
Defines functions numeric_classify character_classify date_classify classify

Documented in character_classify classify date_classify numeric_classify

# classify.R
# Oisin Fitzgerald
# initialised: 01/06/17
# Contains: numeric_classify, character_classify, date_classify, classify

# numeric_classify --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' numeric_classify
#' @param data data.frame whose rows are to be categorised according to a provided set of rules.
#' @param var_name the current varaible under test #!.
#' @param rule a character vector of length one that specifies the rule to test. The rule can either
#' indicate a value must be present ("1") or absent ("0") or test the entered value using one of the
#' set of comparison functions ("==", ">=", "<=", ">", "<"). If a comparison function is used any NA
#' value in the data is assumed to have failed the test. If an empty string is entered for the rule,
#' any value is assumed correct.
#' @return logical vector indicating which elements of the data match the rule.
numeric_classify <- function(var_name, data, rule) {

  ## test for valid input

  ## use vector of column of interest
  var_data <- data[[var_name]]

  # make a character and remove whitespace
  rule <- as.character(rule)
  # account for empty character
  if (identical(rule, character(0)) | is.na(rule)) {
    rule <- ""

  ## check for present/absent rule or functional rule
  if (rule %in% c("1", "0", "")) {
    ## present/absent rule checks
    if (rule == "") {
      tmp_res <- rep(TRUE, length(var_data))
    } else if (rule == "0") {
      tmp_res <- is.na(var_data)
    } else if (rule == "1") {
      tmp_res <- !is.na(var_data)
  } else {
    ## functional rule
    ## allowable functions
    allowable_funcs <- c("==", ">=", "<=", ">", "<")

    ## extracting arguments for test
    val <-  unlist(strsplit(c(rule), split = "[<>=]"))
    # remove empty strings
    val <- val[nchar(val) > 0]

    ## extract function for test
    func <- unlist(strsplit(c(rule), split = "[^<>=]"))
    # remove empty strings
    func <- func[nchar(func) > 0]
    func <- func[!is.na(func)]

    # test for valid function
    stopifnot(func %in% allowable_funcs)

    if(val %in% names(data)) {
      # if the rule requires testing against another variable
      # get that variable
      comp_data <- data[[val]]
      tmp_res <- do.call(func, args = list(c(var_data), c(comp_data)))
    } else {
      ## results of the comparisons to a constant
      # allow vectorised comparisons
      val <- as.numeric(val)
      vals <- rep(val, length(var_data))
      tmp_res <- do.call(func, args = list(c(var_data), c(vals)))
  ## make NA -> FALSE
  tmp_res <- as.logical(tmp_res)
  tmp_res[is.na(tmp_res)] <- FALSE
  ## return

# character_classify ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' character_classify
#' @param data data.frame whose rows are to be categorised according to a provided set of rules.
#' @param var_name the current varaible under test #!.
#' @param rule a character vector of length one that specifies the rule to test.
#' @return logical vector indicating which elements of the data match the rule.
character_classify <- function(var_name, data, rule) {
  ## test for valid input
  # make a vector of column of interest
  var_data <- data[[var_name]]
  if (!is.character(var_data) & !all(is.na(var_data))) {
    stop("character indicated in data dictionary") #!

  ## if a multiple input rule split the characters
  if(grepl(",", rule)) {
    rule <- unlist(strsplit(rule, ","))

  ## test if non-present rule
  if(any(grepl("!", rule))) {
    ## extract values string should not equal
    neg_vals <- rule[grep("!", rule)]
    neg_vals <- unlist(strsplit(neg_vals, "!"))
    neg_vals <- neg_vals[neg_vals != ""]
    pos_vals <- rule[-grep("!", rule)]
    ## if pos_vals empty let it equal empty string
    if(identical(pos_vals, character(0))) {
      pos_vals <- ""
    ## test for non-presence of values
    neg_res <- !(var_data %in% neg_vals)
  } else {
    ## no negative results => all true
    neg_res <- rep(TRUE, length(var_data))
    pos_vals <- rule

  ## don't test if any value allowed
  if(all(pos_vals == "") | all(is.na(rule))) {   #!
    # any value allow => all TRUE
    pos_res <- rep(TRUE, length(var_data))
  } else {
    ## test against data
    pos_res <- var_data %in% pos_vals
  ## return logical
  as.logical(pos_res * neg_res)

# date_classify -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' date_classify
#' @param data data.frame whose rows are to be categorised according to a provided set of rules.
#' @param var_name the current varaible under test #!.
#' @param rule a character vector of length one that specifies the rule to test. For date data only
#' present (1) or absent (0) rules are testable. If an empty string is entered for the rule, any
#' value is assumed correct.
#' @return logical vector indicating which elements of the data match the rule.
date_classify <- function(var_name, data, rule) {
  ## test for valid input
  # make a vector of column of interest
  var_data <- data[[var_name]]


  ## make present/absent (1/0) -> numeric
  rule <- as.numeric(rule)

  if(is.na(rule[1])) {
    # any value allow => all TRUE
    tmp_res <- rep(TRUE, length(var_data))
  } else {
    ## test for presence/absence of date
    if(rule[1] == 1) {
      tmp_res <- !is.na(var_data)
    } else {
      if (rule[1] == 0) {
        tmp_res <- is.na(var_data)
  ## return logical

