
Defines functions getStructureIDs getGeneDatasets

Documented in getGeneDatasets getStructureIDs

#' Acquire datasets for genes
#' @param gene A mouse gene symbol, case sensitive.
#' @param planeOfSection coronal or sagittal
#' @return Dataset ID of section datasets matching the description (gene and section)
#' @export
getGeneDatasets = function(gene,
                          planeOfSection = c('sagittal', 'coronal','both'),
                          probeOrientation = c('antisense','sense','both')){
    planeOfSection = match.arg(planeOfSection)
    probeOrientation = match.arg(probeOrientation)
    POS = switch (planeOfSection,
                  sagittal = 2,
                  coronal = 1,
                  both= NULL)
    orientation = switch(probeOrientation,
                         antisense = 2,
                         sense = 1,
                         both = NULL)
    sectionDataSets = RCurl::getURL(paste0('http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/SectionDataSet/query.xml?criteria=products[id$eq1],genes[acronym$eq%27',
                                    '%27]&include=genes,section_images,probes')) %>% (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)

    # loop to find the first experiment with the right plane of section
    relevant = sapply(1:length(sectionDataSets$`section-data-sets`), function(i){
        (is.null(POS) || sectionDataSets$`section-data-sets`[[i]]$`plane-of-section-id` == POS) & 
            sectionDataSets$`section-data-sets`[[i]]$failed == 'false' & 
            (is.null(orientation) || sectionDataSets$`section-data-sets`[[i]]$probes$probe$`orientation-id`$text ==orientation)
    sectionDataSets$`section-data-sets`[relevant] %>% sapply(function(x){
    }) %>% return()

#' Acquire a list of structure ids
#' This function acquires the list of structure ids and names that correspond to the structure ids in Allen Brain Atlas.
#' Default behavior is to get the mouse brain atlas ontology. Most downstream functions in this package are specific to mouse brain ontology
#' @param ontologyName name of the ontology to download
#' @param graphID alternative to ontologyName, graph IDs can be provided to acquire the corresponding ontology. This will override the ontologyName provided.
#' @return A data frame with 4 columns: id, names, acronyms and parent 
#' @export
getStructureIDs = function(ontologyName =c("Mouse Brain Atlas",
                                           "Developing Mouse Brain Atlas",
                                           "Human Brain Atlas",
                                           "Developing Human Brain Atlas",	
                                           "Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas",
    ontologyName = match.arg(ontologyName)
    ontologyID = switch (ontologyName,
                  "Mouse Brain Atlas" = 1,
                  "Developing Mouse Brain Atlas" = 17,
                  "Human Brain Atlas" = 10,
                  "Developing Human Brain Atlas" = 16,
                  "Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas" = 8,
                  "Glioblastoma" = 15
        ontologyID = graphID
    tree = RCurl::getURL(glue::glue('http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/structure_graph_download/{ontologyID}.json'))
    tree = gsub('null','-9999',tree)
    abaRegions = RJSONIO::fromJSON(tree)[[6]]
    abaRegions %<>% unlist(recursive=T)
    IDs = abaRegions[abaRegions %>%
                         names %>% 
                         grepl(pattern = '(^|\\.)id',x = .)]
    IDs[IDs == -9999] = NA
    IDs %<>%  as.numeric
    names = abaRegions[abaRegions %>%
                           names %>% 
                           grepl(pattern = 'name',x = .)]
    acronyms = abaRegions[abaRegions %>%
                              names %>% 
                              grepl(pattern = 'acronym',x = .)]
    parent = abaRegions[abaRegions %>%
                            names %>% 
                            grepl(pattern = 'parent_structure_id',x = .)]
    parent[parent ==-9999] = NA
    return(data.frame(id = IDs, name = names, acronyms = acronyms,parent = parent))

#' Download the image from ABA
#' @param imageID id of an image acquired from getImageID function
#' @param output file to output the image.
#' @param view what kind of image to download, expression gives grayscale processed image while projection is the raw photo
#' @param downsample downsampling rate. Unless 0, coordinates from getImageID function won't be exact
#' @export
downloadImage = function(imageID,outputFile = NULL,view = c('expression','projection'),downsample = 0){
    view = match.arg(view)
    image = magick::image_read(paste0('http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/image_download/',
        magick::image_write(image,path = outputFile)

#' Downloads atlas image
#' @export
downloadAtlas = function (imageID, outputFile = NULL, downsample = 0, atlas = NA) 
  link = glue::glue("http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/atlas_image_download/{imageID}?downsample={downsample}&annotation=true")
  if (!is.na(atlas)) {
    #some images like Sagittal P56 have to atlas annotations per image (2 = original Hong Wei Dong, 181276165 = Luis Puelles based on developmental anatomy)
    link = glue::glue(link, "&atlas={atlas}")
  image = magick::image_read(link)
  if (!is.null(outputFile)) {
    magick::image_write(image, outputFile)

