
Defines functions getGithubFile readRDSGithub loadGithub loadURL sourceGithub

Documented in loadGithub loadURL sourceGithub

#' Source R files from github
#' @description sources R files from github
#' @param githubPath character. username/repository/pathToFile. Lines to excecute can be provided with github's #L1-L5 syntax. The function doesn't work with files that have ? # [ or ] in their addresses.
#' @param line numbers to excecute. Providing lines in both here and with githubPath will result in an error.
#' @param branch which branch to source from
#' @seealso \code{\link{loadURL}}, \code{\link{sourceGithub}}
#' @export
sourceGithub = function(githubPath,lines = NULL, branch = 'master'){
    path = strsplit(githubPath,'/')[[1]]
    user = path[1]
    repo = path[2]
    script = paste(path[3:length(path)], collapse = '/')
    pathLines = script %>% {strsplit(.,"#")[[1]][2]}
    # if lines detected, split the file name
        script = script %>% {strsplit(.,"#")[[1]][1]}
    assertthat::assert_that(!(!is.null(lines) & !is.na(pathLines)))
    text = RCurl::getURL(URLencode(paste0(
    if (!is.na(pathLines)){
        lines = pathLines %>% stringr::str_extract_all("[0-9]+") %>% {.[[1]]}
        lines = seq(lines[1] %>% as.integer,lines[2] %>% as.integer, by = 1)
        text = text %>% strsplit(split = '\n') %>% {.[[1]]}
        text = text[lines] %>% paste(collapse='\n')

#' Load an Rdata file from a URL
#' @param url url of the Rdata file
#' @param envir the environment where the data should be loaded.
#' @return A character vector of the names of objects created, invisibly.
#' @export
loadURL = function(url,envir = parent.frame()){
    file = tempfile()
    download.file(url,destfile = file)
    y <- load(file, envir = envir)

#' Load an Rdata file from a URL
#' @param githubPath character. username/repository/pathToFile
#' @param branch which branch to source from
#' @return A character vector of the names of objects created, invisibly.
#' @param envir the environment where the data should be loaded.
#' @seealso \code{\link{loadURL}}, \code{\link{sourceGithub}}
#' @export
loadGithub = function(githubPath, branch = 'master', envir = parent.frame(),
                      token = NULL){
    file = getGithubFile(githubPath,branch = branch, token = token)

#' @export
readRDSGithub = function(githubPath,branch = 'master',token = NULL){
    file = getGithubFile(githubPath,branch = branch, token = token)

#' @export
getGithubFile = function(githubPath,branch = 'master', downloadPath = NULL,token = NULL){
        downloadPath = tempfile()
    path = strsplit(githubPath,'/')[[1]]
    file = paste(path[3:length(path)], collapse = '/')
    contents = gh::gh('GET /repos/:username/:reponame/contents/:dir?ref=:branch',
                  username = path[1],
                  reponame = path[2],
                  branch = branch,
                  dir = dirname(file),
                  .token = token)
    names(contents) = contents %>% purrr::map_chr('name')
    fileInfo = contents[contents %>% purrr::map_chr('name') %>% {.%in%basename(file)}][[1]]
    blob = gh::gh('GET /repos/:username/:reponame/git/blobs/:sha',
                  username = path[1],
                  reponame = path[2],
                  sha = fileInfo$sha,
                  .token = token)
    decodeContent = openssl::base64_decode(blob$content)
oganm/ogbox documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 12:37 a.m.