
Defines functions exportLogging.redcapApiConnection exportLogging

Documented in exportLogging exportLogging.redcapApiConnection

#' @name exportLogging
#' @title Export Logging Records
#' @description These methods enable to user to export the logging 
#'   (audit trail) of all changes made to a project, including data exports, 
#'   data changes, project metadata changes, modification of user rights, etc.
#' @inheritParams common-rcon-arg
#' @inheritParams common-dot-args
#' @inheritParams common-api-args
#' @param logtype `character(0/1)`. The log event types to export. 
#'   When the length is zero, all event types are exported. Otherwise, it
#'   must be one of
#'   `c("export", "manage", "user", "record", "record_add", "record_edit", "record_delete", "lock_record", "page_view")`
#' @param user `character(0/1)`. Users for whom to return logs. By default
#'   logs for all users are returned.
#' @param record `character(0/1)`. Record ID for which logs are to be returned.
#'   By default, logs are returned for all records.
#' @param dag `character(0/1)`. Data access group ID for which to return logs. 
#'   By default, logs are returned for all data access groups.
#' @param beginTime `POSIXct(0/1)`. When given, only 
#'   logs recorded on or after this time will be returned. The time specified
#'   is rounded to minutes and ignores the timezone. This can cause issues
#'   if the caller and server computers are configured in different timezones.
#'   Least surprising behavior is making sure the date specified is encoded
#'   in the timezone of the REDCap server. 
#' @param endTime `POSIXct(0/1)`. When given, only logs
#'   recorded on or before this time will be returned. If using batchInterval
#'   it will only be before this time. See `beginTime` for details on time
#'   encoding.
#' @param batchInterval `integerish(1)`. When provided will
#'   batch log pulls to intervals of this many days. Requires
#'   that beginTime is specified.
#' @return 
#' Returns a data frame with columns
#' |            |                                      |
#' |------------|--------------------------------------|
#' | `timestamp` | The date/time of the logging record. |
#' | `username`  | The user name of the user that performed the action being logged. |
#' | `action`    | The classification of action being logged. |
#' | `details`   | Details of the action being logged. |
#' | `record`    | The record ID associated with the action being logged. When not related to a record, this will be `NA` |
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
#'              url = "your_redcap_url", 
#'              keyring = "API_KEYs", 
#'              envir = globalenv())
#' # Export all of the logging events       
#' exportLogging(rcon)
#' # Export all of the events for record '2'
#' exportLogging(rcon, 
#'               record = "2")
#' # Export all of the events where a record was deleted
#' exportLoging(rcon, 
#'              logtype = "record_delete")
#' }
#' @export
exportLogging <- function(
  logtype       = character(0), 
  user          = character(0), 
  record        = character(0), 
  dag           = character(0), 
  beginTime     = as.POSIXct(character(0)), 
  endTime       = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  batchInterval = NULL,

#' @rdname exportLogging
#' @export
exportLogging.redcapApiConnection <- function(
  logtype       = character(0), 
  user          = character(0), 
  record        = character(0), 
  dag           = character(0), 
  beginTime     = as.POSIXct(character(0)), 
  endTime       = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  batchInterval = NULL,
  # Argument checks -------------------------------------------------
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon,
                          classes = "redcapApiConnection",
                          add = coll)
  if (length(logtype) == 1)
    logtype <- checkmate::matchArg(x = logtype, 
                                   choices = c("export", "manage", "user", "record", 
                                               "record_add", "record_edit", "record_delete", 
                                               "lock_record", "page_view"),
                                   add = coll, 
                                   .var.name = "logtype")
  checkmate::assert_character(x = user,
                              max.len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = record, 
                              max.len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = dag, 
                              max.len = 1,
                              add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_posixct(x = beginTime,
                            min.len = if(is.null(batchInterval)) NULL else 1,
                            max.len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_posixct(x = endTime, 
                            max.len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_integerish(x = batchInterval,
                               max.len = 1,
                               null.ok = TRUE,
                               add = coll)

  # Batch call
                to=if(length(endTime) == 1) endTime else Sys.time(),
                by=paste(batchInterval, "days"))),
          cutTime <- min(x+24*60*60*batchInterval, endTime)
          data <- exportLogging(
            beginTime = x-60, 
            endTime   = cutTime+60
          # Compensation for poor interface design
          data[data$timestamp >= x & data$timestamp < cutTime,]
  body <- list(
    content      = 'log', 
    format       = 'csv', 
    returnFormat = 'csv', 
    logtype      = logtype, 
    user         = user, 
    record       = record, 
    dag          = dag, 
    beginTime    = format(beginTime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), 
    endTime      = format(endTime,   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

  Log <- as.data.frame(makeApiCall(rcon, body, ...))

  timezone <-
    if(length(beginTime) > 0 &&
       !is.null(attr(beginTime, "tzone")))
      attr(beginTime, "tzone")
    } else if(length(beginTime) == 0 && 
              length(endTime > 0)    &&
              !is.null(attr(endTime, "tzone")))
      attr(endTime, "tzone")
    } else 

  Log$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(Log$timestamp,
                              tz = timezone,
                              format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.