#' List images for a dataset
#' @export
listImages = function(datasetID){
    xml = glue::glue('http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/query.xml?criteria=model::SectionImage,rma::criteria,[data_set_id$eq{datasetID}]')  %>% (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
    images <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(xml$`section-images`), nrow=length(xml$`section-images`), byrow=T),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(images) =names(xml$`section-images`$`section-image`) %>% make.names

#' @export
gridData = function(datasetID,outputFile ,include = c('energy','density','intensity')){
    include %<>% paste(collapse=',')
    link = glue::glue('http://api.brain-map.org/grid_data/download/{datasetID}&include={include}')
    download.file(link,destfile = outputFile,mode='wb')

#' @export
listGenes = function(ontologyName =c("Mouse Brain Atlas",
                                     "Developing Mouse Brain Atlas",
                                     "Human Brain Atlas",
                                     "Developing Human Brain Atlas",	
                                     "Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas",
    ontologyName = match.arg(ontologyName)
    ontologyID = switch (ontologyName,
                         "Mouse Brain Atlas" = 1,
                         "Developing Mouse Brain Atlas" = 17,
                         "Human Brain Atlas" = 10,
                         "Developing Human Brain Atlas" = 16,
                         "Non-Human Primate Brain Atlas" = 8,
                         "Glioblastoma" = 15
    xml = glue::glue("http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/Gene/query.xml?criteria=products[id$eq{ontologyID}]&num_rows=1") %>%  (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
    totalRows = xml$.attrs['total_rows'] %>% as.integer()
    pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = totalRows, initial = 0) 
    genes = lapply(c(seq(0,totalRows,50)),function(i){
        xml = glue::glue("http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/Gene/query.xml?criteria=products[id$eq{ontologyID}]&num_rows=50&start_row={i}") %>%  (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
        genes = data.frame(matrix(unlist(xml[[1]]), nrow=length(xml[[1]]), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
    names(genes) =names(xml$`ncbi-genes`$`ncbi-gene`) %>% make.names
    # genes = data.frame(matrix(unlist(xml$`ncbi-genes`), nrow=length(xml$`ncbi-genes`), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @export
getStructureExpressions = function(datasetID){
    xml = glue::glue("http://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/SectionDataSet/query.xml?id={datasetID}&include=structure_unionizes%28structure%29") %>%  (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
    if(xml$`section-data-sets`$`section-data-set`$failed !='false'){
        warning(datasetID, ' is a failed experiment.')
    data = xml$`section-data-sets`$`section-data-set`$`structure-unionizes`
    expression = data.frame(matrix(unlist(data), nrow=length(data), byrow=T), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # expression = expression[,seq(1,ncol(expression),2)]
    names(expression) =names(data[[1]] %>% unlist) %>% make.names
    expression = expression[,c('expression.density.text',
    names(expression) %<>% gsub('\\.text','',.)
    double = c('expression.density',
               "sum.pixels", "voxel.energy.cv",
    # integer = c('id',
    #             "section.data.set.id",
    #             'structure.id',
    #             'structure.graph.order', 'structure.hemisphere.id',
    #             'structure.id.1',
    #             'structure.ontology.id',
    #             'structure.st.level',
    #             'structure.structure.name.facet', 'structure.weight')
    for (x in double){
        expression[,x] %<>% as.double()
    # for (x in integer){
    #     expression[,x] %<>% as.integer()
    # }

#' Acquire a table listing all experiments
#' @param planeOfSection coronal or sagittal
#' @return Table of experiments with gene_symbol, entrez_id, experiment_id, specimen_id
#' @export
getAllExperiments = function(planeOfSection) {
    # get total number of rows (experiments)
    xml = RCurl::getURL(glue::glue(paste0(
    ))) %>% (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
    totalRows = xml$.attrs['total_rows'] %>% as.integer()
    totalRows = totalRows + 1 #off by one which seemed to be caused by a duplicate row (Avp gene, sagittal)
    # download all experiments: gene_symbol, entrez_id, experiment_id, specimen_id
    ))) %>% read.table(text = ., sep = ",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% distinct()

#' Get section image data for a given ID
#' @param imageID id of the image
#' @return A list containing all information about the Section Image
#' @export
getSectionImage = function(imageID){
    xml = RCurl::getURL(glue::glue("https://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/SectionImage/query.xml?id={imageID}")) %>%
                      (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)

#' Get atlas image data for a given ID
#' @param imageID id of the image
#' @return A list containing all information about the Atlas Image
#' @export
getAtlasImage = function(imageID){
    xml = RCurl::getURL(glue::glue("https://api.brain-map.org/api/v2/data/AtlasImage/query.xml?id={imageID}")) %>%
        (XML::xmlParse) %>% (XML::xmlToList)
oganm/allenBrain documentation built on March 28, 2024, 11:16 p.m.