# classify ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Categorise your data
#' @description Categorise rows of a data frame according to
#' a set of rules. These rules specify allowable values for each particular category level.
#' @param data data.frame whose rows are to be categorised according to a provided set of rules.
#' @param definitions Each row of the data frame dictionary specifies a data type for a variable
#' found in data and rules. There should be two columns in dictionary, variable and type.
#' The column names in rules should be exactly matched in dictionary and type should be one of num,
#' char, or date for each variable.
#' The first column of this data frame should be the name of the (to be created)
#' classification variable and subsequent columns should be the names of the variables which
#' are to be tested against a rule.
#' Each row of the rules data.frame should contain a classification level in the first column and
#' from there the rules to test each column against.
#' @param default_def the default value to be given to all unclassified rows.
#' @details
#' Rulesets for variable type \strong{num}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item present/absent: indicate that a value must be present (i.e. cannot be NA) with "1", and
#'    that a value must be absent (i.e. must be NA) with "0".
#'    \item comparison to a constant: compare the entered value to a numeric constant (scalar) X
#'    with any of "==X", ">=X", "<=X", ">X" or "<X". For example, ">=0".
#' }
#' Rulesets for variable type \strong{char}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item takes a specified value: indicate that the value must match a particular character,
#'    for example "y".
#'    \item does not take a specified value: indicate that the value must not match a particular
#'    character, for example "!y" indicates the value must not be "y".
#'    \item takes a value in a set: indicate that the value must be in a specific character set. Note
#'    that the elements of the set should be separated by a comma but be a vector of
#'    length 1 e.g. ("y,n"), rather than ("y","n").
#' }
#' Rulesets for variable type \strong{date}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item present/absent: indicate that a value must be present (i.e. cannot be NA) with "1", and
#'    that a value must be absent (i.e. must be NA) with "0".
#' }
#' @return data.frame with added column classifying the data according to a set of rules.
#' @export
classify <- function(data, definitions, default_def = "unknown") {

  ## check data
  # data.frame?
  # replace
  blank_to_na <- function(x) {
    if(is.character(x)) {
      x[x == ""] <- NA
  data[] <- lapply(data,blank_to_na)

  ## check definitions
  # data.frame?
  # check first row indicates allowable datatypes of variables
  stopifnot(all(unlist(definitions[1,])[-1] %in% c("date", "character", "numeric")))

  ## make rules and dictionary dataframes
  # make rules dataframe by removing first column of definitions
  rules <- definitions[-1,]

  # make data dictionary dataframe
  var_type <- unlist(definitions[1, -1]) # remove first column
  dictionary <- data.frame(type = var_type, variable = names(var_type),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## check_dictionary
  check_dictionary(dictionary, data)
  check_rules(data, rules)

  ## initialise columns to complete
  # add new definitions to the first column(s)
  new_var_name <- names(definitions)[1]
  # add in default labels
  new_var <- rep(default_def, nrow(data))
  data <- cbind(new_var, data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(data)[1] <- new_var_name

  ## rule results matrix: nrows = num rows of data; ncols = number of definitions
  # logical matrix that will have TRUE where (i,j) fits a rule
  rule_res <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nrow(rules))

  ## outer loop along rows of label rules
  for (j in seq_len(nrow(rules))) {
    ## assume all rows meet current (jth) rule at first
    rule_res[ ,j] <- rep(TRUE, nrow(data))
    ## sequence loses first entry as this is the labels
    col_seq <- seq_along(rules)[-1]

    ## inner loop along to test (ith) element of rule on
    ## relevant column of dataset
    for (i in col_seq) {
      ## name of column and rule to test:
      # name of variable on which to test definitions:
      var_name <- names(rules)[i]
      # rule to test
      rule <- rules[j, i]

      ## call to classify function depending on variable type:
      # variable type
      var_type <- dictionary$type[var_name == dictionary$variable]
      # function name (in package)
      f <- paste(var_type, "classify", sep = "_")
      # call function
      tmp_res <- do.call(f, args = list(var = var_name, data = data, rule = rule))

      ## logical results of rule testing
      # uses boolean algebra on element of vectors
      rule_res[ ,j] <- as.logical(rule_res[ ,j]*tmp_res)
    ## Not desirable that a previously defined row is redefined:
    ## replace_index function will paste multiple definitions together
    # previously undefined rows
    data_default <- data[[1]] == default_def
    replace_index <- rule_res[ ,j] & (data[[1]] == default_def)
    # replace unknown with definition
    data[replace_index, new_var_name] <- rules[j, 1]
    # previously defined rows
    paste_index <- rule_res[ ,j] & !data_default
    current_def <- data[paste_index, new_var_name]
    # paste definitions together
    data[paste_index, new_var_name] <- paste(current_def, rules[j, 1], sep = "_")
  ## return dataset with added definitions
oizin/labellr documentation built on Aug. 12, 2019, 11:08 a.m.