes to get threshold
    super_component_threshold <- max(super_component_threshold)

  rel_to_thresh <- super_component_threshold/subgraph_results$max_size

  # We want to let the value dip a bit below the threshold before
  # detecting it as it tends to bounce off the exact threshold
  ratio_threshold <- 1 - wiggle

  # Pick out the step that corresponds to just before the first time this threshold is passed
  # Not sure why it's minus 2 and not 1, but it is
  subgraph_results$step[which(rel_to_thresh < ratio_threshold)[1] - 2]
nstrayer/entropynet documentation built on Oct. 12, 2020, 2:20 a.m.