#' Test whether an undirected graph is acyclic
#' @description Test whether an undirected graph, represented by
#' an adjacency matrix, is acyclic.
#' @param adj_matrix The adjacency matrix representing the graph.
#' @details Notice that the function cannot cope with loops.
#' If the graph has loops, an error is returned.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether the graph is acyclic.
#' @author
#' Katrine Kirkeby, \email{enir_tak@@hotmail.com}
#' Maria Knudsen, \email{mariaknudsen@@hotmail.dk}
#' Ninna Vihrs, \email{ninnavihrs@@hotmail.dk}
#' @examples
#' adj_matrix_cyclic <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1,
#' 1, 0, 0, 1,
#' 1, 0, 0, 0,
#' 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' nrow = 4)
#' is_acyclic(adj_matrix_cyclic)
#' adj_matrix_acyclic <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 1,
#' 0, 0, 0, 1,
#' 1, 0, 0, 0,
#' 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' nrow = 4)
#' is_acyclic(adj_matrix_acyclic)
#' @export
is_acyclic <- function(adj_matrix){
if (! is.matrix(adj_matrix)){
stop("Argument must be a matrix.")
if (any(diag(adj_matrix) == 1)){
stop("The graph represented by the matrix contains loops.")
if (! is.numeric(adj_matrix)){
stop("Argument must be numeric.")
if (any(! c(adj_matrix) %in% 0:1)){
stop(paste("Argument must be an adjacency matrix for an unweighted graph.",
"Therefore all entries must be 0 or 1.", sep = " "))
if (! isSymmetric(adj_matrix)){
stop(paste("Only undirected graphs are supported so argument must be",
"symmetric. This includes that rownames must equal colnames.", sep = " "))
while (any(rowSums(adj_matrix) == 1 |
rowSums(adj_matrix) == 0)){
idx <- which(rowSums(adj_matrix) == 1 |
rowSums(adj_matrix) == 0)[1]
adj_matrix <- as.matrix(adj_matrix[- idx, - idx])
if (nrow(adj_matrix) == 0){
res <- TRUE
} else {
res <- FALSE
#' Determines the Chow-Liu tree for data
#' @description Determines the structure and the conditional
#' probability tables for the Chow-Liu tree fitted to data.
#' @param data The data the tree structure should be based on.
#' @param root An optional argument, choosing a userspecified
#' root for the tree.
#' @param bayes_smooth Additional cell counts for bayesian
#' estimation of probability tables.
#' @param CPTs A logical value indicating whether conditional probability
#' tables should be estimated from data or not.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{MI2}.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{skeleton_adj} The adjacency matrix for the skeleton
#' of the Chow-Liu tree.
#' \item \code{adj_DAG} The adjacency matrix of the resulting DAG.
#' \item \code{CPTs} The estimated conditional probability tables
#' of the bayesian network if estimated. Otherwise the logical value
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' }
#' @author
#' Katrine Kirkeby, \email{enir_tak@@hotmail.com}
#' Maria Knudsen, \email{mariaknudsen@@hotmail.dk}
#' Ninna Vihrs, \email{ninnavihrs@@hotmail.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{MI2}} for mutual information,
#' \code{\link{CPT}} for probability tables and
#' \code{\link{is_acyclic}} for a test for cycles.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(43)
#' var1 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 50, replace = TRUE))
#' var2 <- var1 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 50, replace = TRUE))
#' var3 <- var1 + c(sample(c(0, 1), 50, replace = TRUE,
#' prob = c(0.9, 0.1)))
#' var4 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 50, replace = TRUE))
#' data <- data.frame("var1" = as.character(var1),
#' "var2" = as.character(var2),
#' "var3" = as.character(var3),
#' "var4" = as.character(var4))
#' CL <- ChowLiu(data, root = 'var1', smooth = 0.1)
#' @export
ChowLiu <- function(data, root = NULL, bayes_smooth = 0,
CPTs = TRUE, ...){
if (any(is.na(data))){
warning(paste("The data contains NA values.",
"Theese will be excluded from tables,",
"which may be problematic.",
"It is highly recommended to manually take",
"care of NA values before using the data as input.",
sep = " "))
if (! (is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))) {
stop("data must be a data frame or a matrix.")
data <- as.data.frame(data)
if (! all(sapply(data, function(x){
is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
stop("Some columns are not characters or factors.")
if (length(bayes_smooth) > 1){
stop("bayes_smooth must be a single non-negative value.")
else if (!is.numeric(bayes_smooth)) {
stop("bayes_smooth must be numeric.")
else if (bayes_smooth < 0){
stop("bayes_smooth must be a non-negative numeric value.")
# Calculating mutual information
nodes <- colnames(data)
n_var <- length(nodes)
if (! is.null(root)){
if (! root %in% nodes){
stop("The specified root is not a node.")
pairs <- t(utils::combn(nodes, 2))
MI_fun <- function(var1, var2){
MI2(data[, var1], data[, var2], ...)
MI <- mapply(MI_fun, pairs[, 1], pairs[, 2])
MI_tab <- data.frame(pairs, MI)
ord_idx <- order(MI_tab$MI, decreasing = TRUE)
MI_tab <- MI_tab[ord_idx, ]
rownames(MI_tab) <- NULL
# Construct skeleton for Chow-Liu tree.
adj_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n_var, ncol = n_var)
rownames(adj_matrix) <- colnames(adj_matrix) <- nodes
i <- 1
while (sum(adj_matrix) < 2 * (n_var - 1)){
adj_matrix_temp <- adj_matrix
edge_1 <- as.character(MI_tab[i, 1])
edge_2 <- as.character(MI_tab[i, 2])
adj_matrix_temp[edge_1, edge_2] <-
adj_matrix_temp[edge_2, edge_1] <- 1
if (is_acyclic(adj_matrix_temp)){
adj_matrix <- adj_matrix_temp
i <- i + 1
skeleton_adj <- adj_matrix
# Determine DAG.
if (is.null(root)){
root <- sample(nodes, 1)
adj_matrix_directed <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_var, ncol = n_var)
rownames(adj_matrix_directed) <-
colnames(adj_matrix_directed) <- nodes
while (nrow(adj_matrix) > 0) {
adj_matrix_directed[root, ] <- adj_matrix[root, ]
adj_matrix <- adj_matrix[! rownames(adj_matrix) %in% root,
, drop = FALSE]
adj_matrix[, root] <- 0
kids_idx <- which(colSums(adj_matrix_directed[root,
, drop = FALSE])
> 0)
root <- nodes[kids_idx]
# Calculate conditional probability tables.
if (CPTs){
CPTs <- CPT(adj_matrix_directed, data,
bayes_smooth = bayes_smooth)
return(list("skeleton_adj" = skeleton_adj,
"adj_DAG" = adj_matrix_directed,
"CPTs" = CPTs))
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