Man pages for oacar/synal
Synteny Alignment and Analysis for Saccharomyces sensu stricto

aaTranslationAminoAcid translation of the DNAStringSet object
alignGets DNAStringSet aligns it
alignAnalyzeThis will be THE function for alignment-analysis output
alignWoSmorfAlign syntenic blocks This function take align syntenic...
analyzeAnalyze msa This function reads all output files previously...
analyzePairwiseAnalyze pairwise alignment this is helper function for...
calc_identitycalculate identity
calcIdentityCalculate Only Gaps are treated as difference if one sequence...
checkAlignmentCheck if all codons are same
checkCodonCheck aminoacid character
checkFramethis function finds correct frame sequences of intersection...
checkORFCheck Orf
countFrameShiftingCount frameshifts with MACSE
findBestOverlapFinds best overlapping ORF in terms of the number of...
findHomologThis function compares all overlapping ORFs with the Scer ORF...
findIFind all start codons
findMFind all start codons
findOverlappingOrfsFinds all overlapping ORFs
findXFind all stop codons
findYGeneSeqFinds annotated ORF sequence from annotated sequence file...
macseAdjustmentCorrect macse Changes some macse spesific characters for the...
map_alignment_sequencemap two sequences
readFilesRead syntetic block sequence files
regSeqAdd gaps to sequence Search sequence with any number of gaps...
scerAnnotatedSequencesSaccharomyces Cerevisiae annotated sequence data
speciesVectorThis function check a set of strings to create a species...
startCodonStart Codon alignment
stopCodonStop codon alignment
subalignmentExport subalingment of the region between start and stop Scer...
synal_cpp-packageA short title line describing what the package does
turnWoGapsRemove gaps (\'-\')
oacar/synal documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 1:42 p.m.