#' Bin two-dimensional data in one dimension
#' @importFrom stats quantile median pnorm
#' @description Divides a vector of values x into finite intervals; returns the counts and other statistics in each interval.
#' @param x N-element vector of x-coordinates
#' @param y optional N-element vector of values associated with the different points in x
#' @param bins If method is 'regular' or 'equal', this is a scalar specifying the number of bins. If method is 'custom' this is a vector of (n+1) x-values delimiting the n bins.
#' @param method Character string. Choose 'regular' for regularly space bins, 'equal' for bins containing an equal number of points (+-1), or 'custom' for bins with custom edges.
#' @param xlim optional 2-element vector specifying the data range (data cropped if necessary). If not given, xlim is set to the full range of x.
#' @return Returns a list of items
#' \item{n}{number of bins}
#' \item{xlim}{considered range of x-coordinates, same as input argument xlim, if given}
#' \item{xleft}{n-element vector containing the x-coordinates of the left bin edges}
#' \item{xmid}{n-element vector containing the x-coordinates of the bin centres}
#' \item{xright}{n-element vector containing the x-coordinates of the right bin edges}
#' \item{dx}{n-element vector containing the widths of the bins}
#' \item{count}{n-element vector containing the number of points in each bin}
#' \item{x}{n-element vector containg the mean x-values in each bin}
#' \item{y}{n-element vector containg the mean y-values in each bin}
#' \item{xmedian}{n-element vector containg the median of the x-values in each bin}
#' \item{ymedian}{n-element vector containg the median of the y-values in each bin}
#' \item{yerr}{n-element vector giving the uncertainty on the mean}
#' \item{ysd}{n-element vector giving the standard deviations of the y-values}
#' \item{y16}{n-element vector giving the 15.86-percentile of the y-values}
#' \item{y84}{n-element vector giving the 84.13-percentile of the y-values}
#' @author Danail Obreschkow
#' @examples
#' # make and plot 100 random (x,y)-points
#' set.seed(1)
#' x = runif(200)
#' y = x+rnorm(200)
#' plot(x,y,pch=16,cex=0.5)
#' # bin the data into 10 bins of 20 points each
#' bin = bindata(x,y,10,'equal')
#' segments(bin$xleft,bin$y,bin$xright,bin$y,col='red')
#' segments(bin$x,bin$y16,bin$x,bin$y84,col='red')
#' segments(bin$x,bin$y-bin$yerr,bin$x,bin$y+bin$yerr,col='red',lwd=3)
#' points(bin$x,bin$y,pch=16,col='red')
#' @seealso \code{\link{griddata}}
#' @export
bindata = function(x, y=NULL, bins=20, method='regular', xlim=NULL) {
# handle inputs
x = as.vector(x)
if (!is.null(y)) {
y = as.vector(y)
if (length(x)!=length(y)) stop('x and y must be vectors of the same length.')
# sort data
if (is.null(y)) {
x = sort(x)
} else {
s = sort.int(x,index.return = T)
x = s$x
y = y[s$ix]
s = NULL
# make limits
if (method=='custom' & !is.null(xlim)) stop('xlim must not be specified for method "custom".')
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim=range(x)
# preselect x-coordinates within the range
selection = x>=xlim[1] & x<=xlim[2]
x = x[selection]
if (!is.null(y)) y = y[selection]
# make grid
bin = list(xlim = xlim)
if (method=='regular') {
if (length(bins)!=1) stop('For method "regular", bins has to be a positive integer.')
bin$n = bins
xedges = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = bin$n+1) # vector of cell-edge x-coordinates
} else if (method=='log') {
if (length(bins)!=1) stop('For method "log", bins has to be a positive integer.')
if (xlim[1]<=0) stop('For method "log", the considered x-values must all be positive.')
bin$n = bins
xedges = exp(seq(log(xlim[1]), log(xlim[2]), length = bin$n+1)) # vector of cell-edge x-coordinates
} else if (method=='equal') {
if (length(bins)!=1) stop('For method "equal", bins has to be a positive integer.')
bin$n = bins
xedges = c(xlim[1],stats::quantile(x,probs=seq(0,1,length=bin$n+1)[2:bin$n],names=FALSE),xlim[2])
} else if (method=='custom') {
if (length(bins)<2) stop('For method "custom", bins as to be a vector containing the bin edges.')
bin$n = length(bins)
xedges = bins
} else {
stop('unknown method')
bin$xleft = xedges[1:bin$n]
bin$xright = xedges[2:(bin$n+1)]
bin$xmid = (bin$xleft+bin$xright)/2
bin$dx = bin$xright-bin$xleft
# make bin statistics
index = cut(x,xedges,labels=FALSE,include.lowest=TRUE)
tb = table(index)
indexlist = as.numeric(names(tb))
nindex = as.numeric(tb)
current.index = which(index==indexlist[1])[1]
bin$x = bin$xmedian = rep(NA,bin$n)
if (!is.null(y)) bin$y = bin$ymedian = bin$yerr = bin$ysd = bin$y16 = bin$y84 = rep(NA,bin$n)
bin$count = rep(0,bin$n)
for (k in seq_along(indexlist)) {
i = indexlist[k]
sel = seq(current.index,length=nindex[k])
current.index = current.index+nindex[k]
bin$count[i] = length(sel)
bin$x[i] = mean(x[sel])
bin$xmedian[i] = stats::median(x[sel])
if (!is.null(y)) {
bin$y[i] = mean(y[sel])
bin$ymedian[i] = stats::median(y[sel])
bin$ysd[i] = sd(y[sel])
bin$yerr[i] = bin$ysd[i]/sqrt(bin$count[i])
bin$y16[i] = stats::quantile(y[sel],stats::pnorm(-1),names=FALSE)
bin$y84[i] = stats::quantile(y[sel],stats::pnorm(+1),names=FALSE)
# return data
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