#' @title Create configuration for OJO database connection
#' @description Configure credentials for the Open Justice Oklahoma database
#' @details
#' Assists the user in populating a .Renviron file with the necessary environment variables to connect to the Open Justice Oklahoma database.
#' @param host The host name of the database server
#' @param port The port number of the database server
#' @param username The username to use to connect to the database
#' @param password The password to use to connect to the database
#' @param ... Placeholder for additional arguments
#' @param .admin A logical value indicating whether to connect to the database as an administrator
#' @param .overwrite A logical value indicating whether to overwrite the existing .Renviron file
#' @param .install A logical value indicating whether to install the database connection or use it only for the current session
#' @export
#' @returns Nothing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ojo_auth()
#' }
#' @section Side Effects:
#' The first time this function is run, it will prompt the user for a username, password, and host name.
#' It will then store these credentials in the user's .Renviron file.
#' If the .Renviron file already exists, it will be backed up and the new credentials will be appended to the end of the file.
#' If the .Renviron file does not exist, it will be created and the credentials will be stored there.
ojo_auth <- function(host, port, username, password, ..., .admin = F, .overwrite = T, .install = T) {
home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
renv <- fs::path(home, ".Renviron")
rootcert <- fs::path(home, ".postgresql/ojodb/server-ca.pem")
clientcert <- fs::path(home, ".postgresql/ojodb/client-cert.pem")
clientkey <- fs::path(home, ".postgresql/ojodb/client-key.pem")
# Check if SSL certs are in correct location; if not, throw error
if (!fs::file_exists(rootcert) |
!fs::file_exists(clientcert) |
!fs::file_exists(clientkey)) {
"It looks like your SSL certs are not in the correct location (",
fs::path(home, ".postgresql/ojodb/..."),
").\nPlease check that you have all three (server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem, and client-key.pem)."
if (.install) {
# Check if .Renviron exists. If it does, make a backup...
if (fs::file_exists(renv)) {
# Backup original .Renviron before doing anything else here.
fs::file_copy(renv, fs::path(home, ".Renviron_backup"),
overwrite = TRUE)
# ...if not, create a fresh one.
if (!fs::file_exists(renv)) {
# Filling out the .Renviron file
} else {
# If we want to overwrite the old config:
if (isTRUE(.overwrite)) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Your original .Renviron will be backed up and stored in your R HOME directory if needed.")
# Saving the original .Renviron file
oldenv <- utils::read.table(renv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Creating the new .Renviron file (not filled out yet, all OJO variables removed)
newenv <- oldenv |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::filter(!stringi::stri_detect_regex(.data$V1, "(OJO_HOST)|(OJO_PORT)|(OJO_DRIVER)|(OJO_SSL)"))
if (.admin == T) {
newenv <- newenv |>
dplyr::filter(!stringi::stri_detect_regex(.data$V1, "(OJO_ADMIN_USER)|(OJO_ADMIN_PASS)")) |>
} else {
newenv <- newenv |>
dplyr::filter(!stringi::stri_detect_regex(.data$V1, "(OJO_DEFAULT_USER)|(OJO_DEFAULT_PASS)")) |>
# Save new .Renviron file with OJO variables removed
utils::write.table(newenv, renv,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
# If a config already exists, and we don't want to overwrite it:
} else {
tv <- readLines(renv)
if (.admin) {
if (any(grepl("OJO_ADMIN_USER", tv))) {
stop("An OJO_ADMIN_USER already exists. You can overwrite it with the argument `.overwrite = TRUE`", call. = F)
} else {
if (any(grepl("OJO_DEFAULT_USER", tv))) {
stop("An OJO_DEFAULT_USER already exists. You can overwrite it with the argument `.overwrite = TRUE`", call. = FALSE)
# Fill out .Renviron with new arguments
hostconcat <- paste0("OJO_HOST='", host, "'")
portconcat <- paste0("OJO_PORT='", port, "'")
if (.admin) {
userconcat <- paste0("OJO_ADMIN_USER='", username, "'")
passconcat <- paste0("OJO_ADMIN_PASS='", password, "'")
} else {
userconcat <- paste0("OJO_DEFAULT_USER='", username, "'")
passconcat <- paste0("OJO_DEFAULT_PASS='", password, "'")
sslmodeconcat <- paste0("OJO_SSL_MODE='verify-ca'")
rootcertconcat <- paste0("OJO_SSL_ROOT_CERT='", rootcert, "'")
clientcertconcat <- paste0("OJO_SSL_CERT='", clientcert, "'")
clientkeyconcat <- paste0("OJO_SSL_KEY='", clientkey, "'")
write(hostconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(portconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(userconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(passconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(sslmodeconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(rootcertconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(clientcertconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
write(clientkeyconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
cli::cli_alert_success('Your configuration has been stored in your .Renviron.
To use now, restart R or run `readRenviron("~/.Renviron")`')
# If .install = FALSE...
} else {
cli::cli_alert_info("To install your configuration for use in future sessions, run this function with `.install = TRUE`.")
# ...set up local environment, but don't save to .Renviron
Sys.setenv(OJO_HOST = host)
Sys.setenv(OJO_PORT = port)
if (.admin == T) {
Sys.setenv(OJO_ADMIN_USER = username)
Sys.setenv(OJO_ADMIN_PASS = password)
} else {
Sys.setenv(OJO_DEFAULT_USER = username)
Sys.setenv(OJO_DEFAULT_PASS = password)
Sys.setenv(OJO_SSL_MODE = "verify-ca")
Sys.setenv(OJO_SSL_ROOT_CERT = rootcert)
Sys.setenv(OJO_SSL_CERT = clientcert)
Sys.setenv(OJO_SSL_KEY = clientkey)
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